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Show TOWN OF HUNTINGTON. Attorney A. IX Dale. Dickson, CastU Huntington la In Emery county, 22 Superintendent of Schools D. C. milea southwest of Price, Its railroad Woodward. and shipping point. It has a populaRoad Commissioner Warren Peation of about 1,500. Is connected with cock, Orangeville. railroad by dally stage, Fred Olsen, Quarantine Physician Dr. Frank Ferron, Utah, Proprietor. Tlngey, Castle Dale. Game Commissioner J. W. Seeley, o- - Castle Dale. POSTOFFICE DIRECTORY. Health Officers and Registrars of Vital, Statistics. G. M. Miller, Postmaster. Green River G. W. Middleton, Mall from south arrives at about M. D. 11:30 daily; from the north and points Woodside Mrs. Mary Rader. on railroad at noon daily. From Desert Lake Samuel Wells. Cleveland and Desert Lawrence, Cleveland Lewis Larson. lake, P. Johnson. Hnntington-r-A- . o Lawrence Andrew Morten sen. Castle Dale Joseph I Bouldea. TOWNSHIP. OFFICERS. Mrs. Celia Thayne. ' Orangeville President Don C. Woodward. Clawson J. T. Charlesworth. Trustees U. W. Orange, W. A. Ferron Henry Thompson. Molen D. M. Beach. Sr., J. P. Johnson. Attorney William Howard. Emery A. D. Crawford Marshal M. Pierce. o . o COUNTY. EVERGREEN TREES, HEDGES AND FRUIT TREES FOR Commissioners Samuel Singleton, EARLY PLANTING. Ferron; C. A. Larson, Emery; J. B. Meeks; Huntington. For anything In the above line call Clerk Mark Tuttle, Orangeville. on the undersigned fruit inspector for Recorder W. J. Seely, Castle Dale. Huntington and Lawrence; $4 per 100 Treasurer Nephi Williams, Castle for hedges. Evergreen Hedges a speDale. D. H LEONARD, cialty. Sheriff Oscar Beebe, Castle Dale. Huntington, Utah. y. Guy-ma- n, - The Huntington M. E. JOHNSON norsirros I I 1 X ''V 11C XI U W SOOTH AND MAIN ST. UTAH. MONTINOTON, I New Rooms! New'Beds! New Plan! Cali and try us and be convinced of our ability to make you comfortable. Everything neat, clean and up to date. Good sample rooms. Notary Public and Transfer Line in con- nection with the Hotel. ALL OVER OF GLOVES PAIR Probably Young Man Will Hire a stitute If Hs Has to Buy Sub- Any More. He sat patiently on the edge of the glove counter, balancing his umbrells absently, and abeently wondering when thoee fussy women would get through so that the pretty blonde behind the counter could give him her undivided attention. As time passed she approached him with the hauteur becoming a young woman in the glove department What sisc? came from the top of her eight-inccollar. ! Five and er " She turned her back on him. She had a very pretty baclt but not the Lotta Faust style. Then she faced him with a small box which she burled lo tbe counter vengefully. He kept a safe distance while ebe took out a pair of brown, one of gray and one of i black. Er you see nothing like that why these are too dark, and er too Huntington Lumber Co. h three-quarte- Dealers In and Manufacturers rs , , abort. . , She took him In contemptuously from top to toe, as befits a girl at the glove counter. "Why didnt yon say what you wanted before? j He felt guilty, although he knew she hadn't given time for much par laying. Well, er, you eee, white ones, if you please. Again he had a chance to admire her back. Again ehe flung down a box, and flashed out a pair of white gloves. Er you see, these are too abort you know. T dont, unless yon tell me. snapped she. They must be very long for evening wear, yon know. Again her back. The box almost struck his nose as It came down. These are the IS buttons. You dont want them longer than that? He didn't dare explain they were not for him. Where are the bnflpns- ?The glance withering sccrn made T him thirsty suddenly. Thats the length, the 'stapdafa length and I dont think youre so mart even If you are guying. I beg your pardon, really' "Here, boy! she yelled In strong treble. Absently he balanced his umbrella, waiting for the change, which didnt amount to much. - . eeeeeeee of LUMBER Doors Windows and All Kinds of Farm Machinery, Wagons, etc. . g ' Cleared by a Thumb. The guilt or Innocence of an army veterinary surgeon, cuaed by a. soldier of assault at Pontlvy, France, rested on the question whether or not the accused man sucked his thumb after the soldier had accidentally Inflicted a alight wound. While M. Borland, the veterinary surgeon, was performing an operation on a horses leg at the barracks of the Second regiment at Pontlvy, a trooper who was holding down the horse Inadvertently scratched M. Berlands hand. In consequence of the horse moving suddenly The surgeon examined the scratch, and then administered a sound' bok'ppJthe ehr to the soldier, who received th 'punishment In alienee, but later complained to an officer. The spent considerable time in ascertaining whether the choleric surgeon struck the troop-esuddenly, without reflection, as a person might do after having a corn trodden on, or whether the blow was given deliberately, after Mr. Borland had time to reflect On learning tbit M. Berland did not stop to suck the wounded thumb before boxing the troopers ear, the court decided that the blow was not premeditated afld he was acquitted. car-air- y . Offices and Workshops on Main Street V . HUNTINGTON .. . UTAH Its Now up to You, Brothers! . court-marti- al Shall the HUNTINGTON ECHO have a circulation of 1000 copies at home and another 1000 abroad ? .v . I am undone! shrieked the tragedy gueen, as she threw her arms upward with a wild gesture. Yes," agreed the villain, as he stole a surreptitious glance behind her back; two buttons at the top and three at the bottom. Smart Set Ancestor of Pictorial Postcards. In Switzerland' that the mania for pictorial postcards first arose, and we well remember the astonishment evoked some dosen years ago at seeing at the Theodule Hut the excitement of a party of Germane upon their ascertaining that they could dispatch thence, via Italy, sheaf of views of the Matterhorn. II one may Judge from the very Interest Ing collection of old Alpine prints now on view at the Alpine dub, Seville Row, our ancestors were alio eager to carry away souvenirs of scenes unlike any to which they were accustomed, and of which the terrors and dangers were doubtless not unexaggerated. And so the Swiss, who were among the earliest to exploit colored engravings, provided them with material with a sufficient spice of exagger atlon to satisfy those who stayed at home. These they dedicated to the amateurs of the marvels of nature," and for them they crowded Into single landscape a dosen Staubbachs. and any number of aiguilles and glaciers, with artists portraying them and peasants holding festival beneath them. London Glob It was Let Dunn write your Advertisements for you. Let Dunn advise you where to place ' them and you will receive profitable results. ADDRESS DUR9I, THE ML MUTER ECHO OFFICE EUITC9TIEL Shall the pictures representing the beautiful fruit of Emery County, and other industries, be scattered among the home seekers of other states? r Shall the HUNTINGTON ECHO be made a welcome visitor to every home in the County? Its up to you for an answer. - Give us the Subscriptions and the We will do the rest Money. .... |