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Show RULES AND REGULATIONS For Principals, Teachers, Pupils, and Janitors of Davis County Public Schools. duties op principals. i Principal (hall be held reeponaible and disci- the general management pline of the ichoola, and the other teacher hall follow out direction and with them, not only during school hour, bnt during the time when the pnpil are on the school premise before and after school, and during the recesaea of school. Each teacher shall be held responsible for the order and discipline of her own room under the general direction of the for principal. The principals of different districts shall establish regulations for the purpose of securing uniform good order on the part of the pupils in fasting in and out of school room at the commencement of school, at recess ar.d at dismissal. It shall be the duty of the teachers to in securing this object. 3. The principal shall examine the registers at least once a month; giving such directions as will inaure their being All records kept in a proper manner. must be made in ink. v meeting of principal 4. A and teachers shall be held in each of the locally organized districts daring time schcpls are in session. 5. The general character and plan of conducting such meetings is left with the principal and assistants subject to the approval of the superintendent. . It shall be the duty of principals to make a special study of the work of the grades represented in the schools of which they are placed in charge, and under the general direction of the superintendent, supervise the instruction and discipline of their assistants. 7. The hour of opening and closing of school in each of the several districts ia to be determined by the principal and school board. 8. The principal of etch school shall make an annual report to the school board, also to the county superintendent; iil report to contain such items as called for in blanks provided for that purpose. 9. It shall be the duty of each principal to report to the superintendent any neglect of duty or inefficiency on the part of hia assistants. DUTIES OF TEACHERS. x. The teacher shall have charge of the schoolhouse, furniture, grounds and other property belonging to the school, and see that the same are kept in good condition. In case of damage to building, furniture, apparatus, or any other description of school property, either by intent or accident, he shall see to it that the same ia made good without delay; provided, that failure on the part of the person or persona responsible for the injury to meet the demand, shall be reported to the school board immediately, 3. The teachers of the several schools shall devote themselves at all times faithfully, and during school hours exclusively to the duties of their stations, They shall give careful and constant attention to the instruction, discipline, manners, .and habits of the pupils, and, so far as practicable, superintend their deportment in - the yards and vicinity of tbe schoolhouses during recess and intermission. 3. Teachers shall acquaint themselves with the regulations of the board, the course of study and plan of work adopted and enforce the same aa far as they relate to their several departments. A faithful compliance with all the rules relating to teachers shall be one of the conditions on which teachers retain their connection with the public schools. 4. All teachers in the public schools are reqnired to be at their respective school rooms ten minutes before the time prescribed fur c mmencing school in the morning. The school room shall be open at this time for the reception of pupila. They shall not permit disorder, unnec-esssr- y noise or any rude conduct in the rooms at any time and shall never allow pupils to remain in the school rooms, except during their presence, or under some regulations for securing order that shall be approved by the board. They are also expected to observe the light, temperature, ventilation and cleanliness of their respective rooms, and to report to the school board any dereliction of duty in this respect on the part of the janitor. 5. Each teacher shall preparq a program of daily exercise which (hall be kept in a conspicuous place in the schoolroom. 6. All teachers are required to enter upon the opening exercise of their respective rooms at the precise minute appointed, and in no case except that of unforseen necessity, shall they dismias the school for any day or mut of a day, without permission from the board. 7. No teacher or principal shall be allowed to be absent from the school without permission from the board or superintendent except on account of personal sickness. The board should be notified of such absence in time to enable them to get a substitute before the opening of the morning session. Teachers wishing to resign during a school term are reqnired to notify the board thirty days Mime hand. 8. It shall be their duty to practice such discipline in their schools as would be exercised by a kind and judicious patent in hia fsmily, always firm and vigilant, bnt patient. They shall endeavor on all proper occasions to impress upon the minds of their pupils the principles of morality and virtue, a sacred regard for troth, love to God, love to man, love of conntiy, sobriety, industry, acd frugalexercise any ity. But teachers shall not sectarian influence in the schools. 9. While teachers are required to maintain order in the school and secure obedience to necessary rules, they are reminded that passionate and harsh expressions and hasty measures tend only to evil, and the best disciplinarian is the one who can secure order by the gentlest influence. lot Corporal punishment shall not be administered by any teacher, except in of flagrant offences, and when other c,if less severe modes of discipline have failed to reform a pupil. In no case ia it to be administered In the presence of the school. xi. It is particularly enjoined upon tesehers to regard the moral and social culture of their pupils ss not less importance than their mental discipline. They . te kl must not tolerate in them falsehood, profanity, cruelty or any 2Aker form of vice. By example and precept they shall endeavor to form them to habits of social refinement, forbidding the use of indelicate, coaric, and ungrammatical language. is. Cleanliness of person and dreaa, neatness, obedience and order ae to be encouraged and required. This is necessary throughout every grade for successful administration. I3. They shall require their pupils to to be in their respective schoolrooms punctually at the appointed hour, and all pnpils not present shall be marked absent or tardy, as the case may be;a notice of which absence or tardiness shall be sent to the parent or guardian at the clow of the ahernoon session or before. 14- Tbe teacher of each school shall make an annual report to the principal or school board and shall krep a record of the name, age, daily attendance, or withdrawal of each pnpil, together with the name of the parent or guardian. It shall be the duty of teachers to 15 use all reasonable efforts to secure (he of parents in the government ol their children at school. This may be licit secured by personal visitation and conference. 16. It shall be the duty of the teacher to attend all regular and special meetings called by the superintendent or by special teachers when they are authorized by the superintendent to assemble teachers. No excuse for absence will be accepted other than such as would Justify absence from a regular school session. RULES FOR PUPILS. x. Entrance, Pupilsenleiing school for the first time shall not be admitted after the first four weeks of first and third terns, except on recommendation of chairman of board. 3. Attendance. Every pnpil who shall have been absent or tardy to the amount of three half days in any consecutive fonf weeks without excuse shall be debarred from regular promo', ion or graduation. Provided that a special permit maybe obtained from the school board.. Two tardies equal one half day absent. Sickness of pupil or in family or any urgent necessity shall be regarded as the only legitimate excuse, and shall be submitted in writing over signature of parent or guardian. 3. Notification. As soon as convenient each teacher shall notify tbe parent or guardian of every pupil who was absent or tardy in attendance, Printed forms of these notices shall be supplied by the board. 4. Damages. Every pupil shall pay for the damages he or she may do to the property of other pupila, and any pnpil who shall in any way cut or otherwise injure any part of the public school house or furniture, nr injure any fence, tree or outbuilding belonging to any of the public school estates or property rented for such purptx e, or shall write any profane or obscene language or make any obscene pictures or characters on any public school premises or rented property shall pay for same and shall be liable to suspension or expulsion or other punishment,' according to the nature of tne offense. 5. LEAVE School. No pnpil shall be allowed to leave school, any nay, before the usual time of dismissal, without being excused by the teacher, end such excusf shall not be given except in th e case o sickness; or npon personal or written request of parent or guardian. 6. Truancy. If a pupil has been proven guilty of truancy he shall not be permitted to return to school without the written consent of the school boerd and the principal. The name 7. Pupils Withdrawn. of every pnpil who has been absent five consecutive days is marked withdrawn, min case the teacher knows that the absence is to be permanent he is to be marked withdrawn at once. A withdrawn pupil can be only after satisfying the principal that his absence waa a necessary one or if it waa not necessary. after securing a permit from the school board, When properly the name of all such pupils are to be marken 8. Cleanliness. Any child coming to school without proper attention to cleanliness, or whose clothes need repairing, may be sent home to be properly fitted for school. 9. Conduct and Habits. In all cases where the conduct and habits of a pupil are found injurious to his at soc isles, or In conflict with established rules of government, it shall be the duty of the principal, with the advice of superintendent, to suspend such pupils from school. rns-pensi- Lake City, end return. ahall not exceed the sum of6.four (4 dollars per munth. The said J. V'. McCarron, Section his administrator, and assigns, rhall repair ao imuli of ail streets or crosswalks and water highwaysaa and ahall be disturbed during the courses, of auid railway or during ronsti maintenance and operation of said the abd he shall alsu lay, and conrailway, maintain at hi own expense, at tinually all water courses, both public and private, which may be cruised by the tracks at said railway, good and sufileient water boxes so as to admit of the (res passage ot water; aaid J. F. McCarron, hia administrator. successors and assigns, ahall also put in and maintain In good repair auch crossings where the line of said railNOTICE TO CREDITORS. way Khali ofintersect any of die streets or aald Farmington Lily, or pri hignwais vate roadways, as ahall from time to time EiOiM of MnitStHin Urorpr, ds samL CrmiiUm in pranmt rl .lu wt a naKton to the be required by (lie City Council of FarmCity: and shall without require, I.) m, lp.-rr- t UuiL w ington ment rf said City Cuuncil of Farmington or uifiir I hr nth d;iy of Juniuif. a. I. IS Alas 4- He shall make fires early enough to get the rooms warm by the time school ia open; fill the boxes w.th coal, remove the ashes every day, ami shall be subject a to the time of doing work to the essential convenience of the principal or teacher. 5- He s' all report at once any needeiTreuairt or supplies to the principal, and shall nwke everything in and about the building and yard look ts attractive and pleasant as possible. of-w- - ui-tii- Ottra-nd- . ntto v, AKrsiiS K Ua ( .Naim von Un.vi.ri TiOU.I 1,D IUU ot Afioniay l tnl publican ou H--jpt lUVlVK'U, ' Adailiii-aialnr- J7, a. U . I MIL AX OKI USANCE. Aa urdliiunii granting (J j j. run, hi adinluihtratur. uim'iauri suit tile right in vuiistrucl, maintain, ua and operate a street railway oa certain streets, roads and public places In ilie.City of Farming ton, County ot Davis. 8tale ot L'tah; Be It Ordained by the Lily Cuuncil ot Farmington city. County or Davis, 8tate of Utah: Section 1 That the said J. K. his administrator, niccestors aad assigns, have the authority and consent of the city Council sod iiermlaelon Is hereby granted to construct, maintain, use and operate a double or Mingle track tract railway, except a hereinafter provided, with all necessary turn-out- s and switches in slid along and through tha streets and roads and highways hereinafter described, upon the tullowiug terms and conditions and with tha following restrictions, flection X. The route of said railway shall be aa follows: Uegiiinlng in the canter of Ihind'a Lane, which is the Boulh line of boundary Farmington City limits, and at a point fourteen (14) feet and four (!) Inches west of the center of the main county road, running north and south, thence running northerly along said county road and at fourteen (14) feet and four (4) Inches west of the center thereof to tho canter of First South Street, said street being one block suuth of County Court House, in ssid city, running thence west In center of said hirst South Street to center of back street, which ia hirst Street east of aald Comity Court House, thence north in center of said back streat to center of State Street, thence west to center of Main Street, thence North on center of said Muln Street to a point fourteen (14) feet and four (4) inches south of center of Sixth North Btreet, thence west on k line fourteen (14) feet and four (4) inches south of center of said Rixth North Btreet to a point fourteen (14) feet and fuur (4) inches west of tbe center of Main County road, thence along Main County road and at anortherly distance of fourteen (14) feet and four (4) Inches west of the center thereof to norhtern boundary of Farmington City limits. Section S. Said tracks shall be ao laid and the road ao operated as to cauao no uniiecesiary impediment to the ordinary and common use of the streets upon which It la laid, both a to the traveling public, and as to shutting owners on said streets; and in the construction and operation of said railway, said J. F. McCarron, hia administrator, aucccasora and shall at all time conform to assign, ui-ordinances, rules and regulations, as have been or may hereafter be adopted by the City Council of Farmington, of tne County of Davie, State of Utah, In relation to and operation of electric street railways in said city and for each violation of the ordinance of said Farmington City, said railway, it successor, and asshall be liable to a line in any sum sign. one hundred not exceeding dollar n. to-w- lt: (11(10.00). Section 4. Bald J. F. McCarron. hia administrator, successors and assigns, shall run no freight cars upon said road, except for the purpose of hauling material for the building or the repairing of It road or the streets of aald Farmington City; the rate of fare ahall not exceed live cents for each and every passenger within the city limits, and tor pupil end attending public or sectarian schools the university, from Farmington to Salt Council if Farmington City. Section A The railway licreln provided for shall be completed and put in operation In nineteen (111) months, and work upun the construction ..r th same eiiall be commenced within seven (7l month next after date of the passage of this ordinance. Bection 7. The raid J. F. McCarron. his administrators, successors and assigns, shall giva and execute s good and bond, with securities to be approved by the City Council of Farmington, In th sum of ten thousand (110,000.00) dollars. conditioned that said grantee, hia administrator, auccraaore and ensigns, will at all times comply with the conditions of this urdinsme. with relation to tho conatnictinn of said railway aa to grading and repairing aaid streets and c rowings, and bond of twelve hundred and fifty (tl.K0.Wi dollars that work will be completed within specified time, aald bonds ut be filed before work ia commenced. Section 3. The said J. F. MeCi rron. hU administrator, successors andinter-urba-assigns, n ahall havo the right to do an express business, and may carry the United States Mail, aa well as farm produce, fruit, milk, butter, and merchandise and other light freight for hire on aald railway. hereby authorised to be constructed, and shall be allowed to load and unload such light freight and exprcoa matter only at auch places as the City Council of Farmington City may direct. Section X Said J. F. McL'urron, hia administrator, successors and assigns, shall have the right to employ as a means of tractlun, an overhead trolley wire system suf-fleie- nt of electricity with all the necessary wires and poles, or what la know aa the underground trolley wire system of electricity. r the use of compressed or air. said poles to be erected on the liquid west side of railway, south of First Btreet and in center of back State and Main Streets, and on west side of track on Main County road and south on Sixth North street; the height of said trolley wires must not be under fourteen (14) feet from the top of the raila, but the use of any other means of traction than those mentioned herein are forbidden by the terms of thia franchise, and shall render the same void. Bection lo. That all of the tracks shall lie luid and conform railway to the established grade or the several streets, roads and highways on which they run and if said grade Is afterwards changed by the City Council aald grantee shall at hie own expense change the track to conform to the satpe, and shall keep the road batalsted with gravel to within two (X) inches of the top of the rails; and aaid grantee ahall grade and the said street or highway south of First South Btreet thirty-seve- n (IT) feet east of the west end of the tie and twenty-liv- e S) feet each aide of the track, whore the same Is in the center of the street and thirty-aeve- n (XT) feet east of the west end of tha ties north of Sixth North Street, and thirty-seve- n (XT) feet north of tho south end of the ties on Sixth Btreet, through the whole portion of the route of the said railway, and all grading herein required shall be made to conform to the grade of said railway tracks or to the acceptance of the City Council of Farmington City. And should Farmington City pave any streets upon which said railway ia constructed the said grantee ahall. at hia own expense, and with material mutually agreed imon by the City Council of Farmington City, and aaid grantee, pave tho apace between the rails of its track. Includingsoall space between double tracks where constructed and fur a distance of two feet outside its raila Section 11. That the said J. F. McCar-rohie administrator, succcsanra and assigns, shall put in and maintain electrie arc light of nnt less than 2.000 randlo-powe- r, said lights to bo kept burning until midnight of each and every night, at the intersections of all streets on which said J. F. McCarron la granted a right- n, SALT LAKH CITY'S IV right-of-wa- dax-g.-v- Ailuilul.lr.iiiH' ol llw upon, he shall also erect a fence on (lie west shin of Main Street between Fifth and Sixth North Strceta, the rate of speed of cars ot auiil J. K. McCarrun shall net exceed twelve (13) miles per hour Ihreush th city: the tops of the rail cf tin- track uf flic said J F. McCarron ahull mil exceed two (!l Inchon shove tho finished grade of said truck through (lie whole length of said cltv: tho wild J. F. McCarron. ia real rifted to a single track on said y south of First South, and Ninth of Histh Norm Streets: the said J. F. Mi Curran la forbidden to remove and use any earth from th said aid.- - of the street, without the consent of the City Council. Section IX. Said Farmington City shall in no way lie liable or responsible for any accident or damage that may occur on said railway by reason of the default or misconduct of the said J. F. McCarron, or hia employes; and the aaid grantee, hia administrator, aucciwMora and assigns covenant nnd agree to aave the said from and against any liacity harmlcni com bilities. lues, of expense or damage of any future, arising out of the default or misconduct if the said J. F. MrCar-ru- n, or which may accrue by reason nf any accident or injury which may occur In or by reason of the construction or iqieratlun of said railway; and to Indemnify and repay aalil tity for any of any kind cot or expense or damagereason of any which may lie sustained by suit, default, misconduct, accident or damage and If any judgment for any diiinniica. Iona, misconduct, accident or injury shall be recovered against said city, llie recovery thereof and the Judgment kI hII lie fliinl aa between said city and aid grantee, his administrators, aurrea-aur- a and assigns and conclusive as to the liability of the latter to the former. Section 13. That If the grantee, hia administrator, succcHinira and anigna ahull fall to keep and perform all the stipulations of tills ordinance or shall fail or refuse to comply with all the rules, regu- lations of Farmington City, relating to railways anil the tunning of the same within the eitv limit whirh are now enacted or which shall hereafter he enacted, then the city Council, after sixty (All days notice and the fnilure of the grantee to provide a remedy or make satlafactory arrangi mente therefore, may, hy a ma- Jorlty vote declare the privileges hereingrunted forfeited and proceed to take poereunion of the said read and enntml the same aa If this ordinance had not been punted. Section 14. The rights and franchises herein granted shall become binding unon the written acceptance of said J. K. McCarron. filed with the City Recorder of County. Rlnte of Farmington City, Pavla Utah, within sixty (HO) day next after the passage of this ordinance. Section 15. This frunchlae la granted for the term of fifty (Ml) years from the date of it passage. Rection IS. Thia ordinance shall take effct from Its passage. I a surd RoptcmlHT 22, l!Wt. JAMES FI. ROBINSON, Mayor. IOV POIlTKIl WORLDS FAIR lo. I Attest: EW MOTEL NO CHANGE OF CARS TO ST. LOUIS VIA UNION PACIFIC AND WARARN RAILROADS Psaaengara at a eoaveaieat hoar la tha morning, thaa savlag time sod exjicase on arrival at St. Louis, and avoiding the great crowds at the big Uaioa Station. MANY HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE Jllunfrnfi'd (FaMs In Wlr frit on applied loo, . KF:rnr pat.mer. (Seal) City Recorder. Tlje following la the vote on the pasabove the ordinance: sage of "Aye.H Counrilmcn Chaffin, Steed and Ovlalt. No, None. Those voting Aye" con slltutlng e majority of the memlier elect. NEFlll PALMER, City Recorder. San Pedro an landed at mala aalrance of tha Exposition CITY TICKET OFFICE 201 Maiit Street Los Angeles & Salt Late R. oomeiHED TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Eureka. Mammoth and Silver City, also Mining District! or Opbir, Fairfield, Mkkcur, Black Rock, Milford and Frisco in Utah, amd the Piochr. DkLamar and s Miring Districts in Nevada. CoMPRXsiKG Cal-tint- Tha enapMlua of the enanactlag link betwaaa CsIlMte, Kevadv and Dagger!, Callfo. ala will open on of Iha btxgott undaralopsd mining district ta Uin WMt. Full inhumation regarding train service, (tag connection tolnlerlermptte., chnarlully glvaa by any agant nl TliK SALT LAKE ItOUTK, nr addraa. J. L. MOORE Diat. Pan. Agt. T. C. PECK, A sat. Genl. E. W. GILLKTT, Pa, Agt Genl. Pass. Agt. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. i CtnglMBgg COLLEGES d. to. Stones, Snowballs, Etc. Pupils are forbidden to throw stones, nowbdls or missiles of any kind upon the school grounds or in the streets in the immediate vicinity of the school grounds, except under such regulations as may be made by the principal. Scu fi11. Conduct in Buildings. ling, whistling, boisterous noise or loud talk shall not be permitted in school buildinga. Pnpils shall walk quietly up and down the stairs and through the halls, shall not remain in the halls or stairways; at no time converse in passing in or out from school; and shall not enter the door of any room not their own without previously getting the consent of the proper teacher. No teacher or 13. Use or Tobacco. pupil oball be permitted to use tobacco, either during school hours or at any other time, on the school premises. 13, Visitors with Pupils. 14. Defamatory Statements. It When- ever a pnpil brings visitors to school be hall introduce tnem to the teacher, who will provide for their accommodation. And no little children shall be permitted to visit the schools, except in care of some competent person other than a pupil. shall be considered a violation of the rules for any pupil, directly or indirectly, to give circulation or publication to any epithets, statements, or remarks whose effect would be to throw contempt or ridicule upon any teacher or officer of the public schools or their administration. DUTIES OF JANITORS. 1. lie shall sweep all rooms and halls and dust them once each day, keep the steps and walks about the buildings wept clean, free from snow, and see that the yard ia free irom rubbish. a. He shall keep the outbuildings clean, and allow no writing or printing of any kind on the wood-woror walla and snail report to the teacher anyone found marring or defacing the school surroundings. 3. He shall scrub the floor and wash the wood-wor- k and windows of the balls during the year. k ' L. D. S. and SALT LAKE NOW OPEN FOR WORK; THE FINEST CIAL SCHOOL IN THE WEST . COMMER- TI10 High School, Normal, Kindergarten, Commercial, and Domestic Science courses of tiie Latter-da- y Sainls University, hare bekn ao successfully developed that they now atand fully equrl to the bext of xiniilar course given here or elsewhere. The new 'building, aparatua, and librariea, the able faculty, the model curriculum, and the admiral arrangements, justify ux in congratulating the educational public upon the excellent facilltiea now afforded by thia institution. of Troxteea, JOSEPH S. WLLL8, SccrcUry. School re-ope- ns Sept. 12 R Fasm Through the Famoua AAAAAAAAAA AAiAiAAiAiAAiAiAiAAiAiAiAieiiiAiVviiVilVVVgVVyVy-(flflfl(iy- THE utaii Salt Lake City, By order of the board Catalogs sent free , |