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Show THE DESERET EAGLE; THE DESERET EAGLE. KAi-- T I'i I'l'. ST A SI, SiAfciS: jrc.tstt'K. :sa, iwio. 1'UIILIHIIKD TJf K SCHOOL YKAK. 4SKMI-MOSTJIL- Y Tor Kt'!io3 Ad DUK1NU TKii.MS: ar 5 si advance-- - fi.IiO --- vrt talus1 rate made known The ohjeot of this )per is t teach tlie art of printing to the pupils in the Deaf .Mute Department of the University of Dwseret. Address all communications and subHciiptions to from study, or pursuing the put: HOW EDISON MADE A BUG. I wonder how many of the Republic's error or crime. Hold on to your temper when j uv readers tver heard the wonderful story of how Edison made a bug? It are angry, excited or or imposed uphappened away l ack in 1SS0 or 1SS1, on, or ethers are angry with you. Hold on to your heart when cv.l before the electrician had become a Count, uud known in the moat remote associates seek your company, and corners of the world. There had been invite you to join their mirth, gaino.v two or persons killed by the and revelry. trej electric uires, and people were Hold on to your good name at ah senousiy contemplating come plan to times, for it is of more value thuu get them out of the way and still keep gold, high prices or fashionable attire. the new wonderful white light. Hold on to your truth, for it v;IU Edison proposed that the wires be put in the gas pipe3; but how on earth serve you well and do you througl ouS was the pipes to be "threaded" with eternity. the electric wires? Hold on to yonr virtue, it is Hbvn After studying the matter one night all price to you in all tinier ai:i Edison said to a places. see Hold on to your good character, for Why, here, Johnson, I'll make a qug that will drsg-- wire though every it is and ever will be your best v aitt . loot of pipe in New York City, Hold on to the store of knov. Vg if " itbecome3 nccrst-aryyou have gained at school, and try in "Make a bus!" exclaimed his add to it every day. Remember tiiiit companion, thinking the iLventor had "knowledge is power." lost his mind, "What in the world do Hold on to your money when you make it you may need it for more useyou mear ?" "Well, l'il make a bug," said the ful things than now. Hold on to your money, it is very inventor, coiildenly, "that will go where I send him and drag a wire, too." good to have in time of raic7 weather. A few days afterwards he laid a Hold on to everything good you have curiously constructed thing on the or may have; you will And use for it able in the cilice before time to go to in time. Ex. work; it was Li3 gas pipe bug. It was constructed thus: A minute electroTiin tadesman who is willing to magnet, carryirg behind it a line misrepresent bis goods to suit the insulated wire-paw- l. whims of the purchaser often llnds Now, observe every time the circuit himself in unpleasent positions. He was closed though the magnet the is a fortunate man if he can succeed armature was attracted, the paw in extricating himself from such dilclutched the sides of a piece of gas pipe emmas at the mere cost of hi3 own provided for the occasion, and the dignity. A lady who was in search of some magnet behind was drawn towards the armature about the sixteenth of an oranges icr making jelly one day stopwhere she was inch. When the circuit was opened the ped at the Truit-staarmature reached forward ready to accustomed to trade. take a second step. Thus, at every "Are these Valencias ?" she ask of closing of the circuit, the little bug the obsequious dealer. advanced one step, dragging the wire "Yea.ma'am. Valencias here, Flor-ida- s behind. No doubt this description there." will be hard for "Do you think the Valencias are to understand, but as everybody knows some- very sour?" "Oh no, ma'am, not at all ! Perfect thing about electricity nowadays a tolerable comprehension idsa may be y sweet. Almost as sweet as the formed of how the bus travelled, tv- n 1'Ioridas." "I am sorry," said the lady, regretthough the reader never saw an electric motor of any kind. fully, laying down the orange she held, "but in that case I must go further. Hold cn S073. I am in search of really sour oranges feliow-eiectricia- n: THE DESEKET EAGLE, Utah School von thk Dbap, Salt Lakk City, Utah, a 1 . riilorcii at the Posloilice at fiali iiUke City as second class fxaxk iuatt-r- . v. jixyrAjr.r, eshtoec. The Legislature adjourned on the of this month. One of its last acts was to pass the appropriation bill. Two items in the bill are of special interest to us. Or.e appropriating pw.uGO. to licbh our building and the other giving ua $10,000. a year for suph port. can now look iorward to being in our new home by the beginning of another school year. Our increased appropriation will give the much needed additional help and we shall be able to accomodate all the deaf childred who apply for admission. The following Board of Regents was appointed by the Governor to serve the enduing two years: Chancellor; Robert Ilarkness of Salt Lake County; Regents; JohnE. Dooly, Joseph R. Walker, Fred. II. Auerbach, John A. Marshall, JchnW. Donutllan, James Sharp, Lewis S. Hills-'Wm, M. tftcwart all of Salt Coiiuiy; Abram Hitch of Wasatch County; Rodcrt C. Lund of County; W.N. Shilling of Welier County. Treasurer, Robert C. Cnamfcers cl Salt L'iku County. VVc , L-;- Waj-bipgLo- n Cv nd non-expc- its -- - Justice of the peace at Wichita, Kii:., r.as dosided that corn is fuel. A Vjo:ismp..'.1 busijds oi corn belongHold on to your tongue when you a had farmer Vj been are just goln;; to swear, lio cr speak attached. ing A Th iarmer claimed he was using the harshly, or van an improper word, corn lor fuel and thai 1C0O bushels Hold on to your hand wise a you are 'Jot ir.orc thau enough to last a about to pinch, slriko, scratch, steal Tftf justice rulud that under the or do apy improper act. yi la".- ixi:iiii't ng a year's fuel the attach-Uici- it Hold on to your feet when you are could not hold. m the pi? hit oi kicking, luuning away . - fcrielly." The deaier looked at her sadly as she turned away. He had made a mistake, and he knew it; still, his blunder might be retrived. "Lady," he called, recovering himself, "lady ! I guess you'll ilnd these a little tarty." Companion. |