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Show Political THE MAILS 8i a. m. For the North For the South For the South Covrjtio, On Wedneaday, September 28th, the Republican of Jvia county met in the cdurt houae to build a county ticket. The convention waa handled with Lamoni Call of Bountiful, aa chairman; E. M. Whiteaidea of Layton, aa aecretary; and H. W. Pack of Bountiful, aa aaaiatant LOCAL BRIEFS. y. F. St tree on left Thursday for Fielding, Idaho, to "shoot at" ducka end viait vitb frienda. Judge Anderaon of Salt Lake waa a iaitor yesterday. He it iuterrated in the oil wella near here. WANTED A good, young milch cow, Jeraey-Durhamixed preferred. Apply to or write A. G. Lnmlin, Superior Addition, Salt Lake City. W. O. Mayfield it celebrating hit 70th lilrthdar. having made hit advent on F.iday, Oct. 3, 1834. He it ttill hale and h :arty, attending to a growing buaineaa aa well at a young man of 40 y cart of age. At Fart Day meeting laat Sunday, a very intereating hour waa apent. Biahop Secriat made a few Introductory rent ai kea in which he took occaaioa to counael the young men and women to regard the meeting houae aa a place of wor-ahand not a receptacle for peanut ahe 11a and peach refute. Tte meeting waa then given to the membere prevent. John Waltth waa the next rpeaker; he waa followed by J. D. Wood. Mr. Bigler followed with her tealimony; Mra. Hannah Miller, alto apoke. Archie Brown aang "O My Father, and Jane W. Smith, Helen M. Miller, Mra. K. B. Clark Mra. J. W. Heaa, Mra. Sarah Know It on, Mra. M, K. Knowlton, Thomaa Steed and Mra. Jamea Steed bore their testimonies. Uncle E. A. Gregory, the Argna hired man, apent the early part of the week in Salt Lake City, attending the county Democratic convention. He alto attended the barbeque which accounta for the committee being a little ahy in their eatimatea aa to how much beef and thinga it takca to Iced ajhorde of hungry democrats. While in the city Mr. Gregory viaited hit family conaiating of a wife anil three beautiful children, all of whom look exactly like their pa. He thinka of hringing them to Farmington provided tome one will donate a proper aite for their location. Aa there ia no cannery or evaporator at Farmington Mr. Gregory would prove a valuable member of the community, hie great appetite for fruit, rapecially peaches, being aufficient, if given free rein, to abeolutely remove all danger of our orchard iata Buffering N. B. Mr. from over production. Gregory wrote thia all by himaelf. Ed. The Peace Meeting on Sunday evening waa well attended, the young men of Farmington being much in evidence. The meeting waa called for the purpoee of introducing a peace revolution, and forwarding tame to a aociety now agitating the cauae of nniveraal peace, in line with Preeidcnt Rooaevelt'a recent declaration. The firat apeaker waa John White, who, in a epecch, an excellent idea, hia subject being "Effect of War Upon the American Ideal of American Citiienahip. He began by giving a word picture of a con. tented home In time of peace, and ended with the picture of the houae hold dee-tro-y ed by war. A "peace aong" waa aung by the choir, "Matching Through Georgia" with new worda applied. Mra. R B, Clark read a poem entitled, "The Earth ia Lord." Mra. Lucy A. Clark apoke on "Arbitration," citing many inridenta in hiatory that would have been avoided had the people ia power uaed auch meana of settling the difficulliea. Mr. and Mra. Joseph R. R opinion aang a duet, "If the waters Could Speak aa They Flow"; and John Walah made a few remark. Thia concluded the very intereating program. The reaoluiion leferted to waa not introduced, aomeone having miaplaced the only copy available. A. m ip five-minu- ed M. I. A. Notes. The Stake board of Young Mena Mutual Improvement aaaociation iff the South diatrict waa organiaed and the 1'rieathood meeting held Saturday 14th aa follow: J. W. Heaa, preaident; George A Welling, firat conn-aelo- r; and William Wadiloupa, aecond counaelor; aid, Earn C. Robinaou, Wm. L. Waite, Walter Grant, and Jamea I. Atkinaon, Jr. Preaident Ilcaa reported that all the araociationa were fully organized except thoae in South Bountiful The officer having recently reeigned, he atated that the matter would be arranged on Sunday October and. The preaidenta of the different aaaociation are making active preparation for opening the aeaaon of M. I. A. work promptly on Oct ll. Some have already held the ptclimmary aociala at which manual have been diatributed and lea-to-n tor firat meeting aaaigned. at At the concluaion of the preliminary work the following ticket waa nomihated: For lepreaentative in the legialature, Ezra F. Richard. County Clerk, Henry W. Stable. Sheriff, Jamea Ware-Treaaur- Geo. Blood, Recorder, Mim Sadie Foaa. Aaaeaaor, J. E. Woolley. Attorney, I. B. Willey. Surveyor, J. W. Chaae. term County Coinmiaaioner (four-yeJamea H. Larkina. County Cemmitaioner (two year term) Jena Nelton. County Superintendent iff Public Instruction, K. M. Whiteaidea. A new central committee waa elected, of which John Walah ia chairman and Henry W. Stable, aecretary. : ar ' The ra'ca and time table for conference week are aa follow: Train for Salt Lake leave Farmington, a. m 7:30, 830, 10:30, p. m, 4:30, 6:30. Centreville, a m. 7:40, 8:40, 10:40; p. m. 440,6140 Bountiful, 4 45.645- - Traina 745. 845. 10 45; P- leave Salt Lake. 6:30, 900 a.m.; 3.30, 330,7.30,11.30. Laat train leave Salt Lake Sunday night, Oct. 9th, at 10 o'clock. Fate for round trip, Farming-ton- , 40c; Centerville, 30c; Bountiful, ajc. ill I Ml III IIHHUHI I I 1 11 1 1 111 i II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 i H4F DEMOCRATIC At 10:30 a. m. Saturday the democrat ot Da via county met in convention to nominate a aounty ticket. The following temporary officer were appointed to conduct the initial meeting: Chairman, Wm. H. Mill of Syracuae; aecretary, Leo J, Muir of Weat Bountiful; sergeant-at-armJoaeph W. Willey of Eaat Bountiful. On the appointment of committee on credential, resolution, and permanent organization and order of buaineaa, the gentlemen comprising aame retired and the delegates were entertained with a speeches from A. S. Rose, Wm. J. and Wm. II. Milla, the chairman, after which an adjournment waa taken until I oclock. At the afternoon session the committee on credential repotted 97 delegates entitled to seats in the convention. The committee on permanent organization and order of buaineaa reported aa follows: Chairman, Leo J. Muir, Geo. Dibblr; aecretary, Walter Grant; assistant aecretary, Luclla Stewart; Ssm'l C. Howard; chaplain,, David Stoker; 'nominations arete rccommendep in about the aame order as given in the call. The permanent officer then took their aeata and after few worda of prayer from the chaplain, a report from the committee on platform and resolutions waa adopted. (The aame crowded out of thia issue, j The following ticket waa then nominated: Commissi oner, (four-yeterm) Dan Muir. Commissioner (two year term) John S. White. Sheriff, Joaeph J. Holbrook. Recorqer, Sarah Jane Howard. Treaaurer, Samuel M. Kershaw. Aaaeaaor Jno. KThurgood. Surveyor, Arthur Knowlton. Attorney, W. H. Btreeper, Jr. Supt. of Schools, Arthur Welling. Representative la the lower house, Ilyrum Stewart. POLITICAL NOTES. An elegant luncheon waa aerved under thetreea of the courthouse grounds to to the delegate and visitor of the con vention by the Republican ladies. Among the speaker at the Republican convention was Hon. A. B. Hayes, Judge Howells and diatrict Attorney Halvoraon the two latter being nominieca on the Republican ticket. Thera will be a meeting iff the Democratic County Central committee at the Court house, Farmington, at 10 a. m. Oct. loth. All the candidates of the party are earnestly requested to be present. A glee club consisting of little miaaea Beatrice Brown, E'la, Pierce, Letha Tubbs and Alta Robinson appeared at the Convention with a number of appropriate selection. The harmonies were excellent. Good Sister Biggler waa caught trying to vote ia Democratic convention and waa told ahe,waa note delegate. The dear old aoul had been to so many primaries and other political functions where equal rights are given to all that ahe forgot she waa in a County convention. She easily proved 10 all concerned her innocence of fraud. . Frienda of Mra Howard the nominiee on the Democratic ticket are disturbed at some stories that are floating around to the effect that during her incumberancy the court had spent unneceaaarly something over Jjoa, for extra help and in defence it is said, in addition to the extra work, done ahe had collected iu excess of her salary, $1,291.20 which ia considered a pretty good showing for her. a, WEST'S MAIL OSIER HOUSE Thia the imuf e Order Ladies and Gentlemens Home Knit Sweaters and Hosiery. Hats, Caps, and Shoes pacta! OorraapoadfBra; A compromise has been effected ia the case of Joaeph Dow man vs. C. W. Robbins. WHEELS SOLD, RENTED An inteuaely interesting game of baseball waa had here last Saturday between AND REPAIRED. the Layton nine aud the Bril Telephone All kinds of extras Phone 1633 a boys. The score at the close waa 1 to o in favor of the the local nine and the 108 W. So. Tompk St. Telephone beys are still holding down SALT LUKE CITY, UTAH their heads. BE8IDEG THE ABOVE ACCOUNTS. Always Carrying in Moot a FoH Lino of Dons Furnishings WEOTQ MAIL ORDER HOUOE Pays 4 per con! Inloresf orricasa akd JOSEPH A. WEST, MGR. 77-7- . Saving 4I Ds-par- On Wednesday evening n wedding reception waa given at the home of Mr, Ezra C. Foaa of this city in honor of hia on Frank who married Mias Emily Evans, of Malad, Ida. The happy couple waa married at that the Salt Lake Temple on Sept. 8th. The parlor waa embellished with a bower or canopy arranged with autumn leaves and dahlias, under which the charming couple give.-- , d their admiring 1 1 11 11 - III SALT LAKE CITY. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 IS THE 1. co-operat- ive DXAuns GENERAL MERCHANDISE LftltaianhilpMillr. TIME BUY YOUR SCHOOL r. OOOKM.neav. UTAH. FARMINGTON, SH0E8. :: Ovlatt MERCHANDISE H HAVE THE mHD YOU WAHT. U- - DRY GOODS AND Groceries. Candies, Cigars, Drags, and Perfumery. CUE 1 1 Hepcantite institution in . AND MEATS, GRO- CERIES. COAL, ETC, J. D. WOOD, Onca : DAVIS COUNTY NURSERIES LOCATED AT a Customor, Always Om. - FaMTiJnStori, - Farmington. rrrTtrrrrr'r rTi"r FALL GOODS -- itt Utai) inwriiTiiiifBnTnfi'iiTWiwiwifg ARRIVED! CENTERVILLE AND ROY gg flout is the time to bay. Yoa Got First Choice. Wo grow n full linn of Safe . Fruit, Shade, aud Om- - imcntal .Trees. jjg Get our pricea before you Reception 4-- Zion's UTAH r TO - - DiaioroBS; 4M NOW ST., . - - - - FARMIHGTON, WEST SOUTH TEMPLE 9 ll-H-H- -m 8. Clzbk, PrwIrtMt;. L B. Hus, Vleafrasldant; A. L. Ctiax, CwMw John Waraun, Tboaus Stead, J, ft- - BacrtU, Juha Waiib, laaeph I. loWnson Joura J THEY ARE PREPARED TO FILL MAIL ORDERS FOR ANY KIND OF MERCHANDISE. Davis County Bank tint SA VINOS Hufloitf Extra Pants Full Stock of Eastern and Home Knit Underwear Ready-mador Made or News Fronj Lay 1 09. COMMERCIAL Their Specialties llay Bi Mens Suits, Overcoats, and . ar to thoir big Dans THAT ARE TO BE OFFERED (tom 1ST $73,000 this spaco from Tho Argus, and promtso LOOK FOR PRICES D.W. NIELSEN DEPOSITS OCT. past atvan yon af thoir busman hfo has County Patronags. f CAPITAL $25,000 Em wham wa ha n known fan wn soma ox optional bargain Par-kin- n, woll-kno- talma t I. 0. TEMPLE OT. W. 77-7- 0 COAL CONFERENCE RATES OR LA600N ROAD. " e REPUBLICAN 10:40 a. m. 6:14 p. m. 'r ' Henry Ellis and Joaedh II. Allen have who had to 'honor them. The dining room waa decorated brra nominated for Justice of Peace and with asparagus branches and varied Conili-Urespectively by the Republcolored dahlias and other floral decoraicans. tions. About thirty-fiv- e Mr. and Mra: Cowley and son, Murray, g Seats were there including only the nearest friends ami left Monday for the World's Fair and relatives of the contracting parties- - A Mr. Burton will have charge sumptuous dinner was aerved and a royal Chicagotime had. A number of useful and valu- of the O. S, L. station during Ur. Cowable presents .were given the couple. ley absence. They will remain away They returned to Preaton, Ids., on Sept. about two weeks. 30th, where they will be at . home after Oct 3rd. On this date a reception waa Quite a colony of Ex-D- a via countyites tendered them by the brides father at from Thatcher, Arisona, have been visitMalail. ing our burg recently. They are Mr. Among the gurat present there were: C. M. Layton anddanghten, Virgo and Mra. M. F. Cowley anillaughtcr, of Salt Iona, Edward Pf illipa and Miss Belle Lake, Mis. Phcofaie Sessions and Annie Layton. They will vieit the World' . V Cowley of Bountiful ; l air before returning home. ' Last ueek a scrap waa had between the Bell Telephone Co. end the Indepen, CENTREVILLE BRjEFS,' dent in regard to the right of way near Mr. Ernest Walpole fa improving from the Hodgson place, The difficulty was finally adjusted by the Bell company perhia recent attack iff typhoid fever, mitting the new compaey to use tbt A new coal buaineaa has been com- street along which they held au excluaiTe menced here with Mr. Pearnly ui Boun- franchise. tiful in charge. If our republican friends shall be hPPTi S. J. Parrish will be prefixed LUMP with "Judge" and Benjamin Brown far NUT constable this fall. Centerville has two enthusiastic citiHave made arrangements zens f.oni the World's Fair. They are whereby I can furnish and deliver Nut end Lump coni ' William Park aud Dale, hit son. They promptly. Give me n trial returned laat Sunday. j order. I will endeavor to A little boy by the name 0 Halvoraon please yon. 'Phone 16-- n. met with au accident here laat Tuesday F. WILLEY, in which he waa badly burned. The little fellow was "too sociable" while hia OSes an Yard, "nttuml SVW $ mother waa tranafering some boiling Utah Bountiful, water'frca the boiler to the wash tub and a portion of the contents waa diatributed on the aide of hia face and his shoulder. The jury in the case of Whitaker vs. O. S. L, , brought, in a vejdict for the The case wa.. plaintiff for $5,000. DRsin ur brought by Mra. Rose Whitaker, wife of William Whitaker, who sued the O. S, BICYCLES, CONFECTIONERY and L. railway for $jo,ooo damages for personal injuries sustained at Brigham City laat June. friends 9$ buy. Wewillgiveyou good Block and fair JrjJ treatment jsjjj 1 5jjj g$j FARMINGTON COMMERCIAL and MANUFACTURING CO. HARNESS, ' DIX 6 Addreaa nil ccmmuuicatioua SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Doniort in Gonorai MorohnnAiso, CO. to Lumbar, Machinary and Coni J. H. Robinson, Supt Faming Ion, Utah |