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Show VOLUME III. O fa SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, MARCH 15, 1E92 v tons 17 TP Bmy 1; IV CIIA1TKKS. I MIA ITER I. FACT which 1 have always 15 regard el in a measure fore. yS tokening my busy life is S that I was born a few weeks after the Fourth of Julv, so that there have been comparatively few holidays for nie. I was obliged to wait six months for mv first Christinas, nearly a year for mv iirst celebration of the day of Independence, and a full year for mv tirst birthday. In general, I am not a believer in portents; yet, when the holidays come around, and I am sitting at the Christinas banquet, I cannot escape the feeling that I am eating last year's turkev, nor on the glorious Fourth can. I break away from the conviction that I am listening to last year's orations. But let us drop these vain speculations ami commence a tale of mv busy life. I have now completed my sixth year. During my Iirst t finding no other employment at hand bv which to gain mv living I determined to lay aside all considerations of dignity, and to welve-month- 1 s, NUMBER 12 engage in a course of unremitting course, and hastily essayed to grief. In this business I pros- appease a power that I could not pered beyond my hopes, and, coerce. I performed the patty-cakrepeated in a sweet voice showing how perseverance may find its reward even in the simplest the three words that I knew, and vocation, I was able to keep my- enacted a smile. self well and happy. Now, I know that it was a It may be well here to point thunderstorm that I tried to cajole; out what I consider an error in and though I laugh at my simpthe course pursued by other child- licity, vet the incident shows, of ren. Thev are content to assuage perhaps, some fertility their grief after crying until they expedient. have obtained everything they can At the end of the Year, so think of. It was my own practice, good progress had I shown, so however and I now look back strong and fat had I became, that at this as presaging the tireless I was promoted to a seat at the industry I have 'since shown to family table. Here I found that cry not only until I had obtained my labors were none the less everything I could think of, but exacting, nor their reward the to continue crying, letting other less gratifying. Within twelve people think of things. They months I had broken nearly a often thought of things that complete set of china, and had practically ruined a bale of table pleased me beyond measure. Nor was there more than one oc- cloths. Devoting myself to the casion of importance when lamen- great truths of science for the tation failed me. This was in the study of which I cannot too early a date early part of my early summer when, after the first hot days, burned mv hands three hundred times on the coffee- there come about a terrifying and sixty-fiv- e commotion. The room in which urn, and an equal number of I nlaved was invaded bv a fright- - times on the . i Hashed Hut it must not be supposed ful gloom; fitful light at Like the windows; the wind rose; the that neglected the arts. glass was beaten against by rain every other person who tells and hail, and there were bursts about himself, put myself in of deafening noise such as I had the way of learning everything, invented hammered metal-wornever (to my recollect ion) heard. and myself hammered two trays Wishing this immediately and shapeless in ucd, I began to cry; but into artistic the commotion growing only masses. ( 7b be CoHthmut. more terrible, I abandoned this e, ft ft j re-comme- ft' ft' V ml tea-po- t. 1 k, dis-cou- nt nd |