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Show Davis County Argus, PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Farmington, Utah Publiahara D. P. FELT A SON D. P. FELT, EDITOR. VERNON FELT Managar. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: (In Advance.) One Year - Six Months Three Monlha - - - - - - $1.3$ 75 - - - - -- - .50 -- Application baa been made for Iran miisun through the uiaila aa aecond-claa- a wail matter. FARMINGTON, OCT, 3, 1904 STAY ON TI1E FA15M. We litre been requested by t prom, inent citizen of Bountiful to take up the auliject of (migration of young men. It la considered by thoae who atudy the aituatiou that it la to for so tuany of our ideal an feel it necessary to leave auch place aa bavla county to go Into the uiicrrtaintica of new localitlea. It aecina to tie that tliera lant a better place iu the world than right here, to expend the energy required In a new country. The young uian that bare left bavla county to help fettle new towna have Increased to a number that ia positively appalling I Recently In eonrcraatlon' with a prominent merchant of Kayaville, we read a Hat of young men who had left Kayaville for varioue points In the weatern country. Thia gentle man ataled that the aame condition obtaina in every town In the county, Every peraon included on the Hat waa a uative of our county, mauy of them our brightest sons and daughters. Why Is it that we are railed upon to sacrifice our farm and industrial work to build up other localities not half so replete with natural resources aa bavla county? There must be ome reason for it. Is It because our oldtiuio aetllcra refuse to give (heir We hope not. boys a chance? Wo have many indications in our towns of being property poor, a eon dliiou that exists In all parts of the United States to a greater or less ex. tent and one that is to be doplored. Tbla term f property poor may bo new to eonio reader ; In that event, we will briefly dellne the term aa be ing a condition where the owner of a piece of laud has more ground than he can niako profitable, ao weeds are permitted to thrive ; or even if crops are planted, the owners are unable to attend to them because they are too Urge for the facilities at hand. There la not an acre of this couaty in cultivation but what, under intelligent farming, is rapable of a much increased profit, in foreign countries, aa much produce, fruit, or oilier farm profits, la made on one acre aa we do on ten acres ! Bight in Salt Lake City this can bo demonstrated at the Chlncae gardens. We might well take a lesson from the despised chinamen who ao industriously plant and replant their crop. They teach ua methods of intensive farmihg, to sey nothing of other habile of Industry, frugality and abstemiousness. We urge our young men to look more to home for a living, and do not be led off by alluring promises of big incomes. Put the aame energy required in the new localities into any part of Davis county and wo venture the prediction that your profiU will exceed any realized by those who promise so much. We need every able bodied man, young or old, to be had. We hare farms, canneries, nurseries, mines, and mauy other industries that are capable of fructification under intelligent manipulation and a limited expenditure of capital. Spend the of would money you necessity take with you and get the help that your parents will afford you, aud we are ure you will in the long run make more money right here than in any place to bo had ; besides you will help your parents; help your town; help your county ; and help the church not to mention the adrautages to yourself for the school, social, religious, and business facilities already right at your door. We need you as citizens; we need you in the church ; we need you in the home. Do jou know your leaving the old home cripples it; vitiates our commonwealth ; depletes our church and ed y j' t auzllisry organizations ! You know bur towus art not up to the times in some respects ; stay here and encour. age our old timer to Improved methods. Borne of them came here before we bad railroads and might have antiquated ways, but by careful handling and kindly Intesest lu their wave, the farms, gardens, homes, towns, end entire county will put on new airs of life. Moreover, you will pave the way to your own happiness and profit The future of all Industries whether it shall be farming or what not is dependent on our young men. If the enterprising men leave, Is it not natural that the county will go down? bo wo want our fathers excellent tins and homes to fall into other hands? Do wo waut to sea our towns degenerate into a graveyard condition? I to we want to seethe farms go to strangers? If you go off some of these conditions aro bouud to result. We make this appeal toyou Dont leave the farm ; dont leave the town ; dont leave the county! Help l out the varioue Industries, that are atrug gliug to obtain a hold in the eornmer clal world, and by personal Influence and energy help piece new business in motion, revivifying stagnant enterprises; Introduce life into our various arteries of the farm and town. 1 OUK VACANT LOTS. Iu the couree of hi remarks last Monday, Apostle Penrose gave eome advice that ! in line with our 00m menta of last week, lie spoko regarding the appearanco of eome of our afreets, referring specifically to a number of the vacant Iota that are enclosed with dangerous barbed wire fences, and. in some cases, bearing nothing but weeds. We hope onr friends who come under this criticism will try to remedy the evil before another year rolls by. We believe if there are any here who have moYe land than can be cultivated, that they could easily find a man or even families who would be delighted with the opportunity of taking up and cultivating one or more vacant lots. Tua Aug i s will be glad at any time give pnbllcity to philanthropic-allinclined individuals who would permit some poor family to live on a portion of the vacant lands, aa there seerna to be ample water for our farm-lu- g and garden lands. Let us all Join in building up and beautifying our streets, gardens and homes, Wa have nothing but compliments for our firms. They are the object of commendation by nearly all who pass through the county. Now if we can only wake tip to the great possibilities, we shall soon be the ideal county in Utah our streets, homes and all that go to make up a commonwealth are lorated In tho best part of the state. Perchance this very fact may be the reason for the carelessness that seem to prevail. We get a living too easily, and like the darkey whose' houso leaks ; when it is storming, he is unable to repair it, and when the weather is fine, there is no necessity. . y ALEXANDER McM ASTER, and dispose ol their products, and to supervise the preparation of fruit for the tnOMEr-AT-LJImarket, so that it ahall make a good rafcasaa I Hr. appearance and be in fit condition. MHk (uoti Davis county supplies n very large SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. proportion of the fruit that comes to this market from Utah pointa, though thia county and other countiea also supply . more or lest, This indicates that there is a splendid opening for a canning factory at thia point, which not only would take the surplus fruit, but would enhance the value of what is put on the SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING market. The nearest fruit canniug esFarmixgton, - Utah. tablishment is, we lielhve, at S)racuse; it ia reported to be quite successful. There is no reason why one in this city MslluiniluS Tkius. fjjllip Majsock. should not be even more successful. THOMAS AND Another way of disposing of the fruit is by shipping it out ot the state, as MAYCOCK Brigham City and American Fork are do LAWYERS ing successful! ; but even then they have fruit going to waste, especially peaches Deseret News Building Suite and apples. In the peach orchards about BUI FMsrsI Cnarta In all Prune (tiwnil Minnivy I r AswSm Brigham City, piles of peaches lie ou the Siuvtjr Cu. ii( Ktw York. ground useless; they can neither be eaten, because there are not enough people to do it, nor shipped, because they are too II R. F. HEALER, 79 W. SECOND enr utt should wake Surely our up to the opportunity nature baa ao Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. bounteously endowed them with, or nature may take a band to aniite through the Time Table in effect Sept. 6, 1804. waste by au increase of the coddliug moth and the peach worm, the same Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. m., 3.30 the corn worm punished the careless and 5.30 p. nu of the East, and tba boll weevil the indifferent cotton planter of Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and the South. xo a. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. The Salt Lake County Ilorticullnral Extra trains at it a. m.and 1:30 p.m Society ia to be commended for its activ- on Sundays and Holidays. We hope ity and seal in this business. that it may succeed iu waking up the A. D. PIERSON, Genl Paso. Agt, orchardmen to realise their opportunities J. B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. and their advantsgea. 7Ww. Office 161 Main Street Genl Agt SOUTH ST. eirr. 3C fruit-growe- rs X J corn-grow- er Prs Conjnjegb?. The Davis County Argus mode .its appearance Tuesday. It ia a nest nil home print paper . Clipper Bountiful The Davis County Argus Vol. x No. x is on our desk. Aui glad to be able to truthfully say it is a bright newsy sheet ably edited and managed. Will exTimet change Bro. Felt. I). P. Felts new paper, the Argus; which is published nt Farmington, was a welcome exchange to oar sanctum thia week. It lias a neat, clean appearance, and ita influence will surely be Felt In Davis county. Long may it live. Timet. CVs-vil- le am liter THE 8CENI0 LINE TO g S gj Colorado Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Glenwood Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Si Louis, Chicago, aud all points east. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all Solthehm Pacific and Obkgok Shobt Lixi Train. Lina pasting directly through Sett Lake City. Transcontinental Only t Splendidly equiped Fast Trains Daily between I RHjWpTOJi t t I General X Black?n)ibl)ii) ft WAGON WORK, axd HORSE- - f Utah. Onw and OgdBg Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. SSSSSSSSKSSiiSSSSSSSSSSSiS2SgS87SS'SSfiS&S84SSSS2rvg. Through fuxahan and oxdinaxy bx.exping cam to Kantat City, St. Lauie, and Chicago without chango. Omaha, Denver, Free reclining chair care. Personally conducted excursions. DiningCart, 8erviee a la Carte on all through trains FMmtaa, foldara, froa lUortratad bookltta, ate, laqslra ot year f SHOEING. We have received Noe. 1 and a of the X Farmington, Davla County Argus, published by D. P. Felt and son, Vernon. Mr. Felt baa had a experience in the newspaper business, which his paper plainly shows; he will give Farmington and Devia county an county newspaper. Snccets. Spanish Fork Prett. DHica tlrkat aasot, apart fLns ttw Bio I. A. BENTON, Studs roots, or addraw 1. A P. a.. Salt Lah Cil,. life-lon- g D. P. Felt aud hia son, Vernon, lure their new paper. The Argna, at Farmington, in Davis county. The Argus ia a neat looking and a very newsy sheet It will help to advertise one of the best countiea in Utah. As Dare is ona of the ohl pioneers in newspaper work in the region and Vernon ia a bright, precocious kid, the Argna will be s go from the first yam?. Richfield Sun. In typographical appearance and contents the Davit County Argus, just launched by 1). P. Felt & Son, compares favorably with leading interior papers of Dave ceased to he a novice in Utah. the newspaper business quite" many yean ago, and is a hustler. The Argus is well patronized by Farmington business men and the town gives it a lift by publishing its ordinsnea instead of posting them up where not I per cent ol the people read them. Farmington believes that Us local paper will be good accordingly as it is supported, and that ia the way to look at it. Bingham Bulletin. issued CD inter-mounta- ' Pip ui fQaErciffi Calls to Salt Lake from Bountiful. Centerville, and Farmington IO CENTS Made of Bamboo. cits-sen- t Geb 19 bl)c Sviip From Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington to Ogden IS CENTS From I(aysville to Salt Lake IS CENTS From Kaysville to Ogden IS CENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER , AT THE t 1ST. SANITARIUM that the Salt Lake County Horticultural Society is considering the glut of fruit iuthe market, and the great waste of it on the forms; thia year, that watte being very large. The question is, what can be done about it, not only to prevent that waste and utilise the fruit, but also to ao manage that there shall not be an oversupply iu the ' market, with the consequent break in prices, Thia has been e year of plenty, particularly for fruit: and it is surprising that the do not. take meor urea to protect their own interests. In other places they do this, and usually iu the form of su association to handle . fruit-growe- For economical travel, there ia nothing bqtcr than thia combination. UGOONROUD" rifie. The Inside The articles appearing in thia depart leaat In circumference. meat are the opinions of the writers divisions have been forced out by whose names are signed thereto. The means of a stick and the Internal Editor it in no wise responsible for any compartments all combined Into one. opinion or argument that may be pub- It bolds a lot of liquid. lished here; bat will from time to time We understand Double Berih one way In Cool, Clean Comfortable Teursl Sleep 'ng Car 301-3- -5 o WHAT TO DO WITH THE FRUIT. To St. Louis and Re tun via the Scenic Routee a thou t Change of Care tonsorial artist, traveler la the Philippines You see that girl coming writes: along the streets carrying a long cylinder of bamboo upon her ahoulder? 8h is returning from the water works and la carrying home a good aupply of clean drinking water. Yea, It la a big bamboo tube surely eight feet long and twenty-twInches at comment favorably upon or criticise, acThe cording to bis best judgment. are earnestly requested, to discuss such matters as they may deem of interest to the public or to themselves. The only restriction being that the writer mut not iudulge in personalities or abuse, From Salt Lake Ci ty P 0. LI N DECK E, . A PEOPLES FORUM IC TWO Immense Swimming Pools TUB BATHS and PRIVATE PLUNGES. Natural Hot Sulphur Water. TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE CIALTY. Sspsrals TUrtim Balks for Ladlaa. dMMaa saS Xanlcwlaf Fartum. Hslr- - W. 3RD SO. ST. g 52-5- 4. Salt Lake City, Utah g V.V.V.VaV.WV.VV.V.V.V.. Rocky B&i Telephone company. M |