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Show 1 . P 4 , I f in Grantsvllle on Friday, where they classes TO THE BUSMESS MEN PEOPLE OF . Thli issue of the REFLEX, Vol. 1, No. i, ought to prore fully to the people of Grantsvllle that the paper li eatahllahed and will be limed every week by the publishers. Up to the present time . the publishers have shown more confidence in the people of Grantsvllle that they will support a paper than the people hare shown In the publishers. v The publishers have spent money to start the paper with a support that nowhere near Justified the publication of the paper, but they had faith In the people of Orantsvllle, and believe there is room in Grantsvllle for a paper, and that when the people are satisfied that thw paper Is a permanent factor in the town they will rally to its support in the greatest degree. It is the aim of the publishers to give the people of Grantsvllle as good a paper as any in Tooele County. The local matter in the paper now published in Grantsvllle Is far in excess of that of any other paper in the county and ranks with the best papers in the' State. The managing editor, Prot. B. W. Black, has labored hard to give the people the news while it is news, and as one of the foremost of the progres- .. live citizens of the town, is always heralding forth the glories of the town, and k is safe to say that he has done more to show to the outside world what Grantsvllle Is iit any other man in the history of thl town. The publishers stand behind the editor in all that he may undertake, the policy of the paper, being in the hands of the local man. Every man in Grantsvllle owes it to himself and to the community to see that the Reflex gets the proper support. The business interests of the community should rally to the support of the paper with all their commercial printto send your ing and advertising; printing away from home when your own paper can do it, la digging the grave of the only herald you have for the dissemination of news in the community. Send in your subscriptions. The paper is going to run and will be conducted to upbuild the best in the community. We do not cater to thugs, or sell to Influences which would injure the moral tone of the people. The Reflex will be run strictly independent of politics and be the medium of information of all the people, working for the good of one and all equally. - . IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIA- Inches in width. Also, to reinforce the bottom of the present pipe by fillTION GIVES PARTY. ing in the bottom not less than four On Friday evening, Feb. 3, under the Inches In the center. The replacing of direction of the Mutual Improvement the top on the main walls embedded Association was held one of the larg- in a cement and sand plaster sufficient est and most interesting dances of the to cover all cracks and scats, and the year. The hall was appropriately dec- recovering of the pipe to a depth of not orated in hay, com and . pumpkins, less than one loot above the pipe. The approximate length of the pipe( while the costumes were overalls and orfuco, all in keeping with a typical that is to be changed is about, three bam dance. The following program miles and the work is to be done bewas rendered, which added to the at-- - fore May lsl 1813. One commendable feature in the specifications is that tractiveness of the evening: Comic Reel UJon , Hugh Palmer Grantsvllle labor and team work is to Mrs. Belle Anderson be employed at all times provided that Recitation .. J. F. Woolley satisfactory work is performed. With Funny Jokes Comic Quartette these improvements for the next three mrnths there should be nq lack of Harrison Mlllward, Frank Wool-lework for all who want a Job. Noel Anderson, J. E. Mlll-- i ' ward, i The comic quartettes given by the BREEZY BRIEFS. Messrs. Mlllward, Woolley, Anderson and Mlllward, who appeared in cosTHE POPULAR LADY CONTEST. Mrs. Morris Mathews was in Salt tumes representing Farmer Coratossel, week. last Lake City were especially good and gave no end Miss Nell Anderson leads the list Mrs. George R. Rawlelgh is visiting of merriment for the crowd. at the home of Mrs. A, J. Anderson. this week with a small majority over Frank Whltehouse and John Bowen the other opponents. Some commendGOES MILLWARD TO HAROLD of Tooele were home missionaries In able work is being dime by several INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Grantsvllle last Sunday, where they other contestants. Miss Blanche Fidthe time at the services on dler is worthy i f mention as having Harold Mlllward was sent to the ocupled afternoon.' They were 'also In. handed in the greatest number of new 8tate Industrial School at Ogden on Sunday subscribers. We have learned of a visitors at Sunday School. terested Jan. 38. For some time past he has was in Grantsvllle on number of young ladies who are to be Dr. Phipps been a ward of the Juvenile Court, business last Wednesday. entered in the near future with a but after school began in the early professional L. Wrathall made a trip to large number of votes, so for tbe ones James fall he entered school and worked very Lake City last Tuesday on busi- now In the race it is up to you to see hard for some time. . Recently, how- Balt ness connected with the erection of the that no one gets ahead of you. Ask ever, he has been a habitual truant new school building. He returned on all your friends to turn their subscripand was otherwise incorrigible, until tions to you and solicit among those Wednesday. bis parents were unable longer to Mr. and Mrs. John Mlllward enter- who have not yet subscribed to have hold him under control tained at a' dinner party for a few of them turn theirs in your favor. Many Charles R. McBride, Probation Offtheir friends last Wednesday evening. of them are only waiting for you to icer for this district, is making an inThe fixtufes for the new drug store ask them before subscribing for tho vestigation df the records of some have arrived and are now stored wait-tin- paper. To the gentlemen we would other children with respect to their the completion of the build- say put up your favorite candidates as for regular attendance at school and if it which is being rushed by a large soon as possible so as to make tbe condevelopes that the parents are con- ing, of men. It is expected, that the test interesting. force tributing to the delinquent of their new Anyone who has subscribed to the which is being built Just building, children by keeping them out of school REFLEX may turn his subscription to Tooele Trading Company, without Justifiable reason, they are east of the we must be notified, as we but any lady, in about fie .for will occupancy ready Bahia to the penalties of the' law: will not turn the subscription without thirty days. proper notification. We would also Pay your subscription for one year like the names of the ladles HOTEL ARRIVALS DURING THE specifically to the Reflex now,, as the paper needs WEEK. mentioned ft us as we would not like live of every the support financially to enter any lady in the contest withIf we do not Peter Wilson, Salt Lake;. Eugene J. cltisen lnGrantsvllle. out knowing definitely that she desires tell us about it, so we can name to be entered. Neff, Mill Creek; Ed Johnson, Hene-fer- ; please you, one of the best in the her make the paper M. E. F. J. Laben, Salt Lake; The votes stand as follows this week, J. H. Stocking. sjate. with several dark horses to be sprung Higley, Detroit; Henry. Jefferies is again at work at In a tew days: Draper; 8. 1. Pappe, Salt Lake; Enoch . ... .1630 Chrlstofferson, Salt Lake; J P. Chris- hi .old post at the. People's Trading Nell Anderson with a Blanche Fiddler . .. .' . .V. ... tensen and Nicholas George,-o.1500 , Salt Company., after being laid up severe Illness for about two months, . Llbble Hale . 830 Lqke City. Mrs. Lettie O'Brien was the recipient MUCH ACTIVITY IN THE SOUTH of a very pleasant surprise last SatSCHOOL NOTES. WILLOW IRRIGATION COMPANY. urday evening at her home when about twenty of her friends walked in upon The work in music in the high school The South Willow Irrigation Co. is her. Refreshments were served and Is showing excellent results. During most envery busy in getting out specifications the evening was spent in si the month patriotic songs are being other and with manner games and receiving bids for the improve- joyable learned. Quartettes era .being organ' Among thpse there: ised and this work will be given special ments that are to be made in the pipe amusements. , line which now pipes the water in the Mrs. Belle Anderson, Mrs. George attention for the next few weeks. Some Mrs. Mr. and Rose Hale, Mrs. South Willow creek. excellent voices have been discovered Bids are being received to uncover Robert R. Judd, Mrs. Goldie Johnson, in the high school and it is proposed Mettle end remove the present pipe line be- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Judd, Mrs. to use them by thls kind of work. Mrs. Mar In all the" E. Mrs. Tanner, Anderson, to and to the company longing grades this month there is ' a apodal effort being made to memorthe present pipe by adding on to garet Rydalch. tbe bottom of the present pipe twenty Mesrs. Enoch Chrlstofferson and J. ise the national songs. The words of to ir inches high on each side, by fourp. Christensen of Salt Lake City were the songs are being assigned ln the MUTUAL . were looking over the South Willow Irrigation Company project with the idea of making a bid to do the work. Tom Brown of Tooele was a business visitor in Grantsvllle on Friday. Charles Blrkenshaw and Fred Lion berg were business visitors in Grantsvllle last Monday. All are proud of the young people of Grantsvllle who are away doing missionary work in various parti of the United States and in foreign countries. We hear good reports from all of them. From the issue of the "Liohona The Elders' Journal-7-o-f Jan. 30, we note the following: ' Sister Ada Fawson.wrltlng for the elders and the lady missionaries laboring in SL Louis, says that the work is progressing wonderfully. They are meeting with success in their daily work and are pleaded to report the holding of a number of cottage meetings each day. They are successful in leaving literature in thi homes of the' people and upon revisiting find that the people are interested in the teachings of - Mormonlsm. Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond went to Salt Lake last 8unday, where, dur lng the week. Dr. Stookey performed two operations on Mr. Hammonds eyes. Mr. Hammond has had considerable trouble with his eyes for the past few months and it is to be hoped that' these operations will benefit them. All the stores in town are making a display of beautiful valentines during toe week, as the holiday of SL Valentine will soon be upon us. , About fifty of the young people of Tooele were down to the M. I. A. dance last Friday evening This was greatly appreciated by the local organisation. Miss Katie Anderson, who is teaching school in Tooele, and who formerly taught in the schools of Grantsvllle, was a visitor in Grantsvllle on Friday, where she attended the dance Friday evening. Remember the kind of a paper that loyyou will have will depend upon alty that you show toward the paper, both by your subscriptions and advertising and by the news items that you hand in. If anything of interest happens in your homes or in the neighborhood, let us know about it, because we are anxious to tell all the news each week. Miss Edna Adamson, Marie Droubay, Delbert Adamson and Harold Droubay of Lincoln were visiting with relatives in Grantsvllle last Sunday. y, ' - . g ...... f . Raw-lelfch- en-lar- In English while the music is being taught In the. . regular music classes. In this way it is hoped to have the children knpw such songs as Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean; Hall Columbia, America, Bander and others. Mrs. Annie Walters was a visitor in the schools last Thursday. Some special work is being dime throughout the grammar grades in mental,- - arithmetic, a new text .book having only recently been secured. A most interesting little folder containing valuable pointers concerning the TKHous counties of Utah and issued by the Utah Development League, has 0 nly recently been received by tbe schools. This folder la being used In the geography classes and through them the children are learning some interesting new facts about the state. ' Contracts were signed Monday for the bringing to Grantsvllle the Horace Ki .Turner Art Exhibit under the direction of the schools Feb. 4 in the IP.B. meeting house. This is in no sense a picture show, but an exhibition. of the worlds greatest paintings. Special programs will be given on each day of the exhibltand all parents as well as the children will be invited to be present. PEOPLE ARE ROW INTERESTED IN THE PROPOSED Star-Spangl- 31-3- SURPRISE One of the topics of absorbing Inter- est being discussed upon the street during the week is the proposed bond election to build a new school house, the election to be held some time in February. .The citizens to a nn express the feeling that the election will carry, which will guarantee the erection of a new building. In bonding the district tor twenty years the school children who will now enjoy the building and who are benefited by it will be the ones who will pay for 1L The bond issue should be voted by all means, for there will never be a time when the Grantsvllle School District will be in a better position, financially, with her miles of railroad and other public utilities to build a first-clas- s, school building: te BUREAU AND UTAH W PARTY AT JOSEPH BEGAN. The Began family were delightfully surprised by a number of their friends last Friday evening. A tasty supped was served and it was a late hour before the guests departed for home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Peck, Frances January, 1912. Direct Inquiries Answered: - - - Besides the school district cannot be divided nor cut up during the life of the bond. The Board of Education explains that with about two mills additional tax the house can be built and this small extra tax will be hardly noticed by the citizens here. The school trustees are considering the advisability of building the house by days labor instead of by contract, thus giving the people iff Grantsvllle a chance to work and earn good wages during the summer instead of contracting the house and so employing much outside labor. We think this a commendable attitude and feel that the people of Grantsvllle will appreciate the opportunity it will give them of working at home during the entire summer. TOOELE MENTION. Sources of Inquiries where known: Folders 10 Letters: Replies to previous letters 51 Dictated 387 Form letters used to answers 55 Miscellaneous correspondence 605 998 Fraser, Austin Hunter, Phyllis Fraser, Louise Peck, Stanley Johnson, Irene Follow-u- p 316 cards for filing Edith Peck, Booth, Fraser, Sarah Literaturs Distributed: James Jefferies, Thomas Imlay, Sarah To 763 inquirers Green, Alfred and Frank Green were In large quantities 8,470 4,333 among those present Automobile maps destrlbu- SOCIAL AT BOOTHS. uted Mimeograph and multi-grap- h At the home of Miss Sarah Booth 37,101 pages run off.... one of the most pleasant social was Tooele and Grantsvllle Commercial given last Wednesday night The Clubs get busy, fall in line, there is crowd remained efljoying the evening plenty to do if you only do it until a very early hour. Among those Jennls present were the following: BIG VALENTINE SOCIAL. Anderson, LIbble Hale, Frank Woolley, Sarah Anderson, James Began, Samuel Olive Branch of the Daughters of Worthington, Melvin Marsh, Noel An- Rebecca will give a big social in the derson, Clark Jefferies, Gertie Hud- Fraternal hall on Valentine evening, son, Archie Eliason, Phyllis Judd, Feb. 14, 1913. The main feature of Frances Fraser, Ruth Williams, Fred the evening will be dancing and card Bagan, Charles Dorthlngton, Carrie playing and after these social diverBagan, Austin Hunter, Fred OBrien, sions. There will be an elaborate supMr. and Mrs. Herman Peck, Blanche per served by the Rebeccas, who promBenson, Stanley Johnson, and Enid ise to those attending that they will Benson. ,.f . have the best social time of the season. The ladles offer three entertainPRIESTHOOD MEETING HELD IN ments for one price, namely, 35c. TOOELE. Everbody is cordially iqvlted to attend. YOU CANT AFFORD TO Stake Priesthood meeting was held MISS IT. in Tooele on Saturday when representatives frbm nearly all the stakes were LINCOLN NOTES. present Regular routine business was handled. One df the most important Jas. Kirk, Mrs. John Glllett and sischanging the time of ter Ivy Spray of Tooele, spent Friday changes was-iSunday School Union meeting from visiting with Mrs. Arthur Shields. being held on the third Sunday in the Mrs. F. X. Longy of Tooele and month to the first Saturday in the grand daughter, Mrs. Etta Miller, were month, to be held in conjunction with the guests of H. J. Droubay last Tuesthe Priesthood meeting. This change day. . him effect at once and the next Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kimball and chilUnion meeting will be held the first dren spent Saturday and Sunday in Saturday- In- March. Many of the local Tooele with Mr. Kimball's sister-in-laPriesthood were in attendance. whose husband Is on a mission in the southern states. CHAFING DISH PARTY BY THE Miss Lydia DeLaMare of Tooele, acUSONA CLUB. companied by her father, spent the week's end with her sister, Mrs. H. At the home of Mrs. Carrie Wrathall W. Droubay. last Monday evening the Usona girls Messrs. A H. Birrel and W. C. gave a delightful chafing dish party, Maser were visitors in Lincoln Sunday. with the entire membership of the Born To the wife of Arthur Shields club being present The menu was a a boy last Thursday. Mother and babe very unique feature and all enjoyed doing nicely. the evening very much. Mrs. J. W. Whltehouse entretalned a number of her friends at dinner Teheran. Arrangements have been Monday complimentary to Mrs. M. A mndi for the payment of the Ameri- Adamson, who returned to her home cans attached to the Persian treasury In Salt Lake City the same afternono. department, who claimed that their Those present were Mesdames L. contracts had been violated. : ISSUE Shields, J. Murray, M. A. Damsqn, H Sagers, A Shields, A. Sagers, E. Shields, M. Adamson, and A. D. Adamson. After partaking of the delicious repast, music was the feature of the afternoon. Mrs. Barbara and Martha Amussen and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8mlth of Salt T,ata.. Ethel Lee iff Alberta, Canada, Mrs. Martha Heggie and daughter May of' Tooele met at the home of A. B. Smith last Sunday, the occasion being Mr. Smiths birthday. Mrs. Martha Heggie is the guest of Mrs. W. W. Sagers for a few days. . 'Miss Edna and Delbert Adamson, Marie and Harold Droubay spent Sunday in Grantsvllle. DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE, AT OTTO JOHNSON'S. The Old Folks' Social Committee, of which he is a member, met at the home of Otto Johnson last Wednesday evening and delightfully surprised jhlm and his good wife. Games were played during the evening ahd at a later hour refreshments were served to those assembled. Among the members drothe committee present were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. the following: Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Barrus, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Casslty, Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Barrus, Dr. and Mrs. Woodman see, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustave-son.Kit- e Hudson, Mrs. Annie Walters, Mrsilvy Mlllward and Mrs. Carries Wramr'l. BOND J. Oatuuin tiieii a C the iavis nuk-pitMonday from general debility. Mr. Osborn had been for many years a resident iff Ophir, where he . al last was engaged in prospecting and mining, the exposure Incident to prospecting contributing to his demise. On his admission to the hospital over two months ago it was expected that he would not survive very long. Mrs. Matthew Speirs and Mrs. Mary Andrus went to Balt Lake Tuesday. Miss Zella Clegg will leave Saturday for southern California with the Elks excursion. Mr. and Mrs. Thea Kelly and Mrs. Kellys mother, Mrs. Maize, of Stock-to- n will Join the Elks excursion Saturday for Los Angeles. Ralph Lodge returned Sunday from McGill Nev., where he sojourned the past six weeks. George Remington, who had been an inmate of the Davis hospital, having been leaded," returned to his home Tuesday. John Reese of Stockton was operated on for appendicitis Saturday at the Tooele General Hospital. Mrs. Edward Green of Grantsvllle was operated on for gall stones at the Tooele General Hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Alonza J. Stookey gave birth to a baby boy at the Tooele General Hospital last Friday. Both mother and boy doing fine. bout at Mercur The Johnson-Allie- d Wednesday night was well attended, considering the first Introduction of the wrestling game. The Mercur fire department was represented in a body and the looal preliminaries staged showed the effectiveness of the firemens gymnasium. Spargo and Peterson, two of Mer-cur'- s huskies, gave a fast exhibition, honors falling to Spargo. Negri and Partosi brought the house to its feet several times. The match was an aggressive one in which the fair sons iff Italy showed skill and athletic power. The bout was fast and furious, the contestants left the mat In their mixing and in one instance going over the ropes. Johnson, In the big mill proved too much for Allred, securing two falls in less than an hour. Dr. Allford, refdecision; eree, rendered a clean-cu- t however, it was not well taken by some of the fans. This was owing to the fane not thoroughly being acquainted with the Police Gazette rules. Dr. Allford is to be complimented on his stand, especially in his firm belief that the referee has the match in charge and renders decisions on the true berits of the game. - 1 |