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Show Further confirmation of the govern ments charge that there was concert ed in the , exchange oi s i We Have Many Beautiful I I Things Here. It's a treat to aee them. Our assortment of rings la as near an art exhibit as you will see anywhere. You are welcome to come, examine and depart no urging here. History of Past Week The News Happenings ef Seven Days Paragraphed Mrs. Meddle makes so much trou- INTERMOUNTAIN The Jury in the ease of Mrs. Linda ble in this neighborhood." "Yes, she Barfield Hassard, on trial at Port Or had such a fine scents of rumor." chard. Wash., on the charge of having starved to death Mias Claire Williamson, wealthy English patient, at the starvation sanitarium, reHassard tained a verdict finding her guilty of manslaughter. John Herron, aged 60 yeara, widely known mining man in the west, died at Telluride, Cola, as a result of injuries received in a fall of rock in the Pandora mine, of which he was This is die coupon consulting engineer. At the closing session of the State that will give you Horticultural at Provo, association Utah, It waa decided to. hold next years session at Ogden. Workmen, drilling 6,550 feet from the portal 'in the Marshall-Rnsse- ll tunnel at Georgetown, Colo., unearthed what;, they claim to he a veritable river, many of the workA Coupon in every Package of underground men narrowly escaping drowning. ' HEWLETT'S GOODS Nearly 8,000 articles of value, said Ask your grocer by postoffice Inspectors to have been stolen by W. T. Johnston, a Union PaStolen fruits, we are Informed; are cific traveling electrician, have been passing sweet; undeserved rewards found in Johnston's room in Denver. Andrew J. Moulton of the real esare equally exquisite. tate firm of Zimmerman- - A Moulton waa caught by a policeman early morning getting out of a Unde Sam is a receiving Tuesday window of the postofflce at Helena, for this bank. and lodged in Jail, charged wtlh burglary. DOMESTIC You can do your banking business here by mail from With a fire burning so fiercely In her hold that her crew could not anywheres Bend for booklet telling stoke the boilers or ran the engines, how. the British steamer Console, of Liverpool, with a valuable cargo of cotton Galveaton, hound to Hamburg,' Walker Brothers Bankers from was towed with all possible speed .to ok Lake City Hampton Roads. Bank Oldset State Senator Thomas F. Grady, widely known In Democratic councils Those on whom we confer benefits In state and nation and familiarly we are fonder of than those from sailed the silver tongued orator of whom we receive them. Tammany hall, died at his home in New York last Saturday. Double suicide by asphyxiation Sunday in New York ended n sensational romance of the former wife of Walter L, Suydam and Frederick Noble, a young plumber, for the love of whom Mrs. Suydam ran away from her millionaire husband and married. Of Seeds. Tree and A great bridge of led at 'Niagara Falla went down the river Sunday, Poultry Supplies taking with It to their death a men Just brimming full of information and a woman, said to be Mr. and Mrs. that means dollars to every user Eibridge Stanton of Toronto, Canada, and Burrell Heaoock, 17 years old, of of anything in the lines mentioned Cleveland, O. Four other persons were on ice at the time, but manYou are entitled to a Free Copy aged to the ashore in. safety. get Mention this paper and write Three children, two boye and ' a little girl 7 years old, were burned to for it today i desth when a fire broke out at the of Charles Cicoorelll at Alpha, PORTER -- HALTOn CO. home N. J. SALT UUU TV, UTAH forty-eigh- t After years, during which each thought the other had been killed In the civil war, Louis A POSITIVE asdnS-Nldrl of Kendall, Ind., and Reason AMENT CUM F0 Nidrl of Antwerp, O., brothers, were Bniksnness' and reunited Saturday. In the whole period of separation they lived within Opium Diseases. fifty miles of each other. THE K1ELIT IE- Andrew bus declined an MUica invitation byCarnegie telegraph to address the Roosevelt state mass convention at KODAK FINISHING Oklahoma City. In his reply Mr. CarHall oidere given prompt attention. negie declared he was an Complete Mock of Photo SuppUn. supporter of President Taft. . Salt Lako Photo Supply Co. Write lor eatalosnee. US Mala SI Senator Robert M. Lsfollette, on the verge of a physical breakdown, Trouble With a Name. has canceled all his speaking arrange"What is your name, little hoy?" ments for the nett two weeks st asked the teacher. Trenton, Jersey City and elsewhere "Ill have to write it for you, and will seek complete rest. ma'am. said the new hoy, hesitatThe Jury In the case of Bert H. ingly. Conners, accused of having attempted "I think not My hearing is quite to destroy the hall of records ati Los good. Your name, please." Angeles with dynamite, reported that Id rather not tell you. it was unable to agree and was dis"Are you ashamed of your name? charged-. No, maam, but Mrs- - Howard Walker, wife of a "Then yon will not waste any more traveling electrical salesman, living am I waiting." time, if you please. in New York, was killed in her apartClarence! That's ment by an infernal machine handed my first name. The Other is to her at the door but a moment beI never stutter fore by' an unidentified Perkins. messenger or Icept when Im speaking my name, and delivery boy. when Pm nagged like this Im a whole Present prospects are that there lot worse, ma'am. Housekeeeper. will be 60,000,000 bushels of grain in A SORE the Duluth and Superior and the Port FOR TRY ALL Arthur and Fort William- elevators at ETC. THROAT, CANKER, the opening of navigation next spring, DRUGGISTS. counting the amount in vessel storage In the monkey family the orang- kt the latter points. While more than 500 men and outang and the hylobatea are while the gorillas and the women were sleeping at the Winchester hotel, Saif Francisco, a lone highchimpanzees are wayman who had registered two hours a for sore throat,' can- before as a Try guest, looted the till in the etc. All druggists. ker, hotel office of almost $900. ' William Malhland, 21 yeara old, of Kindly Intended. Win, after shooting Blnghampton, Missionary (explaining to visitors) Maih-lanOur situation was so remote that and killing his father, Loula. 66 years old, Friday afternoon, for a whole year my wife never saw cut the throats of his brother John, a whits face hut my own. and his siter Dora, 16 Sympathetic Young Woman Oh, I yearol-l- . old, He then slashed his own yeara the poor thing! Boston Transcript throat, dying shortly afterward. .Answered, The theft of a loaf of . bread by' . "Why do you put the hair of anMatthew W. Harbeaon, son of a milother woman on your head?" he ask- lionaire brick manufacturer of Wood-eliffN. J., for which he ed severely. to serve thirty days in Jail, "Why do you she replied sweetly, his relatives to tske steps on skin of calf the another your prompted r"put to have alienists examine him. fast? Suburban Life. Rogers Silver Free idler OUR DIG 1912 CATALOG a out-and-o- ' . T0N-8O-L- right-hande- left-hande- Ton-ao-l- ' d, e, BTUDY, ANYHOW. WOMEN AND HEALTH. . Women are beginning to realise selling prices and margins between more fully that good health la not to the Chicago packers under indictment be 'found in the use at cosmetics and for criminal violation of the Sherman faoe powders. The appearance of waa HOYS IN BLUE ORDERED TO BE health lav given Saturday. may follow facial treatment, Miss Elsie Little of New York, an IN READINESS TO MOVE AT but health Itself lies much deeper than amateur tennis player of the West . MOMENTS NOTICE. the surface. Side Tennis club, was run down and Most important to the health of evInstantly killed by a train at - Pine ery woman is regularity of the bowels hurst, N. C. digestive organa . The weary Recent Trouble in Mexico May Result qnd bad breath, wuriuim rvwni, WBU frequent headaches, eyes, tacked and robbed a young white wo In Entire Army Being Sent to the pimples and general air of lassitude, man at Macon, Ga, waa Border, Two Thousand Soldiers is in most every ease due to constiofficers and lynched. pation or indigestion, or both. There Having Already Started. Ortle E. McManigst, eon! are various remedies prescribed for n ami ter, and whose canfi this condition, but the easiest, most the McNamara brothers to San'Quen of se pleasant and certainly effective, is Washington. In of simple laxative tin prison; returned to his domicile is rloua trouble alonganticipation the border o) a combination herbs with pepsin known to druggists the Lob Angeles county Jail gaturdaj Mexico, the war Mon on department as Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. This night from Indiana pons. lay tor the first time since the Span Clarence 8 Darrow, former chief war ordered the entirr simple remedy is far preferable to counsel for the McNamaras, pleaded mobild army In readiness to move aa harsh salts and cathartics and violent purgative waters that disturb the not guilty Saturday st Los Angeles tc a moment's Thirty-fou- r notice. the two Indictments charging him thousand troops are directly affected whole system without affording more than temporary relief. with Jury bribing. by this order, which does, not Include Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is a WASHINGTON' , the coast artillery. It is understood tonic laxative, mild in its action, President Taft has (signed a proo that the tnder is baaed on inform to the taste and positive in tarnation Inviting other nations to Son from Embassador Wilson more pleasant its the muscles effect, Inslarmlng than any yet made public. of stomach strengthening participate in the Panama-Padjl- c bowels so that after ternational exposition to celebrate the Two thousand soldiers now at Fort a short timeand these organs regain the opening of the Panama canal at San Whipple, In Arizona, were dispatched power to perform their natural functo toe Rio Grande on Monday. They tions Francisco in 1915. ugthout assistance. President Taft has suspendeCom-missione- r will reinforce the commands that op Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold Ban Antonio. of Indian Affairs Valen- rate from In 50c and by druggists the situation L04 bottlea everywhere tines Yecsnt order which prohibited It is not stated that If- you have never tried ' In Mexico demands that the entire It, write for a sample to Dr, W. B. the wearing of distinctive religious insignia and religious garb at school army be entrained immediately. ' It Caldwell, 201 Washington SL, Monti-ce- ll Is felt, however, that the Madero exercises in the Indian schools. . o, 111.; he will gladly send a trial Is not so strong aa might be bottle without into' to effect fur Legislation any expense to yon carry seel treaties entered into by the Unit leslred and that It is beat to be pre- whatever. ed States, Russia. Groat Britain and pared for any emergency. As explained by a high officer at Esther Was Alarmed. Japan, to protect the rapidly, dwindthe war department, the object of Esther, a daughter of ling seal herds in the north Pacific ocean, has been- - reported to the house Mondays order Is exactly the same North aide parents, beard much about as that of the recent ultimatum the dangers of diphtheria, and was by the committee on foreign affairs. Colonal Edgar C. Steever, command- served by President Taft upon Cuba eager to observe every precaution to a few weeks ago, when that keep from coming into contact with ing the Fourth United States cavalry only waa island threatened with a revolu- It, that she and her two brothers at El Paso, has been instructed to tion. might not catch it." prevent firing into American territory It was the certainty," said this of- One day she insisted on going to and the Mexican authorities have reon the corner to spend the ceived a warning from the American ficer, that the war department would her grocery penny, and waa warned by her land five thouand troops in Cubs government not to. permit shooting within eight days of the outbreak mother not to stop and play with any across the border lina that stopped-thproposed revolution children ahe might meet on the way. President Taft in a message to con In this aa In Cuba, the United After having been gone only a lew case, on Internagross Friday urged an minutes, she rushed into the house tional inquiry into the high cost of States is not taking sides but hat much excited, exclaiming as she enboth- insurgents and regulars warned living. The president asked authority that shots must not be ' fired into tered: to invite the nations of the world to "Mamma, you must keep oso boys a conference in this city or elsewhere American territory or- American citi- Away from Mr. A.s house, cause they zens in Mexico, Injured to make plana for the investigation wave diphtheria sad have a sign of the high prices that have so disup. Starts Life Anew. tressed the pebple of toe world. Her mother said: Is that so? What Boston. The beautiful Claudia Lib-be- y FOREIGN does the sign say? Ml. Hal ns, central figure In an army The kaiser Is determined tost Gersaid Esther. says It in tragedy the of resulting billing many should not he outdone the William Annie by her husband. Indianapolis News. Cap recent visit to New York and Wash- tain Peter C. Hal ns, who was recently ington by a British royal duke, the freed from Reward ef Merit. Sing Sing prison, was marDuke of Connaught. With this end in ried "Go sah! Go on and blow yo Monday at her house in Miifim hmwn on, mind he has commanded 'bout who yo is and what yo Prince by the Rev. A. A. Berle colof Tufts done!" impatiently said old Brother Adalbert, his youngest son, to visit lege, head of the People's Forum at Bogus. But Jemme specify dat I'se do the United States. Tremont Temple, to RnginaM F. The empress dowager on Sunday isony extinguished citizen o, dla town Holies, a prominent Boston artist in dat de sued an edict instructing president o' da railroad dis Premier the Fenway studios. Back Bay. yuh road, right yuhi paid any 'ten-tlo- n Yuan Shi Kell to establish a republics to when he went th'oo in hit speIn cooperation with the eoutMk reInvestigation Causes Suicide. cial Uat week.' Yassah! I wus publicans. The edict has not ytrbeen Manila Card Hard, assistant chief yuh kyah when de train passed right on published and it la expected it vill he of detectives, died Monday as a result dis dat ar potly white kept more or less secret as far as the of au attempt at suicide made two manspot! and a fine flung it publlo is concerned until arrange- weeks aga An extensive investiga- to megimme outn de window o de kyah, ments in the south have been comtion Jnto charges of graft against Ma- and t wus lit; too! Puck. pleted. nila detectives has been going on for The Servian cabinet has resigned. On to Her Job. The ministers took this step partly on soma time. Hards name . has not Mrs. Colin Gabble Do you ever peraccount of the recent discovery of been mentioned by the investigators, American and a' dozen mit your husband to have his own Ahat is known at the "black band" but several detectives bnve been sus- way? conspiracy In toe army to fOrcefklnr Filipino the conclusion of the Mrs. Strongmind Oh, yes ,occasionPeter to dismiss the radical cabinet pended pending He is sure to make a fool of Inquiry. ally. or to abdicate in favor of .the drown himself, and that makes him easier to i prlnca Chose to Die With Little Oneu The king of Montenegro grrivpd in Lincoln, Neb. Unable to pull her manage next tlma Berlin Sunday. The king; who Is . travdaughter Phoebe's foot from Young Americas Reply. eling incognito, will leave for 8L Pet- the board crossing of a railroad track, did Shylock want a pound of Why ersburg at the conclusion of his stay where it had become fastened, Mrs. fleshr in the German capital. U. 8. Mllllken chose rather to stay "I suppose he knew that the price r , An Austrian tailor named Reichelt and die with the child than to desert of meat was going up.' was killed at Paris while testing an It at such a time and faced a calmly automatic parachute - cape intended test When a man has occasloh (to apBoth approaching locomotlva for the use of aviators. J.J were struck and instantly killed, their pear before e police magistrate he la A Constantinople dispatch to the bodies being thrown fifty feet in the apt to forget hla own name. London Dally Chronicle says It Is an- air. nounced officially that three Italian New Coal Field Found. transports have foundered off fines, Taromlne and Tobruk. No confirmaCordova, Alaska A large body of tion of this report has been received anthracite and coal from other sources. has been discovered at the head of Manchuria wants to be Independent White river, Yukon territory, Canada, should a republican government- - be a few miles from the summit of Bko established in China! lal pass. The new fields are within .y ; Fifteen thousandblueJackets Are to fifty, miles of the great Chltlna-Kot- r be added to the German navy by .the slnaNizlna copper district of Alaska new naval bill about to be introduced where extensive mining operations in the' relchstag, according to German are In progress. newspapers. Germans Maks Great Discovery. Ciudad Juarez will be the jhesd-quarteLondon. The British admiralty, has of the provisional governALCOHOL- -3 PER CENT ment proclaimed by the supporters of received news from a Vellable source Awtfftable Preparation for AsEmilio Vasques Gomes, according to. that a type of internal combustion ensimilating the official announcement made - Jy gine has been brought, well toward the revolutionary Junta: . ; completion by German experts which, Ini Wireless hildhi.n1 messages Interchanged if it fulfills,, the expectations of its debetween Kansas City and San Fran- signers, should give the German navy Promotes DigesHon,Cheerfal-nessan- d cisco have been Intercepted at Hono- an Immense advantage in the attempt Rest .Contains neither lulu, according to the report of the for supremacy against the British as Opium .Morphine nor Mineral well as other navies of the world., operator at the wireless station,-Thmessages were overheard clearly. Declared Innocence to ttfs End. It is understood that Immediate MkfnfpuMfSMmmam Colorado Springs. With, a final abdication of the throne ha s been JW- Aylii he knew declaration that that nothing decided upon. The Imperial family jM&uImm , MbtkSmtb on of throw would the murder light and princes are to retain, their empty titles, reside in Pekin or elsewhere, six members of the Bnrnham-Wayn- e at their pleasure, and receive annu.--1 families in this city,- September 17, pensions aggregating 3.000,000 , tee's 4Uthur J. Burnham, for a time sir-pe'fcj-Sa- c the crime, died. Monday l(. while . the - transfer ($2,000;000) power will be effected 'with asTuttle tuberculosis, of which he had been A perfect Remedy for Constipaloss of dignity to the throne as pos- a sufferer for years. Sour S to iMch, Diarrhoea, tion., sible. , Worms .Convulsions, FeverishPrisoners Sing During' Execution. President Sun Yat Sen is confident and LOSS OF Sleep. ness Y. conN. While the that a satisfactory settlement of the Ossining, revolution will 'he effected In a few demned inmates in the death house Fm Simile Signature of days. The Official Gazette says riot- in Sing Sing prison softly sang "Safe ing has occurred at Sutslen, north of In the Arms of Jesus, Charles Swen-toa negro, waa executed in the elecThe Centaur Comhuiy, KlangSu. ' The revolutionary troops there ran amuck, looting houses nnd tric chair for toe murder of Isaac Lea NEW YORK. stored afifi 'kfllhlfc twenty-onpersona Aimed at Jamestown Betting. A German squadron will almost cerRichmond, Ya. By a vote of 56 to tainly be sent to American waters this the lower branch of the general as year to return the visit of the United g passed the Stephenson mbly Stotes North Atlantic fleet last June. which was framed bill, The nutter, in which Emperor WilEsact Copy of Wrapper. to prevent betting st the liam displays great personal interest, near Norfolk. town mss race track has not been practically decided. 1 . . "Yes, she had to give up her "Waa it a case of overstudy?" "No; understudy." part" Dr. Pieros'! Pleasant Pellets eura constipation. Constipation is the eausa of s many diseases. Cure the muss and tbs disease, to taka. you-cur- be It takas a genius to play the foot and make It pay. OMIT on BBOliO " ouiwnx. Look That la LdXATIVU BHQMQ QUlMIXn W- - : j - -r : . see-gya- - for . A Possibility. "He's gone to that meeting, tall of lira" or "Then he had better be careful ' they will put him out. . When Your Eyes Need Care Try Karina Eya Eemcdy. HeSaiillielWi.' Fine Acts Quickly. Try It for 'Bad, Weak, Watery Eyas and Granulated Eyelids, rilua-trated Book In eneh Pack Korina Branded ky oar OouBata nota raiaat oa"-- kat p aeed la ineamfnTPkTtManoPiBa-mannan. Mow dedicates to tka Pah- - Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloaga He Ought te Get It "On what grounds do you seek a divorce from your wife? asked the lawyer. Simply because of a pun," replied the long Buffering husband. "You see, shes a sculptress, end it gets cm my nerves to hear her remark- - twenty times a day, 'Will you love me when I. . mold?" Chlld'a Reasoning. "I cant tell you anything about my grandpa, said solemn little Eustace, questioned by a happier comrade as to his more recent ancestor, because I never had any. All my grandparents died before I was born. "But you had grandparents Just dear," Interpolated a listening adult The fact that they died before you were born doesnt alter the fact that they were your grandparents. But if our father and mothers had died before , we were born they wouldn't have been our fathers and mothers, would they?" the wondering child questioned. So I don't see how what you say can he true. the-sam- FRE am pwece who la bilious, constipated or baa nay atom ach oc IItst ailment for a frea package-oPllia. nr Paw-PaX want to prora thE enra poaltlrelj digestion. Soar Stomach, Belching, Wind I want j thr la Headache, jaenrono-neeBleepleeaneee and or aa Infalllbla e, mt Toda thla I am willing to RiveforOonetipatioa. millions of free paek- -! all tka risk. Bold bp for S centa a TlaL For frea packagedrajrglate address. PisL Raws 6M Mama Sts.. PhIMaipMa, Pa Brown's BronchialTrocheS Aa old and reliable Ooagh Remedy. Sample tma Jon L Baowa d Boa, J - ... te . rs IheFoodandRegifa-linglheSlosiadHandBotwrts- viss e' For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sigoatore Not Narcotic ' . In c td d - n, . e - antl-imblln- pri-sril- y , Use For Over Thirty Years |