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Show PROGRESSIVE Page Four Wanted To Rent, an Idle Newspaper press where it stands. Apply El posit Office Place. Mr. Flesher. Pay In N. D. A. scrip. Wanted To buy for N. D. A. scrip a pood used Coupe and a good used Sedan. Apply 61 Pont Office Place, Mr Lund. Wanted tjVi unit Coupons. Lake Unit to what iwms happening, and might business, finance nnd Government BETTER SUBSCRIBE happen to tha 188,000,000 human out of their crying fit, back to the beings making np tha population of world of work nnd determination? SEEN AS HARD WORKERS Rugs and Upholstering tha United States, No superman will do It. CLEANED ON V CREDITS To ran the United States successEvery American, the rich man Rooms Wanted Any one haring Banker Tells of Labor Put in haa who lost hla fortnne, the Inher- fully la the business of tha people roooms to rent in rooming house or R. I. Harrison itor of wealth, who finds that Inher- of the United States. by Members of Congress on or call hotel, for N. D. A. scrip, Call Labor Dept. N. D. A, Mass of Technical Measures ited wealth has melted, the men They have neglected that business, who ban lost hla Job, the farmer leaving It to dishonest or incompetwrite, Mgr. 51 Post Office Place. procedure, who feeds tha nation and finds it ent politicians, while they pursued Waa 4648. OUTLINING legislative IF LINCOLN COULD COME Fleming. President Rlgga cannot Its tha quickly vanished dollar. pay a decent price for BACK TODAY National Bank. Washington D. CM gave INSURANCE not It la only themselves they have food, to him for enough pay American windows of the the recent convention Wanted Man to clean to one and some All blame la moat it of them realise It, For N. D. A. Scrip of that growing frotn (Continued page one) Bankers Aasoelatlon a description weekly. N. D. A. scrip. See Mr. the dtfficultlea and problems confront- who will what has happened la nobody's fault. that must come forth aa Lincoln, as the trouble? remedy An Life, Health and Acdjknt Mr. Fleming said Flesher. 51 Poat Office ftace. others have dona In tha past, to do STatem la Wrong Will some man rise above our naing the Insurance with Biggest and In part: 1 Our system tional picture of lnconrpetenoe, and wrong. In some de- the work that must ba dona. in World. Beat Company The moat Important part of organiMeanwhile, thla unpleasant picSCRIP HALF CASH as Lincoln rises above tail, or fundamentally, we do not HALF depression, WANTED All electric radio on"A of branches two congress zation of the ture meet know which. Lincoln's that In birthday. America distress. election of standing committees. For information call Waa. Credits. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE We were building up a mountain In 1988, is n picture of the United Will A New Slaw Come? There are 84 standing committees In B CREDIT 4648 or 51 Post Office Place. na It it. Will the new man, K he cornea, of prosperity, with no foundation of 8tatas the 8enata nnd 48 In tba Home. These Call F. L. Hickman. Who nnd what will change the picare the workihopa of Congreas and tha represent wisdom, careful planning common sense and sane methods Wasatch 8745 Good suits and orer-coa- ts real work of lawmaking la done in nnd Wanted ture? Arthur Brisbane in Loa experience, or will he come ns under it. or leave order with Mr. Howe. News. Our of on N. D. A. scrip at 51 Poat Committee Rooms. eneated thousands system come Angeles constructive rulers have often Tba task of legialatlng for 184.000 On Office Place. Waa 4648. In the past, suddenly, from nowhere, fortunes, paper,, and our 000 people la a tremendoua one. Of reimcent years approximately 80.000 bills like Lincoln In hla day, from the greedy politicians taxed those as fortunes had aginary two In ax. farm like though tha they and the introduced are woodehoppera annually Wanted Body and Job type at n small percentage be- Mussolini from the grime of the war been real. Howes. Wasatch Press, 51 Post Office Place. come law, Only most ba weighed in trenches, or Stalin from secret conAnd as the amount taxable diminbnt they See Mr. Wdght. N. D. A. scrip. committee, accepted or rejected, perished, the amount of the tax was govern-mshideous the against spiring i haps amended, reported out, nnd then steadily . increased. of tha CsnrtT considered on tba floor. When the war began the debt of In mind national there should the Wanted A small Job printing 88 of about Involve Lawmaking the United 8tmten was one billion. no or N. be D. and A. work of punfor revenge nnd question scrip. Apply bard press nnspeeUeulnr After paying, heaven knows how Wasatch Press, 51 Post Office Place, abont 1 of oratory. Faw taika ap- ishment. The United 8tatea haa been ran many billions to retire bonds, the pear so easy and are so dlfflen't as enPhone Waa 4648. actment of sound nnd satisfactory lega collection of sleek gentlemen, Government still owes more than by islation. Few Individuals In any Una abont aa near to genius aa the prise twenty thousand million dollar; and of activity work harder or longer hours GREAT WRITER LOOKS steer in a cat- that represents froze n capital, a sort Hereford of the chairmen Important tha UNDER SURFACE than show. were tle I They have fkt, they were of financial cyclone cellar in which sesskm. n committees during the money of the country has taken grant sympathy for tha members of rich, they were printing their bilCON8IGN OR. SELL YOUR WOOL OR PELTS TO the N. D. A. constituents expect lions In nice paper securities, and refuge. whose Congress (Continued kom page one) Wa ean secure better prices for you since wa prepan all wool and undivided attention to ovary piece of the foolish people were buying them. Twenty billions not spent, twenty bo Inter which la may they locked billions ment with any of the oil of nlmple legislation up, twenty billions pelts properly before marketing. Leeders Know Little eternal religion. Wed let greed nil eated. From my personal jbaervation, GIVE US A TRIAL. knew allttle about golf, and on which the people are taxed to pay They enand conscientiously they earnestly but destroy na. nearly ona thousand millions a N. D. A. 65 West Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah deavor to do all that la humanly pos- thought they knew something about year in Interest, to those that hoard finance, but they didnt. sible. 6142-IPhonce: Wasatch You can apell the iword greed Mur. 835 10847, Hyland Publlo Hearings They rolled together hundreds of Gopernment bonds and do not spend. any number of ways; is What the Matter With UT to referred When a bill ia introduced, millions and thousands of millions over buying Ws have everything that we ever committee and printed, the next atop, and thought the rolling would go on over If It la a measure Imof eonalderahle and more of It. We have more had, rich over centralisation of wealth portance, la to condnct a public hear- forever. gold than any country In the world, not. did It ing. Tba committee makes an effort io too Suddenly the beautiful dream fad- of almost everything wa have, No matter how you spell It, It's still listen to anyone who cares to be heard much. n child na aa alwhen ed, a measure, suddenly either for or against the same old "greed. What will bring theae giants of though witnesses are frequently limit dreaming of cane filled with ice We failed but we can try again. ed aa to time. Members of the Cabinet cream falls out of bed. and other officials of tha admlnlstrar 8 We can find Just why we fulled Who or what will put the nationPoat Office Place. tlve departments of tba Government al child back to bed? and Just how we can succeed. ALL MAKES OF AUTOS REPAIRED In which maaauraa on usually testify Of Money, Uy Mimrf, For Money1 Motors Rebored Fenders Repaired they are interested and furnish tha Radiator Repairing Look at them now, heat mlnda, committee Information In exacntlva Car Service Painting Rebuilt Batteries Battery session or otherwise. In thla way tha In thla picture. Look at their govSAFETY BRAKES CO. s' Washing Administration takes a prominent part ernment weeping on Its Polishing Greasing. dismally Mrn and boys Interested in in shaping legislation. ALL WORK GUARANTEED pilea of gold, the kind of Governselling Plain Talk and making Due to pressure of work and the ment 4th. So. Bet. Main and that haa been built up hy the some nice money for a few hours Day and Monthly Steam-Heate- d Storage, fact that It la impossible for members Phone Wasatch 8135. State, So. Side of Congress to be technical experts on control of money, for money, hy Residence Phone Hyland 8045--J. work, write to the office of Plain inevery subject of legislation, tha com- money, without any citizenship Talk, 108 E. Oth, Topeka, Kans. mittees are inclined to give considera- terest, without the slightest care aa WANTED Ford Track or Model T Ford for scrip. Was. 4648 or 68 Post Office Place. WANT ADS Good fresh cow for Balt or National Headquarters Bee Elllngson, Mgr. Balt apart Wanted To Rent, a ment or double house of each aide, with furnace. Fay In N. D. A. scrip. Want contract for a 311 year. Apply Cecelia P. Lund, E. 5th South. Wanted A used bicycle, N. D. A. 640 Scrip, Apply Mr. Clair Olsen, E. 6th Bo., Apt 6. INDEPENDENT NATION'S LAW MAKERS INTEREST AT PRESTON On Wednesday, thin weak, Pres. BenJ. B. 8trlngham and Vlee-Pre- s. Owan Woodruff' went to Preston, Idaho to give assistance to the N. D. A. unit there. These officials will alao vlalt and' Inspect moat of the other N. D. A, branches north of Salt Lake while they are out. s. KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS OF COOPERATION Subscribe For The Progressive Independent nt Wanted to Buy a good, modern with some 5 or 6 room Bungalow or ground, class In. Will pay $50 D. A. N. scrip. In $100 monthly Apply to Mr. Lund, 51 P. O. Place. Waa 464$. Wanted to Exchange Labor for Apt. cloae In. Knt of modem Apply SSI E. 5th So. W. 6867 J. W. 6867 J. Wanted Options on choice real estate, options payable in N. D. A. Scrip. Apply to Mgr. 53 Poat Office Place. Any farmer haring 500 lba of corn seed please notify this of- - iafflr Wanted To exchange printing and Adrertialng for Food sutppllea Apply to Mr. Flesher, 58 Poat Office Place. W. 4648. ' NOTICE Will take beef, mutton, pork, honey, flonr, etc., on printing nnd advertising. Apply Mr. Wight, 51 Post Office Plnoe. Thursdays (Every Week) td Wanted Wool and Pelts over-reachi- ng ovr-JrroQ)- ts RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE over-ambiti- 58-8- Why Be Idle? Wanted Half and Half MERRY GARDEN BALLROOM Prahl & Kirten 116 No. Main St. the Revelers All N.D.A. Coupons Music by ADMISSION Ladies - 15c Gents - 35c Wallpaper Furnished B Credits ESTIMATES FREE ALL LABOR A CREDITS Exterior Decorating. All Kinds of Interior and Houie Painting, Sign Painting. PAPER HANGING AND CLEANING. Good Work. Reasonable Charge. CnU Hy. 5118-- R Auditing, Accounting KOOKKKEPIXG, INSTALLING SYSTEMS AND INCOME TAX RETURNS ON R CREDITS Half Cash and Half Coupons REASONABLE PRICES We Are Continually Increasing Our Variety of Groceries 1088 East 17th South St. International Accountants Society, Inc. Chicago 838 Roosevelt Ave. Hyland 4589. Groceries & Meats Rudy W. Berthold Member of the H.F.Hanks& Sons tion to tha merits of argnmenta presented in testimony nnd tha recommendations of the Cabinet and other officials. It ia therefore highly desirable. both from tha standpoint of Congress aa well aa those affected by proposed legislation, that tha latter have an opportunity to discuss frankly tha affects of such legislation. Wo sometimes complain about tha technicalities of legislation, but when we observe organised minorities endeavoring to force class legislation through ona House it la a comfort to know auch measures may ba eaugbt In tha meshes of technical procedure in tha other and there suffer what la termed automatic aauhvxlsi'on." Across the street from the Holy Croce Hoepital HOME BARBER SHOP East First South Street A. Dl BEDFORD, Prop. Ladies Haireutting a Specialty! Also Open Evenings. N. D. A. Credits. 1018 Service Ensign Shoe Phone 577 East 1st South Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South. Special Rates to Members of Natural Development Aaeodation. For First Class Job Printing Bell Manufacture The metal from which bells are usually made (by founding) U an alloy, l, called commonly composed of 80 parts of copper and 20 of tin. Tha proportion of tin varies, however, to from of the weight of the cornier, according to the sound required, the alse of the bell and the Impulse to be given. The clearness and richness of the tone depends upon the metal used, the perfection of Its casting and also upon lta shape, It havrl ing been shown by a number of mwits that the well known shape with a thick Up Is the best adapted to give a perfect sound. The depth of the tone of a bell increases In proportion to Its alee. bell-meta- one-thir- d Wasatch Press 8 lbs. 25c 20c 50c 50c pt ... 10c SLICED SWEET PICKLES, per can MAPLE FLAVORED SYRUP, 2 qt can 50c WAX PAPER1, 40 foot roll 10c LETTUCE, 2 heads for 12e I5e FRESH MILK, per quart ' 30c 10c .! 10c MEATS SIRLOIN STEAK STEAK ROUND STEAK eon-ten- TRY THE 4 lbs. 30c ROLLED OATS, quick cooking or regular SWIFTS PRIDE WASHING POWDER, large pkg. ...... GRAPEFRUIT, No. 5 can SLICED YELLOW CLING PEACHES, No. 10 can ....... MAYONNAISE vi pt. 15c HORSERADISH MUSTARD, per jar SLICED SOUR or DILL PICKLES, per jar one-fift- h Effect of Irrigatioa Irrigation apec la llats of the United States Department of Agriculture have found that In Irrigation projects the drainage water carries away ns much salt ns Is brought In by the Irrigation water. The crop plants use a large part of the Irrigation water, but they absorb very little of the salt, so that tha salt content of the drainage water In much higher than that of the irrigation water. Where t drainage water with lta higher cult ia reclaimed nnd used for Irrigation It is necessary to esc larger quantities for each acre served. In or der to maintain n favorable salt balance nnd thus avoid crop lnjqry. BABY LIMA BEANS SLICED BACON, per pound VEAL or PORK CHOPS, per pound - 20c 19c - We Welcome You To Spend Your N. D. A. Coupons Here t 52 Poet Office Place WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION" AMBASSADOR GARAGE EXPERT CAR WASHING and POLISHING All Work Guaranteed N. D. A. COUPONS ACCEPTED Rear 145 So. 5th East Waa. 0005 Brimley Exchange Store 706 South Statc'Strect X |