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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 68 THE DESERET EAGLE. SAlr IJKi: 4TIY, I'TAII, 31 AY 2, IS2. Juab County has the galii. temple stairs and enjoyed the magnifi- Doyoutumbk? En! Eusigu. Well, if Juab has the yellow stuff and cent viw to he obtained from the taller O-i- 'l two people- - But the topmot heights cannot be reached after another week, are to be as the upper tuba n down. Tne architect is inven tiDir a plan of ascent and descent for repairers uf the statue and electric lights when all the scaffolding t as been r, moved. Some apprehensive souls have feared that the stitue wili be bent over iu the tlrst heavy gale of wind that comes along. But as Moroni is auchort d to the pinnaclt by a heavy rod going down forty feet into the pinnacle and fastened secu-elbelow, and is moreover bolted to the ball en which he stands, there is no danger of his equipoise. S mu think, however, that there is a likelihood of the iucand escent lamps being broken in a severe hailstorm. Tne electric connections, have not been completed yet. The principal city photographers have been buey taken photographs and are selliug lots of these, particularly to country M. rinor.s and to tourist1. The hours for visiting the temple aie from '.) a. in. until 4 p.m. The entrances to ite main body of the building are securely closed, so that uo strange eyes can see what is going on there. Parties making the ascent yesterday counted IV (J steps from the bottom to the base of trie status. The dbtat.ee frtm ti e ground to the top of the statue is '2oli feit. Tribune. li-iisc.e- scaff-lding- niULISHKI TJIi: SCHOOL SKMI-MoNTlIL- MKIN; Y YKAJS. Tor school yvar In :nlam'0-Advertisinnil os made known on g -- application. The object of this paper is to teach the art of printing to the pupils in the Utah School for the Deaf. Address all communications subscriptions to and THE DESK RET EAGLE, Salt Lakk City, Utah. Uutered at the post office iu Salt Lake city as second class matter. i jiAMi w.3ii:TCiALr, uiiitok. The Utah Legislature- has refused to appropriate fuuas with which to purchase a i uiloing aid larm for its school lor the deaf. It will therefore ruuain with the Deseret University Silent Hoosier. - havd ascended the s y Yirs, but enouga of it, we will supply him with gilsonite, coal, copper, produce, gypsum, building stone, cattle, horses shei p wool, Hour and luuibtr iu t for it. Savez? Vernal Express uge Ail birds seem to have an knowledge that if thty once to the force of the wind and allow themselves to drift like leaves, there are uuknow dangers in store for tin in. They will hardly ever do si unless to escape pursuit, and then ouly for a few minutes, when tru-i-r pace is so rapid that, iu case of hind birds, a few minutes is sulliient to carry tot m out of the district they kuow, into ofiers, from winch they will, perhaps, never be able to tl id their way back to the fields which, are their native home. Exchange. mar-velous- Our legislature did not refuse to appiopriute funds as above stated. The bill that vas introduced, hich piovided lor a change of location, and the necessary means w make it, was never leported to them for action. The matter was thoroughly couvasscd, and while a large majority were in favor of making the change, the way did seem clear to do so and the mat ter to ly The meanest man lives at Corium . lie went into his back yard during the C( Id snap last mouth, soaked his hair with water, let it fret ze, and then broke it off, in order to beat the bai bt r out of a hair cut. Dispatch. m:at roil and AKTISTH' no TO The above item w hich is passing We print in another column an acthe rounds of the papers, conveys count of the work of Douglas Tdden in a false impression which we w ish to correct. inllrctive surrender im:iti;. in mux;. hook () I Paris, copitd from the New York v n j ii g Co JP i i Herald. Air. Tiiden was formerly a P" JXCOIU'OliATKD. pupil iu the California tcQoo), and his experience and uceess show the value Ojfin- Orrr Uhih Xtitiowil Ihink. of tnose opportunities for thoroug Salt Lakk City. training which the S ate. of California The Largest Job Printing Oflice has s liberally provided in her school for the deaf. Iic guardians of our in Utah. work iu this state, who insist on keep irg us below the grade of an oldfash-ione"deestrict school" or a county should study the lessous that Califoniii, Washington, U:al), and other enlightened stales aud territorh s. are giving them. We wocder how K. long the old wagons that crossed the plains in Ml) wiil insist on uionopoiiz ug every road in O.egou Sign - i d alms-hous- e, was d ropped. As for a building, we have as Asrii altum in Uiah is inexhaustible we built as desire, a "lie good There is enough to pave every street in of cost a use at our every city and town in America and lay expressly for every roof ic gravel and ttieu the supply $55,001). would just be tapped Nephi E jsign.' a remain we departtrue is It J5ut it's Uintah County that has the gilsonitc. See!-Ve- rnal ment of the University of Utah. Eximikss itiwpi hi n IS THE BEST. If m WW SftUIK MOfflf Co. OMMElffi JOHN DAYNES, Halt Lakk CirY.lJrAii. |