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Show THE DESERET EAGLE- - 50 Another newiajei fur our exchange list is The Institute Bell riiU i puhli.-he-d moi.lhiy at .South New Lyme, O. Mid devoted to the interests of New Lyme Institution and practical i!iu ca- THE DESEHET EAGLE SALT LAIiUCITV, UTAH, MAUCII 13, l'UDLISIIKI TIIK SCHOOL YEAll SKM1-MONTIIL- IV.V2. DURING Y tion. weluuiiie it. Yre For school year In advance- - BO The Memorial from the LegislaAdvertising rates made known on application. ture, for the Industrial Home for school use has been presented to Tim object of this paper is to Uurh members of Congi ess. Severn the art of printing to the pupils Co n r es s a ex ress t b e m - e v es -- 1 has very st ougly uged the separation of the two ii;sfitu ions, partly on the irrouui thi. :h room occupied i y the actio"! is nt ei d by the university, but principally b. cause of the difference and rntthods of tue two in tLe wo-insii u ions This is a recognition of hv spiC:al nature of the work of deat-mu- 'e ii st: uction and, far from being a rt rtiC ion upon the school, is additional w stimony to the iacr, than the education of the deaf requires, and will always require, special ai.d peculiar provisiois lor its maiatt nance. Silent World. eaily p g in the Utah School for the Deaf. a not in favor of it. It is theielore Address ail comtnunicatious and very doubt ail if Congress jippioves. STUDENTS' LITEUAKY SOCEIIY. to subscriptions 1 1 1 THE DESERT EAGLE, The following named gentlemen Salt Lake City, Utah. have bef n appointed Regents of the as oflice in Salt Lake city Entered at the post University ler the next two years. second class matter. Hubert Harknes-s- , James Sharp, Lewis S. Hills, John W. Doimellau, I'itANK W. HLTCA LF, KIHTOIC. Waldenuir Van Cott, Frank Pierce, John J. Daly of Salt Lake county, The G. A. It, have started a W, N. Shilling of Weber county to make petition asking Congress aud Frank J. Cannon of Weber Home of the Industral a Soldier county. Home. Messis Van Cott, Pierce, Daly ami Cannon are the new members. The devil in the Voice oflice "lacks about one em pica of being" The Silent Educator for March in Did you publishing the artioluou "The I?istiru-tio- n 4 feet and 3 inches. Board" make the following re measure him with his boots on? The $9l),000. Legislature to the appropriates University for nmintenatist' for the next two yean. This includes our school, and all the other departments. marks in i!s editorial depart rant : In another column we republish what seem to be sound views of an exchange on the muter f the Institution! ard Ilavir g se veral institutions under its charge the B :ird H hble to g'vi each the bem fh of the excellences of all the others in the way of purchases, management aud in o'er particulars where their operations are common. The journal hits the- i:aii on the heaJ when it says: "Tile superintendent siouid be seh cted lor bis ability to control an We have a large number of views of Bait Lake City and Utah including vie w of our school. We will exchange any of them for views of institution, then he should be ungeneral interest from other schools. hampered by anyone about him; he . - The Society met in Chapel and were called to order by the president by the president, Prayer was iiu r svhich the minutes of previous niei ting were read The Programme was carried out as off-.-re- ful ow : Question. KtStflved, that better than cheese. Aff. Ezra Chnstensen butter is and Julia Cxllett. Neg. Joe Olorenshaw and Amy Dcvine. After the debate stories were told by Ezra Kolio and Luella Allred. Declamation vas given by Mamie Young. Lizzie Wo. d was on the programme for a story but was absent, The Judges of the debate were Libhiu DtLong, Nephi L&rren and Andrew Madseu. Thty decided in favor of Lhe alllnnative. The programme for in xt meeting was read and the meet-i- t g adjourned. Amelia Coiner See'y. Morriil Heady, deaf, dumb, and b ind, has made a drawing for a new Stat- -. House for Kentucky, which is pronounced wonderful by those who have steu it. Mr. Heady, nothis allliction, withstanding goes about by himself even through the streets of Louisville. He wears a white glove on his right hand whic contains a lull alphabet of raided letters and this is the only means he has of communicating with thd world. -- Ex. should select and discharge all under A bill wTas introduced in the him." The ideal hoard member is the Council to move our school to the one who knows how to select and retain the right Head for an institub u i d i ngs of t h e I )esei e t Ari cu 1 u ra tion and then knows how to let him and Manufacturing Society known alone in the performance of his as the Exposition JUiilding. A good joke is told on a certain lady The duties Mirror. in a neighboring town who takes mill; bill failed to pass on third reading. from a neighbor. Last week it seeing Since its establishment the Utah a can of milk was placed inside of her AT LAST. school for the dnaf has been a depart- gate. During the night a frog fellinto ment of the territorial of 0 of the Institute the can, and in its struggles to get out University VOL. I. No. and the Deseret, of experiment making accidentally churned the cream so that Herald has made Ha appearance. deaf mute instruction a part ot the when the lady came out for the can the It is a three column folio with work of a has been watched next morning shefouud the frog sitting university pages a trifle larger than those of with considerable iuterest. The chan- on a ball of butter washing his feet, in the EAGLE. We bid it welcome. cellor of the university in his last report buttermilk. Fact! i 1 1 1 |