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Show I Quaker Oats SERIAL is the worlds food Eaten in every STORY country; eaten by 5 infants, athletes, THE I INTO young and old. Recognized as the s great strength builder. 3 ?5? S ' $ $ 52 Delicious and economical. the Name. Phyllis (up from the country) But, Dick this is Just like the last piece you Bjr 1 ROBERT AMES BENNET I$ All in brought me to see here. Dick My dear Phyllis, dont be absurd. This is "The Naughty Qirl of Nice," and the other was "The Grasse Widow." Surely you know that Nice and Grasse are two entirely different places. Punch. ALLETS LIITO BAUAM trill ni ra nut uhIt afresh sold, buloneof tl born etnw hi that anally ban. on for month. GW. 1U worth. XSc, iOc IIJS. trial bn and prove and a person we can A friend is merely tell our troubles to. ritis cubed nr a to is days. to enr. any can Pratradliu Pun la Mhis country bqst who PASO OlNTMIGMTIianarantMid bcbttia, Wind, Bloodline or .( Ito M day or Muwar refunded. alle lores strires to make It best IngersolL Ifn. Winaiowi Soothing Hymn. For children teethlugr, eofteni the gurai, redaeee t SewaUaa,aUaye polo, curee wind collu tSoabotUe. I flatter his wife A man can always by being Jealous. A www by CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purdy vegetable and actiumr gently on tbe Ever. Cura Bilioumeji, Heed- - ache, Dizzi- - . Ben, and Indication. They do their duly. . Small Pill. Sawll Does. Saimll Price. GENUINE murt bear ngnature: BROWNS Bronchial Troches r ires innn vpiana am par 25 cent., 50 centi and $1.00 pc bos. -I mailed on requut. TOWN T. BROWN 8c SOTLBoitan, MinL .- Do fit Plow Tomorrow A. M. too late. Take CASCARET at bed timerget IQ) in tbe morning feeling fine end dandy. No need for sickness and drinkfrom over-batin- g while you work ing. They Hirely and help nature help you. deep Mffions take them and keep weH a box for a week's treatment, all druggieU. Biggest acller in tbe world. Millirai boxes a month. CABCARBT8 (Copyright, 1IM, by a. 0. lUOtaug KM me DITfIT alth. VHagemld Cn PakAUys.,Box you TOJ7BIDEA8. Book They may bring KM. uMi Free. K. WastdngtonJMl. ThMpsenrEyrVattr Children! Coughs Canaa Oaaa Mach tb t A Journey In )esolatlon. The story opens with the shipwreck of the steamer on which Mias Genevieve Leslie, an American heiress, Lord Wlnthrope, .an Englishman, and Tom Blake, a brusque American, were passengers. The three were tossed' upon an uninhabited island and were the only ones not ORN1NG was well advanced drowned. Blake recovered from a drunkand the sun heat down upon en stupor. Blake, shunned on the boat, because of his roughness, became a hero the three with almost overas preserver of the helpless pair. The fierceness. The heat would powering Englishman waa suing for the hand of Miss Leslie. Blake started to swim back have rendered their thirst unendurable to the ship to recover what was left. had not Blake hackel off for them bit Blake returned safely, yinthrope wasted after bit of the moist coryphene fleBh. his last match on a cigarette, for which In a temperate climate ten miles he was scored by Blake. Their first meal over firm ground Is a pleasant walk was a dead fish. of it if you had an invite to a swell dinner in Tokyo. Go on now, both of you. Its no Joke, I tell you. You've got to ea. if you expect to get to water before night. Understand? See that headland south? Well, it's 100 to 1 well not find water short of there, and if we make It by night, well be doing better than I figure from the looks of these hogs. Now go to chewing. Thats It! That's fine, Miss Jenny! Miss Leslie had forced herself to take a nibble of the raw fish. The flavor proved less repulsive than she had expected, and Its moisture was so grateful to her parched mouth that she began to eat with eagerness. Not to be outdone, Wlnthrope promptly, jrallowed her lead? Blake had already cut himself a second slice. After he had cut more for his companions, he began to look them over with a closeness that proved embarrassing to Miss Leslie. Here's more of the good stuff, he said. "While youre chewing it, well sort of take stock. Everybody shell out everything. Heres my outfit-th- ree shillings, half a dozen poker Say, chips, and not another blessed whats become of that whisky flask? have you seen my flask? Here it is, right beBide me, Mr. But Blake, answered Miss Leslie. it is empty. Might be worse! What you got? hairpins, watch? No pocket, I suppose? None; and no watch. Even most of my pins are gone, replied the girl, and she raised her hand to her loosely coiled hair. Well, hold on to what youve got left. They may come in for fishhooks. Lets see your shoes. Miss Leslie slowly thrust a slender little foot just beyond the hem of her draggled white skirt. Good Lord! groaned Blake, slippers, and high heels at that! How do you expect to walk in those things? I can at least try, replied the girl, with spirit. Hobble! Pass em over here, Winnie, my boy. The slippers were handed over. Blake took one after the other and wreched off the heel close to Its base. Now youve at least got a pair of slippers," he said, tossing them back to their owner. Tie them on tight with a couple of your ribbons, if you dont want to lose them in the Wlnthrope, what you got beside the knife?" Wlnthrope held out a bunch of long flat keys and his cigarette case. He opened the latter and was about to throw away the two remaining cigarettes when Blake grasped his wrist Hold on! even they may come In for something. We'll at least keep them until we need the case. And the keys? If we can get Make mud-Now- arrow-head- Chm bamm lAd atafcm md bmh A. bk , CHAPTERS. IV. SYNOPSIS. s, fire." )must CURE inn it ni Leslie-along- . Oaj CHAPTER III. Continued. To be sure, the Japanese eat raw fish," admitted Wlnthrope. Yes; and youd swallow your share The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be muMlM bf RAY WALTERS The girl shrank back;, but Blake stooped and examined first one slipper and then the other. The ribbons about both were tied ia dainty bows. Blake Jerked them loose and twisted them firmly over and under the slippers and about the girls slender ankles before knotting the ends. "There; thats more like. Youre not going to s dance," he growled. He thrust the empty whisky flask into his hip pocket and went back to pass a sling of reeds through the gills of the coryphene. "All ready now," he called. "Lets ' get a move on. Keep my coat closer about your shoulders. Miss Jenny, and keep your shade uji if you dont want I a sunstroke. "Thank yon, Blake, . Ill see to that, Ity going to help said Wlnthrope. Miss five fastened our two shades together, o that they will answer for both of u "How about yours tlf, Mr. Blake? Inquired the girl. "Dc you not find the sun fearfully hot?" "Bure; but I wet ny head in the sea, and heres another souse." As he rose with dripping hehd from beside tbe pool he ulung the coryphene on his back and started off without further words. "I've heard of savages making fire v by rubbing wood. "Yes; and were a long way from being savages at- present All the show we have Is to find some kind of quartz or flint, and the sooner we start to look the better. Got your slippers tied. Miss Jenny? Yes; I think theyll do. Think! It's knowing- - the, thing lTeve. let me look."' - for one accustomed to the exercise. Quite a different matter is ten miles covered with a tanacross gle of reeds and rushes, and frequently dipping Into salt marsh and ooze. Before they had gone a mile Miss Leslie would have lost her slippers had it mud-flat- s, onto the street. If you know what But the sun was bow almost directly that means one only 16 and the other overhead, and between her thirst and 17. Talk about helpless young girls the heat she soon found herself falter She tottered on a few stepa Damnation! ing. Mias Leslie cringed back as though farther, and then stopped, utterly she had been struck. Blake, however, spent. As she sank upon the dried seemed to have vented his anger In the curse, for when he again spoke there was nothing more than impaCome on, now; tience In his tone. get aboard. Wlnthrope couldn't lug and longs It's the you a only way dont be all day about it. Here, Wlnthrope, look to the fish." But, my dear fellow, I dont quite take your idea, nor does Miss Leslie, I fancy," ventured Wlnthrope. Well, weve got to get to water or die; and as the lady cant walk she's going on my back. Its a case of bavfrto. No! I am not I am not! Id sooner die! I'm afraid youll find that easy enough later on. Miss Jenny. Stand by, Wlnthrope, to help her up. Do you hear? Take the knife and fish and lend a hand. There was a note In Blakes voice that neither Wlnthrope nor Miss Leslie dared disregard. Though scarlet with mortification, Bhe permitted herself to be taken upon Blakes broad shoulders and meekly obeyed hiB command to clasp her hands about ills throat. Yet even at that moment, such are the inconsistencies of human nature, she could not but admire tbe ease with which he rose under her weight. Now that he no longer had the slow pace of the girl to consider, he advanced at hia natural gait, the quick, tireless stride of an American railroad surveyor. His feet, trained to Bwamp travel in Louisiana and Panama, seemed to find the firmest ground as by instinct, and whether on the mud of the hummocks or in the 'ankle-deewater of the bogs they felt their way without slip or stumble. Wlnthrope, though burdened only with the coryphene, toiled along behind, greatly troubled by the mud and the tangled reeds, and now and then flung down by some unlucky His modish suit, already mlsBtep. much damaged by the salt water, waa Boon smeared afresh with a coating of greenish slime. His one consolation waa that Blake, after jeering at hia firBt tumble, paid no more attention to him. On the other hand, he was cut by the seeming indifference of Miss Leslie. Intent on his own misery, he failed to. consider that the girl might be suffering far greater discomfort and humiliation. More than three miles had been covered before Blake stopped on a hummock. Releasing Miss Leslie, he stretched out on 'the dry crest of the knoll and called for, a slice of the fish. At his urging the others took a few mouthfuls, although their- throats were so parched that even the moist flesh afforded scant relief. Fortunately for them all, Blake had been thoroughly trained to endure thirst He rested less than ten minutes; then taking Misa Leslie up again like a rag doll, he swung away at a good pace. The trees were less than half a mile distant when he halted for the second time. He would have gone to Ihem without a pause, though his muscles were quivering with exhaustion, had not Miss Leslie chanced to look around and discover that Wlnthrope was no longer following them. For the last mile he had been lagging farther and farther behind, and now he had suddenly disappeared. At the girl's dismayed exclamation, Blake released his hold and she found herself standing in a foot or more of mud and water. The sweat was streaming down Blake's face. As he turned around, he wiped it off with his shirtsleeves. "Do you can it be, Mr. Blake, that he has had a sunstroke?" asked Miss half-mil- e, pick-a-bac- k half-drie- d p half-eate- n - Stopped, Utterly Spent. not been for Blakes forethought in tying them bo securely. Within a little more than three miles the glrlB strength began to fail. Oh, Blake, called Wlnthrope, for the American was some yards in the lead, pull up a bit on that knoll. We'll have to rest a while, I fancy. Miss Leslie is about pegged.'' demanded Blake. What's that? Were not yet! Wlnthrope did nol reply. It waa all he could do to drag the girl up on the hummock. She sank, upon the dry reeds, and he sat down beside her to protect her with the shade. Blake stared at tbe miles of swampy flats which yet lay between them and the headland of gray rock. The base of the cliff was screened by a belt of trees; but the nearest clump of green did not look more than a mile nearer than the headland. Hell! 7 muttered Blake, despondentNot even a short four miles. ly. ' Mush and saasiety girls! Though he spoke to himself the others heard him. Miss Leslie flushed and would have risen had not Win thrope put hlB band on her arm. Could you not go on and bring back a flask of water for Miss Leslie? he asked.By that time she will be rested. No; I dont fetch back any "flasks of water. Shes gojng when I go, or yon can come on to suit yourselves. Mr. Blake, you you wont go and leave me here! If you have a sister If your mother " She died of drink, and both my sisters did worse. ' My God, man! do you mean to say youll abandon a helpless young girl? Not a bit more helpless than were my sisters when you rich folks' guardians the winter cause I didnt have a job and turned both rirls into the street half-wa- y half-faintin- oat-juttin- g ' - of-aw- order-jagged mw-for Leslie. No; hes just laid I thought he had more sand confound him! But the sun is so dreadfully hot, and I have his shade. And hes been tumbling into every other pool. No; its not the Bun. Ive half a mind to let him lie the paperlegged swell! It would no more than accounts. square our aboard-shiSurely, you would not do that, Mr. Blake! It may be that he has hurt himself in falling. In this mud? bah! But I guess e stunt all I'm in for the around. Now. now; dont yowl, Miss Jenny. Im going. But you cant expect me to love the snob. As he splashed away on the return trail. Miss Leslie dabbed at her eyes to check the starting tears. Oh, dear Oh, dear!' she moaned; what have I done to be so treated? Such a brute. Oh, dear! and I am so thirsty! In her despair she would have sunk down where she stood had not the sllminesB of the water repelled her. She gazed longingly at the trees, In the fore of which stood a grove of e seemed stately palms. The an Insuperable distance, hut the ride on Blakes back had rested her and thirst goaded her forward. Stumbling and Blipping she waded Innnriatr-f- l and came out upon a where the walking was much easier. Sunstroke? down, that's all. p pack-mul- - half-mil- half-bake- d mucf-f!af- 7 rushes she glanced around and was vaguely conscious of a strange, double headed figure following her path across the marsh. All stout her became black. The next she knew Blake waa splashing her head and face with brackish water out of the whisky flask. She raised her hand to shield her face, and sat up, sick and dizzy. Thats it!" said Blake. He spoke in a kindly tone, though his voice was harsh and broken with thirst Youre all right now. Pull yourself together and we'll get to the trees in a jiffy. Mr. Wlnthrope? I'm here, Miss Genevieve. It was only a wrenched ankle. If I bad a stick, Blake, I fancy I could make a go of it over this drier ground. And lay yourself up for a month. Come, Mias Jenny, brace up for another try. Its only a quarter-miland Ive got to pack him. The girl waB gasping with thirst; yet she made an effort and, assisted by Blake, managed to gain her feet She was still dizzy; but as Blake swing Wlnthrope upon hiB .hack, he told her to take bold of his arm. held the shade over her head. Thus assisted, and sheltered from the she totdirect beat of the tered along beside Blake, e Win-thro- sun-ray- pe s, flalf-unco- BCiOUS. Fortunately tbe remaining distance lay across a stretch of bare dry ground, for even Blake had all but reached the limit of endurance. Step by Btep be labored on, staggering under tbe weight of the Englishman and gasping with a thirst which his exertions rendered even greater than that of his companions. But through the trees and brush which stretched away Inland in a wall of verdure he had caught glimpses of a broad stream and the hope of fresh water called out every ounce of his reserve strength. At last the nearest palm was only a Blake clutched few paces distant. Miss Leslies arm and dragged her forward with a rush in a final outburst of energy. A moment later all three lay gasping in the shade. But the river was yet another 100 yards distant Blake waited only to regain his breath; then he Btaggered up and went ou. The others, unable to rise, gazed after him in silent misery. Soon Blake found himself rushing through the jungle along a broad trail pitted with enormous footprints; but he was so near mad with thirst that he paid no heed to the spoor other than to curse tbe holes for the trouble they gave him. - Suddenly the trail turned to the left and sloped down a low bank Into the river. Blind to all else, Blake xan down the slope and dropping upon his kneeB plunged his head Into the water. . - (TO BE CONTINUED.) SURELY HAD MONEYS WORTH. Uncle Hod Had Come Far to Get It and He Got It. There being no dentist In the little town where he resided Uncle llod Rowdybush had gone to the county seat to have au aching tooth exI Bee its one of your large tracted. molars, said the dentist at whose office he called, and it will come pretty bard. Don't you think you'd belter take gas? I dont know," answered Uncle Hod. Does it cost anything extra? Yes, It will be two dollars If you take gas and one dollar if you don't. How long does it take to pull it that way? It won't seem any time at all to you. You 'go to sleep and you seem to wake up immediately and the tooth is out." And I dont feel it come out? Not a particle. Uncle Hod reflected. "Well, he said, Ive come 27 miles to have this tooth pulled and I think I'm entitled to the satisfaction of knowing when you yank it out to say nothin' of sievin' a dollar. I don't want no gas. From the manner in which Uncle Hod groaned during the subsequent operation it was inferred that he had fully a dollar's worth of satisfaction. Youth's Companion. Fled from Hoodoo Cat. Deserted by her crew at the very moment of sailing for the north, the fishing schooner Edrie, due to leave at two o'clock Friday afternoon, still lies at her moorings and all because of a cross-eyeblack cat. Frjday the crew was making final arrangements to sail, when a yell resounded out of the hold. A sailor burst through the hatch, scrambled over the side and made off before anyone could stop him. While the others were gazing after hiB retreating form a yowl came from the darkness below and a black cat appeared upon the deck. One look at feline was green-eyethe of the crew man Every enough. de- picked up his bundle and silently the can any nor by captain parted, of them back on 'means- - lure-anChronicle. Francisco San board. d stub-taile- d d, y |