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Show SOUTHERN SALT LAKE Ui:,TY ENTERPRISE t k KIBE Dry goods, Notions, Ribbons, Overalls, Gents Furnishings We Guarantee Everything We Sell And Will Refund Money To Any One Dissatisfied. Cream Separators Are Like People. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR THIS WEEK. lkjDccft0ooi feats (bpecia f tftis for a Scenic Now i the season of Picnics, Outings and Camp ing parties. The great desideratum is something good to eat.. Something in compact form, easily carried and ready for the of our specialties is picnic supplies. Fill your basket with the following good things. Some possess more qualities of ability or superiority than others. The one possessing ability or accomplishments in the HIGHEST DEGREE we call a GENIUS. The UNITED STATES is the "Genius among Cream Separators. Its designers have solved Nature s laws more exactly than those of other makes. They have discovered more accurate means of recuring the cream particles. They have invented more rapid and thorough methods of mechanical washing. They have devised superior excellence in the bearings, giving ease of turning or operation. They have put the very best materials with their knowledge, ensuring unusual durability. They have back of them the firm which has been in business since 1873 and who guarantee every U. S. Separator to be perfect in workmanship and materials. The unequalled past record and the unrivalled present showing both recommend the U. 8. Separator to you. We are agents for the U. S. these spread." One in each of Dainty Graham Wafers, Fresh and Crisp, a package Choice Ginger Snaps, Crisp and Sweet, South 8alt Lake County Butter, A Great Spread, Everything else that goes to make up a first class picnic spread." Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right, nouncement each week. See our an. Also Headquarters for BINDING TWINE. Oldham, Powell & (g., Main St., 8andy, Utah. Phone Midvale 148. JENSEN & KUHRE 106 to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. - J- The Murray laundry agency Is af the office of the Enterprise, 99 East Robert Guthrie of Granite (lied on Main street. Monday night of Brights disease and The Banks I'ndertaking was burled on Fridayy afternoon. have established an agency at the The young men of Sandy are In- Enterprise office, 99 East Main St. Have your straw hut cleaned and vited to join the fire department and take part in the drill of the running blocked by Pow the Ilatter. Agency team now in practice for the tourna- at the Enterprise office. ment to take place at Eureka next Miss Cora Swensen of Salt I.ake has month. Applications for membership been A. Larto visiting her relatives at the Carl be made Robt. Chief may .arson home. son, W. W. Wilson or II. G. Marriott. SANDY. want the trade of Midvale people and trade and will satisfy you in price and A PERFECT Wilson, H. G. Marriott, and Ole Nelto and both carfare their will carfares. is ways quality, pay essential pay In every home where runson were appointed to solicit funda water obtainable. is Obtain our ning store. their to defray the expenses of the team, That Midvale merchants say they estimate pn PLUMBING WORK want a paper printed and published In That only" a few merchants in M Mrs. Samuel Christensen and baby You will find It surprisingly low own their willare trade. want not town, your yet they are doing nicely at the home of her .'when quality of work and materials ing to give their support to maintain used are mother in Salt Lake and will return considered. No job Is too small or too big for us. That you can get bargains of COUN- a newspaper. home to Sandy next week. FRED ALEXANDER, TY ENTERPRISE advertisers, enjoy a That these same merchants who 8andy R. D. No. 1, Box 15. Mrs. E. W. Packer is at St. Marks cool ride to their stores and combine East Side State Road, 4th House want to appear loyal to their home bt.spita having had a successful business with pleasure at their exSouth of O. S. L-- Crossing. town, would not spend five dollars a pense. o operation for appendicitis. month in advertising their wares. BICYCLE SALE. That these merchants who do not Miss Pauline Lewis is visiting her For the next three weeks I will have That Midvale has no newspaper. on sale (30.00 High Grade Bicycles for sister Mrs. A. E. Cooper at PleaBant advertise should be shown that you are just as indifferent of their Grove. the reduced price of (23.00. Good That we could print a seperate headas they appear to be of yours. tires and Newell coaster brakes, men ing on our paper and cal it the MID- and Funeral services for Robert Guthrie bays sizes. NO CHEAP' JOHN afThat you do not Lave to do your VALE ADVANCE, but we are not in fair. Call and Investigate. for lour years a resident of Granite the FAKE NEWSPAPER business. were conducted by Bishop W. tf.Kuhre trading with them. Bring me your old bicycle and let and J. J. Muir at his residence on Frime make It nearly as good as new, or That some day when the business let me trade you a new one for it. I The interment was at Sandy That you will consult your best inday. we shall publish a genuine sell a full line of justifies, H. C. Banks undertaker terests by gping where your trade Is cemetery. bicycle supplies. ReMIDVALE ADVANCE, No Fake paper. had charge of the funeral. Guthrie wanted. pairing done well and at- - reasonable came to Granite four years ago from prices. Blcyces rented by the day or That talk is cheap, but it takes moThat the organ ground by the Pro- hour. Nebraska, on account of the ill health of ls wife. In the improvement of his ney to buy printers ink. W. S. HORR, gress Co. Is very much opposed to public ownership of the Light & Power new home place, he expended more 91 N. Center SL next door to Odd That Merchants of Sandy want your plan. Why of course they are. than (15,000, making the home one of Fellows Hall, Sandy, Utah. the llnesl in this section of the country. He died Tuesday of Brights disease, and is survived by a widow a brother and a neice. BATH-ROO- I i exist-anc- e Miss Lottie Stokes lias recently reMarriott and family and Arthur Seager and family are starting on turned from a visit to Salt laike. a ten days camping. They will fish Mr. F. C'rapo and Miss Hazel In the Weber river near Park. Christian enjoyed an outing at Saltair e A horse race will be run on Pioneer last week. Day July 24 on the State road, from A lawn party was given at the resimile north, bethe slag dump tween the horses of Thomas Winn dence of John Mattsen last week in Matt-sen- . and Robert Larson of Midvale Junc- honor of his daughter Miss Pearl tion. The purse will be (40. Winns horse Trixie has a record of 2.30. An accident happened to Tom On July 27th a race will be run Lloyd who was employed by Robert Guthrie which bruised him up somebetween Wilford Wilsons horse and Thos. Winns horse Trixie what but not seriously. He was comfor a purse of (30. The race will be ing down Main street when a motor on State road from the slag dump to cyclle frightened his horse, who ran Main street. Bodeen has a record of the buggy into the hind wheel of the Mr. L. L. Raddon and wife enjoyed street sprinkler throwing Mr. Lloyd 2.25. out of the buggy. The horse reared a night at Wandamere last week. . Wm. Pow the Suit Lake Hatter has striking a board on the side of the Mrs. Lowe Green and family are at from the loose and breaking sprinkler Enteran at established the agency the buggy ran up the street. The Alta on their summer vpcatlon. prise office. driver of the sprinkler narrowly esThe three sisters of Mr. J. Stokes Jame P. Jensen Jr. and family and caped being hurt. here from Draper visiting him. are took Mrs. Alice Christian and family to decided have a days outing to Saltalr on Thursday, The fire department Mr. Neils Pouison has made repaifs and the baby left put in a running team at the tournaonly brother-in-laon the road leading past bis place to W. W, at home. ment at Eureka next month. the county road. H. G. one-ha- lf Bo-dee- n The Sandy City band gave a concert on Friday evening in Wilsons grove to a large and appreciative an dience. ing Coes ill On last Thursday evening Miss Louise Rogers and Alice Cushing en tenanted in honor of Mr. Rooy Malm sten who will leave shortly for an extended trip to Portland, Oregon. Those Miss Louie Sharp, present wre: Laura Iiringhurst, Marie Speirman, Hovor Stagg, Mr. C. G. Naylor, Mr. Roy Malmsten, Mr. R. A. Hagan, Mr. George Smith. Games and music were the features of the evening followed by a dainty luncheon. A LOSS THE VALUES ARE HERE JUST AS ADVERTISED WE WILL PAY CAR FARE OF EVERY CUSTOMER COMING FROM A DISTANCE : BOYS SHOES, Regular $2.00, Sale ;; MENS SHOES, Regular $2.50, Sale LADIES' SHOES, Regular $3.00, Sale : $1.25 $1.50 ; , Mrs. Wm. L-- Bateman is visiting relatives in Brigham City nnd expects to be gone two weeks. . All GREEN GROCERIES. . FRESH AND CURED MEATS, 1HLLY HAWLEY, The Meat Cutter. null Homy. ht jar Sardines, cans .Mustard Sardines, : cans lYunnt Hutlcr, 2)c jars, only ijiiccn Olives, per jar Schillings 1 Ih can Coffee Three large cans I'. S. Cleaner ti 25c 25c 25c 15c 15c 40c 20c Sandy Commercial (g. STATE ROAD AND WEST MAIN STREET. SANDY, UTAH. Can You Afford to miss the Splendid Economies that Abound so Plentifully, and Must Continue Until our Purpose is Accomplished. THE KEEP COOL UNDERWEAR AT 85c. THE WONDERFULLY LOW PRICE8 ON SUMMER DRESS THE MENS AND BOYS 6UITS AT HALF PRICE. GOODS. THE MENS, LADIES Per Cent OFF. THY EVENT AND CHILDRENS OXFORDS AT IN IT8ELF. 20 WOULD MAKE A NOTEWOR- COMBINED, THEY MAKE THE MOST INTER- ESTING OFFERINGS WE HAVE EVER KNOWN TO BE PRESENTED THIS PART passengers dally, IN OF THE COUNTY. Numerous Horr the bicycle man is Items Below Normal Prices y busy in Sandy which makes him unusually cheerful although he is always In a happy mood. SOME COMMON OUTING SPECIALS: Oil Right now. Clearance Prices prevail on a Variety of Seasonable Merchandise. Let us Repeat Emphatically that we are Determined not to Carry over Summer Goods. Prices Have Been Lowered Almost to the Vanishing Point. the stages to Alta are filled with W. S. T- Clearance Prices. EITHER ONE OF THESE SPECIALS $1.00 ! i "S SEN8E AND A LITTLE NONSENSE. A Hi tie nonsense, now and then. Is relished by the wisest men." Under this heading we shall print pithy little paragraphs which arc meant to amuse, and while the hits may strike home to dozens of people, they are not meant for any particular party. It Is Rumored: That those merchants who do not advertise in u paper that circulates among the peoplp, show plainly that they do not want your business. Thai the few advertise in the COUNTY ENTERPRISE. IN ACCORDANCE merchants in nearby towns POLICY OF THIS FIRM TO GIVE ITS PATRONS THE BENEFIT OF THE BARGAINS WE ARE ABLE TO PRODUCE FROM TME TO TIME, WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OWING TO AN EXCEPTIONAL PURCHASE MADE BY MR. CRAPO WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER STANDARD CALICOS AT 5c. AND BEST OF ALL WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF THE MOST WANTED PATTERNS AND COLORS. CRAPO SATISFIES O. C. CRAPO & SONS OO. 2, That WITH THE ESTABLISHED EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. |