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Show reference to the lact two of Tjik Am.t's it will he seen t of Farming-to- n that the mining rrr.usHED every Tuesday mid Davi county an by no Farmington, Utah Publiahara means a- - iiihlgnilicaiit as may lie genD P. FELT A SON The owners and erally KiiiNiied. O. P. FELT, EDITOR. of mining claim are, as a pruiuotorn VERNON FELT Managar. t diflidi-nabout their proprule, very aa matter of fact there is erties, hut I lain, rain, come again." SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: work goiug tin Advance.) We of. ever 110 on one Hint heirs We need better mail m'lirdulra. One Year - - - - - - - $1.33 of a alive scut The n 75 recently pierent Six Month - - - .50 Aum s on a special trip to iiihpcct Three Montha electric nerds lights. Farmington what in being dom: and shall likely for trana made been ha Application have lioiiie more iuterrntiug news to mission through the mad aa aecond-ciat- a Layton would In a big tow iu any impart that will go to prove that this mail matter. rouulv. county i in the tail with some other FARMINGTON. - - - Skit. 37, 1904 well as the We have iver tiling hut good counties in iniiiiTsI a nnt ural other renmircei. already so sprinklers in this city. 18KAUTIFY U t.TTIKS! well JDavis County Argus. --- plant a small lawn, paint the fence or whitewanh it, mend up the broken plarn ; clean out the yard ; and in a abort time any of these eyesores will be as objectionable to you as they are to a person who delights in seeing a well kept home, farm, garden or city. IJy 1111111-b- en inli-rex- --- 11 recognized. There is one subject of criticism that is observed in Farmington and in nearly all country towns, this is the poorly kept streets. Weeds, old ana and other impedimenta peculiar to country, towns seem to abound hereabouts, not to mention the irregular contour of tin: sidewalks and We believe the property roads. owners are largely to blame for lids condition, and if we can interest them iu remedying the evil wc shall have done much good. Whenever we pass the Farmiiigtou staKaysville or Outervllie railway with delightful tions we are atruck beautiful at the appearance pleaaure presented; it involuntarily rreatea the impression that Uds represent! the kind of peoplo living there. It ia aald a man la judged by tho coat that he wears. Sometimes tliia is not Just, but still we do it, and so a town la judged ; its citizens are l'olitio are rackii.g Urn public of other places, hut we are happy iu our pastoral contentment. A Wokuikii depart- citi-zens In this issue we hare representation 1MSETTY IS TIME TO BUY YOUR SCHOOL SHOES, L'HOKIkTKK. I)i:.va Mis. Kihtok: the cue have I believe the democrat fully rralizc flic value of giving "equal right to all and in taking this view, I am sure they will remember and give the women voters representation on their county ticket. Mrs. Sarah Howard KIND YOU WflflT. is the leading candidate for political preferment among flic ladies. She lias served 1 lie public in (be position of recorder for two terms and given the utmost satisfaction ; not only to 25 PERCENT OFF ON SUMMER HATS and BONNETS. FOR ONE WEEK. J. D. WOOD, Farmington. Proud of Old Nassau. pul-lish- OUR NOW Fair Flay. ment are l lie opinions of the wn iters whose nsnies are signed thereto. TbZ Havincoiiul of The telephone girls ivditor is in 110 wine responsible for any most hold the wreath for being the opinion or argument that may be here; but will from time to time prompt, courteous and obliging to be comment favorably upon or criticise, acs found. Wc doff our lust to them. cording to his be judgment. The are earnestly requested to discu-such matters as they may deem of interest Mr. Postmaster General, why not to the public or to themselves. The only thnl the writers must use the Lagoon road as an an nil iary restriction being not indulge ill personalities or ahuse. to the rural mail service for Davis county, and thereby give us eight mails per day additional? j the democrats but to the public generally, and without doubt will poll a large vote. PEOPLES' FORUM I. from the Davie County Nurseries. An institution that has long been known in the commercial world and has brought many a dollar into our county. Davia county ia peculiarly adapted to the nursing and culture of fruit tree, shubbery and shade trees, and many art of Utah must give our county credit for Initial horticulthat exemplify tural and floriciiltoral beauty; the well aa public places, our contention. plants, etc., being starred in our local and formed nursery. The prejudice that la la often melted by Utah to brought The political situation in Sait Lake joat such care of appearance, supple treatment The Recourteous is in a peculiar position. stented by the to all torn are pieces by the publicans alwaya accorded a stranger. the the liberal elemove of county Now cannot we In this, best and ment in ita ranks. Of its effects outseat of one of the richest eountiee in the atate, take example side of Balt Lake City, it will hardly from Salt Lake City? from our be appreciated. Even in Salt Lake coun its promoters are experiencing no Lagoon pleasure resort? or our Some end of difficulty in finding timber for ty eourt house surrounding!? and a state ticket. time much If they put up a will eay this takes But wait, county ticket in Salt Lake county, money that I cannot spare. be thia will be all that will be attempted would it how think and easy Stop to chop down those weeds ; throw as far as other counties are concerned. ont Regarding Davia county we feel sure Owny tboss old cans ; straighten and level ditch grade it will have nothing to do with tho ; up that water front new liberal party, either locally or in that little piece of sidewalks boy yonr wife a few flower' feeds, with its state ticket n I 1 pt l-- s Kaysville is one of the towns that 1 the comity is proud of. too," Bountiful. says The articles appearing in this Calls are made for primaries from republicans and democrats. Wc trust they will be well attended and intelligent interest shown in the selection of the best timber to be found in both the parties; then the public will hare visible the surroundings. measured by more interest in deciding how to vote. of air an have If they look liesl. thrift and energy her people The Logon Journal fur September if the streets present 17th ramo out on book also So judged. paper, sixteen a ragged appearance; slovenly water pages and tilled with interesting data courses ; dejected looking houses; and reininhcenses rorunienioratory of Mock wandering around tho streeta; its quarter century birthday. The and other signs of lethargy ; they are Journal is a great paper and warrants condemned. the liberal patronaga given it by its If each property owner along the Cacho county elicntelle. main streets especially at and near tho railway stations should aeg to it We hope our political friends of that no weeds thrive on Ids ahlewalka, both parties will give the ladies repreno ugly looking eans permitted to re- sentation ou their tickets. They demain in front of Ida property, no serve It by all measures of justice. or courses water running Moreover, it add tone and dignity shall sidewalks the of sections even tin to the political powers that give them wc aro the prevail In Ids locality then rights they "are entitled to by favorable giving to the stranger a birth, ability and constitutional impression. There are Ihousaude of strangcra A lady very close to the editorial passing through our townl every for head of this paper, when riding year, many of whom aro looking a as place to through the rouiitv recently on the a place to locate, many some Oh what an and Lagoon" train said : Invest their surplus capital ! I could lie ' mental ideal a for home place idle tourists, still all take stahappy here forever. It reminds 1110 notes of the surroundings at our of when I was a child, playing around tions and our main streets. aro the bay; the beauties and charms of Utah of reported The citizens not let Do Farmington and the county are simply to be a peculiar people." so are we indescribable." it be aald that it is because careless of our appearance cither as It serins to 11s, if there is a real enIndividuals or as a community; have outlook for an electric railit thought of us in the country, as it couraging between Salt Lake and Ogden, has been said of Ball Uke City for way that it lies in the power of Mr. Bam10 many ycasr, What a lovely ap" berger and his Lagoon road to give pearing town ! it to us. lie has the necessary franover all Salt take Ulty is renowned well-kechises through our county ; lias the the world for its straight and is a payatreeta; its beautiful foliage, road built half way ; and it dear running streams ; lovely homes ing proposition already. with artistic surroundings; flowers seen in the windows; lawns well trimmed; atablci and outbuildings clean and tidy ; and all that goea to of represent just what the majority are to claim Utah be, the citizens of Look represented in Salt Lake City. D. 8. L. at the Temple block, the iversity, the city and county building, the tithing ofliee, the lTceldcnU offices and thousand of private aa : ! the habit is allowed to grow into glaring hideouniiens, become a silly fad and a stated iu the foregoing ex- tracts, leaves anything but a pleasing impression on the suffering beholder. UUUOMANIAC. No noble college hymn exists than OM Nif-a- u. When Ihts Prlr.ccin:!' psalm U sunn ou the occasion of public same ami the like, not only the student massed In one body, but their famillc and sweetheart and the Rradiute. too. Invariably stand, and and as the refrain. Ixng Life to Old Nassau. " Is reached all heads aro uncovered and hat are waved In the air. This custom of standing and uncovering while singing the college anthem has been Imitated by other but the inspiration was breathed in Princeton. James W. Alexander In Leslies Weekly. THE SCENIC LINE TO a, Pueblo, tilenwood Springs, St. Louis, Chicago, and all point cast. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SoriiiKKM Pacific andOmuiON Shout Like Trains. Tr ant continental Line patting directly through Salt Lake City. Colorado Leadville, Kansas Denver, Omaha, City, Spring, Aipen, How doth the busy little girl ' Improve each passing hour? By chewing slabs of lulu gum With all her jawful power. IIow cunningly she wads it up! How quickly turus it o'er! Only Shifts it from port to starlioanl, Then chews it more and more. I..ViAVVV.V.V.WV.V.V.W.VV.VV,.VV.VVAWj Who taught the little girl Splendidly equiped Fast Trains Daily between The way to work her chin? Who showed her how to twt her jaws Olden and Denier Such weiid grimaces in? 11 Via Three Sepcratc and Distinct Sccniu Route. Who tanght her deft prehrnaile tongue The laaaoa work to do? To corral the elusive gum, . And chew, and chew; and chew? through fullham andordimary slexping cars to . aJ school me! at learned art she the Ah, ; Denver, Omaha," Karnes City, St Leuit, and Chicago without change. Matriculation day; ? Tf Free reclining chair can. Personally conducted excursions. And hadn't learned a great deal moje What time ihe came away. la Service on a all Carte Dining Care, through trains Then let us all, wtth heart and will, HORSEAMO WAGON WORK, Keep gum en bind to chew, And find aotn. ecu pat ion still SHOEING. For idle jsws to do. 0. A. P. D.. Salt Lake City, gj I. The foregoing lines were found In Utah. Farmington, ft a book written for boys by Nurt I 4 444444444444444444444444 Blandish. Tho ludicrous appeai'auce of the chronic gmn chewer, is por.A' trayed in these lines as well as does of in his delineation the Dickens CUALtTER HfllWPTOfi General av.v.vNv;v!;v.VAVvAv;v.v.vv.v.v,v.v.v. Blackjnjitljii J I A. BENTON, $ human character. , In this article we do nut propose to take up the phase of the question, for some believe gum chewing ia beneficial as a digestant, but to those who need it as a medicine we suggest they take it in private aa they would any other pill. We believe the ridiculous appearance of the (olhorwisc pretty) is worthy of apocial mention from average observers standpoint and As such we will take the liberty of quoting further from the aaiqc author who says in reference to the lines above : health-fracturin- g gum-oniani- ae Yea, its so true to life, you know. We have all of us beheld such hesrtrending illustrations of its truth. AW how oit our fairest idols hsre been shattered by a chew of gum! IIow oft have we been dead smashed on some ravishing maid whom we were fain to think dose allied to the angels, only to behold her untie the corner of her handkerchief and extract a week-ol- d chew of gum and slap it down into the southeast corner of her mouth with an expression of heavenly satisfaction on her tweet little mug, We have all known them to slick their old chews up on window sills and walls for future reference, and then, on the spur of the moment, after the gum had remained long enough to obtain a good coating of dust, tsar it down and ram it into their faces without the leaat hesitation. g Sacha spectacle ia enough to ahatter the fairest idol and turn a fellows hair gray with horror. Excuae these lew tears. heart-rendin- No one will deny the truthfulneae of the aomewhat drily expressed thoughts of this observer. The choir leader is the greatest sufferer from the gum chewing fraternity and should be commiserated with as be in sorrow notes the wad of gum being tossed hither and thither in the cavity designed by nature aa a food receiver. The tones of the singer's voice are changed and ugly discord introduced into an otherwise good choir, to say nothing of the disgusting sight presented the congregation. That the habit is acquired at school goes without saying. Borne teachers are keen to notice the growing and cherk it op or break it especially whero the of the parents is secured ; other times idio-cyncra- Calls to Salt bake from Bountiful. Centerville, and Farmington IO CENTS prom Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington to Ogden IS CENTS bake prom Kaysville to Salt prom Kaysville to Ogden 15 CENTS 15 CENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER dBtgiUma ... J1L- -L 1ST. ' ocHy Mountain Ben Telephone company- - J H |