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Show MIfUJVG A ALEXANDER MeMASTER, Woods Cross. Winter Rhubarb Profitable. 11 Winter rhubarb culture Is one of the .James Burns 3 UToaiteriT-L- i Bountiful profitable crops grown by a former : Y iMwtf TO BIRIN WORK IMMIDIATEL Imu hhNN Ml,, banker, of Sumner, Wash. He baa a Ed. Thomas 4 frame house costing about $4U that SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Bountiful L.C. Woolley Wm. Rchaloy of Donvor Placed In brings an income of 400 during the s months of January, February and Chare of Work on South Centerville. X alboolluh Thoniaa. Philip Hayooak March. The roots rhubarb are taken worth Conaolldated. W. H. Wilcox 6 field from In the and the house placed Wm. new llr. THOMAS AND Scbaley, the manager Farmington. In January. A mull for the Southworth Consolidated Co. of the first week M Hesse MAYCOCK Wells Josstove supplies the required heat, 7 Uiller canyon, haa made arrangements which is carried Farmington throughout the buildLAWYERS to paah development work for all there ing by a h stove pipe. 8.... .Mary Ann Long All is in it. A force is to be pat on and the light is excluded. Within three weeks Suite Kai sville. Deseret News Building triad mentioned heretofore will be from planting the rhubarb stalks are Alice Foxley Praetlra In all State Pnleral Cnurta 9. Oeuaral aunrney started at a point about too yards below ready for the market and sell for 25 ho Amrrlaaa Ksysville. Surety Co. of Mev Tor. cants a pound. iOeeaeaes Joe. H. Allen the main tunnel near the creek bed. Layton. The necessary supplies of powder and 11 S. S. Smith food etc. were sent up the middle of Leyton, It the month end the work is to be pushed W. Karl Marry Unseen Brides. ia Blaine. ou immediately, although it may he a Among the Bedouins of northeast N M Summers 13. la Africa ..Henry the seclusion week force of men before full the equally rigid. may , Salt Laka and Qgdtn Railway. Clinton. On the evening of the wedding the 11 goon. . David 14 Gailey The object of running this tunnel is to bride is brought to the groom by her Clearfield. Time Tsble in effect Sept. 6, 1904. girl friends. She is led to the tent " 13 Joe Bodily tap the vein at about 5 go feet lower than while the merry-makin- g Is going on the present contact. A recent assay outside. When the 16. wedding is over John T Smith Letve Salt Lske 6:30 and 9 e. in., 3 30 ahowu fine samples of ore from this vein her husband may enter the tent and South Hooper. nd 5 to contain a6 per cent in copper and $19. lift the veil. Her girl friends wait outjo p. m. Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 end ia gold and with this showing there are side anxiously to aee If she meets with LEGAL NOTICE. 10 a. m., 4:30 end 6:30 prospects of profit to work, but where hie approval. If he is satisfied he an- IX TUX DISTRICT p. in. OOl'XT, PROBATE DInounces It by sbrill cries of delight the ore ia pierced at the point intended Extra trains 11 e. m.and 1:30 et AND TOH IX COUNTY. DAVIS VISION, p.m. To the Arabs this shout of triumphant on Sundays end Holidays. TATI Of UTAU: by the construction of this tunnel, it is satisfaction is one of most the interdaW. lathamatterof thaaatetaof Joke certain that a prosperous mine will be esting sounds that can be uttered. opemd up. Th poUttea of Jonathan D. Wood, Carolina W. A. D. PIERSON, Ccul Puss. Sarah L. M. Haw, axacatora of tho aalala of Agt. The future plans of the company proJohn W. Uaaa, daraaaad, prarlae fine tho aotUo-o- f J. B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. mill a of the erection the treat to Di Jonathan Inal aold pose aeoonalnf Wood, Worship of the Successful. Office 161 Main Street Carolina W. Uaaa and Sarah L. M. Haaa, axaaotora ok. There ia ample water at hand and for I ha dlatrtbuUoa of I ha naldaa of aald aatala While the world is generally con- had to Ibo paranaa an tilted, haa tbaan aat for hoarlng the roed to the railroad ia only 5 miles vinced that It ie only the already suc- no Wodnaaday, Ifea Sflh dar October, A. D. ISM, at and with little work may be made as cessful person who can be of any use. S o'clock a. m. ol tha Cooaty Coort Homo, to tho Court Noon of --aid Court, la Fonalnstoa Oily, It must put up with having a very con- Dari, County, Utah. good as the county road. K tho Clark of Mid Coart with thoaool The Southworth properties in Uiller siderable amount of sbam success thla Wth day of October, A. D, late. canyon comprising seven claims have foisted on it Why ever did you trust Bnn W. Svaeu, Cftwrk defendant all with the these goods? all the indication of great numeral of II rat poMloolloa Oat 11, 1MM. AT TBS wealth as all the ear marks of limestone, a Judge asked a plaintiff. "You should state and shale may be seen and the de- have seen how he was dressed, and the Jewelry he wore, your honor! reNOTICE TO CREDITORS. velopment work thus far shows increas- plied the merchant ed values as depth is reached. In the That was the very reason why he IX TBS SECOND JUDICIAL COUKT, IX AND TOR THK COUNTY OT DAVIS, STATE OF main tunnel some 135 feet deep they should not be able to pay you if he TWO Immense Swimming Pools UTAU. have penetrated elate and quarts carry- hath spent his money In those things," Ia tho matter of the Eatata of Xapolana TUB BATHS and PRIVATE mo to CradlUm ing a large percentage of copper which remarked the judge severely. But the wound. Not will ot Cndllon with dalme prone im PLUNGES. increases as depth is driven hence as world will not see it in that way." the WMlarateacd ot Doaorot Nava BuUdlne. Salt Laka City, Utah, on orboforotbo 20th day of above stated their determination to put Natural Hot Snlphnr Water. Fahroary, A. ft lies, in this second tunnel. Abtbiib X. Obotbb, E EURE TO REBIETER. TURKISH BATHS OUR SPEAdwtBlatratnr of tha ratata of Napoleon Ororar, Ur. Schaley the new manager is a daraaaad. Teonas CIALTY. Mavdoee, md prominent miner and a promotor from Atloraaya tor Adia tnlairator. The is is reminded this Turk teh Bathe fur Ladloa. Hale- - g that regSeparate public Data of A. trot DSt Oat Denver and is taking hold of this U Sh, pubUtalioo and XaolauiiB( draaalug arlora. istration and those who vote want to year with enthusiasm and vim, and see that they get their names on should intendsdo get results. The men placed 3 It is a good idea to register even at work will be divided into three shifts the list.do not 52-64 if you intend to vote this time but W. 3RD SO. ST, and the work prosecuted as vigorously The Argus advises all persons to vote Salt Lake City, Utah as the conditions will warrant. who are entitled to as every American citizen is proud of his or her franchise. Demonstration of True Brit In the last issue of The Uining Review Some people may be under the impresmention was made of the presence is Salt sion that because they registered last year LakG of three Kentucky gentlemen .and it will not be necessary again this fall of tbeYiirther fact that they were interest- but it is a moat certain feet that all must ed in mi uKg property in the near vicinity register who vote at the coming election. laws call for an entire new few miles north of Salt The electkm . registration and days have been set apart for this work. As there are only five days that three in which to complete the registration it is state very important that all make its point to ilitvjfor get in early and have their names properentered on the lists, because if everyto such an extent ly holds back until the lest there will body ly incorporated three so muck confusion that some are liable be ies on properties in Steed 1 out of Farmington, which to miss being listed. ot door work a Specialty. Por The for set work this are the nth, Out days have Ceen recorded as the Farmington Gdd ft Copper U. 4t M. company, the is, and 18th, of October and the 1st and traits made on cloudy daya as well and of November. as on clear daya. Call and see our Oldj Kentucky- - Gtiid ft Copper U. ft U. The county registrars are as follows and CSfefan y, and the Lone Star Gold ft Cop may be found at their several offices on our samples. Prices low ; good work, company, a group of sin the dates above per' U. ft mentioned; promptness known. claims bejfig embraced in the biddings of 1 aaeoaee W. A. Brown Election District No. each company. Woods Cross. also learned that these gentlemen s W. Roberts BOUNTIFUL, G. unfortunate in their choice of manager for their properties, and that they expended in the neighborhood of $20,000 &88aSS8gga8S8a88gSSggag88g8SSggasS8Sai88a8 before they discovered their mistake. Undaunted, however, and with a determination to succeed, they have resumed operations along sew lines, the result beLOCATED AT ing that all ia life and activity nowin of the improvement and development CENTERVILLE AND BOY the various properties owned by the com. panics above mentioned, and the indications are that an era of extensive and inWe grow a full line of telligent operation will soon mark the history of Farmington district, where, it Fruit, Shade, and Ornhas long been known, there exists surface amental Trees. Get indications ot heavy mineralization of ? such character as to interest and please our prices efore you any mining mas of ripe experience. The work alluded to is being carried buy. We win give yen on under the direction and supervision of n good stock and fair end Fred H. Perkins, the successful mining engineer. ; treatment. The results of these enterprises will be watched with interest by Salt Lake mining men, who are pleased to observe the grit exhibited by our Kentucky cousins. Mining Review, Salt Lake. - ir 1CZT From Salt Lake Ci t To St. Louie ana Return via the Seenk Routes without Change of Ca e Doubts Berth one way six-inc- Clean In Coot, 01-3- "T,! "I1.. V Comfonable Tourist Steeping Car For economical travel, there is nothing better thou this combination. LI6MR0A0" R.F.RESLER, 79 V. Gen I Agt. RECORD SOUTH ST. tut list ttir. 3C U, H, . I Get in the Swim f '' SANITARIUM . HARDY Uhe .Sirguj ts not an experiment; it is aijd here to stay Landscape Portrait Pt)oto- as Aspen, Lesdville, Iueblo, (Ilenwod Springs, Denver, Oinshs, Kaunas City, SL Louis, Chicago, sod oil point east. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with til Southern Pacific end Ouxuox Short Lime Trains. Only Transcontinental Lina gassing directly through Salt Lake City. Colorado Springs, - VAVV.V.V.VjVAWeV.V.VV?AVWV.VW&VmVJ Splendidly eipiiped Font Trains Daily between 3 Danw Ogden aid Via Three Seperate 'I ALiCDA rep-Gra- THE SCENIC LINE TO a and Distinct Scenic Routes. THUOUGH PULLMAN AMD OSDIMARY BLEEPING CAES TO Dtntsr, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chiaags withsut change, Free reclining choir cars. Personally conducted excursion. Dining Cars, Service a la Carte on all through tralna Pnr ratea, Mdon, fras lUuairatad booktete, ate., loqalra of four naarcal Urkst iflaal, apodtjlod tha Bio Osaada route, or sildrow I. A. BENTON, B. A. P. 0., Salt Lake City. - rapr ' DAVIS eOUNTY NURSERIES Calls to Salt Liake from Bounli falf Centerville, and Farmington lO CENTS From Bountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden well-know- From Raysville to Salt bake Address all . communications to SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Clay Models in Favor. ' OIF In natural history museums clay Hg models of animals over which the 88888S8S8SS88!&SSKSkS8SaiSi3SS8S8SSSSSS4VBi8S!Var.S.bSSSS2MiSiS8SkS8 kins are stretched and made to appear entirely lifelike are coming Into use. This radical departure from taxidermy threatens to render that art . extinct, as the carefully modeled figure made by a sculptor and placed In San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt HaAe R, R a lifelike pose Is deemed far more desirable than a mere stuffed animal as a natural history exhibit.' Tassea Through the Famous Passed Limit of Patience. A Chinese servant employed In a New York family who lived next door to a famous woman pianist left suddenly after only a few days service. Bis knowledge of the English language was limited and the letter which he left behind notifying the family of his departure was written In Chinese. With the aid of an interpreter the gist of the communication was made out: "I do not m':.d your heathen parrot, aid the letter; T do not mind your barbarous customs of dressing and eating; but the lady next door who sits on the musical Instrument every day Is two much." TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Comprising Eueeea, Mammoth and Silver City, also Miming Districts or Onus, Faiepifld, Meecub, Black Rock, Milford and Frisco in Utah, and the Pioche, DeLamar and Cal-finMining Districts in Nkvada. te Diat. Pass.Agt. T. C. PECK, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. 15 CENTS prom Kaysville to Ogden 15 CENTS EFFECTIVES SEPTEMBER 1ST. focKy Mounts BeTT Ths ooaplatiou of Ibo eonnoctlaff Uok boivooa CaUaate, Xorado and Dowiurt, California will epee one of Ike bhieeal enderaleped slatef dtohrlctelotho mat FWI lolwnMttea nmrdlae Wolo Mrvlca, stem aoanactloo to latartof mapa, ate., haarfoUy glrao by aaj afoot of TUX SALT LAKE ROUTE, or i J. L. MOORE i 15 CENTS HAMIESS, DIX & GO. E. W. GILLETT, Genl. Pass. Agt. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. i 3 Telephone company. |