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Show THE MIDVALE onous voice. Ml" MIDVALE. UTAn MESSENGER, You have killed both of And, with the sweat still on hit forehead, be stood looking maliciously at me. m ' ' If you had let me go," he Mill, you would have died Just as you are going to die. I saw ihe fora of the cliff quiver; I saw an Immense rock, hnlf-wa- y up, trap Into the nir and seem to hang If? A. te r sa f Golden Rousseau River 'WMfttW1' Jictor r nacquelinc CHAPTER XIX Continued. 15 I went to JnrquiIIuc mid took 1117 seat uion the eurili ling linrrinirte. I had my revolver In my huml. hut It was not lost dod. I threw the cartridges ujioii the floor. It seemed only n few minute before a voice hulled me from the tunnel. nld Leroux, yon Paul Hewlett, have made 11 good fight, but you sire done for. I offer you terms. What term V I asked. "The sume .as before. I can afford to let you go; for, though iny instlsu'ts cry out loudly for your death, I mu a business nsssn, and I can suppms them when It has to be done. In brief, M. Hewlett, you can go when you choose." t Leroux," I answered, I will any something to you for your own stike, and Mme. d'Epemay'a, thut I wouhl M. not deign to say to any other 111:111. Hhe la as pure as the beat woman In the land. I found her wandering in the street I saved her from the assault of your hired ruffians. I gave up my own apartment to her and went away. Do you believe what I have said to youf He looked hard Into my face. And it Yes," he said simply. makes all the difference In the world to me." Fere Antoine will marry you?" I asked. Yes, he replied. And her father?" Is safe In the chateau, playing with his wheel and amassing a fortune In his dreams." I continued. One more word, Mme. d'Epernay Is very III. She was struck by one of those bullets that you fired through the door. Walt ! for he had started. I think that she will live. The wound cannot have pierced a vital part. But we must lie very gentle In moving her. You had better tiring the sleigh here, and you and I will lift her into It. And then I shull not see her again." CHAPTER XX. Leroux's Dlable. I went back toward the rave. But I could not bring myself to see Jacqueline. I had reached the verge of the cataract and stood beside the little platform, looking down. I gazed In awe at the grant stream of water, sending lls censeleM current down Into the troubled lake below. And then I saw I.ncrolx. lie was peering after me from among the rocks, and ns I turned he was scuttling away Into the tunnel. I followed him hotly; but he must have known every fissure In the cliff, for he vanished before my eyeai apparently through the solid rock, nnd when I reached the place of hi disappearance I could find no sign of any ims-eu' them And at that moment I heard voice hailing me, nnd looked round to see him emerge from the tunnel at my side, ne was staring In bewilderment at the cntnract. By Ileavcn, Hewlett, I don't know what possessed me to take the wrong turn tonight," he swore. "I have come through that tunnel a hundred times and never missed the path before. lie swung round petulantly, and at (hat moment a shadow glided out of the darkness and stood in front of him. It was Pierre Caribou, lean, sinewy and old. He blocked the path and faced Leroux In silence. . Leroux looked at him, and an oath broke from his lips as he read the other's purpose upon his face. Squaring his mighty shoulders and clenching Lls fists, he leaped at him headlong. Pierre stepped quietly nslde, nnd Simon measured his full length within the tunnel. But, when he had scrambled to his feet with a bellowing challenge, Pierre was lu front of him again. What are you here for?" ron red Leroux, hut In a quavering voire that did not sound like his own. Get out .of the way or I'll smash your face!" The Indian still blocked the passage. Your time come now, Simon. All finish now, he answered. You come here one, two year ago," You ent up home Pierre continued. .of M. Duchnlne, my master. Old M. Duchalne my master, too. I belong here. You eat up nil. come hack, eat up some more. Then you sell Mile. Jacqueline to Louis d'Epernny. You made her run way to New York. I nsk your dlable when your time come. Your dlable he say wait lwait. Mile. Jucquclfne coine back. I ask your dlable again. He soy wait some more. Now your dlable tell me be send you here tonight because your time come, and all finish now. The face that Simon 'turned on me was not In ihe least like his own. It life and Brains? there; then the ground was upheaved beneath my feet, and with a frightful roar the rocky walla swayed und fell EQUIPMENT FOR ROAD WORK together. And the rivulet became a cataract that surged over me and filled my ear Traetora, Rollers, Concrete Mixers and with tumult and sealed my eyea with Other Implements to Bt Returned From France. sleep. Swift & Company is , by the. .United States Department of Agriculture.) At the request of the department of Agriculture, the war department ha ordered to he returned from France at sium aa possible a large quantity of engineering equipment to be distributed by the department of agriculture, through the bureau of public roads, to the stutes for use in the construction nnd maintenance of federal aid highways. The equipment will be distributed to the states without charge. In nrrnrdnnra with recent legislation empowering the secretary of wnr to turn over to the secretary of agriculture surplus military equipment not needed for military purposes but volunble In construction work. The highway equipment will be apportioned on the basis of the allotments In the federal r.ld road act, In the same way that 110,000 army motortrucks are now being distributed by the bureau of public roads at the request of the state highway department. The equipment which the secretary of war has been requested to return from France Includes about l00 caterpillar tractors; about 400 road rollers, (team and gas driven; and a large number of concrete mixers, road graders, elevating graders, rock crush-era- . Industrial locomotives. Industrial railway track, dump cars, steam shovels, hoisting engines, electric motors, and quantities of smaller equipment In his letter requesting the return of this equipment the secretary of agriculture said : The highway construction program which the federal government and the states propose to begin Immediately Is the largest public undertaking contemplated la the near future. It offer an Immediate field for the employment of labor and the use of materials that will help to stabilize business along a number of lines. - The work has been expanded so suddenly that It has not been possible to make adequate provision for furnishing the necessary equipment, and previously all the available supply was absorbed post-morte- half-shar- gence, life - long experience, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it Will not Government direction of the packing industry, now contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, experience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what politi- cal adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? Let aa tend you a Swift Dollar. It will interest you. Addreaa Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, X1L Swift & Company, U.S. A. Fitting One. What kind of n prt hns your tutor? Nuturally, he has a couch dog. Jap Merchants In Clear Your Skin WhileYonSleep vnthCuticura Philippines. Of the approximately 10.000 Jupun-e- e In the Philippines, 2,000 are said then-selve- never-endin- primarily an organization of men, not a collection of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and usefulness are only outward symbols of the intelli- ((""puri CHAPTER XXI. The End of the Chateau. Darkness Impenetrable about me, and a thick nlr thnt I breathed with was that of a hopeless man who knows great gasps that hardly brought relief that everything he hud prized Is lost. to my rhoklng throat. And a voice He hnd never cowered Iiefore anyone out of the darkness crying ceuseleasly In hia life, I think, hut lie cowered In my ears: now before rierre Caribou. Help me I Help me I Then a roar hurst from Leroux's I raised myself and tried to struggle Ups, and he flung himself upon the In- to my feet. I found that I could move dian In the same desperate way as I iny limits freely. I tried to rise upon had experienced, and In an instant the my knees, but the roof struck my head. two men were struggling at the edge I stretched my arms ont, and I touched of the platform. the wall on cither ride of me. They bent and swayed, and now I must have been stunned by the leroux was forcing Pierre's heart and concussion of the landslide. By a shoulders backward hy the weight of miracle I bud not been struck. his bulls body. But the Indian's Help me! Help me!" I tried to find the voice. I crawled sinews, toughened by years of toll to steel, held fnst; and just ns Leroux, three feet toward It, and the wall confident of victory, shifted his feet stopped me. But the voice was there. and Inclined forward, Pierre changed It came from nuder the wall. I felt his grasp and caught him by the about ine In the darkness, and my throat. hnnd touched something damp. I Leronf a face blackened and his eyes whipped It back In horror. It was the started out. IBs great chest heaved, face of a man. and he tore Impotently at his enemy's There was only the face. Where the strong fingers that were shutting out body and limbs ought to have been was Hlr nnd light and consciousness. They only rock. The face was on my side rocked and swayed; then, with a last of a wall of rock, pinning down the convulsive effort, Leroux swung Pierre body that lay outstretched beyond. off his feet, raised him high In the air, I recognized the voice now. It wai and tried to dash his body against the that of Philippe Lacroix. Ah, mon Dleul Ilelp me. Help projecting rock at the tunnels mouth. But still the Indian's fingers held, me! He continued to repeat the words In and as his consciousness began to fade Leroux staggered and slipped; and every conceivable tone, and his sufferwith a neighing whine that burst from ing wns pitiable, I felt one hand come his constricted throat, a shriek that through the tiny opening In the wall pierced the torrent's roar, he slid down und grasp at me. Who Is It?" ho mumbled. Is that the cataract, llerre locked In his arms. I cried out In horror, hut leaned for- you, Hewlett? For God's sake, kill ward, fascinated by the dreadful spec- mel" I crouched beside him, hut I did not tacle. I saw the bodies glide down the straight jet of water, as a boy might know what to say or do. I could only slide down a column of steel, and wait there, that he might not die alone. Give me a knife!" he mumbled plunge Into the black caldron beneath, A knife. around whose edge stood the mocking again; clutching at me. and fantastic figures of Ice. The seeth- Hewlett! Don't leave me to die like I ing lake tossed them high Into the this Bring Fere Antoine and my I want to tell her to tell mother. nnd cataract the second air, caught them and flung them back toward the her " He muttered In hia delirium until Old Angel. At lust they slid down Into the his voice died away. T thought that he depths of the dark lake, to He forever would never speak again. But presently he seemed to revive again to the consciousness of his surroundings. Are you with me, Hewlett whispered. I placed my hand in his, and he clutched at it with feverish force. You will have the gold, Hewlett, he muttered, apparently Ignorant thnt L too, was a prisoner and In hardly better plight. I tried to kill you, Hewlett Are you going to leave ine to die alone In the dark now? "No." I answered. It doesnt matter, Lacroix." And, really, It did not matter. I wanted to kill you," his voice Lacroix is dead. I rambled on. wnlched him dlo. I thought If you died, too, no one hut I would know the secret of the gold. I tried to murder you. I blew up thp tunnel 1" lie paused, nnd I heard him gasp for breath. His fingers clutched at my s coat sleeve ngnln and hooped round mine like claws of steel. "I had n knife once." he rcsumi-d- , relnpsiug Into his delirium ; "hut T left it behind me nnd the pollre got It. Isn't it odd, Leroux," he rambled on, that one always leaves somc'h'.ng behind when one has killed a mr.11? But the newspapers made no mention about the knife. You didn't know he wus dead, did you, Leroux. for all your cleverness, until thnt fool Hewlett left that paper upon the table? You knew Faced Leroux In 8!lence. enough to send me to jail, but you didn't know that It wns I who kilted there in thnt embrace. And still the me! He screamed horcataracts played on, sounding their him. Help He Is here, looking at me! ribly. g tune. loud, triumphant, There Is nobody here, Philippe," I was running down the tunnel again. said, trying to soothe his agony of I was running to Jacqueline, Imt Isoul. Whnt a poor and stained soul me. was the diverted It something It was, traveling Into the next world face of Lacroix, peering at me from alone! There la nobody but me, Philof the rocks crevices with the among I" ippe knew I from the smile. evil the same You lie I ha raved. Loula Is here ! look on It that he had seen all and had has come for me I He deserved to lie been Infinitely pleased thereby. die. lie tricked me after we had found to I him wanted at ; I caught get my the He tricked me twk-e- . IIo hands on him and strangle hlin, too, told gold. Leroux, thinking that be would and fling him down, and stamp his win hia and get free from feulures out of human semblance. But the man'sgratitude And the second time power. he eluded me and darted back Into he told Carson. Then there were three the cliff. of us In the secret." I enught him near the entrance and IVhat did you dor I asked, though held him fnst. It was like conducting a lie struggled In my grasp and upon a murderer's corpse. screamed. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Let me go!" he howled. Ah, yon will repent It I Monsieur, let me go! Our Country's Birth. e I will give you a In the gold. Our country's Independence dates What do you want with ineT' from July 4, 1778, because the United What did I want? I did not know. States then declared Its Independence, It must have been the same Instinct and from thnt day on hs maintained thnt leads one to stamp upon a noxi- It Great Britain acknowledged the ous Insect. I think It was his Joy in Independence of' the United States by the hideous spectacle beneath the cata- a preliminary treaty of peace dated ract that had ninde me long to kill November SO, 1782, and by the final or definite treaty dated September 8, him. But now a dreadful fear was dawn- 1783. This treaty was ratified by the continental congress January 14, 1784 ing on me. Jacqueline I I screamed. I have not seen her, he replied. Rubbing It In. Now let me go! Ah, men Dieu, will For heavens sake, don't try to sel that man a talking machine, you never let me go? It is too Intel Why not?" Suddenly he grew calm. m lie has been married twice." It Is too late," he said In a monot Copyright W. O. Chapmn Is it Possible to Legislate UUnnUailewS OiafeMtllSNaS tap. S. Smlm." (tempi, wok Am of "Osttem, to be merchants. Traction Engines and Trains. oy the demands of the war department. . . . I am sending you this list as a remit of a conference which I bave Just held with the executive of the American Association of State nigh-wn- y officials, at which it was represented thnt the various states are vsry anxious to secure additional equipment f the kind Indicated. I am thoroughly In sympathy with rlie efforts that are being made by the war department to aid returning soldiers in securing employment, and I am convinced that. If the equipment and supplies listed are made available, It will facilitate highway construction and thereby stimulate the employment of labor. GOOD ROADS HELP SCHOOLS SWAMP-ROO- T FOR UHESsHIDSIS Reduce Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Soreness from Bruises or Strains) KIDNEY AILMENTS Mop Spavin Lamencw, allay pun. Then is only one medicine that nelly Doe not bliiter, remove tbs bur or out a medicine stand, a. for hy up the hone. 52. SO a bottle curable ailment, of the kidneys, liver and at dniggiMi or delivered. Book 1 R free. bladder. ABSORB INE, JIL, far mankind aa Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp-Boitand. the antiieptic liniment for bnii.es, erta wound., highest for the reason that it has proven strain., punful, iwollen veins or nude. It to bo just the remedy needed in theituande heal ana soothe. 51.2$ a bottle at drag-gif- ts upon thouaanda of distressing caaee. or poMpaid. Will tell you mors U you Swamp-Bomake, friend, quickly be- writ. Made in the U. 8. A. by --- T cause its mild and immediate effect is soon r rilrt IMw realised in most can. It is a gentle, nt ot - heeling vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drag etoree in bottle of two sizm, medium and large. However, if you wiab to teet this gnat preparation lend ten cent to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a .ample bottle. When writing be inn and mention this paper. Adr. BELCHING Caused by Acid-Stoma- ch IM BATONIC, the erondsrfut mod an True. .Hick nlM itoateb remedy, glvs Pa, what Is the most difficult kind tram disgusting fealchlne, bloated, iiaqr stomach, dyspepIntllftlte of hunting there is?" sia. heartburn and othar stomach mieerlaa. House-huntinThey ara .11 canned br III llmaih tram my lioy. which about Bln. pMpli out at tea luBar la on. way or a not bar. Ona wrltoo aa "Itefora I KA TONIC, 1 maid not Imoortantto Mothers at a bit. withoutml belchm. It right ate mar Examine carefully every bottle of and blttor. I havo not had a bit at trouble CA8TOKIA, that famous old remedy since the Ont tablet." Millions ara victim, of Arid --Stanch for Infants and children, and see that It without It. ara and ... Refore Improvement Average Attendance Waa 66 In Eight Countie 76 Afterwards. g, A survey made by the government the effects of good rand building on school attendance In eight conntles tt shows thnt before the rands were Improved the average school attendance was 88, with 70 after the roads were Improved. Autos Hurry Development The advent of the automobile In rhe country districts was the qulck-i-nthat put the spark of ltfe In the f ood roads movement er Roads Demanded. Good ronds are demanded as an to the proper extension of itlonal and local development Good nl A That Produces. Bfg Stick live road club In a community la big stick that produces good nds. s: Bean the Signature In Use for Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castori weak knowing Thoy allinr, havo poor dlgratlon, bodlaa improperly nourished although they may oat heartily. Grave dlaordcn am lik.ly to follow tt a Is neglected. Cirrhosis of th. livar. intMtln.l congestion, futrith catarrh of the stomach thee, am only a few of ths many ailment, aftsa eanrad by h. Easy streets sunny side Isn't paved with good Intentions. Travel la fatal to prejudice. '(am eaeessIf Strong ana Healthy. 1 hey 'Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Son Irritated, Ilin tVfV Inflamed or Granulated, IUK nse Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. LIU EycBeasdy CsagsaylCUcaslD.S.flL A sufferer from Catarrh of th -- temach of 11 yaari standing writes: 1 had aalarrh of ths stomach for 11 Ions years' and 1 never found anything to do mo any good Just temporary relief nntU I nrad hA TONIC. It is a wonderful remedy and I da not want to bo withoat !L" If you ara not feeling quit, right lack energy .ad enthusiasm and deut know Jura where to locate ths trouble try HATONIC and era how much hotter yo 1 wi tool la every way. At all drug stores a big boa for Ms had your money back U you ara not sattaOsd. ATONIC IrroRYOPRAcnxrQMASB |