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Show DAVIS COUNTY FAKMIN'UTOX, VOLUME I. NUMBER 3. UTAH, TUESDAY. SEl'TEMIJKIi 27, 1104 A. Were Sustained. APGSTLES A SMITH Complete AND PENROSE Organization Quarterly Conference Soul HERE. Effected Had Stirring Addresses Delivered. The quarterly atake conference of Davis Stake convened promptly at io a. ni. in the newly decorated meeting house on Sunday, September 5th. The session wav opened under the auspices of the regular Sunday tchool. There wai a large attendance from all and would sustain whomsoever wss placed charge of the Davis stake; urged renewed faith and unity among the people. President J. S. Clark then occupied a short time endorsing the remarks so far made and urged fathers and mothers to so conduct their lives ss to merit the respect of their children. We must honor God end His Priesthood if we would expect our children to honor us. Do not find fault with those placed over us; do not criticise the authorities they know what is best for us ami we should honor them in every way. Speaker felt sure those in charge of the auxiliary organiza- - j tiods were faithful and were doing all they could to build up the great work ill hand; he referred briefly to the filling of vacancies and some troubles that had prevailed from a slight misunderstanding of the various authorities, but believed harmony prevailed at present. No fricThe tion or eruptions were existing. people of Davis stake were honestly working to the uplrailding of God's work on earth. Meeting closed by singing "We Arc All Enlisted, etc. Benediction by Elder Riley Cbslfin. representative parta of the county. There were present Elders John Henry Smith and Charlea V. lenroae of the Apostlea quorum. After roll call and singing on page 31 of the Sunday School hymn book, prayer was offered by Elder Jonathan D. Wood AFTERNOON SESSION. of Farmington. session wss addressed by afteruoou The Life." Singing The Lord is My Smith and by Charles Elders John Henry sacraDuring the administration of the ment the congregation sang a hymn, followed by a voluntary played on the organ by Miss Cotterell. Elder John Henry Smith was the first an speaker and said he desired to awaken interest among the young folks in the gospel work and also to honor their parents in conforming their actions to th e wishes of their parents; referred to the men to prevailing tendency of young of ideas and things to consider their plans be greatly in advance of their father's. think Speaker urged the young ladies to the in world; woman best the her mother for the young man to revere his father more than any other man in the world. The speaker had used his own father as a criterion for him to compare all men never seen a by and was proud to say had tnaAao great as he. Urged young men to place their father and mother on the highest plane, to judge others by them, and rarely if ever will a mistake be made. Advised all present to see that they maintained the high standard their parents had established let the future generations be better than the past. Elder Penrose was the next speaker. He endorsed the advice given by Apostle Smith; urged that close attention be given this subject, as the relations established on this earth are maintained in the next world; our parents being at the head in our resurrected condition as well as here. The speaker advised parents to so con duct themselves as to command the love and respect of their children; give them no occasion to ever be ashamed of your actions. Our Savior ever showed His Father the'respect due a father and their love for each other was so great that they were one in all things. We should try and follow this rule as nearly as possible create that same bond between us, and our children as exists bet ween the Savior and God, Let the spirit of love and kindness ever guide us m our corrections of their faults, ever bear in mind our duties toward the children. The mother is the first and most effective shaper of a child's life. Teach the child faith in God teach it to pray to God in prosperity as well as in trouble; teach a a child repentance as well as faith; what it is, as well as how to repent. If we do this then the responsiblity for a failure will not be on us but instead on the child himself. Carry an air of kindness and humility at all times and our girls and boys will respect, love and honor our memory as Brother Smith does his father's. We want our children to be better than we are. We want to carry on the great work of redemption, not only in this life, but in the life to come. Archie Brown then sang the solo, "Let Us All Speak Kind Words. President Jos, H. Grant was the next speaker. He was gratified to see so many saints and children present. He urged the people to listen to and heed the words of counsel given by tlie Apostles. Especially did he endow the advice to honor our fathers and mothers. Speaker had a fa'her that he was proud of although he was but a few months old when his father died, still be had Leard with pride the good report of bis father. His mother is alaoa woman to be proud of and the speaker hoped that all of our young folks could be as proud of our parents as was Brother Smith. President Grant briefly reported the condition of the stake-f- elt that generally it was in a fair condition considering the great loss r President llee. Paul a high tribute to the 1.23 A YKAIi J y. Unanimous ington when he first came to this couu-ti- Patriarch ot Davis Make. Ho looked buck with pleasure and fudge II. II. Kolapp was invited to ad- with iiiaie sorrow at tecollecliona of those dress th e audience. naked itmt God Speaker fell strong in the sjiirit even if limes endured here in tlie early help him in his remarks. hard Hail lrtt Lis was getting atronger weak in the body; home many years before to go into the and had faith that his health would con- days. Krmcmber that we are memliers of His miaoionnry field in England. Had had tinue to improve. He felt sure the people and in church; parts ofllis body; and us such the opportunity to visit the memory of bis great work in Davis THE HEW STAKE PRESIDEHCV slake. Elders Joseph H. Grant, James Eld ridge and Jesse M. Snith, ARGUS W. Penrose of the Apostle's quorum, Meeting commenced by singing "Our God We Praise to Thee. Irsyer was offered by Elder Tollman; and the choir sang from page 88 of the hymn book. The first speaker was Elder John Henry Smith, who stated that the stake had been without a head for some time, hut recently the authorities had considered the matter and had decided on persona to fill the vacancy, and if the appointments were desired by the members, to make it manifest by the usual sign; also to tender approbation to the retiring presidency, Elders Grant and Clark. The brethern were honorably released by unanimous vote. Elder Smith then presented the names ofEldeii Joseph hyrum Grant as president, James A. Eldridge as first counselor, and Jesse M. Smith as second counselor, to preside over the Davis Stake of Zion. These officers were unanimously sustained; as aku were the other officers subsequently named. After the presentation of church authorities, Elder Charles W. Penrose spoke on the necessity of unity the uusnimity of the people in accepting the officers wss commendable; spoke on tlie retirement of Elder Clark from the stake presidency. Brother Clark was held in high esteem by his brelhrrn not only at home but also by the members of the apostles' quorum. Elder Penrose then proceeded to deliver a discourse on "Unity of the Faith, and a personal knowledge of the e true church as against the churches of the day. Speaker referred to the solid foundation of the meetinghouse; thought it exemplified tlie foundation cif faith that each one of us should build on and thus stand the trials that come to the faithful. Advised those present to olitsin a testimony of the truth of the scriptures, both ancient and modern, When this testimony is once obtained, we may then advance and attain the highest grade of glory. Speaker referred to the perfect organization of the priesthood. Elder Penrose spoke on the fore ordination of certain men holding positions in the church. Men holding position without the authority of the priesthood are utterly null and void, and are not recognized by God. The authority was given Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry by men, the direct messengers from God, who in turn have brought this authority down to the preaent day. Thii ia the everlasting priest hooil that has existed forever without and without end. This ia the authority of God to rule Hi children on earth, and constitutes the only recognized power of God on earth. The churches and organisation! of man are not of God, and the promoter of these churches, etc. do not so claim except perhaps those who believe in the pope and even this nay be doubted. And in tbe lost days the holy priesthood was given for the last time, and will endure to the end and forever. No power of evil or of darkness can overthrow this great work. Nor will it ever be left to another people; nor will it ever be left to be overthrown. So when a man ha the priesthood, he will hold it forever except if he himself shall cut himself off; no other man or men can do so, without good canae. This ia God'a work anil we should he proud Ube identified with it. It is here on earth to stay, and each member to enjoy tbia good spirit forever and forever. Speaked relcru-- tn his enrly ixn"ri-cncc- s in this town, having livd in 1:.imiiman-mad- Kaysville , Mercantile Institution tive ' DEALERS IN Temple was prouil of it. Gave a most we should I interesting proud of it. Each one discourse ou the course we should pursue should do hia part and we and our work in life. Urged the saints to attend to tlu-i- r will live forever. Women should encour- Sunday and other church age their huslxnds to do their duties in them by saychurch; do not ing ''() dou't go out tonight, but rather wlien the husband fevlt like not attending a quorum meeting urge him to go. Alter a hymn hv the choir, Elder John Henry Smith spoke a lew words on the subject of saint mixing up with other churches sud organizations. Our church is either all that is good aril contains all the good that may be found in them or else it is no better than any other. The Lord told Joseph Smith that none of the existing churches were right and as a result of this dedatition the church was organized and istablihlied under the proper authority, as bos been so clearly explained by Elder l'enrose today. The testimony given today ia the kind that is indisputable when tlie spirit Of C.od permeates us as Filler Penrose hu testified of today, we know we have the truth. It is our duty to get this testimony for ourselves so that each one may know for himself that this work is true, and that it will live forever and never be taken from the earth. This having been obtained, we shall not care to look to other churches or organizations fur anything farther. Elder Smith spoke on tbe prevailing carelessuesi of our people, with a neighbor not of our faith. We do not meet and tell them of the truths we have learueil. Present this faith to our neighbor so that he may not rise up in the next world and say "Why didn't yuu tell me of this in tire other world?" Do not let us forget to tell anyone who will listen, of the great truths we have learned. Elder Smith bore a strong testimony as to the tnrning cf the key for the last time and the ushering iu of tlie gospel for Ihe eternity of time. Benediction was pronounced by Ben- duties; particul- arly lelt the necessity of parents helping their children in their chuicli duties and lesson. Referred very concisely to the in the church where men were epochs cuoseu for the condition of tlie church at juxl the r ght t.inr; cued me al misoious of the 1ruphet Ssuulli, Brigham Young Join Taylor, Willard Woodruff; Lorenzo Snow, and todav of President Joseph F. Smith. Each in li:s own special mission being the man fur the place at the time w just hen necessary. After a beautiful anthem by tlie choir. Elder Penroe occupied the stand. He cast a boqnet to the choir and rlosed with g a appeal to the people to build up the various auxilary associations and helo roll ou the greut work. Also to get together and e.tsblislie and encourage some local home industries. I AFTERNOON SESSION. Alter the usual opening excrciiea Elder John Henry Smith naked the congregation to sustain the appointment of Elder Ebenezcr William to the office of FALL LINE OF CLOTHING, HATS , DRY GOODS: ETC STOCK OF OUT- ING FLANNELS, FULL AND I PLETE . 3 GREAT CARE' LOOKING NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. 5? soul-stirrin- CONFERENCE NOTES. Complimentary remarks were mode on the pleasing appearance of the renovated and repapered meeting house. Elder Penrose was accompanied by his wife, who, with her husband, over 42 faix ago, lived in Farmington, having lived here ou their first arrival to Utah. Times were pretty hard in those days. The meeting house was taxed to its utmost capacity to furnish room for the kcal and the visiting church members. A duet was sung by Mersrs. Archie Brown and James Steed. MINING ft ffZ John I j' von : AMD COL'NTKT I'ROtll CK. Kaysvile, Utah caifc buy ayy wljere else, Kaysvine Merchant Has It. I Telephone dumber I For Prices . 5 VVVV eiiVV BARTON JOHN FUNERAL DIRECTOR the present owners a per centage of The only licensed embalmer in the Count. Also Dealer in strangers have been in the district lately looking over the Furniturt: Picture Frames, WJt Paper, Window Blass, Etc. ground end investigating the surroundings with a view to getting control of some of the more promising projx-rtieThere will be considerable work done this winter and tlie chances are that when spring opens up there will be a paying mine or two in the district. KAYSVILLE, UTAH. faresentrui a. Geo. H. Blood Kick Ronnemort BOfiriECnORT & BLiOOD JOHNSONS Dealers in fiOTEIz FRESH AND CURED MEATS SMamasH Telephone No. UTAH 5 Kaysrille, Utah sgMgWiWMSU3aa COMMERCIAL MENS PARADISE. EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN I T. TAMISON C. f DEALER IN REASONBLE RATES. BUTTER, EGGS, AND GRAIN PHONE 21 KAYSVILLE, UTAH FEET TO STEWART 1 JOHN R. BARNES, President L. S. HILLS, Vice-Preside- nt BRES BflflKIO CO. MERCHANT Fop Shoes that Fit That Fit Every and Prices MENS UTAH KAYSVILLE, Pocket. Ha Sells DRUGS, PAIHTS, OILS, DRY GOODS , CA VITAL Sl $25, O' 10 FURN-ISHIHG- S, um s AND A PROFITS $35,100 $ lUltKiTOHS; row B. BABBBII, WILLIAM .LOTTO, .4. ETC. KAYSVILLE, THE SteFFte Td the Quite a number of BRING YOUR THE Bl'KCIAl.Tr OV I'.KAIX A WITH TO Barnes, Supt. the profits I if there be any ) on the or taken out during the terra of the lease. KAYSVILLE, GOODS SELECTED COM- f.V.ViV.V.,iVV.VV.V.V.,.V.V.V.V.V.VW.V.VAVkVV2 I HYRUM R. MAKE NOTES A party of. investors lias begun nego tatina with a view to getting a lease and bond on the Col. Foote in Mud Creek, The matter has not progressed beyond the preliminary stage as yet, for the reason that ootuq stockholders living at ajdictance will have to be communicated with before it is known oujust wlist terms the property can be secured. This property is s very promising one and if properly worked would prove the value of that entire section of tbat district. The parties desiring lease are not willing to pay any money down for the properly but are willing to agree to do a certain amount of work on the property and to pay Ll'C- - Ijardwarc, $oouta, oroceriurf, 1 4s Prayer by Elder Joseph S. Clark. Singing, "Through Deeping TrislsV etc. The new President was the first speaker, and expressed his gratitude to God for the good spirit manifested during the conference; also to the people for the of confidence given both in meeting tail by individuals, who had shaken bands and said "God Bless You " He asked the people to support him; overlook his weakness and follies if aay are shown. He appreciated the support and confidence given him and I'resment Clark by the high council, bishops and various stake officers. The speaker then related seme of his early experiences in his boyhood days showing the various steps taken until yesterday when selected to act as President of the Davis stake. He expressed his love and respect for his late associate in the stake, Elder Joseph S. Clark, and asked God's Blessing to follow Brother Clark wherever he may go. Sprsher renewed hia appreciation of tbe faith sad prayers of the saints, for their effurts in bis behalf during the past year of his sickness. He was sure the promises made iu his behalf would be fulfilled and he would soon regain hia lost health and weight. Elder James A. Eldredge, first counselor, followed with a brief appeal to the people give him tlreir faith, prayers and support in his position; promised to devote his whole energy to do the best he could in his new lalmre and appreciated fully the respect and honor shown him. Tlie bishops of the carious wards of the stake made short report of the condition of their wards, which was generally good. Elder John Henry Smith then deliver-a- n address im the duties of the officers elected and on the development of practical as well as spiritual religion. Spoke on the necessity of increasing the water supply in parts of the stake. Urged the new officers to cultivate the spiritual among the strongly practical men and the practical among the spiritually inclined. Speaker laid great stress ou the necessity of keeping up our practical or temporal duties aa well as tlie spiritual or theoretical. Idleness s the curse of a country and work lirings happiness and contentment. Spoke strongly ou the total abstinence Irani the use of whiskey, tobacco and other nurcotics. Anlbrm bv the choir. Benediction Elder Thos. Steed. Drv 8 A party of Salt Lake gentlemen visited the little Gem Sunday and were very favorably impressed with the allowing made. Some very fine galena has been encountered in this property, there being several narrow atreakx in the mine which appear to be almost a blanket formation jamin Ashby. and runs right into the hill. The outSECOND DAYS PROCEEDINGS. cropping of the ledge can be traced for Stake conference was resumed by sing quite a distance ou each aide of the ing "How Firm s Foundation. tunnel, which is in about iuo feet and d - I lie 44. UTAH 4 , Inl-r.-- rt ih'M 4 4 4444 ki1i! tt Tlnin .njwh.ru m . him-- J. O. M. D'l-i-- In il. th. , BABMIM Wu sons w. nnut prtkm s nttm, JAMS I'. LABRIK. Mon-Io Imu an flood MMurttf. Draft Iiut. ? mlli-llm- l orM. Yuor liunm KIITAMY JM'lll.li! IN H1NK . T |