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Show DONT FORGET TO REGISTER; TWO DAYS LEFT; TIME IS SHORT! DAVIS COUNTY ARGUS FARMINGTON, UTAH, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, l'J04 VOLUME I. NUMBER 7. INDICATIONS Op G$EAT OlEAIiTH. In con variation with Mr. Perkin who 1 recognized aa authority on mineral indication and who ha been employed by the Kentucky syndicate to thoroughly exploit their Farmington propertie ahe aaya "I am aa sore that great wealth lie in theae hill a I know it lie in Park City anil Bingham. In the great upheaval or nature wherein crevice and opening were formed, the aame reservoir of mineral wealth that contributed to the value of theae great campa did alio for our hilla: it may have been in the form of vapor, molten or aqneoua but I am firmly of the opinion that the aperture formed at the time the other were great wealth producing camp created waaalao Hone in Farmington canyon, and by the aame method of nature filled with jut a valuable deport. It will require much time and money to develop. Heretofore only a little time; nome ill directed labor and acarcely ary money ha been spent. Our company ba unlimited capital behind it; the very best people of Kentucky and no mean ia tobeapaied to thoroughly exploit our pronertiea. We believe there ia plenty of good ore if vlgonresly sought for. and we have the money to do it without flouting bond or in any way enlisting other capital; and you may be aure with this out look and the full confidence we have in the out look that aometliing will be doing Boon. It ia understood that aotne 25 claim are to lie patented and a deputy mineral surveyor employed to set government atakes; alao that a mineral district ia to be established to be known aa the Farm-io- n district. ince the Argna began its campaign on of the county theijtural resource mwy figospcctors are seen on the hilla mnrounmfg Farmington and many promising ledgei, float and other indications dKjnineral wealth are found. 'COAL IV. Have made arrangements whereby I can furnish land deliver Nut and Lump coal promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to please you. 'Phone 16-- n. -r I s Kaysville HOTEL A Mercantile Institution tive v DEALERS IV Pry oihkIs, yrocerios, ljurtlwarc, El t (" VVVVWWWWVVSAV.VVVWVV fall . WWAWVVaWVV LINE OF CLOTHING. DRY GOODS: ETC K. S. SIMS HATS, STOCK OF OUT- ING FLANNELS, FULL AND COMPLETE. GOODS SELECTED WITH CONFECTIONER GREAT CARE LOOKING TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. t Vice-Preaide- nt BflSNES BANKING wi mark a specialty or okaix akd country raonuct. John R. Barnes, Supt. Kaysvite. Utah CO, - f y.V.V.V.,.V.V.VV,VV.V.,.V.V.V.V.VVV.V-V-M4ii ; ! Kaysville Merchant' MERCHANT FOR COUNTY. evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allred of Thatcher, Arizona. sloTbo to be Expended for a Mias Mamie Lewis waa made the recipient of a pleasant surprise on the ocSlaughtering House. wind that blows nobody casion of her birthday last Thursday It it an & Co. of iTorth Sait Many valuable presents were made, and any good, bouse was des-- ! a most enjoyable time was had, Lake, John E. West of Denver, who has been ago, will rebuild troyed Davis county, working at .the Kaysville cannery, left their si modern pack-- for hia home last Sunday. Mr. West has The ne "tipped" 1. 176, 000 cans, since the can)VkT,Un nery Starred this season. aityainihg The first dance of the season waa given eontiguoui in the Lyceum hsll last Wednesday. The known sal the new floor ia splendid, and the merry danyda, line from 1 cers are going to haves similar jolly time county. The ereigg Gf the necessary buildings and olhcjfyjpoujrt, now lu the hands every Friday evening. j, The friends of Elder Jabez Adama who of the Wchltect and eugpiers. The first ia in England on a mission, will no instalment of buildin&Ywill be a suitable doubt be to hear that he has been aknghtering - house, requiring an outlay suffering grieved with hia eyes. Three operations $30,000. Meantime- - a large barn is have been performed, but the doctors being fitted up for temporary use, and there will be no more trouble now the R. G W. ia preparing two freight think aa hia eyes are doing very well. for supplying the Salt Lake trade. Reverend Davis, assisted by Reverend The new'packing house company was recentlyincorporated in Salt Lake City. Eadie and othera, gave an entertainment Wednesday It abac-u- s the business of Knight & Co., In the Preabyterian chappie who have conducted a slaughtering busi- night called "Ten Nighta in a Bar Room." An audience attended appreciative ness in Salt Lake for five years past. The name of the new concern ia the and all were very pleased with the deUtah Packing Company, and its articles lightful evening spent. The first rally of the season was held of incorporation have been filed with the secretary of state. Its capital stock is here last Wednesday evening in the $200,000, divided into shares of the par Opera House. The speakers were Judge value of $100 each, and $74,000 of the Howell, Tanner, Walton, and Halvnrsen. capital utock has been subscribed for by Music was furnished by the Republican members of the old firm. The balance of' quartette. There will be two Republican the stock will remain as treasury stock and two Democratic- - rallies here this to be used in extensive improvements week. R. W. Birnes of the Barnes Banking contemplated. Richard Papworth ia president of .the new corporation: Muand company, Kaysville, spent several days J. W. West, sec- here this week. He Waa here looking Knight, over the field with the object of establishretary and treasurer. The incorporators of the new company ing a bank. He felt encouraged over have been so long connected with the live the outlook and we may hear ot somestock and meat trade of this region that thing definite in the near future. Coalthey are in a position to fully sense the ville Times. situation, realize its needs and prepare for the opportunities it presents, as their BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. operations have been expanded from very mall dealings to a volume which re- Special Correspondence. quires the extension of facilities indicated Frost has destroyed the few remaining by the heavy capitalization of the new tomatoes left on the vines. corporation. Hon. David Stoker and wife left for Louis At nd eastern points last SaturSt. KAY8VILLE BRIEF8. day. Special Correspondence. Dipktheria has claimed a victim in the KAYSVILLE, Oct. 24, H. T. Shef death iff a child of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. field's son, Kenneth, who fell into the lime pit last week is improving rapidly. Roberta. 'A great number of cases of diphtheria About (even car loads of beets ere are rageing in Bountiful but by care on shipped from Layton every day. Mrs, Meadows of Ogden ia visiting the part of those afflicted it ia beleived here for a few days with her friends. it will soon be checked. William Fisher, who has been very ill The funeral of Phoebe Campbell Atfor some weeks, is slowly improving. kinson, waa held at the South Bountiful The Woodmen of the World gave a ball Meeting house on the 25 inst. Mrs. in the Open house Friday evening. The Miaea Edwards and Short went Phoebe Atkinson died on the 21st inst. at 7.30 p. m. of old age being ninty five years to Salt Lake Wednesday to register. Little bov "Say, Lee, and twelve days old. A delailed obituary who are you rang to vote for, Tom Phill- will be published next week Ed. ips or Parker?" A of the East Bountiful The Relief society hold their quarterly ward reorganization waa effected last Sunday evening conference here next Thursday, All are with the following: Thomas Waddoupa invited to attend. Fred .Sheffield and Ella Blnmires came president; John Call, choir leader; Mias up from Salt Lake last Wednesday to Mary Knighton, organist, and Wm. register. Mann, jr. librarian. Edward Thomas, Mr. Elias Adama who has been in ths former chorister, led the choir for Idaho for a few days returned Monday about thirty five years. He waa an able officer and built up a most excellent evening. Milton Phillip returned this week choir not only as an orgainzation but from Teton, where he hat been working also in the rendition iff the music. Hon. John Fisher has kindly tendered during the rammer. Mr. Risey of Canada, after visiting a room in the Opera bouse to the Bountirelatives for a few days, left for hia mis- ful Silver Band for rehearsals. This la sion to the Netherlands, Monday. greatly appreciated by the boys, who Joseph Allred and wife, who have been have always found Mr. Fisher a great visiting here for a few week left for friend to the band as well aa to any their home in Thatcher, Arizona, last public enterprise. The boys earnestly luipe John will have better health than Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David K Layton enter- lie has hail of late that he may enjoy tained a few of their friends last Monday hearing the baud. that pit and Prices That pit EVery Pocket. HEM'S Hi Salts DRUBS, PANTS, OILS, DRY GOODS, FURR-ISHIRG- ld - . fas S, ETC. ".'h KAYSVILLE, m v : Latdn 1 1 r- - 1 ii-- 1 r v UTAH Telephone fA- - Slumber I For Prices jut6er a V If you cal! buy ai)y wl;crc else, HYRUM jiTEWART Fop Shoes ' Sheffield the BRING YOUR FEET j , JOHNSON'S Hugh Kilkenny a wealthy mining exKAYSViLlE, UTAH ' pert owner and promoter who waa in town on other business recently told the Argus man that be ia aure the hills surE. L. WILLEY, rounding Farmington, contain vast mineral wealth. The only question in J OIBea and Xsrd, ' 7li iutn liMf COMMERCIAL MENS his mind is whether it be a limestone Utah Bountifui,, is much or formation better not, if so it PARADISE. than if otherwise He was promptly shown samples of lime stone that bad EVERYTHING NEW been found in the hilla. THE The Argus has alao had a number of AND CLEAN talka with Pat Marey who is known as an abaolute authority on mineral inREASONBT.K RATES dication. He inaists that Farmington He deals in choice and pure confections, UTAH district ia largely a granite and gneiss KAYSVILLE, formation and ia valuable aa indicating gold, copper, and ailver, with the gold predominating. "Aa to Farmington my &. W. BARNES, Cashier T confidence ia such that I have done over JOHN R. BARNES, President 4 L. S. HILLS, $7,000 in developement work and am J. R. GAILEY, Asfc't Cashier J now holding my property until I can recuperate financially, but my faith ia not only as deep as those quoted above but having worked in Alta, Bingham Park City, Tintic and in fact all parti of the state besides other surrounding states and I have settled down here with a SURPLUS AND PROFITS 835,0011 CAPITAL 25,000 firm conviction that Farmington ia good enough for me to spend the remainder of my days. I know we have the ore ions . an.sv ions a. unn, lanm, here and I know the time will come lANKlVN. W1LUK NLOOD, Icmib oti Gnm! Security. Inter.! iwnl no 'i'lme whec this will be just aa prosperous aa BrtUcUl. xilil iayWe ufwhera any mining camp in the state and when MOTAKY rOBiaa IN BANK the agricultural resources and railroad facilities are considered I am confident that my days of poverty are about at an end. With such authorities as given above and the further fact that so many eyes TO are turned towards this district by prospectors, promotors capitalists and experts it is little wonder that the Argua should reach around and pat its own back in being instrumental in directing attention to at least one of the great natural reTHE sources of Davis County. NEW ENTERPRISE v SI. 20' A YEAH .j I A SHOE SALiE. a JOHN BARTON FUNERAL DIRECTOR hat)e a reputation for selling only the We best maK.es of The only lieensod embalmor in the Counts. Also Dealer in shoes . Furniture Picture Frame, Wall Paper, Window Blass, Etc. KAYSVILLE, UTAH. fl SPECIAL ttiEEK Gee. H. Blood'. Ladies' , Mens', and Childrens' J hoes that fill I B0NNEm0f?T & BLOODi: Dealers in :: sell at $ 1,75 and $2,00 a 1 FRESH AND CURED MEATS pair tertll be placed on Telephone Ro. S :: Kaysville, Utah', sale at $1.35 fl PRIH iOTHERS Hartling JtEW yO'RK CASH TUOK--E. A Because they have a fairly good supply of Pall Goods; but cue let our goods boast for us. WE HAVE of New Fall line with Dry Good I BOAST! Mcus Shirt. w Our shelve are ovci flowing of every description. FARfniNGTON COmmERCIAh & MANUFACTURING CO. ;;;;;;; I g |