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Show THE MIDVALE MESSENGER. MIDVALE. UTAH A Complete Jewelry Store EXCESS PROFITS POTATOES PROPERLY STORED FOR WINTER Known for Service Famous for Quality Easy Prices Collection From Dealers Proceed- BOYD PARK ing and Growers Will Get Their Share Soon. KJUMUIfll MAKERS OF JEWELRY BO MAM STREET SALT LAKE CIT1 MTS NOT YET COMPLETE Auditing of Accounts of Largs Firms Is Considerable Tjuk No Refund to Growers Who Con- signed Their Clips (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Collection of excess profits from wool dealers Is proceeding, and tlielr llstributlon to wool growers will begin In the near future. This announcement Is made by the United States department of agriculture, which Is completing the work of the domestic wool section of the war Industries board, In accordance with a provision of the agricultural appropriation bill. Reports thus far received show that rxcess profits were made by about 10 per cent of the country" dealers Correspondence with distributing center dealers whose total reports are not yet completed. Indicate that some of them have accumulated substantial amounts of excess profits on the wool which they actually bought Auditing of the Accounts of the larger dealers la a considerable task and will require several nonths The bureau of Arkcta, which Acts for the department agriculture WIDE DIVERGENCE IN RACES of Pacific lelanda Fumleh Something of a Study for the Ethnologic! 'People The presence of two distinct races of men In the Pacific lslund suggest 'two periods end sources of Immigration. sayi a bulletin of the N'utlonal Geographic aodetj. The Papinius and Polynesians appear to show the widest ocdivergences, with the Mlcrom-siuncupying the Intermediate ground and alfinitlea of race, language, anil custom with the other two. The Papuans may be generally said to Inhabit Now Guinea, the Solomons, New Caledonia and FIJI. They are Irreligious, democratic, quarrelsome, cannibalistic, and hostile to strangers. They paint their bodies rather than wear clothes, cook In earthen pots, and their speech consists of a number of broken dialects. The Polyneci-endiffer widely from the Papuans. They possess an elaborate religious system, an established order of .hesod reditary chiefs and cial castas. They are fond of dresa are friendly to strangers, are good tea men and navigators, and tatoo Instead of scar their Indies, and seldom practice cannibalism. They also possess a common language, understandable throughout New Zealand. Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti and the Paumotn Islands. s s SET THEIR MINDS AT EASE Cases Are Numerous Where Wrongdoers, After Many Years, Maks Restitution to 8how Regret The sting of eonsclrnce Is not always dnlled by the lapse of time. There la no more bitter penalty than to spend one's life with an accusing conscience, no more unpleasant memory than of a wrong done. That Is particularly true where it Is In the power of the individual to repair tlis wrong, to show by restitution that regret Is real Conscience money Is frequently received by Individuals and corporations. Thera may be times when payment rome from Individuals who are mentally afflicted, but In many cases where payments could be traced back they were made to ease an accusing conscience, to right a wrong of years ago. There are other Individuals who do not nse mystery, but who come out In the open and pay debts long since outlawed, many times forgotten. There are stories of these belated payments frequently printed, tbe last one coming from North Dakota, where a man paid a debt nearly thirty years old. He not only paid the debt, bnt be paid Interest to date and cleaned the transaction up as a man ought to do. Ohio State Journal. Courses In of Crop Approximately Is Marketed in Fall. Short We want wives who know how to do things, say the young North AM cans who fought hi Europe. Let u have girls from your hostel." And then they are disappointed because th missionaries cannot supply the ile ot mand. To satisfy the welting list to np missions plan the World ' soldiers short courses In Outlook. Wife-Trainin- g. . wlfs-trslnln- Concerning Swanking. Swank" la bombastic behavior or talk accompanied by ostentationsness of manner. A swsnker" U a pretentious person who strives to Impress others that he Is superior to others, or ha something different from whatnot a Is swank" word The really la modern term; It dates bnck to the and early years of the last century has been found In Thomas Bachelor's English Orthoepies! Analysis of the BedfordLanguage," as occurring In shire dialect. The book was publish ed In London In 1800. Medium and Finer Gradee of Choice Wool Are In Keen Demand. tina work, will enclose with each rheck sent to a grower a circular letter giving the name of the firm which handled Ills wool nnd which has re- In turned the excess profits, of which tbe customer Is receiving his share. No Refunde to Consigners, Tbe department calls attention to the fact that the regulations of the war Industries board did not permit the purchase of wool In the great wool growing states of the Rocky mountain and Pacific const region except in the case of clips of less than 1,000 pounds each. All larger clips were required to lie consigned. This region produces s nhout of the entire wool rllp of the country, which was abont 297,000,000 pounds In 1918. Growers In the eastern states wercTurged to pool and consign their wools and many of liiera did so. Since the government paid the dealers a fixed commission on consigned wool, excess profits could be made only on that part of the wool which they bought outright. Therefore, growers who consigned their clips should not expect to receive refunds. Since the government control of wool hns ceased the work of the department of agriculture In this connection consists only of auditing the records and accounts of approved wool dealers, the collection of any profits which they may have made In excess of those permitted under the regulation of the war Industries hoard, and the distribution by the department of agriculture of these profits directly to the growers upon whose wool the profits were made wherever the Identity of the wool enn be traced. Permits Issued to Woof Dealers, The war Industries board Issued permits to shout 8,500 country dealers authorizing them to buy wool directly from the grower. Permits were also Issued to 179 "distributing center" dealers who had facilities for hand ing wool In large quantities nnd most of whom were located on the eastern seaboard near the centers of wool manufacture. These larger dealers were required to handle wool on consignment from either growers or country dealers and were also permitted tq buy from country dealers direct or from growers through their agent. Blank forms railing for a detailed accounting have been sent by the department to both classes of dealers. Reports have been received from almut 8.000 of the country dealers and nhout one-haof the dealers In distributing centers. The taking over of the wool by the war department was completed so recently that many of the larger dealers have been unable to prepare their reports at an earlier date. The auditing of these reports Is proceeding as rapidly as It can be done with the limited force available for assignment to this work, the department says. two-third- Congressman Turned Challenge to Deadly Combat Into Matter of Ridicule. Give Complete Relief. rd Heavy work brought on my kidney complaint' lays Ym. buldeiuner. 6U& buburUn Ave., Welblun, Mo. One morning when shoeing a hone I tolun with a sudden pain in my back and fell fiat on the floor. If I had been kit with a trip hammer, 1 couldnt have suffered more. 1 stayed in the houae for five weeks and tlie pain was wearing the life out of me. At time, I couldnt get a wink of sleep because pf the mincry and 1 had to get lip every few momenta to pass the cecrrtiuna that were highly colored, of foul odor, filled with sandy sediment and terribly scalding. My bladder felt as though it were afire. The pain brought stupor and a reeling sensation in my heath the torture of it cannot be described. If I got onto my feet I eouldn t walk but felt dizzy ami all in a nutter and everything would turn black. My head ached so it seemed aa though my eyes were being dragged out. 1 started using Doan't Kidney Pitlt and 1 was soon rid of all the trouble. Subscribed and ticorn to before me. C. K. COOGE8HAIL, vu Reams Supply Must Be Protected From Extremes of Heat and Cold Provide Sufficient Vent! la-tlen and Avoid Moisture. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Potatoes properly stored sumld not sustain a loss throughout the wlntei season of more than 5 per cent, and under exceptionally good conditions not more than 8 or 4 per cent The maximum return from the crop after It Is produced depends on the care with which the potatoes are harvested, stored, graded, sacked, and the ability of tbe grower to sell at the moat advantageous time. Approximately of the main potato crop Is map keted at harvest time, and tbe remainder Is stored as a reserve supply for winter and spring. It Is physically Impossible, as well as economically undesirable, to attempt to market the entire crop In the autumn, and the only way la which potatoes can be handled successfully, so as to insure a uniform supply. Is to provide sufficient storage on the farm or at the shipping station for from 65 to 75 per cent of the crop. Various types of storage places srs now In use, ranging from pits or to large, cheaply constructed dug-onsubstantially built storage houses. Ilnni for the construction of storage houses are given In the department's Farmers' Bulletin 847. For successful storage, the tubers must be protected from extremes of cold and heat; a temperature of from 85 to 40 degrees F. la considered satisfactory. Sufficient ventilation most be provided to remove foul air and excessive moisture. The stPTnge bouse must be so constructed as to make It possible to exclude the light, aa the table quality of potatoes quickly deteriorates In the light The tubers should he dry and reasonably free from dirt when put Into storage, an excess of moisture or soil Increases the amount of beat In newly stored potatoes. The soil tends to fill up the spaces between the tubers, thus cutting off air circulation, and helping to retain heat Hint would otherwise escape. All diseased, badly cut, or bruised tubers should he removed from the crop before putting It Into storage It Is a common practice for commercial growers anil shippers to store potatoes In bins to a depth of 10 to 15 feet. Tills la almost certain to entail a much heavier shrinkage loss than when stored to a depth at not more than fl feet The heavier shrinkage Is the result of the greater amount of heat generated by a large pile of potatoes, which results In a higher amnuLt ef moisture loss as well as a heavier loss from decay, as beat and moisture both help to develop organisms causing tuber rots. Frequently the losses sustained when the potatoes are stored under these conditions reach 25 per cent, and where rigid care has not been exercised to remove all diseased tubers before storing the crop, the loss Is even greater. It Is advisable, therefore, to pile the potatoes not greater than 5 or Q feet deep, and the flqor dimensions of the bln should not be greater thnn 12x 12 feet unless provided with a series of ventilating shafts or division walls for the escape of moisture and heat. one-tlilr- d RAISE RABBITS ' ' Sot ary FarNc. DOAN'S VSIV CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Fifty-Fift- First Yegg Money is plentiful. Keeoml Yegg So Is cops; so wliot'a ill- - use) ts THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD The story of the l'otterlryor duel, tlie famous challenge of Civil wnr Came to this Woman After times whereby a Wisconsin congrv saTaking Lydia E. Pinkham il urn by ridicule put dueling In disreVegetable Compound to pute, recalliM by the death of one of Restore Her Health the luirticijHinth, is told in interesting style In tbe June number of tbe WisAfter I waa consin Magazine of History, quarterly Ellensburg, Wash. married 1 waa not well for a long time i piililieuliou of the Suite Historical and a good deal of defy. the time waa not Roger A. Pryor, the Virginia ronable to go about gresmunn who figured in tlie episode. Our greatest desire died a lew months ugo in New York j was to have a child in our home end one city. It was he usin whom John Fox day my buaband Pot ter nT East Troy, Walworth county, came back from then representative of the First Pun- town with a bottle ' gresslonul district of Wisconsin, dill'- cf Lydie E. Pink-ham- a lug April, 18(10, brought nation-wio- e Vegetable ridicule In iiuswer to a challenge to a and Compound me to try it wanted duel. Congressman Potter offered to relief It brought tight with bowie knives at a distance from my troubles. of four feet, but Pryor refused because 1 improved in health eo I could do my they were so ib'innition vulgar." housework; we now have a little one, all Moat of Mr. Potter's bowie knives. of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkhame Mrs. O. & Including the one he purchased for Vegetable Compound. the duel and oiliers sent to 1dm after Johnson, R. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who the uffulr, ore now on exhibit in the long for children in their home yet ere State Historical nmseimi, Madison. denied this happiness on account of some functional disorder which in most IN MARRIED BATHING SUITS rase would readily yield to Lydia E, Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Fuch women should not give up hope Ceremony Certainly 6aved Bride and until they have given this wonderful Groom Considerable Expense in medicine a trial, and for special advice Wedding Finery. write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The nralt of 40 yean The funniest wedding I ever saw experience i at your service. wus when camping last summer, writes Tusim OiU oltlfHi ostxblbihed brokers la n correspondent of the Pliletigo Trili-lir.Furl Worth. Hifri'iiri any bank or bonkers A girl friend nnd her father here. Free Meekly Market Letter published im Rat. Ulven h II nil develop, were there and she met n young man eaeb Tex. oil IIfIiIi. Write fur free copy to Hea O. ft Hmlth 102 Tex. Club Hldi?.. Ft. Worth, whom she grew fond of In a short Hn, time. One night he asked her father W. N. U., Salt Lakcity,No. for her hand, Imt father objected of the short acquaintance. Tlie Retort Courteous. next morning tlip couple met and Nell I wouldn't marry the beat to somehow lint father elope, planned man in tlie world." Belle Of eourse pit wise," so tills was spoiled. When not. lie wouldn't ask you. swimming that afternoon they met apdn mid the girl happened to menCuticura Soothe Baby Rathe. tion that her father hail gone to the village nnd would not return until eve- That itch and burn with hot bntha Tlie hoy said: Tills Is our of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle ning. of Cnticura Ointment. time." A minister was on the shore anointing nnd they went to him nnd asked to he Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espemarried at onee. Tlie ceremony was cially if a Utile of the fragrant Ctill-enTalcum la dusted on at the finperformed on Hie bench. Hie couple ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv. nttired In their bathing suits. o-- Cat Dear's at Any Stare, 60s a Bax FOSTERMLBURN PUT OFF How Wisconsin Nr. Schleuner in Misery From Kidney Complaint Dotni BEING RETURNED One-Thi- DUEL INDEFINITELY COULD NOT SLEEP o. GREENS AUGUST FLOWER In the good old rammer time when fruits of all kinds are getting ripe and tempting, when curuinbera, radishes and vegetables fresh from the garden are too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevails and everybody cverents nnd your stomach goe hack on you, then la the time for August Flower," the sovereign remedy for tired, overworked and disordered stora-a- i s, a panncea for indigestion, fermentation of food, soar stomach, side ...niliiclM and constipation. It gently rtlnmlates the liver, cleanses the Intestines and alimentary canal, making life worth living. Sold everywhere. Adv. No Way Is uo There to Beat the Game. way to dodge the high cost of living. Oini! we thought there was. It was a line plan nml we determined to try It out. Meat was too expensive. So we would quit eating meat. Therefore we ordered enhlmge nnd t asparagus nml spinach nnd iieels. Immediately the price of vegetables went np. We fonnd you couldn't fool the food Tlie jihltr.f He has a sure system. price Is high cm whatever you want to buy. You can switch troni one dish to another as often as you choose, hut the little old price tug will heat you to U. 35-19- 19. ra Exit Dishtowela. No more sticky plates nml no more dishes dried on dishtowcls. These lire two of tlie things for which the Y. W. C. A. (ruining schools for home assistants Is standing. Tlie school was :nrleil in answer to tlie demand for home assistants on the new domestic service plan which have come Into the central branch employment bureau. Within tlie last six months 500 culls for home ussistanls have come in, nnd 170 have been filled. There should never he a sticky date after tlie home assistant lias finMiss Grace II. ished the course, Lota Better. Smiley 1 hope you won't inlnd If I living n couple of friends home 10 dinner tonight, my dear? Mrs. Smiley oh, no; that Is heller than being brought home ly a couple of friends after dinner. Agreed With the Doctor. Mr. Oi l lliu lind KjH'iit an anxious at tlip oltlen and hnrriisl home at mi iiniiKually early hour. How ilo you feet, denrf-- U'Afft d.'zl tin doctor say?" lie asked Ids wife. Oh, lie asked me to put out my tongue, she murmured. Yes?" And after looking at it he said: White, placement scretary. says. The !' Overworked how are own to make their Mammoth Cave Haa Rival. girls taught Mr. (iriltlii lieuvcd an audible algli of for cleansing the Workers In a mine at Matehnnln, soda the kitclien closets, etc., nnd hour relief. near Ran Luis Potosl, Mexico, have I have perfect faith in that doctor." discovered a enve which Is said to lie to elenn n sink and a kitclien range he said firmly. You will have to give so that it shines. one of the largest In the republic. It u rest. l. IHshcs nre never dried with a It Is more than 800 feet below the hut always scnldtsl and allowed level of the mine anil Is 15 feet In to dry without n streak." One Drawback. width. Its length hns never hem estimatWashington ts a colored man nnd ha Golf Bugs. follows the profession of cleaning up ed, but exploring parties expert to His father had taken him nut to luiek yards. Also lie was the first man survey It carefully !n the near future. One of tlie most fantastic of Its many the golf course. That evening lie to think of wrapping a horses forelegs with fly p:iM-r- . keeping the flies grotesque adornments Is n sulphurous seemed to be Willie," said Ids mother, wliat Is off lliclr legs and catching Mr. Fly at fountain, wl(lch pours out continuoustile matter with yon? I wlMi you'd llie same time. ly a stream of blue water. One of tlie women he was working It promises to rival In magnificence stop scratching yourself." I don't know what's the matter, bur for said to him : "Washington, your flyKentucky's famous Mammoth cave, I guess I must hnve got some of those paper Is n success. I see that by tlie when fully explored. golf hugs on me," was Willie's reply. great number of flies there are on the Luck" Is merely n sugar-coted ui per." name for mental laziness. Fair Question. "Yes! Yes!" said Washington, hut I see a Holstein hull just brought oin-- in a while that horse gel hi Pride has but two seasons a for- $100,000." legs too close together and they stick, ward spring and an early fall. and I has to pulf em apart for him. By the pound?" Ice-Ihi- dish-towe- FOR PROFITS Little Domestic Animals Are Easy to Handle and Remarkably Free From Disease. n Rahblt raising on a backyard scale Is not an experiment. Thousands of small rabbltrlen In this country are producing meat crops regnlurly for These domestic anifamily tables. mals are easily raised and remarkably free from disease when properly cared for. The Belgian hare Is one of the best rabbits for table nse. It weighs more than most breeds, develops rapidly 25 Cents will buy a big package of Female Flemish Giant and the quality of the meat Is superior to all the others. The Flemish giant la a Belgian hare bred exclusively for large size, with the result that the meat Is coarser and less delicate In flavor. These characteristics are considered by some persons as desirable, hut this Is largely a matter of Individual taste. EXPERIMENT IN .STEER POSTUM Cereal .FEED lf Pennsylvania 8tation Makes Successful Test With Silage, Stover and Llnaeed Oil Meal. steers Twelve head of were fed at the Pennsylvania experiment station on a ration of 41.09 Iiounds of corn silage, 2J2 pounds of shredded corn stover and 8.02 pounds of llnaeed oil meal per bead dally. They made an average dally gnln of Selection of Seeds. Every fanner should study and pro- 222 pounds per head at a cost of $13.84 The cattle were mote methods that vrtll Insure larger per hundredweight crops and better quality. Close selec- valued at $14.40 pet hundred, making a net profit of $2023 per bead. tion of seeds pays big profits. ; j weighing over a pound, net. What are you paying for coffee ? |