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Show 1 ASSESSED VALUATION Mim Ovr Four Million Davis County Dollais. The pielintiuary statement of the assessed valuation of ull property in thr varioui countiea of the state has leen completed by the state Itoaid of equali- the total assessed zation. It show vsluation of all the properly in the state to lie fi.ta.57$54. segregated as follows: Real estate flS 766,9841; inipiovc-mcntsonreal - Irprojierly, aoual property, f 17,650,161; livestock, $8,110,325; net proceeds of mines, $3,587-30These figures are approximately correct, but may be changed slightly by the board, after the reports from the different county boards of equalization will be in have been received which : 5. The following is a tabulated statement of the assessed valuation for Davis coun- estate $ 2 Improvements Livestock Personal property Assessed Licci)c?- , iM C ; I Lin deck e, F. NEW MOTEL I J WORLDS FAIR ; well-know- n BON TON I'l.r.-iiaiii- ST. LOUIS THEATRE PACIFIC Joi-3-- I December. ty: Real We have received thr Ant number of ALEXANDER McM ASTER, iayL new paper the Davis County Dave kJTORhrTdW Argus, published at l;aiuiiuglon. It isa J rcilcru'k W. Kleuke. Salt Lake Ciiy.,-'Ofl neat looking, newsy, fuurpage six column Gertrude Hlarkwoad, Salt 2490. 09trt a s City. ..28 .SAIr I'TAH I.AKK p iptr with a good showing of advertising. j CITY, peter I. Cdieria, West Ilolioken, N.J...3 The (iress of 1'tsh will bid Dave a j Fixture 14 Wilkinson, Denver, Colo SALT LAKH CITY'S hearty welcome 011 hi return to county Janirs K. Hard ..36 Lake Salt City man, suciessliis the O. journalism, and wish all Annie I.. lUidnian, Salt Lake City 3 ability and experience deserve Pori John T. Nuttall, Salt Lake City -- 21 TONSOR1AL Ct tv Alnur. DON IOKTKli iK Annie I. Taylor, Salt LykeCity- ARTIST, The 'Argua, a new paper recently NO CHANGE OF CARS SHAVING AND IIA1R CUTTING launched at Farmington, Davis County, In Russia. Relifion Fauuim.tok, - Utah. TO route to us a an exchange and we gladly Tn n imtuiv of Kussia'a re iu and popu- ll;;ioii - unit welcome it. The umleraiood. vaKUttly n lar newspaper man, Dave Fell is the editor gyc ifiir.idured Into the Maihnnlfcah Thuiua- -. I'lnlip Majoirk. and he is assisted by his son, and the ciniMri in ilio ninth nntury. The ca la taliiisl.oil is most a our I'hMrrh, Ishor united authority, of their result rays THOMAS AND AND RETURN estimable production and one which is Irii'iiMcil in (iortrine with the Greek MAYCOCK I'hurrli. The which la retd in deserving of liberal support The Stale Rlavonlr, Is theliturgy, LA WYERS one used originally by AFTERNOON AND EVENING Journal salutes the Argus snd extends to the rluirrh at Constantinople. Until 5 Suite Dvsvret News Building it the hand of fellowship. Utah State rocev.iiy. guy form of dissent was not UNION tn a!l HIM FeuvriU 4iurt f'htrurt PERFORMANCES Journa!. tolerated. Under the laws of AlextiMMTrtl attorney f r Auirricmi NirHj Kt. of Nvw lork We have received No. I, Vol. t of the ander 11.. Catholics and Protestants j Admission 10 Cents Davia County Argua, published at Farm- have equal rights with members of 1 WABASH RAILROADS the established church. Harper's ington, Utah, by D. P. Felt aud Son. It Weekly. LAKE SALT UTAH CITY, preaenta a neat appearance and is a credit ROAD I iff landed al main enlrance to the country Press. In hi salutory C ill the Kxiaialiion at a coavenival buar Slow Spanish Train BarviceI the editor says: The A.'gus will be an In ihe mnraiaiT, than saving lima and Salt Lata and Ogden Railnajf. Trainx in Spaiu are certainly alow. in arrival at St. Linda, and independent paper in religion, politics A rate of ten or twelve milea an hour tha exgreat crowd at Ike big .ivuiiling to the snd buaineas, ruserving right Union SUtiuH. Time Table in effect Sept. 6, 1804. Is considered a good average of speed sees editor the as views things. his press for every-datravelers. When the Its policy will be as stated above; Davia Spanish MANY HOURS QUICKER officials wish to show visiting 5 ! ir tl)e Leave Salt Iake 6:30 ami 9 a. in., 3.30 citizens its and before all else, County THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE foreigners what they really can accomami 5,30 p. ui. the best in the state, whether they be plish in the way of rapidity, they offer j AT THE j Leave Farmington ami lagoon 7:30 and democrats or republicans." Springville express trains which dash Jllmlniliil fi'Ntifr to Futr madly 10 a. tn., 4:30 and 6:30 p. ui. nt tm njipfuvifioN. across the landst-apat an average Independent . Extra train at 1 1 a. ni. and 1:30 p. m. rate of fifteen or eighteen miles an cirv ticket uhick on Sundays anil Holidays. hour. In one way this proves an J'll Main Street for not suliscribe does for who the man sees a The traveler great J j A. I). PIERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agt, TWO Pools Immense Swimming the Argus, is he who has not yet seen it. drill more scenery for his money than If i ww p'm-rt TUB BATHS and PRIVATE Ij. B. BEAN', Excursion Agt. past it swiftly. Office Mil Main Street PLUNGES. AN ORDINANCE Britisher's Staying Qualities. Natural Hot Sulphur Water. There is, perhaps, one thing that Granting a fra it chine lo . Mahler, ! liondoner have a capacity for doing TURKISH BATHS OUR SPH-- r and kin heirs, executors, adminis- hotter than any other in the people CIALTV. that la in waiting patiently ! trators, successors and assigns for world, and From Salt Lake Ct ty Turkish Ilsiha fir Laill. Ualr Seuarata outside a theater, or, indeed, any puband Maaietiring Farlnpi, construitiny and operating a Rail- lic place of entertainment, until the rjr- rimUntc doors arc opened. Everybody takes Ta St. Louis and road. his place quietly and orderly in the via the Scenic Return j 52-5- 4 W. 3RD SO. ST. Kwtlon 1. 1M It ordained by lha Clly Oimirll of queue without any hustling or Jostling, bin Miccaiwor B. that tUlilxr, Routes without rsrmliiRton City, and public opinion is entirely opposed 3 til (bs Salt Lake City, Utah ml assign, bavs tho authority suit cou-u-nt granted tbuiu to any prominence being given in the 5 city council, anil parmlMlun I bursty Change of Ca s to construct ami nimnus s aingl or iloulils track line to a late comer. railroad, Ingatliar with nil ihsnsnwHtry switch, by state board Total, ... M5'99 644,666 241,140 300,690 9 ia .547 4 266, 162 TKASING CHILDEKN. Teasing is at liest a doubtful amusement; but wbeul.aenaitive childhood is made tbeobjectof it, it. degenerate into cruelty, yet there aresome very good people who indulge in this outrage against the Innocent and helpless. We know people who never miss an opportunity to torment a child. It seems impossible for them to come near one without making it miserable. They cannot lie at there ease, unless the child is suffering from there heartlesaneas. As a consequence, children soon learn to hate as well as fear them, and no wonder. It is true that these people would shrink from inflicting needless bodily pain on any little one; but they never think of the keener torture Which their senseless teasing inflicts on the sensitive child. They would tell you that they do nothing which would give pain; that they are only in fun. and the child ought to know it. When they threaten to swallow a child or cut ofl its tsrs they dont mean to do it, of course; but the child i 3 irritated or frightened all the same. Do they know how very real all such things are to a child, particularly to one that has never been hardened to such cruelty? They may mean nothing by their silly threats, but the child that has learned to rely implicitly on what its parents say and all children should iearn this will accept as truth, what its tormenters mean merely as lies invented for its annoyance. It is true that the child will in time learn to doubt the truthfulness of those who thus abuse it; but while it learns to distrust the false, it also learns to distrust the true. A child cannot be expected to exercise discrimination; and you, sir, who gave it its firs lesson in falsehood, are to blame for much subsequent distrust of things that (right to be believed. Childhood should be a period of joyous innocence. It is no time for doubts or misgivings. They come soon enough with the entrance of the youth upon the scenes of busy, practical, anxious struggle for Then, good friends, you who thoughtlessly mar that innocent enjoyment aud implicit trust which characterize the uncorrupted child, stop to think what you are doing. You are committing a grave offense. You are ruining the temper of one whose life should yet be all sunshine. You are inflicting the keenest of pains on one whose innocence should shield it from the tortures even of barbarians You are poisoning the morals of one that is yet too young to resist your evil influences. You are doing a wrong for which you can never atone, a wrong whose evil effects may follow that child to the grave. E. T. Bush, in Phrenological Journal. I "ni - LAGOON I I Get l rxiM-nw- - Svin; SANITARIUM d h-- i F and mdalrarka, abil tbs fraction of IIum i1 I'iIm whoa nseswary pole ur two n snd carrying tafoph me. Mgraib, trolly n( pawiaiigiire, win for lbs tranmrtallB accomlb ami frowSt. r 1 prior anil mall matter, modation Ilf aalil railroad aa s continuous Hue awl part of through mid city npon nub (treat train a may ba ael acted hy ld ynulM, nr itielr urewanr or aMlgna abirsaald within twanl month from the lb Hum nf Um paff of ihl ordinance, which nald mlMtlon shall ba made In Iliad with I ha clly recorder. wrltlns and In eon at deration of thl xraot and franrbla the and granfm, hi auccuaaora nr umIkii. aforaaald, Um construction nf heraby sifraa to tin Tm nil Inmail la .moatructeil aid railroad, and whrra aalil or operatad upno paved atraala ara hereby eqnlml and para with bnrk or to heap la Rood repair atone, or otbar Material to ba mutually aRreed nr tracka ami upon, the apace Inelda the track feat wMa no each alrla nf tbs aame, para twn nil apacta betwaan double tracks where the aame ere renatrncted. btenm aball not ba uaad ee a mntlvr power in the operation of eetd rail rued, eieept in the construe-tln- n thereof and fur Ihe moeeineut nf ohtroeted end dlaab led care thereon, and for Iba cleara ce of aald railroad from any nhal ruction whatever whenever alar trie or other motive power ahall ha Inadequate and nn equal lo Um oecaelon. And Um aid grants, hla ancreaaora or aawRiai, aforesaid, ahall operate can upon aald railroad wttli ull naceaaary and modern Impmearaantf for llu- - convenience, coni fart and aafety of pm maimers, which aid ear aball ha run Iheraon each and every day, both ways, and al a arbadnla rata nf not exceeding twelve mile per hour wllhln Ihe aettlwl portion nf the rlty. Provided, that Ilia tnirk or trucks shall ba eon struct ed In the center of the alreet unlaw directed by the dly council, and in such a manner as shall Ua approved by the rlty council, the track or tracka 10 to muse no be laid, and the road operated so nnnaceaanry Impediment hi Ike mununii and ordinary uaa of Hid street for all purposes, aud the water enuraes nf said afreets shall be left free and unobstructed. Hood and aulHrlent hue shall be laid and maintained In y oil condition by --al'l aforesaid. In ull grantee, hla successors or the water ditches r mused hy Uis aald track or a admit of Iba so to frss flow of aalil track, water: aald back aball be laid ami malntalnril at aa lha established awl by irrado city, iwrmanant crossing. shall ba ja.de and malntainad by the Rrantaa, bit succeiiora or amlgna, aforanald, al the InteraacUon of street and elaawhore wherever tlie nama aball bs naraamry, at I be dlarreton anil undar the direction and to Um acerptanee of Iba clly council. Bastion 1 The price of a aUurla fare one way hall not exceed flea cents within tbs area bnumled by lha city llmlla al now established. 8action I. That Ibis franchise lie, ami iba aame la hereby granted for lha term of one hundred 1 101) I yean bum Iba data of the pesaase of this ordinance. Section 4.' That nothing In thla Rrant ahall ba eo coast rued as to prevent Farmington City, nr Its antborlied agents, from paving, sewering, laying rm or water malna, nr pipes, alter) tut, repairing or In any manner Improving any of lha streets used In pursuance nf this franeblaa, but all aurh ahall ba made with little Injury ua practicable to said railroad, nr tha operation there, after reasonable notice, not rxcaaillng of, and only days, to said gran tea, bis successors or asthirty and at. opportunity afforded them by aalil signs, city to lay a temporary iraaklhaor tracks upon other aald (treat, during of the parts nf aald work of Improvement. Section t. That In tha araiatrucUon and opera-lin- turnout V', line (if Double Berih one way trana-lum-to- In Cool, Clean San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt Lake R, R, Comfortable Tourlsl Sleeping Car Fur muioniiral travel, Passes Through the Famous (here is nothing heller TJNTIC MINING DISTRICT , than this combination! CoMi'Kisixc Eureka, Mammoth and Silver City, also Mining Districts Ol' Ol'HIR, Pairfifld, Merci'e, Blacx Rock, Milkord e and Fkinco in Utah, and the Piociik, DrLamar and Mining Districts in Nevada. Cal-kint- Th muipletimi of tba emiict-nalink between Callanta, Kav.ids and Innofarl, California will open one of the blaffaat umleveloped mining dlatrleU In Um want. Full Information regarding train service, stags eonneetlnn lo Interior crnifH, etc., iheerfnlljr g.ven by any agunl of TUE SALT LAKE UUL'TE, nr addraaa. J. L. MOORE T. C. PECK, E. W. GILLETT, Gent. Pass, Agt. Ant. Genl. Pass. Agt l)ist. Pass. Agt. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. aa a. ffl; AAAXAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaX(ayyiaaaaaaaYiY(iyiqqiqi; dddRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa(ai(iyiyyyyyyyyy) the cofliBiHEP PUciHBgg COLLEGES on n of aald railroad, Iba aalil grantee, bis sucesa-eor- e or assigns, afon sald, shall at all Umwa coo-forto such renaonabla ordinances, miss anil aa may ba mlnpted by the cli council of uld clly In relation to constructing and oparatlng Conpupbs. . The Davis County Argus published at Farmington by D. P. Felt and son, has msde its appesrance and is a very creditWe trust that the able publication. publishers will receive the liberal support of the people of that section. The Eureka Reporter. The Argus, a neat country newspaper of four pages, edited by D. P. Pelt at Farmington, Utah, is now before us The paper has a nest, newsy appearance and appears to be well patronised by the We wish Farmington community. Brother Felt success in his venture. Provo Democrat. n D. P. Felt, the and talented Utah newspaperman, associated with his son is beginning the publication of the Davis County Argus, at Farming-(on- . "Dave1 ia an indefatigable worker and it will not be his fault if the Argus is not a credit to Farmington, Davis Co., and the State. Bingham Bulletin t The first number olthe Davis County Argus came to this office on Friday, and we congratulate our old friend D. P. Felt for the splendid showing he makes with the first number of his spicy little paper. The Banner wishes friend Dave every success, it is possible in his journalistic venture, and say to the people of Davis county they ought to give him their I.ehi hearty and financial support. , well-know- . Atnr.tr. railroads. That fknalngtno City sba'I in nu Boctlon way bo llabla if rasponalble tor any aerldant or occur In Um construction nr that may damage oporaUnn of aald railway by reason of tba default, nf said misconduct or grantee, hla iu asora or aoalgns, aforesaid, id lb sir ampiojaat, and lha acceptance of thla grant shall bs deemed an agreement on tha part nt aald grantee, for himaslf, his successors and assigns, lo suvs nJ city harmlaaa from and agalnal any and all I laid'. i, loss, corn a, axpeosa or damaga from any ran--a arising out of any such default, or misconduct; or which may accrue by reason of any acrldeut or injury whlrh may occur In or by reason of lha construction nr op aratlon of said railway, and lo Indemnify and repay raid elty for any low, cost, expens- - or damage of any kind It may sustain by rsasoo nr say aurh default, misconduct, aerldant or Injury, and If any for any inch default, nils, judgment tor damages conduct, accident or Injury, ahall ba recovered thereof shall ba Anal against aald clly lha recovery aa between said city and Um said gnuiiae, hla or asstyns, aforassld, and omcluaiva as to the liability af iba latter to the former, provided, however, that tha aald grantee, hla successors or assigns, ahall have hail nodes In writing of tha pendency of aurh action in lima lo appear, answer and defend tha asms Seetkio. 7 That If thla grant with tba term and conditions herain contained ba not accepted 1 c writing by alad grantee within sixty days aftnr notice of the pawage of Ibis ordinance, nr If tha preliminary survey of said railroad ba nut b. D. S. and d within twelve omhiiIis after tha passage of thla ordinance, nr If lha enew ruction of nl least on tnirk of aald road ba mil completed through lha elty within three years slier Ike acceptance of thla ordinance, then this grant and franrhlae shall nail and void, provided, bnwevar, that aald and franelilss shall not ba for noted for tba giant eansaa above set forth or for any reason whatever. If tba aald grantee, hla successors, ur assigns, afnreauld, without their fault shall bars bean prevented, h'nileied or daiayed In lha per form alien of such conditions or any nf them, by tha ast nf (tod, nr lha operation of law, atrikea or oilier causes beyond their control, Section 8. That wbennar and wherever Ihe word aueeeasors" occurs In this urdiuunre lha Hme In addltluo te lie urdlnary manning .hull l cnretmail in moan and luriude heirs, executors uni adiUlolstrubini. Faiwsd by tba Clly Council of Farmington M'y, Utah, thla Mb ilay of September, A. ll. IM. JAMES II. KI'BIKBON, Mayor. Allen: Nil'S I A SALT LAKE NOW OPEN FOR WORK; THE CIAL SCHOOL IN THE WEST. FINEST COMMER- The High School, Normal, Kindergarten, Commercial, and Domestic Science eouraes of the Laltcr-da- y SainU University, have bekn so Mu ccasfully developed that they now stand fully equal to the beat of similar courses given here or elsewhere. The new building, aparatus, and libraries, the able faculty, the model curriculum, and the admiral arrangements, justify us in congratulating the educational public upon the excellent facilities now afforded by this institution. Hy order of the board of Trustees, .lO.FPll S. WELLS, Secretary. School re-ope- ns Sept. 12 Catalogs sent free PALMFk, I'lly haror.ler. U OV Afl, Ihi'u'y. . i r IMS f: - |