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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 54 THE VOLTA BUREAU. We are in receipt of a copy of the Annual Uepnrt of the State Board of Charities of New York. We see they Through the kindness of Mr. Sand- report seven schools for tiie Deaf. ers, who is clerk in charge, we were Pupils pre ut Oct. 1, 1S90, 1,310. Exyesterday shown around tbe Volta pense s for that year, Ut), ni whom 03 are ui". legaBureau. The bureau occupied a large room in the building No. IMU Q street, tion teachers. This Board in tiuir N. W. This building also contains report a year a:o seem nl very i4;vr-ab- le TrC-iS,!'-Teacher- Professor Bell's liboratory and study, besides a museum of electric appliances, lu the bureau can be found sets of reports of institutions for the deaf, both domestic and foreign These sets are full or, at least, will be made so as fir as possible. Next to the reports are a larpe number of books and pamphlets all relating more or less to the deaf. It is intended to make this the most complete library of i's kind in the world. Od the same hide of the room one may see a complete set of the Annals for the Deaf, bouud in handsome volumes. Another paitof the room is given up to Hies of deaf mute papers. Many of these are already bound, while the others will soon see t: e inside of a bindery. Among the papers nVeatal by a hasty glauce we might mention tue Silent World both of Kendall Green and of Pniladelphia, the Journal, Kansas S:ar aud Hawkeye. Arranged on high shelves near the door are numerous volumes of statistics complied by the census ollice; aud histories of counties and cities. Several biographies and geneaiogus complete, the collection. BjIow these is what it would seem stauds at the head of all. Tiaced iu alphabetic order in drawers are thuusaand of cards, each containing a name which was obtained from a source making it probable it represents a deat person. Oa eacii card i8 entered ail historical data obtainable tuck as the age, place of birth, where educated, etc, of the person in question. In addition any information about a person or any mention of him in print is so noticed on the card that one can consult it as if it were an intfex. Foi instance, a Mr. D may be mentioned in the Aunals vol. 0, p 124, also in tho Silent World of a certain date. Now his card will show where to look for these notices. It can readily be seen how its value will constantly increase. Any information desired will when possible, be cheerfully furnished. It is easy to predict that in time this bureau will be recognized throughout the world as the highest authonty on all questions pertaining to the deaf .Boot iu Silent World. throughly the several methods of pursued in ta m ar.d report i make their conciu ions fu!l t methods ins a 1 i:it t em, to tin of instrucio asioun LeglshVtU:'-.'Tijis look a ii'.tlf as as io methods wan though likely to c in ti- :i It ens iu the Kmne 1 I i i ' Hi-..-lU-- - state, it lot ;s aiw as if this B aid to the iai plan oi instructing the was on t a "O ain side Neoaskt deaf. Ia this report they tay this: Mutj Jourui'!. They (the Listuii u) differ widely, OFFICIAL GUIDE however iu the methods of inrt:uctkn. t o xii i: Iu farmer redoes of its cmuuiUee un !s WORD'S FAIR AND CHCI AGO. the deal and dumb the several sow bavebten explained at some ie: g h. 4(H) i nidus. IiJ(;ttit y j. Kii-The difference is radical, and the Xer y Ci.i.iii.-. i.iit-ibound ii tiiu Ciulii Ui merits of t!te differtbt t) stems are piiiiUO. bosM-.l in ru y ,lius l aud willi limn ii. Hi o cur and uiaintaiiied the by warmly mlKi-m ii aUi'iis of all ili: mammal n ii'i-rteaei.ert of ihe sciiools. la these des- World i a v Ll.u.au s. Each buildup.; a nil iutie lngv u.loied ignated as "Oral" schools xecu t'li ii; ela uii culi-&hoM of marvelous have been obtain d ai a, cesi ni Li ur;y. liu-th- m:u U ici- -- t re.-ul-ts r in lecent years. By patient training in FOE'iY THOUSAND DOLLARS aitd articulation t he tuiii views o: Chicago, includi arc euaiiled, without the tense of in g, a31am photographic!Zii Vievc o: lhe- inure city, isiup;i Im.i to n tne lip-readi- ng ar-in- 1 -.)e words spot iuierpiet iy 5x ii lnchi 'ii'iu- crow, ii.g Itatuie is u yr.ihd the lips of auothei, and make aut'.iblt eeluiaiiia ij ui'L' id View ul the aud frequently ciear replies. Tne ioi4iiviaiiil iiui dii;g, in i ight oi cu;ois are a as not (iumb, they aie ixe 'Jx deaf, rule, i(.thitiv ly daz. iij in luiiu mutes only they have not tiLviiCi1, iumuIiu wLat vti.l cost over 8'i0U;t), OiiO. learned to use their own voices, inflate contend with the ditlicul'y el Tli e. boo iu lor l lions vlu t'liit-ayin bu i'Uii it win not hearing them. But by rduca'.iou, visitii n who wi 1 wiio caniiut g, by the luiilio begun early in life, tt.is difheuity can ileisiru to - IjXjiO-Mlu.- s-p- A iii si.A-iii's- , Ik-cmis- u h.i-in- gto tlit-m- J...t-t- kuw just what tiuir nuiivis arc syLiLy. be iu a large measure overcome, and iu some of the sc rools iu this State THE CHANCE OF A L1FE-TIM- L! ay the Scripture is being literally AGENTS VANTEU.A':t'1,,itk,i"id"u c " fulfilled acd tlie dumb are to to-d- taught in schools other it is Bit speak. urged that this is at the expanse of gent ral education, and this objection if well taken is serious. The condition of this important matter, therefore, ia that the State is paying aiii.u illy $'27)0, each for th j education i;f w.umr. $00 pupils in the seven that. the methods of instruction widely differ iu these, and tha'. there is no person representing the State ami the pupils' interest 3 to determiue the merits of the several methods now followed. There must in the uaturcof things be a best method; after expert hud painstaking examination the best method should be ascertained, and when declared it should be adopted and all new pupils taught by it alone who are supported at public expense. In order that it may be ascertained which of the several methods for the education of the deat is the best, the Board recommends that by joint or common action of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and tbe standing committee of this Board, visit the different schools for the education of the deaf of this State, and examine, diff-?rei.- t n s town m i i -.i am th s Wt; want an auiit iii boo , Exclusive t.miorv II M'lK al wiiii uia .uhpo oa Kilit( Ai'iiisarc nutting i- iii, Biicei-Ks- , Hue ajitnt oltaruJ 8-l;- in 1) daj ; aT,-otb- er rt'portH 30 oridci-- the lir&t , I5oo s on 3 da; k' ciiidit, liberal terms. Write for la partieu ars, or to si eure the up-u- y instant y, sui.d only T. eents jtr an eityant vst-ek- i and complete camassing ouilit, Address the isolu general amenta for this State, PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO. 12:50 Market SI. E'rasifiM'O Cal . ChlLaO BOSTON HSSs ATLANTA JOHN DAYNES, CA. Salt Lakk City. "J C,,ff0 |