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Show THE ETERNAL FEMININE. WORTH KNOWING. WORK OF VOLCANO Pleasant, Simple Remedy That Anyone Can Prepare at Home. OP DESTRUCTION EXPLANATION OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Moat people are more or less snb-- ; set to coughs aad colds. A simple Syrup ot Figs and Elixir of remedy that win break up a cold dentist Satisfied He Has Discovered quickly and cure any cough that is Senna appeals to the cultured and the curable la made by mixing two ounces and the Agent by Which the Twe Wicked e iff Virgin ot Glycerine, a its because Cities Were Wiped from component healthy OU of Pine compound pure and eight the Earth. are simple and wholeounces of pure Whisky. You can get parts because it acts withsome and In any good drug store and eas-lEllsworth Huntington, head of tbs these out mix them In a large bottle. The disturbing the natural funcrecent Tale expedition to Palestine mixture recommended Is by highly tions, as it is wholly free from declares that he haa verified the Blblr Co. of Cincinnati, Chemical Leach the objectionable quality or story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Oil of every the who Virgin genuine prepare In of he substance. In its production a says Hundreds pages," Pine compound pure few dispensing. writbeen "have Magazine, Harpers pleasant and refreshing syrup ten to prove that the story la a CRITICISM. TO of the figs of California is unitCALLOUS myth, or that the ancient towns were ed with the laxative and cardestroyed by the bursting forth of minative properties of certain oil wells like those of Texas or Baku, which sometimes are ignited and plants known to act most beneburn for days. Other hundreds of ficially, on the human system, pages have been devoted to proving when its gentle cleansing is dethat Sodom and Gomorrah were or sired. To get its beneficial efwere not at the north end of the Dead not were fects, always buy the genuine, sea, and that they were or for sale by all reputable drugrailed under the saline deposits at either end of the lake. one size only, price gists ; Among recent milters there seems cents a bottle. The name The Hosbaad As far as I am con- fifty to be a tendency to believe that California Sodom and Its sister town were prob- cerned, you may scold as much as you of the company Fig Syrup Co. is always plainably located at the south end of the Ike. I am by nature name Usdom la :e, where the ly printed upon the front of evSUFFERED TERRIBLY. thought to represent Sodom, and ery package of the genuine. where Arab tradition now locates the well-inform- ed half-ounc- - "Why can't yen run a little faster, Willie?" Gee! dares no pleasin' some woo an! If i was er race horse, you'd kick because I couldn't fly!" SCRATCHED SO SHE NOT SLEEP COULD 1 write to tell you bow thankful I am for the wonderful Cutlcura Remedies. My little niece bad eczema for Ere years and when her mother died I took care of the child. It was all ever her face and body, also on her head. She scratched so that she could not sleep nights. I used Cutlcura Boap to wash her with and then applied Cutlcura Ointment I did not use quite half the Cutlcura Boap and Ointment, together with Cutlcura when you could see a change and they cured her nicely. Now she Is eleven years old and has never been bothered with ' eczema since. My friends think it is Just great the way the baby was cured by Cutlcura. I eend you a picture taken when she was 18 months old. s about "She was taken with the eczema when two years old. She was covered with big sores and her mother had all the best doctors and tried all kinds of salves and medicines without effect until we used Cutlcura Remedies. Mrs. H. Kleraan, 663 Quincy 8L, Brooklyn, N. Y Sept 27, 1909." Re-solre-nt . Nil Desperandum. Percy Parklngton rose and brushed the dust from hla knees. Then, draw Ing himself up to his full height, he gazed resentfully upon the form of Miss Muriel Muggins, who nonchalantly fanned herself the while. "Very well. Miss Muggins," came In Oh, very hitter tones from Percy. well! You have spurned me, it Is true! Indeed, you have spurned me . twice! But, though despair eats my heart, I shall not die! I mean to go into the busy world. I will fight! will win! My name shall become known,, and my riches shall become . envied" . "Pardon me' for interrupting you,1 Miss Mr. Parklngton, Interjected have shall when but you Muggiua, accomplished all that, you may try me again. Lipplncotts. , Her Idea of Discipline. One day recently, Just after the opening of the Baltimore schools, the teacher of a primary class had occasion right at the start to enforce discipline. Here, young man!" she exclaimed. Indicating a pupil whose name she dit not yet know, I saw you laughing In this school!" i T was only thinking about something, maam, said the youngster, sheepishly. Well, dont, let that happen In school again," said the teacher, sternly. Sunday Magazine of the Cleveland Leader. HARD TO DROP But Many Drop . , . It A young Calif, wife talks about coffee: ' It was hard to drop Mocha and Java and give Postum a trial, but my nerves were so shattered that I was a nervous wreck and of course that means all kinds of alls. At first I thought bicycle riding caused It and I gave It up, but my condition remained unchanged. I did not want to acknowledge jeoftee caused the trouble for I was very fond of It At that time a friend came to live with us,. and I noticed that after he hai been with ns a week he would not drink his coffee any more. I asked him the reason. He replied, 1 have not had a headache since I left off drinking coffee, some months ago, till last week, when I began again, here at your table. I dont see how anyone can like coffee, anyway, after drinking Postum! I said nothing, but at once ordered a package of Postum. That was five months ago, and we have drank no coffee since, except on two occasions when we had company, afid the result! each time was that my husband couli not sleep, but lay awake and tossed and talked half the night. We were convinced that coffee caused his suffering, so, he returned to Postum,- convinced that coffee was an enemy, Ina friend, and he Is troubled stead no more with Insomnia. "I, myself, hare gained 8 pounds In weight, and my nerves have ceased to quiver. It seems so easy now to quit coffee that caused our aches aad alls and take up Postum.' Read the little book, "The Rood to Wellvllle, In pkgs. Theres a Reason.1 the sieve letter te tiaMi fan ef A y thick-skinne- cities. The means of their destruction are believed to have been tiie oil wells mentioned above. This rather unsatisfactory conclusion has been adopted largely because It hai been supposed that no volcano is located In such a position that It could have borne any part In the story. According to the story In Genesis, Lot and Abraham were at Bethel, ten miles north of Jerusalem, when their herdsmen quarreled and they decided to separate. And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the Plain of the Jordan, that It was well watered everywhere, before Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah like the garden of Jehovah, like the land of Egypt, as thou goest unto Zoar. So Lot chose him all the Plain of Jordan. "Then the story goeq on to the time when Jehovah rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Jebovab out of heaven' while Lot fled to the near town of Zoar, He did not stay long, but went out of Zoar and dwelt In the mountain In a cave. "Having freshly read the story and having looked over the strong arguments for locating, the towns south of the Dead sea and for believing them to have been destroyed by something In the nature of bituminous out bursts, I was taken by surprise when I visited the little ruins of Suweimeh and picked up bits of genuine scoriafae-oulava, while the sheikh who acte! as guide told the story of Sodom as the story of Suweimeh of Suweim The name may be a corruption of Ul-fat- s How Relief from Dletressing Kidney Trouble Wae Found. iorriaB Mrs. Elisabeth Wolf, 888 W. Morgan Tipton, Mo., says: Inflammation of the reached its climax last spring and I suffered terribly. My LOUISVILLE, KY. back ached and, pained so I could hardly get around and the secretions were scanty, frequent of passage andjroin&A I was tired all the tune affiTvel nous. I began using Deans Kidnl Pills, and after taking a few boxelfwas iv&A ' and have been well ever since. Remember the name Doans. Sold a by all dealers. 60 cents a box. N. Y. Co., Buffalo, St, bladder Syrup (6. NEW YORK, N. T. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL .. MAKE GOOD GARDENS It Foster-Milbur- Rather Tall. That, said Senator Tillman of an opponents argument, is an amusing exaggeration." He smiled. In fact, he continued, It Is as bad an exaggeration as the story about Ben Johnsons height They aid of Ben, you know, the candidate for sheriff, that when he made a stump speech, instead of getting a stump ready for him to mount they would, because he was so tall, dig a hole for him to stand in." Is impossible te Produce Abundant Oops without proper soli culture aad C Uaa, Tested and Graded Seeds. OUR BIG CATALOG gives you a full explanation of the plan of Scientific Soil Culture. It is free for the asking. SEND FOR IT A Postal Will Do TO-DA- Y The Barteldes Seed Co. DENVER, COLO. Ask for Baiteldea CLIP THIS OUT Renowned Doctors Prescription for Rheumatism and Backache. Varllla' comOne ounce vmpound; pound; one o' Add these to V1 vU each a Take tablespoonfurTrefore key: meal and at bed time; Shake the bottle before using each time. Any druggist has these ingredients In stock or WEAR LIKE IRON will quickly get them from his wholethat. sale house. This was published previThey wear best where the wear ously and hundreds here have been is hardest Made of selected Russia Bars Woman Lawyers. leather specially tanned to resist Russia seems to go out of its way cured by it Good results show after to find trouble. The legal professions the first few doses. This also acts as exactly the kind of wear a healthy have been declared closed to women a system builder, eventually restoring boy or girl will give them. and vitality. by a council representing the various strength Two Isyeis of leather sre sewed Inst institutions of Russian lawyers and the tip instead cf one, to prevent the Spoiled the Story. toes kicking out. The soles an Jurists. The question arose from the Tattered Terry Im a newspaper of extreme toughness. attempts of two women banisters man, but I cant get a Job. Mile. Flelshuts at 8L Petersburg .and Mayer Special Merit School Shoes Lady of the House Indeed! Why Mile. Guensburg at Kleff to plead In not? are made to fit a child's foot in a comfortable, natural way court. Their appearance as counsel Is that will prevent foot trouble in later years, yet they are Tattered Terry You see, I saved a now decided to be illegal. Just wait train from a terrible accident once, stylish and good looking. Only the genuine have the and hear what the suffragists and and all de editors have been sore on Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole. FREE-- If you will send us tha name ef dealer who dues net "ettes have to say! me ever since! Puck. handle Special Merit School 8 hoes, we will send you, free, poet-- ,J handsome picture, also 15x20, of George Waihington. Those who think there are too many also make Honorbih 8hoee for men, We This? Hows children In the world should not forget Shoes, Martha Washington Lady DoUerc Xcward Bundled leading far say On think sometimes there mm o( CBtsiril tint cannot be eund that children HnlTM Comfort Shoes, Yeima Cushion Shoes and bj . CMmfc cure. are too many grown-upsWork 8hoes. V. J. CHENET 4 00 Toledo. 0. We, tha sndwdsnsd. bam known V. J. Che mr him and bellen fcrtb. lut IS nan, pmfecUy boa. & His Tokens of Farewell. onMa ta aS borincm tranaaettanc and ansnrtblly out anv obUrattoua madt br fell Sna. Among the legends that have gath- able te cany Waldimo, j Kim. a Himi, ered around Sir Alfred Jones name Wholesale DrossMa Toledo, taken aettac Cure CSUnfc 0 Halil Internally. is one to the effect that he was In the tteetlv woo tba blood and mama aurtacM ot tha habit of signifying to an office visi- bottle. UiHib. Teatlmonlals ant tree Prtoa Sold br all Drue lata. tor, by offering him a banana, that Taka Halil family Fill tor he desired to end the Interview. If Hie Broad Charity. the banana was accepted and the call Imogens I know papa is cross and prolonged Sir Alfred rose and presented his visitor with a fine flower eurly sometimes and says things that from one of the glass stands In his are unjust, but you should Judge him, If ever yon wished for a home In California send for flroo information abont the greatest Irrigation, colonising and enterprise ever undertaken. In addition to their great But supposing his visitor Philip, by his best office. 400,000 acres in the Twin Falls Country, Idaho, the Kuhns are irrigating I do, dear. Youre bia success in irrigating Oh, Philip flower. the after the Well, MMUOaereslnthe Sacramento Valley. Bend names of friends. Easy terms to settlers. We want stayed legend continues, Sir Alfred then of- beat L Hollister. Dept. K. 205 LaSalle St, Chicago, HL fered a pass to the West Indies on Mothers. to Important one of his mall steamers, with a free Examine carefully every bottle of holiday for b!x weeks at his hotel CA8TORIA, a safe and sure remedy for It is told, however, that on one infants and children, and see that It occasion 81r Alfred got the worst of Bears the the banana trick. A young reporter called on him to learn, on behalf of Signature of) his newspaper, something about the la Use For Over 80 Years. NOVARD E. BURTOI, RAW Tha Kind You Hava Always Bought shipping conflict When, after a ten conversation seconds regarding the nigbeS piless paid eaSmu We are never too old to acquire the LOTS Hum wool. CO. weather, Sir Alfreds hand was stray- latest wrinkle. ing toward the banana plate, the reporter hooked a couple of Wmim out of his ohm pocket In the sweetest tone of Innocence he said: "Wi you have a banana. Sir Alfred?" Westminster Gazette. Sodom. "I went Into the mountains at once from Suweim In order to see where the lava came from. As we dim bet the lower hills the sheikh notice! that I picked up black pieces of lava and broke them open. Dont bother with those, he said. Up here, pointing southeast, there Is a whole mountain of black rock like SCHOOL SHOES F. Mayer boot Shoe co. WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE a T California home-makin- Now or Never! 1 g E FURS BUBS -- PUTNAM FADELESS DYES t |