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Show UTAH STATE NEWS The D0ESI,T FEAR ZER0 waTHE" Girl With Cot and Waterproof Blanket Spends Her Nights In Open Air During All devotee two double pages U new folder of the 8lt Uh Route the advertising of gait TjV Harry Wonn, a pioneer miner, whc vae caught In a cave of bad ground at the mine at Park City is dead. The monthly salary of the chief oi the fire, department of gait Lake wat raised from $175 to $200 by an ordl nance passed by the . board of dty commissioners last week. - Four men were arrested at Ogder after engagidg in a light In which the missiles were .cocosnuts, oranges, ap and bananas, each of the com ; pies , batants being badly bruised. petition asking the Bountiful cltj council to construct eight blocks at cement sidewalk In the bysl f six-foness district Is being circulated among the business men of that dty. The sheriff has destroyed the liquor that he confiscated from Thomas Ar rowsmlth of Colton about two weekt ago. There were two barrels of beet and about three quarts of whiskey. There were 1,821 licensed automo biles owned In the state of Utah uj to January 23, 1912, according to the new automobile directory Just issued by the secretary of state. There are 267 licensed chauffeurs. ' Governor William Spry . was the principal speaker at the convention d the gtate Dairymen's association a! Provo on Thursday. The' governor entered exhaustively into the varied phases of the state's dairy Industry. Don Wadsworth, the young man convicted at Lehl on January1 9 oi to selling whiskey and sentenced serve fifteen days In the city Jail at Lehl and to pay a fine of $100, hat appealed the case to the district court, The gait Lake factory of the company will be closed as soon as wont now on hand has been denned up. The reason given Is the small demand for bar fixtures since the dry" agitation in this Daly-Judg- e Chicago. For the first time In years Harris Downs, 12 years old, spent the other night In a conventional atmosphere of steam radiators and wall paper. It was not because It was. cold. Harris slept outdoors every night during Chlcsgos stretch of below-ser- o weather. The trouble was that she got home a little late from a party and the effort of seventy-three-hou- cov--ro- -- .. The body of Ernest Walters, whc was buried by a cave-l- n at the stats dam near the mouth of Logan canyon, has been recovered. The body wai standing when found, and every bone had been crushed by' the great masi of earth which had rolled down upon it A Provo resident has asked the city commissioners of Provo to grant him the privilege of building a street car line on Fourth South street from Academy avenue to the dty limits east of town. He says he wants to build a line, using an invention of his TESLA, whose reputation must stand upon the contributions in electrical engineering when was yet In Its comparative is by training and choice a mechanical engineer, with a strong leand ing to that branch of it which Is by the term steam engineering. For several years he fas devoted much of his time to Improvements In thermodynamic conversion and the result of his theories and practical experiments Is to be found in an entirely new form of prime movers now In operation In a large plant in New York.. The basic principle which determined Tesla's Investigations was the well known fact that when a 'fluid, steam, gas or water, Is used as a. vehicle of. energy, the highest possible economy can be obtalnedTonly when the changes In velocity and directions of the movement of the fluid are made as gradual and easy as possible. In the present forms of turbines In which the energy Is transmitted by pressure, reaction or impact, as In the De Laval, Parsons, and Curtiss types, more or less sudden changes both of speed and direction are involved, with consequent shocks, vibrations and destructive eddies. Furthermore the introduction of pistons, blades; buckets, and Intercepting devices of this general class Into the path of the fluid involves much delicate and difficult mechanical construction which adds greatly to the cost both of production and maintenance. The theoretically perfect turbine would be one In which the fluid was so controlled from the Inlet to the exhaust that its energy was delivered to the driving shaft with the least possible losses due to the mechanical means employed. The mechanically perfect turbine would be one which combined simplicity and cheapness of construction, durability. MIKOLA ot state started. THE ROMRY HEAT MOTOR REDUCED TO ITS SIMPLEST TERMS Harris Downs. making her bed outside didnt seem worth while. Harris Is the daughter of E. E. Downs of Evanston, general manager of the Elgin and Belvldere Elect rla Railway company. Two years ago she was bothered with adenoids. A specialist advised that Harris sleep outside, winter and summer. Mr. Downs purchased a cot, a waterproof blanket, and a porch screen. He hung the screen on a porch of the Downs apartment, a block from Lake Michigan. nice tonight, commented Itll floor. Harrie, surveying the snow-lai-d I always like it when it snows. Last night I didnt get any sleep at alL I had both windows open, but the room still seemed hot. Harrie says she intends to continue sleeping outside all her life. . a I ' . ' . . ' shaft of the driving turbine so that the center line of the silver coatings coincides with the axis of the shaft The mirrors are so set that when there Is no tension on the spring, the light beams produce a luminous spot stationary at the zero of the scale. But as soon as load la put on. the beam Is deflected through an angle which Indicates directly the tension. The scale and spring are so proportioned and adjusted that the horsepower can be read directly from the deflections1 noted. The Indications of this device are and have shown that when the turbine Is running at 9,000 revolutions under an Inlet pressure of 125 lbs. to the square Inch, and with free exhaust, 200 brake H.P. are developed. The consumption under these conditions of maximum cf output Is 88 lbs. of saturated steam per H.P; per hour a very high efficiency when we con, measured by thermomesider that the ters, Is only 130 B.T.U. and that the energy transformation is effected In one stage. Since three times the number of heat units are available In a modern plant with superheat and high vacuum the above means a consumption' of less than It lbs. per H.P. hour In such turbines adapted to take up the full drop. Under certain conditions, however, very high thermal efficiencies have been obtained which demonstrate that In large machines based on this principle. In which a clip can be secured, the steam consumption will be much lower and should, Mr. Tesla states approximate the theoretical minimum, thus resulting In nearly frictionless turbine transmitting almost the entire expansive energy of the steam to the shaft. very-accurat- own. CHILD BURIED AUVE IS Workmen at the mouth of the Provo the river found a shoe containing Father Admlta Brutal Murder In Calk bones of a mans foot. The shoe Is an fornla Court Wife Is Chargsd exact mate of a shoe found with simiJointly for Crime. auand the lar contents a year ago thorities are led to the belief that Ban Francisco, Cal. Charged with " search wlll"reveanhe test of the murdering his Infant son, John Rech, body. an Italian, was before the Superior A cob test .Involving the estate left court ' of California, recently. Rech by Thomas Cummings, who was killed was-willing witness and told the by Leopold Berger, a tenant, during a court that he and his wife had talked quarrel In gait Lake over rent, has about putting away their child thoubeen started. There are two sets of sands of times that they might have claimants toy the estate, one being more money to send to the old folks Thomas Fogarty, a Philadelphia po- In Italy. liceman. In his statement Rech declared he . .. ,?,Fifteen' notices warning' dairymen took the baby back of the barn at hla to bring their dairies within the re- home, where he had dug a hole and, quirements of the state sanitation placing the babe in a sitting posture, filled the hole with earth. The death deplaws were filed by J. C. Lambert, ' uty state food and dairy Inspector, wounds found on the babe's head were during a three weeks Inspection tr.p inflicted, Rech said, by his shovel when through Cache valley and Box Elder he tamped down the dirt The proceedings in court were not counties. Tabby W. White, the Indian who lengthy. After Rechs statement had was convicted of murder In the first been made it waa read over to him by degree for killing Belden N. Rey- the interpreter and he readily signed nolds at Moffat, Utah, July 22, 1910, it' As he affixed his name to the and sentenced to life Imprisonment In document which the authorities dethe state penitentiary, must serve his clare is virtually his death warrant time. This is the decision of the su- Rech showed the first sign of emotion since his arrest Large tears trickled , preme court down his cheeks and he sat silently a Into wandered Flewelling gldney for' a few moments holding his head was the and mill at Ogden caught by' In hla hands. whirling belts of the machinery. His little body was found later by an employe of the mill and when taken to HEN REMAINED AT HER POST his home physicians found that his collar bone had been broken and he Was Bitting on Nest In Separator and was otherwise injured. Stuck While Machine Three hed The Earle Power company, recently Out Field of Wheat organised, will establish-- ' a power plant in American Fork' canyon that Sioux Falls, S. Dir A threshing ms will generate 2,000 horse power. The chine taken out of a shed for the company was Incorporates at $250,-00- first time this season was used to the stock being now subscribed, thresh . out a small field of wheat : sad will expend $175,000. on the new near this dty. When the Job was plant which will be started in April. finished, the machine man discovered Charles geyboldt of Bingham has a hen sitting on a nest of eggs in s Invented a device for - feeding his horses. He has arranged an alarm clock In the second , story so that at 5 oclock in. the morning when the alarm sounds it, releases a wire which connects with the chute which carries the grain to the horses troughs.. The commissioners of Ogden placed a ban on boxing contests, pool rooms, bucket shops and slot machines by passing an ordinance which repeals tdrtaln portions of., other ordinances Stuck to Her Nest jand changes the general state of civic corner .of the separator. The wind affairs to a considerable, extent Jacob P. Peterson, found guilty at from the fan ruffled ber feathers, ths of the pulleys had evidently Logan of bootlegging,' was sentenced whirling her somewhat and there was annoyed to twenty-fiv- e days in Jail and to pay dust In her mouth, and fright In her a fine of $225. He appealed. This la eye, but like the immortal boy on ths ,the first real case of Illegal selling of burning deck,-shstuck to her post liquor that has come before the courts Of the thirteen eggs in the neat only of Logan since prohibition was insti- one was injured. . . tuted there. A. B. Edler, formerly of Balt Lake, Finds Cancer Curs. eharged with using the malls with Parian Professor Waa Berman, notsd was to arrested scientist, claims to have dlacoversd s Intent defraud, who at Ban Diego, CaL, had cyanide of ears for cancer by treating ths dl potassium In his pocket when he was ease with selenium and cosin. Selenefarrested and apparently, made an ium was discovered by Mms. Curie; fort to end his Ufa, it Is reported. who found radium. JtWhfXOJWU A e heat-drop- TTtJT 7X73JLA 73T57Zrt? UAr esse and rapidity of repairs, and a small ratio of weight and space occupied to the power delivered on the shaft Mr. Tesla maintains that In the turbine which forms the subject of this article be has carried the steam and gas motor a long step forward toward the maximum attainable efficiency, both theoretical and mechanical. That these claims are well founded Is shown by the fact tljat in ths plant where Mr. Tesla carried out his experiments. he Is securing an output of 200 H.P. from a single-stag- e steam turbine with atmospheric exhaust, weighing less than 2 pounds per H.P. which Is contained within a space measuring 2 feet by 2 feet, by 2 feet In height and which accomplishes these results with a thermal fall of of the toonly 120 B.T.U., that Is about tal drop available. Furthermore, considered from the mechanical standpoint, the turbine Is astonishingly simple and economical in construction, and by the very nature of Its construction should prove to possess such a durability and freedom from wear and breakdown ss to' place It In these respects far In advance of any type of steam or gas motor of the present day. Briefly stated, Teslas steam motor consists of a set of flat steel disks mounted on a shaft and rotating within a casing, the steam entering with high velocity at the periphery of the disks, flowing between them In free spiral paths and finally escaping through exhaust ports at their center. Instead of developing the energy of the steam by pressure, reaction, or Impact on a series of blades or vanes. Tesla depends upon the fluid properties of adhesion and viscosity the attraction of the steam to the faces of the disks and the resistance of Its particles to molecular separation combining in transmitting the velocity energy of the motive fluid to the plates and the shaft. By reference to the accompanying photographs it will be seen that the turbine has a rotor which In the present case consists of 25 flat stdel disks, one one thlrtyaecond of an Inch In thickness, of hardened and carefully tempered steel. The rotor as assembled is 2V& Inches wide on the face, by 12 Inches In diameter and when thef turbine Is running at Its maximum working velocity, the material Is. never under a tensile stress exceeding 60,000 lbs. per square Inch. The rotor Is mounted in a casing which Is provided with two Inlet nozzles for use in running direct and for reversing Openings are cut out at the central portion of the disks and these communicate directly with exhaust ports formed In the side of the casing. In operation, the steam or gaa as the case may be, Is directed on the periphery of the disks through the nossles (which may be diverging, straight or converging) where more or less of its expansive energy Is converted Into velocity energy. When the machine Is at rest the radial and tangential forces due to the pressure and velocity of the steam cause it to travel In a rather short curved path toward the central exhaust opening, but as the disks commence to rotate snd their speed Increases, the steam travels in spiral paths the length of which Increases until In the case of the present turbine, the particles of the fluid complete a number of turns around the shaft before reaching' the exhaust, covering in the meantime a lineal path some 12 to 19 feet In length. During Its progress from Inlet to exhaust. the velocity and pfsesure of the steam are one-thir- d reduced until it leaves the exhaust at 1 or 2 pounds gage pressure. The resistance to the passage of the steam or gas between adjoining plates Is approximately proportionate to the square of the relative speed, which la at maximum toward the center of the dlsu and Is equal to the tanegentlal velocity of the steam. Hence the resistance to radial escape is very great, being furthermore enhanced by the centrifugal force acting outwardly. One of the most desirable elements In a perfected turbine Is that of reversibility and we are all familiar with the many and frequently cumbersome means which have been employed to secure this end It will be seen that this turbine Is admirably adapted for reversing since Its effect can be secured by merely closing the right hand valve and opening that on the left It Is evident that the principles of this turbine are equally applicable, by slight modifications of design, for Its use as a pump and we present a photograph of a demonstration model which Is In operation In Mr. Tesla's office. This little pump driven by an electric motor of H.P. delivers 40 gallons per minute against a head of 9 feet. The discharge pipe leads up to a horizontal tube provided with a wire mesh for screening the water and checking the eddies.. The water falls through a slot in the bottom of this tube and after passing below a baffle plate flows In a steady stream about inch thick 18 Inches In width, to a trough from which It returns to the pump Pumps of this character show an efficiency favor ably comparing with that of centrifugal pumps and they have the advantage that great heads are obtainable economically In a single stags. The runner is mounted In a two-pavolute casing and except for the fact that the place of the buckets, vanes, etc., of the ordinary centrifugal pumps Is taken by a set of disks, the construction Is generally similar to that of pumps of the standard kind. In conclusion It should be noted that although the experimental plant develops 200 H.P. with 125 pounds at the supply pipe and free exhaust. show a output of 300 H.P. with the full pressure of the supply circuit. Furthermore Mr. Tesla states that If it were compounded and the exhaust were led to a low pressure unit, carrying about three times the number of disks contained In the high pressure element, with connection to a condenser affording 28 ft to 29 Inches of vacuum the results obtained In the present machine indicate that the compound unit would give an output of 600 H.P. without great Increase of dimensions. This estimate la very conservative. i The testing plant consists of two Identical turbines, shown In the Illustration, connected by a carefully calibrated tension spring, the machine to the left being the driving element, the other the brake. In the brake element the steam la delivered to the blades In a direction opposite to that of the rotation of the disks. Fastened to the shaft-othe brake turbine Is a hollow pulley provided with two diametrically opposite narrow slots and an Incandescent lamp placed Inside close to the rim. As the pulley rotatej two flashes of light pus out of the same and by . means of reflecting mirrors and lenses, they are carried around the plant and fall upon two rotating glass mirrors placed back to back on the rt high-pressu- f -- very-smal- The Hounded Deer , It doesn't make any difference now, said a hunter o! long experience In the woods In cn after supper talk at an Adirondack campfire', Inasmuch as the deer hound is no longer permitted to be a part of the hunt, but it Is a fact that one long, cherished belief of deer hunters Is simply a backwoods fable. That belief la that a deer pursued by hounds when It is taken to a stream win invariably go down with the current Instead of upstream. its Instinct teaching It that If it goes up-Itscent will pass down with the water and will be enabled to follow It Just as they did on dry land. 1 long ago satisfied myself that water doesn't carry the scent of a deer with It, but that on the It destroys the scent. If the water is deep enough for the deer to swim it suits the fleeing animal best. If It Is not the deer trots or lopes along through it. It doe not bound as on land, for It must drink, and must drink as It goes. In the hounding days the hunter who believed that the deer always went downstream and acted In accordance with tha belief might recover the trail and he might not, while-thhunter who knows better than to take stock In that belief would not be a great while in getting, hla dogs on the scent again. "Of course I am speakii of deer that took to the mountain stream and not those that found a pond or lake more convenient ft being the nature of deer to seek water If possible, when the dogs are on their tracks. In none of the streams where deer sought to throw the dogs off the scent could a person go many rods up or down without coming to some obstruction In the course of ths deer which the animal would have to get over. The hunter who knew would In the first placs-satisfhimself that the deer hadn't gone straight across the water, and would then go In one direction along the stream until he came to ths-firs- t log or rock or other channel obstruction. If the deer had gone that way the obstruction In Its path would be wet oi top from the water that dropped from the deer as It climbed over It. If It was dry the hunter would know Instantly that thsquarry had not passed In that direction and tbs discovery of the. spot where the deer had left the stream would ie only a matter of m But the deer doesnt have io taka to water anymore to elude the hounds, and It can wfcT bo. difference now to old time- - believers In that foMs how many score of deer they have lost through1 that belief. Maybe there wouldnt have been deer In the woods today If mors of tbs hunters contemporary with dean hounding known better. s the-dog- s co-.ar- e - |