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Show liCCAli BRIEFS. Buuutilul, yp. hi., Centerville, 5 p. m., Farmington, 7 p. m., O. W. Towers; Saturday, Layton, 7 p. 111., David Ilvuni. Work has been resumed oa the oil well field of uperitlious. y at tlic First Dance of the Season. Gulfy-Gaile- bunie needed repair in the road op pome the post office are bring made. C. L. Robinson hsstorn Li rock fence down and will build a new one, the alle of which ha not ye been decided upon. . Twa restive boy known ai Jesse Moon and Mairiner Hess concluded to hie themselves hence and ueparied to oilier field Saturday morning and have not been heard from since. "A runaway match" wa presented hit night, the first of a three wight, engage meut, at the Grand; a rollicking su jeesa. Monday and three nigni. "YorkSiatr Jolks" A pretty pastor tl play. M. J. West is moving hi household effect into Farmington, purposing to make this his future home Ma. West will be permanently located here and Mr. West will continue prospecting m other sections. A meeting of the stske officers of the Y. M. M. 1. A. will be held at Farming-to- u Meeting bouse on Saturday, Oct. ay, at 10 o'clura. It is also understood that the young ladies officers will also meet at the same time. A full attendance is desired. JOS. W. HESS, Trent. Mias Clara Clark, who wa to have left week before last lor Treston, Idaho, was detained until Saturday night. The Argus force will mis her genial smile as it has dawned as a ray of light ou some of its gloomy days. The sdy is commended to the Standard of Fiuaton, together with the a slcr and friend of the lady. Leave yeur orders with the Lewis Photo Car now in your city, and we will drive to your house to make your picture. We slay only a few days. All our work ia up to date. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tho os from 50c a Pricea reasonable. V. II. LKW1S, tluren up. Yours, Photographer, Kaysville. As iiitiuiatcd in last week's Argus Father Henry South worth pasaed nwny on Friday Oct. Slat 1914, having lived to the age of 86 year nd 4 mouths. The deceased was born June as 181S. He came to lrtah and Farmington in the year 1864 where he ha remained ever since. For many years he acted as the ' principal miller. Owing to Inch of space a lull obituary canuot be published this Week. BOUNTXLL WHITE S DRESSED MEAT CO. I VE ARE BUYERS OF SHEEP AND and $3.50 approved Garments sold $3 HOGS. John II. White, Manager Telephone 3047k i FAT CATTLE. 266 North Second West SALT LAKE CITY, at UTAH GRIEFS. On Fiidsy evening last about dark a team the proprily of a Mr. Ford of Centerville ran away from the Bountiful Lumber yard and came dashing along the main stieet towards the Opera House. At this place a horse and buggy owned livjnhn Penman was standing, with one of his little girl sitting upon the sent 12 'Price EDWARD THOMAS FURNITURE holding the lines, the rushing teem Baby Carriage, Wall Papar, Curtains, Polos, Trrmmlnga, Coffins, appeared at one time as though it were Caskets, Undertakers Trimmings, Stationery, Etc. going right over the buggy and the great tear was entertained for the life of the chiM, hut the horse made a turn sufficient as to only catch the hind wheel of the buggy one of which was torn olfand the buggy left in a dilapidat- ; ed condition. The little girl managed to keep the lines, and speaking to the horse kept it pacified during the excit-mrn- t. The striking of the bugg caused one of the runaway horses to fall which to use lota of Eight Mentha of Stove Weather before you-gol- ng put an end to any further danger, Warnstove Coal. Th batter your the loss coal you burn. If ycu ing, too much cant ion cannot be demised have an old fashioned Stove in leaving teams, and remcintier the is ownce of "An adage, prevention better than a pound of cure". While UTAH m BOUNTIFUL, wwvv CENTREVILLE y WESTS MAIL 77-7- 9 ORDER HOUSE WEST SOUTH TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY BRIEFS. in Whooping cough ia having a time at No actions the home of Hyruni fears are entertained, however. Miss Alton Rampton, the popular clerk to let the Arat the Co op, has prouiu-egus know if "anything happens" in town. Mr. Terry Rockwoud ia confined to the house with a severe attack oi blond UTAH ROBINSON HOUSE Q. Ttvo Thtrds less Coal to carry One Third less flttentton One Uhird less A great deal more comfort and satisfaction. and a little now and then. fishes A little Cash 7BBERJ' t III the toay from 25c to $1.50 per foot. Buy now before you get you feet wet Garland Range Heaters Stewart Ranges and Heaters VOVff&IFVL R MERCHANDISE AND MEATS, GROCERIES, CANDIES, CIGARS . DRUGS, AND PERFUMERY, CO-O- P L. H. O-Viat- t, Farmii Commercial Rational OF SALT LAKE CITY. Have You Some Ready money to Accept a Good Business Offer? OFFICERS: J.E. COSCKIFP, J. J. Treat. II. W. WILSON, Cashier. J.F., CosgrifT, 0. J. Salisbury, W. P. NOBLE, Vice Prest. A. II. PEABODY, Asst. Cashier. DALYTVice Prest. W. P. Noble, A. F. Holden, John J. Daly, J. B. Cosgriff. Moylaa C. Fox, ILLS. matter No Cornelius Vanderbilt's rule for saving: what I was earning, I always made it a rule o save A masomething. The money will pile up in time. 1 could week a saved hare $20.00 chinist said: easily saved if ho had for the past thirty years. Now, only f 10.00 a week for thirty yrara he would have !u the bank today $25,217.50. Think it over figure out w hat he could have saved. A lady teacher who had $750.00 in I never would have saved a cent but the bank said: for the little HOME SAVINGS BANK. Three girls purchased a $200 piano after using a little bank eighteen months. HEADY MONEY IS A REMEDY FOIL MANY Pay Semi-flnnuat- ( A Savings Account Is Friend in Adversity." TIIE MOKE LIMITED YOUIl INCOME the more imperative is your duty to save. We have been educated to SPEND MONEY now let us educate ourselves to SAVE MONEY, instead of patronizing the varioua slot niachiue and devicea for collecting small amounts or needlessly spending it just because it ia so smalj. Open a savings account take a HOME SAVINGS BANK AND DROP SOME MONEY INTO IT EVERY oon be surprised at the amount to your J'ou credit iu the Bank. Be Sure and Get One yafes It is of the -- Absolutely Free 4 Per Cent Compounded ty On To Anyone Opening SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Our Solicitor ts fltilhoriztd to Collect One Dollar (jW) to was. f tart & our Account. Uhts toil I Withdrawn any time - afe is Fe turned. BLOCK. a fatlings flccount for $I . COMMERCIAL COMMEK-CIJt- L t Try the flpgus a Year. One of our New Stoves will reduoe your Caah bill one third That moans g, The Democrats will hold rallies at the The only place in Farmington following places: Tuesday night, Kays-titl- e, C. L. Cobb; Wednesday, I Ay ton, where the travelling titan stops. O. W. Powers and C. L. Cobb; WednesUTAH FARMINGTON day, Syracuse, A. J. Webber; Saturday, We $ you Ire 'Burning Money Special Correiipiiiiilenre. Centerville will be in a blaze of political enthusiasm and pabulum rn Saturday night when Judge Powers ami hii of apectacular display looms up. i they last These garments are Lamb Knit, hand and homemade heavy weight. Just the thing for winter. See the Goods; they will convince you. All kinds of shoes and gents furnishings in stock. y ftoVe XOeather poison - V. 1500 Pair L. D. (Incorporated) The dance given in the Opera house last Friday evening was an enjoyable affair. Hveryone to have forgotten his troubles and was determined to have a jolly, good time. The Farming-to- n orchestra, under the leadership of Albeit Hess, did very well, in view of the fset that they have not lieen playing for some time. Nest Thursday another dance will lie given in the same hall. . - - - - be Credited to JVoU and Will "Bear Interest and can be RATIONAL BANE. TALT LAKE CU5Y TTJI |