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Show 'll . ; Tiio laoadlng Comity Weekly INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS. Fair and Just to All. No partiality shown to any peraon or locality In Southern Salt Lake County. Southern Salt Lake ; TERPRISE COUNTY Vol. I. NO. A BUSINESS INVES MENT. Advartiaa In the County Entarprlaa and reach the leading people In every part of Southern 8alt Lake County. that the city intend to widen Main street from Tom Williams corner on COUNTY ENTERPRISE. south to Steadmans coiner thence ea&i to State street. This will lie a jo '3 Published e.ery Wednesday by UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO., that the city may well feel proud of W. Dl 8. Harrington, Manager. when it is dune. For certainly that C 99 East Main St. road is a disgrace to any incorporated P. O. Box 177 SANDY, UTAH city or community. Salt Lake Office, 17 Eagle Block. Q. MURRAY. Subscription Rates: One year In advance .$1.00 The voters of Murray should vote C months .CO ES at the coming bond election on S months .40 Jiiliv 30. The corpoir.tkn rag trays 1 month .15 NO; but that is natural for them, to Single copies, 6 cents. as the sheet has been advise, angeled for yea's to protet the imprEntered as second class mail mat- ests of the dear Angel. ter,' April 17, 1912, at the post office at Sandy, Utah, under the Act of Go to polls on July 30 and Vote March 3, 1879. YES; on the proposition to bond the city. Dn't be fooled by the advice of the Rag that is kept alive to advocate VOTE BONDS YE8." every measure that Is coining money The "Murray Eagle owned and con for the corporation that Is opposed to trolled by the power behind the Pro- public ownership of the utilities. gress copany has the daring effrontMrs. Sarah Haywood and Mrs. A. ery to come out and advise (?) the are on their way for EngParkhurst taxpayers of Murray. City to vote land where they will reside in the Do they think the taxbonds NO. future. payers of Murray are blind to the fact that the boss of the DOUBLE J. A. Thornton is at the St. Mark HEADED EAGLE" is interested in keeping the light and power system hospital slowly recovering from the entirely under his control. Do they effects of burnB received at Garfield think the people are blind to the fact works of the Utah Copper Co. that thousands of dollars have been Harold Long has returned after to keep the spent by the Boss months sojourn in San Franseveral Murray Eagle alive so that the sheet cisco. can advise? its few readers how to vote for the best interests of his comis Edward Parkinson panies? We advise our Murray read flue a baby girl. era to procure one of the pamphlets the proud father of just issued by the Cjty Commissioners Mother and baby doing well. and read carefuly their address to the The COUNTY ENTERPRISE will taxpayers showing why flier should soon have branch office and "print vote for the bonds and frr In Murray. from the extortionate ch shop' ' and power. The scribbl! e roo' Deftsa Blanche Chamber froinjlting Murray Eagle are paid b Jid c in Idaho. . whose name does not ai to th, enough paper, to atempt give om Irene Gallyer i 'n ion so that they, the; ' mark. ) . round) n Vote thousands of jw au1 enough pockets. , The C . furry Hill has returned from PRISE is here for the ups Clara viBlt s. with relatives in vocating the cause of ,f pleasant Idaho. are not the paid hireling of kio' corporation or tied down by any party Murray will very likely have a The proposition of municipal ownership of public utilities is no Carnegie library building soon. experiment but has been proven a sucMiss Nellie Larson recently under cess right here in the state of Utah in the cities of Brigham, Ephraim and went a succesful operation at the L. D. Springville. If the taxpayers neglect S. hospital for appendicitis. to vote for this, the only opportunity The Methodist Sunday school had a they will ever have to secure their own power plant, they will regret it pleasant, time at Liberty park last all their lives and private parties will week. reap the benefit that is within their Isldor Selvin of Bingham was visit grasp. Read the pamphlet published by the City Commissioners and Vote ing Murray and Salt Lake relatives and friends last week. and work for the bond proposition. 1 - nurt-eie- toWj s lilting th'fl the initial entertainment of the newly organized West Jordan Commercial Mr. Neil L. Olson it making some club, held last week In the ward Improvements on his residence on amusement hall. A program of speakState road. ing and musclal numbers was carried out and refreshment were served. it J. W. McHenry, president of the The roads are kept iu much better condition since the city has kept two Murray Commercial club, was present and told of the success which his town sprinklers going. lias had since the cluub was started Peter Kogal for many years s resi- there. dent of Midvale has accepted a posiAfter an invocation by Henry W. tion with the I'. 8. Smelter. Mr. Cooley, an address of welcome was Kogal always liked to live in Midvale. given by W. H. Gardner, president of When he had a position at Garfield he the club. President Gardner ssiil the always made regular visits to Midvale new organization was neither religious nor political, but a booster fur greater to see old friends. West Jordan, first last and all the The many friends of Doctor Alex. G. time. He said that the club members Robertson and family, formerly of hoped to beautify the town and also to Sandy, were very much pleased to j secure electric lights and city water, hear that the Mrs. Alex. Robertson, (Other plans of the club Include the was reported missing after the tablishment of new industries Much as tom Odo in Canada, was not the wife of mills and factories, the Doctor. Many thought It might The club was organized June 10 with to .the fact that the doctor a membership of thirty-fivAbout and family had moved to Canada re-- ' sixty-fivactive members were However they were several sent when the meeting begun. At the hundred miles from the section visited 'close of the entertainment about ten j more joined the club. jy the tornado. MIDVALE. Vote for Southern 8alt Lake .............. ...... $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. JULY 17, 1912. UTAH, SANDY, 11 fi Bonds, Yes THE CITIZENS 0 MURRAY AND SUR- COUNTRY ROUNDING THEIR OWN SYSTEM. LIGHTING MUST AND J OWN POWER . es-wli- o EVERY TAX PAYER NOW FACES AN INCREA6E OF OUR PRESENT HIGH TAX OF 13 MILLS ON THE DOLLAR TO PAY FOR INCREASED LIGHT AND WATER UNLESS' WE OWN OUR POWER be,-wlh- g e. e - WITH OUR OWN POWER WE CAN PAY FOR ALL OUR LIGHTS ANb WATER, GET THE CITY LIGHT8' AND POWER, FREE, AND CUT EVERY ALF. DO YOU WANT MANS LIGHT BILL IN TO PAY ABOUT HALF WHAT YOU NOW PAY FOR LIGHT AND POWER Vote for Bondi, Yes ',W. FOR INCREASED LIGHT AND WATER SUPPLY FOR MURRAY, VOTE "BONDS, YES." FOR LOWER TAXES, VOTE "BONDS, YES." FOR INCREASED PROSPERITY AND GROWTH FOR MURRAY VOTE "BONDS, YES." ,' : Waiter Cooper who left Midvale a I Mrs. Down is having built a fine few weeks ago for Canada has written cement block house to cost about his family that he la well pleased $4,000.00. with the country, and that he Is going to'sell out in Midvale and move his El A. Bateman and family are enfamily up there. He says the pros- joying an outing at Brighton. They pects for getting a home look very will remain the balance of the month. good to him. Leon L. Olsen is acting as deputy Once more we would suggest that the city recorder in the absence of Mr. people take some steps to have the Bateman. o speeding of automobiles on State street and other county roads stopped. UNION. People who saw the machine that was wrecked Thursday night near Murray Correspondents should send in their and caused the death of one man, and notes not later than Sunday of each possibly two say that it must have week In order to reach us In time for been going at a high rate of Speed, by the current Issue. the way it cut the pole when It struck. If one of those large heavy machines Prof. Wm. M. Cox has commenced going at high speed should crash into his summer work at the Lagoon. He a surrey , loaded with women And J has engaged Lis brother-lu-laHorace" children what would be the result? I w. Burgon to take his place as cornet There is hardly a day passes that player In the orchestra which Is does not have a close call to I ous in Southern Salt Lake county, being killed along the public road by these speed cranks." Horace W. Burgon Is taking a course People In to are compelled get entirely of instructions under Prof. Anton buggies off the road when they are driving on Pederson, the right side of the road too, because some of those automobile drivers do Mr. and Mrs. Willard Griffith who not make any move toward giving the were recently married have settled in rood they should. If there is any law a cozy little home In Center Union, compelling the regulation of the speed of automobiles it high time our wake commercial club up and see that effect. Into are they put - v , pres-cently- J 3 1 I e I 1 1 FOR MORE FACTORIES AND WORK IN MURRAY VOTE "BONDS, YES." DO YOU WANT LIGHTS ON YOUR STREET? Mr. Wm. Waters who was manager of Brano & Co. store when they were located in Midvale has been seen In Midvale quite frequently of late. Mr. Waters is looking for a business location. lie says be always did like Midvale, and it is possible that he may come back to our city and engage in some business again. Mrs. Arthur Towse'id la recovering VOTE "BONDS, YES." from a painful accident caused by al The Murray Eagle being the mouth- most severing her thumb with a carv knife while cutting ham. New text books are arriving daily Cross hospital, the ambulance from piece, owned and controlled by the lng will be ready for use when the that hospital being called. His condiand same man who owns and controls the Mr. Wuodhead foreman of the Rip lots schools open. four has Fred purchased Naylor tion was reported at 3:15 this morning must Progress Co., naturally enough for the Rio Grande Rollr.V'l track Bradford addition. to be critical. I come out as ordered by the boss and in the child a week or so ago. Also pub-is laid up with quite a severe company busiPaul Walton is making a short Mr. Sindar had driven his machino case of rheumatism. advise and even attempt to bulldoze its lish the enclosed clipping about my Mrs. Whitlock will build a brick ness trip to Downy, Idaho. to Bingham yesterday. After spendreaders into voting NO on the bond And 1 wisii you niece s marriage. house on her lot In Tlngley addition. in your local columns, mention would proposition. Its readers among the ining some time there he had started Gus Westland lias a piece of Mrs. Jesse Tripp is visiting her sou to return to Salt Lake, accompanied I telligent public are few, fortunately, S. L. if It doesn't cost anything, lhat have O. near street on Center land Miss Helen White Is visiting rela- Ileber at Los Angeles, .California. hull. Send and Us attempt to roast an honest to bull calves a of by Allen, with whom he was intimately couple R. R. track, which he has planted in Commission wlio are looking for the tives in Brighton City. me a couple of extra copies of the acquainted. and is raising a crop of orchard, her is Miss Mildred Cuddy spending best interest of the people, will not scene of the paper this week. As my subscription From Indications at the potatoes and some garden trucck. He is Fay no head to the advice of the vacation at tong Beach, California. avail, but the very fact that the Murout, please stop my paper. Times the seemed automobile, has built himself a four room frame that tragedy, it are too hard tc waste money on a ray eagle is opposed to the bond pro- Progress Company Rag. (The double while traveling at a high rate of speed, house temporarily and a fine brick Vernon Robinson the little fellow position should cause every honest cl' hifcded Eaagle) as to how you shall had swerved In to a telephone pole. cellar and granary, the concrete work newspaper." When who met with a painful accident a few o tlzen to vote YES! Cet the pamphlet vote on the bond question. The car swerved sway from the pole, or which cost $200. Mr. Westland has vote No" then weeks ago is improving faBt and Dr. DRAPER. published by the Murray Commission- their fake editors say barely grazing It, hut being overturned. the nucleus of a very fine home place. ers, read what they have to say and it is a cinch you should vote Yes Hoenes expects to have him on his Sindar was hurled clear of the car, He has stt out shade trees around the for these fakers are paid hirelings of feet again in a short time. you will surely vote Yes. The Correspondents should mail their while Allen was caught beneath Its property and next spring will probably have visited, or have Infor the corporation that has been Bucking His body was terribly huilld a brick home. He cultivates notes not later than Sunday of each framework. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Walton have curmatlon from all the municipal plants the life blood of the people for years crushed, and apparently he was killed most of the' land and makes improve- week to Insure insertion in the want their easy money gone to their home at Evanston, issue. weeks in the state and claim to be in a post and they don't rent instantly. ments In his spare hours away from Wyoming. tlon to give first hand information on snatched away from them. Mr. Allen Is a member of Park City the smelter where he is employed as Mrs. J. W. W. Fitxgerald was the the matter of municipal power plants. EUks and his body is in charge of C. foreman. The Faker front Davis county will The school census enumerators victim of a serious accident yesterday H. Banks the undertaker, who is holdit behooves try to get the managers Job from him work and have begun afternoon, when the horse she was from that lodge. Midvale City has had surveyors The work of surveying South Main, child but tiie corporation are not so sure of ing it waiting orders see to that every family every side on south of the Ethan Allen and Center streets is well un- driving became frightened at an autoMr. Allen was a descent ent busy the past week as they are of is reported as the money obtained for ; hi s.ibservlency mobile that approached at a high rate the said Is that fame. it of Center street, Allen of revolutionary der way. the maintenance of the schools is crooked blinky Joe. They prefer to of sidewalk cement speed. The buggy was overturned a to Intends lay city Mr. Sindar is still aat the hospital and served school the has know based devil the population upon' keep they on and Mrs. Fitxgerald suffered a fractured the entire length of Center Street John Aylett and family are at means to hut Improving. His $3,000 automobile omitted name to than childs so them for fly years every many on the the south side as they have of collar bone and a dislocated shoulder, off the appropriation. evils they know not of. Joe has been was damaged to the extent of $900. Brighton spending several weeks dollars several besides being painfully bruised about undertak an north side. This is quite at Park City on the heated term. Be sure that every child between the as rrooked as they could desire the Mr. Allen was buried are the head and body. Her daughter, there that fact the to lodge of lng owing tool they must have to work in their Sunday by the Park City ages or G and 18 years is reported. who was riding with her, was also A In great the way. obstacles many Elks. The merchants of 8andy will pay the fills the Joe time. all Interests the Mrs. Fitxgerald was bruised. many fences and trees will have to be car fare of every customer from Mid- - badly , of the Hillorest school bill all right. The grounds W. II. Grove L. D. S. Dr. to the on the taken moved In order to get the walk distribu1 vale anil West Jordan. the for A resoutlon calling to are be graded. It hospital hut evening, and hopes are proper line. But the Improvement A sad accident o? "irred near Simp- tlon of 1,200 pamphlets explaining the will entertained for her complete recovery. to will make adjoining property It will ay you to see the bargains David Powell Is In Millard county on ers corner hihI Slate road early Fri- proixised new power plant was passed and expense trouble all worth be well at a meeting of the Murray commis- offered by the Sandy merchants. a months business trip. day morning which resulted in the caused by It. The natural growth of NUR8E, ,BON- Dsioner held on the 9th. Tho citizens FM-.iold an Allen death of F. the country demands that (he streets Sanders Orson spent Mrs. Mr. siul of the town will vote upon bunds for George C. Walts and family left for time Park? City and Rir. ham man and Thoroughly trained to give the beat bo straightened, and graded, and proper thlB plant July 3U. A petition Tor part of Inst week in the canyon. a Siudar J in of critical the Kommercr. Wyomnear Injury raanch their side, on giving care in all cases Confinements cither of Bidewalks built license to start a rlgar business was saloon man of ilinghuin. will spend the prominent where they and thrift of ing 'booked. Call, Midvale, 31-attended tho city the apiiearance West Jordan town builders Mr. Slndar was taken to the Holy granted Frank Brownell. We are also Informed advancement. THE MURRAY BOND PROPOSITION s |