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Show THE DESERET EAGLE 48 FINE CLOTHING WHOLESALES RETAIL DEALER! K i.ND GENT'S. FURNISHING GOODS AT J. P. GARDNER'S I Bait Lake City u MalnSt. DRY GOODS Ail c ih It eih, Bfj? if o 51 ft 53 S. First South St. P. 0. Ecx IC2D Wm.WOOD&SONS DEALER IX ALL KINDS OF Whcleale & B:taiIJealoyfB In GRATES STONE MANTLES & BUILDERS HARDWARE 0 & :iS Invented "by E. a Fir&t South Sf. THE LEADING GROCERS WHOLESALE & RETAIL Fins: Delivery To All Paris Of The City Sensations in an Accident. Deaf-IIut- c. of Mr. Henry Hau-htis one of the most gifted and most enterprising thi country. Although possessed of ample means, he has ho taste for a life of idleness, and works harder than most men who have to suj port themselves by their own labor. In his youth he applied himself zealously to the study of art, and using the opportunities afforded by foreign travel to improve his taste ami to learn the method of the by.l schools, he became a painter of considerable excellence. Of late years, however, he has given more attention to practical and scientific matter, and has made a number of useful inventions. Among thesu are an improved incubator, capable of hatching 20,0:')0 eggs, a hen-coofor which he received a gold medal at the National Poultry Exhibition, aud a thermostat or New-York- , , deaf-mute?-i- n p, When atked what the sensation was when in si n accident on a railroad train Mr. Installs said it was hard to describe. "You have no time to pray. After the first shuck every nerve is strung to the highest tension, and you wait and listen with breathless anxiety and with heart standing still for what seems aa age, but Is in foct almost the shortest possible space of time, to learn if all the damage has been done or more is to follow." Flogging never made a good man of a naturally bad boy, and has made bad nun of naturally good children. The self respect of the child is a thing to be cherished, but so long as the mothers and the teachers of the land find blows so much less troublesome to give than companionship, confidence and ad vice the abuse will go on. There are doubtless times when manual correction is necessary, but the busy teacher is not the Piie to give it, aud it should he rarely resorted to even by parents, for familtaiily breeds contempt, even between the boy and the birch. When it is necet&ary there should be no pretense about it. contrivance for maintaining a heat in one npaitment, All these inventions have proven profitable, ami ho is now engaged in perfecting an electrical invention which he thinks will be a great thing, it is such exaniphs ns these that we wish our pupils to fllow. If theie v,eie more !c:;f-ms like Mr. Haight, the prejuEvery year millions of pounds tins of erHui.-clas i dice against of meteorites and star dust fulls Si'oiil wiuld nu n dii ppe:s-- . upon our earth's Mirfacc as it whirls Worker, throught space. This does not uni-fon- n ut - ic 45 E. FIRST P.O. BoxCOl. SOUTH ';. TcleihOMO i.r make much of a showing in in: year or in one lifetime, but iii H. course of a thousand years tlu- would bo visibl gaiuer in bulk. The larger it too, the faster it grows since it gains constant power to attract more and more meteors. So it seems plain the world is steadily growing larger and heavier, After traveling over hundreds of miles of blinding alkali plains, the tourist on tho Union Pacific wiiddenly comes upon a spot of Humboldt, Nev., paradise at about half a mile in diameter. Vegetation grows in rank fertility and the soil is marvelously productive. It is the identical soil of tho alkali plains, and an artesian well has made the difference. That is what irrigation will do for the arid lands of the west. th--plan- i- -. An unheard of thing will happen in Washington during the piesent social season. The wife of the Chineso minister will step cut from her veiled seclusion and receive calls, and make them, too, like white woman. Who shall say the world does not move ? Between tho large number of persons who had the grippe and the still larger number who imagined they had it, the doctors have had a profitable season. Salt Lake is tho most beautifully located city in the wTorld. |