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Show THE MIDVALE MESSENGER. MIDVALE. UTAH mmm V GRAIN GKOOSIHG BEST Gay Calico Frocks for Outings CONSUMPTION VARIES DURING YEAH BREED OF HOGS Whichever One the Farmer Decides Upon He Should Develop to Highest Standard. LARD TYPE MOST POPULAR Feeding of Oats Is More Uniform Than That of Corn. Barley, Wheat and Rye Approach Monthly Uniformity In Degree Lest Than Oats Silage Reaches High Point in February. by tha 1iilli-- Stales Department of Agriculture.) Whether the supposition Is that the consumption of corn by live stock on farms In the United Slates varies (Prepared At Present Tims Animals Weighing From ?75 to 250 Pounds Command Highest Prioeo Bacon Hog la Not Raised Extensively. (Prepared by the United Ststee Department of Agriculture.) There Is no best breed of swine. 8ome breeds are superior to others in certain respects and one breed may be better adapted than another to certain local conditions. The essential point Is that after the farmer has once decided upon the kind of hog to raise he should stick to this decision and develop the chosen breed to Its highest possible standard. It la not feasible for one Individual to raise several different breeds and bring them to perfection. In making hla choice, too, the farmer should be guided by the kind of breeds already established In his locality. If he selects one of these he is nut likely to muke a mistake. Two Types of Swine. There are two distinct types of swine, namely, the lard and the baron types. Swine of the lard type far outnumber those of the baron type In tlie United States. The lard type Is preferred by the people of this country, consequently the majority of feeders produce a heavy fleshed lard type. The bacon type Is not raised extensively In tlie United States. The production of choice bacon la more general In those sections Choice bits of veal, creameiy butter and fresh eggs combine with other tempting ingredients to give Libby's Veal Loaf its delicate, appetizing flavor. Order a package from jrour grocer today. Libby, M?Ne31 A Libby, Chicago Parchmented Leather Valuable. Parchmented leather has greater strength while lacking the elasticity of tanned leather, and the belting of M. Felice GUsrdirl of Turin Is designed to combine these special qualities. The hide being Impressed deeply vylth a trelllswork pattern, tlie compressed portions are unaffected by tunning agents, while the Interior of the meshes Is tanned In the usual way. The product has the required elasticity and Is claimed to be so strong that ' belts may be much narrower than the ordinary. Japan to Start Colony in Peru. A Japanese syndicate has bought 800,000 acres of land near Huanueo, Peru, on the Amazon watershed, according to a report Three hundred thousand more acres are In negotiation. The land Is suitable for raising sugar, cotton, coffee, cocoa and similar products. BAYER CROSS ON rapid-fattenin- g, GENUINE ASPIRIN AS YOUNG'AS ;Y0UR KIDNEYS "The secret of youth is ELIMINA-MO- N OF POISONS from your body. This done, you can lire to be a hundred and enioy the good things of life with as much pep" as you did when in the - springtime of youth. Keep your body In nod condition, that's the secret Watch ths kidneys. They filter end purify the Hoed, all of which blood passe through them ones every three minutes. Keep them dean and In proper working condition and you have nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes end deadly urle add accumulations from your system. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules and jron will always be in good condition. Ton win fed strong and vigorous, with steady nerves and elastic muscles. COLD MEDAL Haarlem On Capsules sue imported direct from tha laboratories at Haarlem. Holland. They are a reliable remedy which has been need by ths sturdy Dutch for ever 200 years, and has helped them to develop into one of the strongest, and hearthleet races of the world. Get them from your druggist Do not take a substitute. In sealed package-sthree sixes. Adv. Bayer Tablets of Aspirin to M genuine must be marked with tht safety Bayer Cross. Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin bores of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages alsa Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlo-acldeste-r of Salleyllca cl d. Adv. Birds Have Right of Way. Fowl hnve the right of way In air, warns the director of military aeronautics. This Is Justice Indeed, since birds flew first But this is not nlL Recently ninny towns along the Atlantic coast hove been visited with dead bird showers. Aviators flying by a town would see a flock of wild fowl coming their way. They would set their machine guns and let the bullets fly. Presently a prominent citizen walking below would be hit with a large bloody bird. He complained to the town, and the town complained to the department of agriculture. Then the federal migratory bird law between the United States and Great Britain was referred to, and It was found that shooting birds from airplanes Is unlawful. at tlie waistline into the narrow belt. All the sewing os this frock Is cnrefully done. The old-fshinned pockets are outlined with a very narrow fancy braid of white cotton and have the simplest of very narrow Mack ribbon set on them a little caress fur being so pretty and quaint The waist ns simple and plain m d the skirt, Is finished at the neck with n wide plain collar of whits net scl off with a bow of black ribboi and a white lawn chemisette fills It la daintily. Altogether this la a dreai that Is worth the while of an artist la clothes, ii ml it Is very pretty. Perhapt the smut- - design Is ressinsible for the d brown mid white glng ham, lmide up with the Introductlor of while Inwn In accessories, with i hat to nintch, that outshines Its mor expensive rivals on the street. Thest familiar materials and unpretentloui dresses have their own charm and an by themselves. In several rows . "V-shape- small-checke- - It Has Happened Before. hie relatives and friends are aware, George Wharton Pepper la a nonsmoker. Not long ago Mr. Pepper wns about to entertain some distinguished guests whom be ddlghted to honor. His first move In the direction of their entertainment was to procure and send to the house some particularly diolee Havana cigars, which "set him buck" to the tune of 60 cents each. But It seems tlie cigars arrived before It was made known at home that the guests were expected. Samoans Liked Ice Cream 8odaa, That evening Mrs. Pepper suid to A member of the United States medher husband: Some cigars came for you today evidently a gift from some ical corps, recently returned to Ellin-wooKns., reports that Ice cream soone. Knowing you didn't smoke, I gave them to men who were working das have made a profound Impression upon the Samoans, The oUlcer was dein the house." Philadelphia Ledger. tailed In charge of the soda fountain of the solitary drug store at the Pngo-Png- o Newfoundlands Memorial Day. naval station, and reports that Newfoundland celebrated July 1 this hla took much more kindly to patients not does. Canada as was but It year, seobserved throughout the Island as Me- the sodas than to the morial day, In honor of those who laid rum which he wns obliged to dispense. down their lives during the war. Next Sympathy. year It Is proponed to hold the comWhat Is that song and dance team memoration earlier In the season. supposed to be doing? I believe they call tbelr sketch 'A You Know Who Ho Meant Bachelor (chtrplly) "Well, old man, Night In Venice. These poor Venetians Thanks. how's everything?" Benedict (gloommust have some awful nights." BirOh, SheS all right ily) mingham If the toothache doesn't worry a nun It's because some other fellow Slam at the Gentle Sex. haa It If dar was any sho'-nubeautiful mermaids, said Uncle Eben, a lot o human ladles would git Jealous an' A pertinent query la a kick in drown del reefs try in to Imitate 'em. As We have some faithful friends among cotton fabrics that often lapse Into more or less complete oblivion. When they are about forgotten they emerge at the call of some great and enterprising customer. Having dropped out of general favor they become unusual and exclusive and thereby much to be desired by the smart set, and then we are refreshed by such examples of wholesome charm and simplicity as that which appears In the calico frock pictured. It could not be much simpler than It Is. It Is artfully unpretentious, Just the thing for the artless millionairess who Intends to get hack to nature and chose a few country butterflies by way of a change. This particular calico frock la red and white, like a stick of peppermint candy. In fact they have much the same flavor. The plain, straight skirt, you will notice, does not aspire to a very wide hem such as' la allowed In organdies and lawns, but It Is shirred Purebred ff a notorious, knocker TRrlii fof ;!t contains the,vital, mineral elements and all the nutriment of wheat and. barleyi Is ill-heal- th! , a the summer consumption Is relatively small, the fact, as ascertained by tha bureau of crop estimates. United States department of agriculture, Is that during the six months from May s to October nearly of tha year's corn ration Is euteu, und from November to April ho. Ths warm-weathfraction will seem lurgs or small according to the size of tlie guess. Oats, more than corn. Is th feed from April to September, and ths monthly consumption of oats is more uniform throughout the year tlwn that of corn. Barley, wheat ami rye monthly uniformity In degree less than thut of outs throughout ths year and a concentration of consum)-tlolu the colder months Is found in hay, slnge and ndll feed, as in ths case of corn. Of the year's entire consumption of corn by live stock on farms the highest consumption In one month Is 11.5 per cent In December, and the lowest 4.6 per rent In August. For onts the highest Is 9.8 per cent In April and ths lowest 6.8 per cent In December ; barley, highest 10.9 ier cent lu November and lowest 6 per rent in June and also In July; rye, highest 10.3 per cent In October nnd lowest 7.1 per .cent Is July; wheat, highest 11.4 per cent In November nnd lowest 5.8 per cent In July. Mill feed consumption sags to 4JI per cent In July and rises to 115 per cent In February and again In March. Mora uuequnl yet Is hay consumption, with Its range from the highest, 145 per cent In Februury and also In March to 3.2 per cent In August ; and another degree Is reached by silage, ths consnmptlon of which rises to 18.8 per cent of the year's total In February and falls to 1 per cent In July and again In August. three-eighth- five-eig- er n Barrows. where the feed of the hog Is more varied and where corn Is not relied upon as the principal grain for hogs. The principal breeds .of the lard type are tlie Poland China, Berkshire, Chester White, Duroc- - Jersey and Hampshire. The lard type of hog Is low set apd compact, with a very wide and deep body. Tlie shoulders should be full although not coarse, with full hind quarters and hums curried out straight to the tall and thickly fleshed down to the hock. Tlie flesh should be thick and evenly distributed s throughout the hotly. The sis- - and weight are largely determined by market conditions. At present pigs weighing from 175 to 2.V) pounds ordinarily command the highest prices. COMMUNITY LIME SPREADER Farmers of Otsego County, N. Y, Solve Problem of Spreading Lima at Proper Time. by the United States Department of Asrlcullure.) Members of tle f;jnn bureau In one (Prepared of the communities of Oh-g- o county, New York, have combined nnd purchased a lime spreader, and have thus tuken a long step In solving their problem of applying lime at the proper time of the year und In sufficient quantities to get results. The spreader Is Best Bacon Types. The principal breeds of the bacon type arc the Tamworth and large Yorkshire, both of British origin. The bacon tyiie Is very different from the lurd tyie, being longer In leg and body, with less width of back and lighter in the shoulders and neck. The first impression that this type conveys is one of leanness and lunklnesa Much emphasis Is laid on the development of side, because It Is the side of the liog i hut Is used for the production of bacon. On the other hand, large, heavy hams are not desirable on a bacon hog. d, Age-Heral- Poland-Chin- little from month to month, or that SHIP EGGS We are to have a variety of new uud ored georgette with trimming of paral lei rows of drawn work and embrold Alunique styles in blouses lids fall. floral designs appears among thi ered models hnve passed ready the advance In review and manufacturers are preparing still others to follow. These will sliow modifications and adaptations of the styles already presented and of the wholly new forms of trimmings that have been brought out. American producers, now In competition with Europe, for the trade of the world, aspire to making the American blouse like the American shoe. In style, and aa good as the best In material. Therefore we expect with good reason, blouses that will accomplish the utmost that designers can do. In a variety of styles. Tailored blouses are shown In flesh, white, navy and Mack satin and with Fine high necks and long sleeves. tucks lu groups Hint form stripes piove to he appropriate and most popular for trimming. Tlie directolre Influence appears In tailored models having collars and frills of thnt period. Georgette and foulard are combined In other tailored blouses, the plain georgette forming the body and sleeves, with cuffs, vest and directolre collar of foulard. In dressy blouses there are some very rich and unique models. One of black satin Is cut kimono style, with short sleeves, nnd has a basque so long that one wonders It Is classed ns a In keeping with Its style It blouse. la adorned with embroidery lu silver r.d gold, of Japanese Inspiration. Col models for dressy wear as a trimming la as populai ns georgette In materials. It has bees used to Imitate baby lamb fur anf proves wonderfully effective on georg ette Russian blouses In gray, navy nur mahogany color. Blouses like that pictured, draped t the side, nnd tied with hanging ends are assured favorites. Heavy floss, li several rich colors, and unusual placed makes the most effective trim tiling on them, and pongee khnkl-ko- o nr silks of like character or plnln sat In mny be used to make them. The georgette blouse pictured Is otv of an always increasing number li which front nnd book panels are ex tended below the waistline to sfinulati n basque. It Is embroidered with sill Homs and Its edges finished with nar row pipings of satin ellsiw-aleeve- d .Silk floss BY PARCEL POST of a Lima Ownership la Practical and Feasible. Spreader Weight of 8ingle Dozen of Eggs Will to be rotated among the members. Run From 2 to S Pounds, DeNonmembers mny also use it by paypending on Packing. ing 25 cents an acre. In the early (Prepared by the United States Departstages of the use of lime In a ment of Agriculture.) especially In a small way, Average hens eggs will weigh about spreaders are often not available be114 pounds to the dozen, or 2 ounces cause single land owners hesitate to apiece. The weight of a single dozen purchase them. Even after the use of eggs In a carton properly packed of lime Is established a single machine and wrapped fbr mailing will run from kill often meet the needs of several 2 to 3 pounds, depending on the nature fumiers. of the particular container, the size of the eggs, and the packing and wrap- HOW TO INTRODUCE QUEENS ping used. If .the container be a very light one and the eggs small, the par- It Is Necessary to Remove Old and Decel may fall within the limit, Ones and Replace Them fective and tlie postage therefore, within the With Younger Stock limfirst nnd second zones, or it, would be 6 cents. Most parcels conEvery beekeeper who Is really cartaining a dozen eggs will exceed 2 for his bees should know how to ing not 8 will ; but reach therefore pounds Introduce queens, because It Is neceson them will be 7 cents the postage remove old and defective to sary within the first and second zones. A them by young and replace queens 2 dozen will eggs parcel containing ones. vigorous 2 cents to add perhaps the postage, Queens mny be Introduced In cells though sometimes only 1 cent, dependor after they hnve emerged from ceils, nature on the of the container and ing while still unfertilized, or nfter they the packing and wrapping. hnve begnn to lay. PREVENT DI3EASE OUTBREAKS TROUBLE IN FIGHTING WEEDS com-tiunit- ISO-mll- e Uas Every Preventive Measure and Bee That Proper Precautions Novel Jardiniere. Tnrchase a large size bean pot h the shape of a flower pot with wld rim. They cost about 12 cents. Nos use a dark green glossy paint to cove it. When dry dip a small brush wash able gold paint und draw n pret ty design uronnd the rim and yon hav a handsome container fur s feru. 1 Community Are Taken. Sheep and Goats Will Be Found icient In Eradication of Many Eff- Noxious Plants- - (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Sometimes we cannot prevent of live stock diseases on our forms, but we can and should nlways nse every preventive measure ar.d see Ihnt proper precautions nre tnken when Uw disease first makes Its appearances out-jrca- Some of the trouble nnd expense ordinarily exierlenced In fighting weeds niiglit he dispensed with by keeping sheep and goats to grazes the motions for v.ool, plants. At present pri--innb-ti- r and motion there nuiuiuli ougut to be profitable. |