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Show THE DAILY FRO GUAM. DESiiKiiT 4avc "Jim 47 EAGLE. I5oa. .; "Pardon m:j, madam." said the C:06a.,M -looking man in the sixth row of 0:00 seats, as he leanvd forward at the fall 8:00 of the curtain on the first act, and S:15 ,, spoke politely to the lady sitting in '10:30 front of him, "bir I beg you will not 10:45 n SCHOOL REPORT. stu-diou- JiiSli Breakfast Chapel School latermifisiou School Dinner Manual Labor 1;15pm. Recreation Supper Study Retire (younger pupils) Retirc(ail) lir.'akfast(Snnday) Dinner Chapel LOCAL - JM M& 2:00 4:30 0:00 7:00 8:30 ,, If ,, O 7;30 a.m 1:00 f.m 3:00 ITEMS O Nellie Smithcn after being home one week returned to school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Murray paid us a very pleasent visit Sunday tho icst. Judging from the skill the boys show one would be led to beat base-ba- ll lieve that they would make a crack team if they kept on practicing. Our lawn is adorned with a beautiful new croquet set. The girls enjoy the sport very much and the result is rosy checks and a healthy appetite. Our Supervisor, Mr. Driggs, has had several boys at work on a small plot of ground, lis proposes to plant the seculent rcdisli and also raise lettuce etc. Success to him. Nellie Srnitben after an absence of a Will week has decided to resume her studies. School is a very good place, boys and siris a?id while- you have the opportunity grasp it. Our boss carpenters, David Gam and Nephi Larsen, were up town visit- in;; Hammond Hall one day last week. Learn all you can by looking at others , boys, and try to make the best use of your time while at school. There has long been a tradition in Japan that once a treasure of gold uars, worm now frsuo.ouo.wo. was buried far beneath the earth soma- where in the inclosurc of the castle of Yuki llarutoma. Three attempt to dig it out were abandoned on account of accidents to the work. Last May excavations were begun again, and the workmen have come to pieces of boxes covered with plate iron and indications of what is believed to be epprceclrisg success. o!-e- r In ill is report a murk of i 10! ) shows perfect work. Between SO Between GO and 80 ami 100 fair. Between 10 and GO poor. Be- tween 120 and 40 very poor. Below remove your hat." 'JO slight improvement. "Sir!" she exeknied, flushing with In health column between 80 and indignation. "I faucied from the motion of ysur 100 shows slight ailment; detween hands," he resumed with the utmost 00 and SO serious; detween 40 and suavity, "that you were about to re- GO more serious; between HO and 40 move it. Please do not. Oblige me, beiious; below 20 dangerous. quite my dear madam, by keeping it on." "You arc grossly impertinent, sir !" oS3 aQJ .a said the lady, sharply. a Namk. 01 a "I beg your pardon, madam," he reo a o plied, with great earnestness. "I am B not. I am only a poor inventor and I am making a drawing of your hat as a 100 JtlO 75 H Allred, Luella design for a World's Fair tower, SO 100 100 30 Andrew In a school for young women, not ID Beat, SO 100 ltO Joseph far from Philadelphia, it was the rule 3$ Beck, Jacob SO 100 100 Beck, some years ago that every young lady 100 100 100 40 John must, before retiring, give her hair 20 Beck, .James one hundred good strokes with the U7 Barnard, J brush. This regularity of brushing SI Barnard, oseph S5 S3 10t the hair must have had some good 4 Cameron, Joseph 100 10O 90 Collctt, Julia effect, for certainly all the students 2 90 100 UK) Comer, Amelia with whom I was acquainted had 20 Covington, Tom good, glossy hair. New York Com- 10 90 100 Christenscn, Ezra 00 mercial Advertiser. 87 100 100 10 Davis, Mary Ann "In a few years," says Mr. E Iison, 22 Devine.iAmy 90 90 100 "the world will b just like one great 25 Donelson, Roy 100 72 90 to iu will ai be unsafe 90 ear, it 75 100 speak 21 Eecles, William one has examined the ISfcFoote, Clara house untill 100 90 100 walls and furniture for concealed 5 Prandscn, Lyeney SO 100 100 indeed? So! and ju&t G Gam, David 100 100 100 phonographs'" in to will be order observe that i) then it 100 80 100 Wiilard the deaf, with their signs and manual 37 Hansen, 100 72 100 Ilegsted, Jacob methods, will be secure and can safely 90 85 100 say what they please, even thougii a 41 Hawkins. Leo 100 hundred phonographs were in the 30 Jensen, Stency 05 10.) room. Ex. 90 95 100 35 Larsen, Nephi 90 75 100 15 Leavitt, Lyman INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT 100 15 100 3 Love, George 1'KIXTIXG OFFICJ2. 90 S5 10O 34 Madsen, Andrew Name of Pupil. Improve- - Punctu- 75 S3 100 33 Marler, Stephen nient. ality. 7 Moore, Earl 100 90 10O 100 100 24 Beck. Joseph Munson, Edward 100 100 SO 100 100 Beck, Jacob 8 Olorenshaw, Jos. 05 100 23 Olorenshaw. Joseph S5 90 KM) Olsen, Andrew 100 100 82 90 100 Spieler, Henry 13 Rollo, Ezra 55 100 100 100 Stucki, Charles 100 I Spieler, Henry 100 90 100 17 Smithen, Ndlie CAKFKN'TER SHOr. SO 100 100 75 100 18 Stucki, Charles Bsal, Andrew SO 75 100 100 100 II Thompson, Orson Gam, David 78 80 100 80 100 12 Thompson, Willie Hansen, Wiilard 85 100 100 100 100 20 Wood, Lizzie Larsen, Nephi 95 100 32 West, Emma Moore, Earl Munson, Edwad j - The IScsf of ISooiin. SILOK SHCF. Christenscn, Ezra SO Leavitt.Lyman Madsen, A:drew SO Olsen, Andrew 95 100 ICo low K-- 0 100 When 55oroas'B blast the Mood conjeals, The ulstr r is tho best of boons; It warms our boJies and conceals The ja'cbes on our psiitaluons - 15'jston Courier. |