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Show Southern Salt Lake WILL INSIST UPON NEW PARTY COUNTY ENTERPRISE W. I). 8. saxdy, .... Ilsrriuston, Msnijcliis Kdito- -. ITAn. Omgoi Colonel Roosevelt Refuses to in Plan to Have Same Electore on Both Tickete. UTAH STATE NEWS Free To Our Subscribers. Teach Ibe Children to Sate Every subscriber to tbe COUNTY ENTERPRISE who will pay one years subscription 91.75 in advance may send In the name of any child or their own name to whom we will deposit one dollar in the Utah State Building k I can Association Bank of Salt This will start a' savings account which will lead to a fortune. WILBVR D.NESP1T -- Vernon Cbeever, the fourtcen-yea- i Oyeter Bay, N. V. Formation of a old non of Joseph Cheever, of Provo, distinct independent party, and not was drowned In the Provo river Sun- the capture of the Republican party, day. ia tbe course Colonel Rooserelt laid Ogden druggists have decided to out for himself Monday night. He close their places from 1 to 6 p. m. took Ixsue flatly with aupportera who Sundays and at 9 o'clock Sunday have advanced a proposal for effectnight. ing an agreement with the Republican The Woodrow Wilson club of Utah organization in some states through has been organized in Salt I .alee, fifty which, under certain conditions, the prominent Democrats attending the strength of the Roosevelt following meeting at which organization was might be thrown behind President perfected. Taft. The roionei will have none Professor G. E. P. Smith, irrigation of it. engineer for the University of Arizona Colonel Roosevelt made at Tuscon, is a Utah visitor, and will he had decided upon a it clear that thorough going conduct an investigation into Utah iror alliance wiili fight, independent while methods here. rigation either party, which will put him in a II. Junius Compton, aged 10, who position to appeal to Democrats as was injured by the accidental dis- well as Republicans. In states in charge of a rifle while hunting with which his followers have control of his father near Brigham City, died at the Republican he is organization, an Ogden hospital on the 5th. to carry on hia campaign ready The borne of Frank Beattie at Slat through that medium. erville, Weber county, was destroyed The was prompted to by fire last week, even the clothing make hia known by position definitely and personal effects of the family bethat in several states, notably reports ing lost. The Are Is believed to have Pennsylvania and Maryland, a move been caused I y a defective flue. meat was on foot to have tbe same Governor Spry has received a letter candidates , for electors on both the from Ernest P. Bickwell, national di- Taft and Roosevelt tickets, with the rector of the Red Cross society, notl-fyin-g that the agreement ticket which rehim that the collection of funds ceived the larger number of votes for the relief of Mississippi river should obtain the entire electoral vote. flood sufferers Is no longer necessary, D. H. Madsen, deputy fish and game MEXICANS WORRY COLONISTS. Ive written a popular sang commissioner for Utah, has gathered That runs In the catchiest way 2.600.000 fish eggs from the native Government Troopa Charged With En- The music reminds you of Verdi and Liost and otheni who flourished one day. tront in the Provo river above the croachments and Indignities. But though all these memorise throng Tellurtde He opened With dam. almost each bar of the tune, ttyi Douglas, Arts. Bishop O. P. Brown, The truly remarkable part of It is, the spawning station there May 25 of this who waa asked by Senators Smoot and ong doesnt mention the moon. year. Fhll to Investigate conditions In the It rhymee like ''scene with s Bunted over by a ram while at her Mormon colonies at dream." Colonla Morelos 76 home in Vernon, Mrs. Jens Hansen, It also rhymes "home with "alone," and Colonla Oxace. returned here years of nge, is in a serious condition. Monday with sworn statements from But neverth.lcM as a popular song 11s stranger than all you have known. The aged woman is suffering from n prominent Mormons charging the Mex- Of course perfect love Is Us theme; fractured leg bone and a number of ican mentions the roses and Juns, It government troops with alleged But, wonder of wonders! severe bruises on different parts of my popular song encroachments and Indignities. haa nothing to say of ths moon, her body. to the According data compiled by It vows that her eyes are as blus A company of hoys from the First Mr. As srs the clear heavens above. Brown, the colonists were asked and Second wards of East Bountiful to furnish And furthermore claims that no star Is as horses and was re payment true as Is the heart Its love. Is being drilled to join the M. I. A. (used by Generals San Jines and Blan- The chorus lieglna with atelling coo, scouts on their march over the old And soothe likewise co, the federal with a croon. you commanders. The pioneer trail, starting from Echo July Mormons But here's the smsslng distinction It to steadfastly objected givbears ths song doesn't mention ths 19th, and arriving at Salt Lake City, ing their property and the rederali moon! July 24th. Anally obtained Mexican horaes. The It tells how he goes far away until a few Harry M. Torrence, And how every morning he yearns situation, however, was by no mean weeks ago the manager of the Tlntlc cleared and her fair fare and to lay at her friction Is looked for con- To see Telefeet the wealth of affection alia Mountain States branch of the stantly. spurns. phone companys business, died very A commonplace notion, you say? AMERICANS IN THE LEAD. suddenly at the home of his sister, But think what a wonderful boon! The only new song of the popular kind Mrs. W. E. Duvall, at Salt Lake, last that Isn't named after the moon! First in Points Secured at the Olympic Sunday afternoon. Gamee In Stockholm. Flames developing from soot and Preparatory Work. grease In a flue leading from the Stockholm. America won firet place Now Is the time to begin searching kitchen at the Hotel Utah at Salt in two of the leading evente at Mon- yourself to decide what bad habits you Lake caused damage estimated at day's Olympic games, the will abandon the first of the year. 93.000 to the huge electric sign and relay race and the decathlon, and sec The trouble about good resolutions network of wiring in the beehive and place In the swimming is that most of us want to make thefh dome of the hostelry early Saturday final, thus scoring altogether eight for other people. We have overwhelmmorning. points. The United States scored 128 ing desires to better the world by T. A. Allen of Coalville, who has points In all contests, her nearest building spiritual additions to our trying for n number of years past to competitor being Sweden, with 104 friends, or by adding Intellectual utilize the flood waters of the Weber gables and conscientious side porches river to irrigating the land along our points. We have our Sweden added 19 points to bt--r total; to our acquaintances. foot hills which has little or no water, derricks ready to hoist the motes from 13 points; England, 6 Finland, points; but who was never able to realize his inGermany, S points; Australia, which the eyes of the rest of humanity anticipations, is again showing up j won tbe beams our own of from opstead the swimming event, 3 points; among the farmers with his fourth tics. 2 points, and Austria, 1 France, point and by far the best proposition. j Also, good resolutions have been Wilson Will Make Fight in East. MacDukin Burnison, university of permitted to degenerate Into a conUtah football player, fraternity man j . Chicago. Governor Woodrow Wll ventional giving np of smoking, swearand student leader, met death recent- - ion will make hia fight for the presi-lenc- ing, or drinking. There are many othor the United Slates in the er things that may be given up by )y from poisonous gases in a cyanide reduction plant at Goldfield, Nev. ?asL Although no definite announce those of us who neither smoke, swear son nent lias been made to that effect, it j nor drink. Jay Smith, the As a matter or fart, we are not maof Bert Smith, night policeman of ins been practically settled that the ' Tooele, had a narrow escape from be- Headquarters of the Democratic na king good resolutions; we are making resolutions. If we would ing seriously burned, and a stack of donal committee will be In New York. negative 1 will." InRteud of I wont, we hay and barn, valued at 9250, were Thicago will have a divisional head- - say: might add unto ourselves good traits destroyed Sunday. juarters. which would crowd out the evil ones. Lars C. Johnson died Sunday at Taft Notification August 1. There must be a substitution. You've his residence at Hooper, Utah, of Washington President Tart will lie got lo get a cork leg for the one you heart disease. He was born in notified or his nomination at perform the surgery on. officially Sweden June 24. 1840, and came to If wo should seek to add good to our:he White House on August 1. This Utah in 1804. He leaves a widow, we would not hare so much selves was derided Monday Chairman by two sons and two daughters. to find qa ruble bad In others. Hi lies of the Republican national time Homer J. Wixcey. the sixteen-year-el- d committee and Senator Root of the son of William T. and Mary B. i omniitlee on Inexpensive Way. nomination appointed Wixcey, of Sait Lake, died Sunday it Chicago. "How did Joe MacNubb get such a j at the St. Mark's hospital, following reputation for knowing all about Informer Shot Down. an operation several days ago for apHe never plays games of chance? New York. Herman Rosenthal, r cards." pendicitis. whose charges of graft He succeeded in making prupic Articles of incorporation have been tumbler. filed at Ogden by the Hydro-Carboigainst leading officials of the New think lie's the greatest Hoyle by alProcess company, which is to make York police department led to a thor ways laughing long and loudly whenliquid fuel converters and Injectors, JUgh investigation into the workings ever he comedian ill the play got and other mechanical devices. The f the department, was shot and killed off a joi-- about jtoker." company is capitalized for 910,000 'll u the street early Monday morning. the value of 9100 per share. Those Says Mr. Sourdrop. Spotted Fever on the Coaet. interested in forming the corporation It's "Yes, mostly bill and coo diirim: Washington. The Uoeky Mountain the are William F. Burton, Edgar R. Hob honeymoon. growled Mr. ! a limited so fever, disease important mes and Robert I. Burton. himself to the best piece helping Jiat the public health and marine hos-jitof ehlcken. hut alter that I've noThe police force of Provo discov-rreservice haa been studying if for ticed that it Is pretty nearly all h(l!.' that bicycle thieves have been :wo I years in the Bitter Root valley In the young dry goods Whereupon wheels and them dealing taking Montana, la front clerk was seen to look thoughtfully In I part, readjusting different parts in San F'rancisro.officially reported the direction of the school order to hide the identity of them. Miners Meet at Cripple Creek. Four wheels were picked up recently and were taken apart and made to Account Overdrawn. Cripple Creek, Colo. The twentieth fit with each other, after which some innual convention of the Western Although you have no! ama-M-- d of them were placed with second federation of Miners opened Monday worldly wealth," we any In the On: band dealers In this city for disposal. In Victor with 150 delegates in Inhabitant, "you have grown rich it, j Ernest Hall of Price came to town experience. Mayor Joseph Bitterly tbe delegates to the district. "Experience doesn't help me." lie last week to arrange for the publicareplies. Nobody will let me draw ou tion of a fifty-pag- e booklet containing Potlatch at Seattle. my experlenre any more. Everybody reasons w hy Price is the leading town Seattle, Wash. The potlatch. Seat-lie'- says he's heard the stories before." of southern Utah and why home seek-er- a summer carnival, opened Monday and Investors should turn their trlth brilliant weather and 100.000 toward that flourishing town. eyes Shifting the Responsibility. In the "Missus Plumpers aays ahe Isn't to The house committee on public visitors. The Elks' parade lands has favorably reported Senator nornlng was a great success. Ten home, mum. "Isnt at home? 1 don't, believe It." Rmoot'e bill granting to the city of .housand Elks were here. Thats between you an her, mum. y Salt Lake a for a pipe Hetty Green Joins Church. you kindly, mum. Was Thanking line over lands in Big Cottonwood New York. Mrs. Hetty Green, one there word you wished to other any tan yon in the Wasatch national for- if the richest women In the world, leave? est to provide for an extension of the las been baptized in the Kplsropalean city's water system. 'alth. The ceremony was performed i n Jersey City last Saturday by the lev. Augustine Kliuendorff. gouty efjTeiPFjise Tfie By Special Arrangement with the Utah State Buildipg & hoap Association SONG of Salt Lake will furnish to all of its subscribers who will pay up one years subscription in advance for the next sixty days one of these Home Banks to be used for saving up the dimes, nickles and bills ONE DOLLAR IN THE BANK IS WORTH YOUR POCKET. TWO IN Deposit one dollar with the dollar THE ENTERPRISE gives you In "The Home Bank and you will marvel at how It will grow. The cut of a handsome nlckle home safe, as shown here, will take all sizea of coin and paper money and can be conveniently carried to the BANK FOR DEPOSIT FREE To Our Saving Depositors Made to Help People Save. ou can no more build a house without the first dollar than you can build a house without tbe first brick." . J , 1,600-inete- CUT THIS OUT. This coupon accompanied by $ 1,75 will entitle the Sender to One Year's Subscription to the ENTER-PRISand a deposit of ONE DOLLAR in the Savings Department of the UTAH STATE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION to the name of such person as be may designate. d i Hnui-dro- W. Addren ; s right-of-wa- .... Harrington Managing Editor Sandy, Utah Or send ns word and a representative will call and arrange for the starting of your savings; ICE CREAM AND CANDIES Summer drinks of all kinds, coffee cake and cold lunches. Open until 11 p. m. I keep an assortment of canned cakes and fancy crackers. goodie Your patronage Is solicited. REBEKA RYBERG, 14 West Main St Where the cars stop. Sandy, Utah. (D?e Brtbal Picture HENRY G. MARRIOTT BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER 15 N. First West 6L near West Main Equipped with machinery, Wagon,, Carriage and Rubber Tire repairing, Horseshoeing, Plow Work, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or loathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. G. MARRIOTT, 15 N. -- - 8t First West Sandy, Utah. . FOUNTAIN for All Summer Drinka 1 have a large cool Ice Cream Parlor, where you can sit and enjoy KEELEYS CELEBRATED ICE COME TO We have particular facilities for Bridal Groups NOTHING is troublesome that we do willingly 1 That why OUR Photographs are so SUCCESSFUL, 1VK Howj Photographer MY 16 So. State Street Bell Tel. 379 MURRAY, Utah CREAM for which 1 have the e.xxdnsive auenejv I also sell Candies, Fruit and Sand- w Iches. Give me a call. We go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and we accomplish great good. The Root the first principle la a careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requirements and prescribe glasses In accordance to the defects. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. L. RADDON. At tile Mai riot t House 101, West Main Street, Sandy, Utah. S. H. TAYLOR CD. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IJCKNKKU ST. MAIN M. M. E.M MIDVALE. TAYLOR, Office plume l!. BODY UTAH FRATERNAL HALL, MURRAY, We will be at Sandy every Wednesday. UTAH. Manager. lies. piio;ie and Open Day Night. ANY Bjorn Optical Company HAI.M CHS. HERE 27 J 1 Sate as You am SEEN And you will always have something lo spend us you go. Open a savings account with us w lirre it will earn 4 per cent annually compounded in January and July, 91 wiM open an acrount. SANDY CITY BANK ! ; D. S. P. O. Box 177, Childs Name j n COUNTY. ENTERPRISE .. Name i i And mall to the t rt 800-mete- seven-year-ol- Any Man or Woman who will take one of these Home Safes, make It an Invariable rule to drop into it some amount no matter how small, each day, will be astonished and delighted at the close of the year at how much has been accumulated without being missed. W. W. WILSON, Phone, Midvale HEBER He Sells Land FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES. Read a Faw of Hia Bargains: 45 ACRES. Firet Class Canal War ter light. Form House, Blc. 9126.00 sa Arra. 40 ACRES. First Glass Caaal Water right, good house, barn, flowing well, complete set oflmplements, horses, rattle, etc. 1150 an Acre.' 10 ACRES, 5 In Wheat end 6 in Water Right 91,800. l Barley. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office. State St., one block eouth of Midvale Switch. P. O. Adiircax. MIDVALE. Utah. A-- President. A. SMITH, Vice-Prcs- . A. R. GARDNER, Cashier. Utah. Sindy City, 128-- Phone 37 " P. O. Box 329 All kinds Potted Plants Walter W. FLORIST lHONE Dr- - 60. J. H. Brown DENTIST CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL Office, MAIN STREET, DESIGNS. In connection Greenhouses with Over Moving Picture Show, Store. MIDVALE, UTAH. 214 East 2nd South St Met Node of Painless Dontlstr Latat SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Leave orders with S. M. Taylor A CALL AND SEE M& Co MIDVALE. Office Hours: 0 a.m. to d. m. |