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Show PROGRESSIVE Page Two. THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Issued every Friday at Salt Lake City, Utah, in intereat of Natural Development-Entere- d aa aecond-daa- a matter April 26. 1982, at the Feat Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act of March 8th. 1879. Prices of Subscription CL N. LUND Publisher and Managing Editor One Year $240 Sin Months 1.60 Address all letters to 62 Post Office Place. INSPIRATION OF OUR EDITORIALS cent life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Brilliant as was your address, you have not fathomed and do not understand the heart and soul and mind of Abraham Llnooln and never can while you sponsor the capitalistic schemes of tyranny and oppression. ' TO PRESIDENT-ELEC- FRANKLIN T, ROOSEVELT D- - On March 4th, yon are to be inaugurated Into the highest and most Important position In the gift of the people of the greatest nation on earth. A large majority of the people voted to place the destiny of our country in the hands of the Democratic party, with yourself at the head. The responsibilities of a president, always great, are unusually so at this time, owing to unfortunate conditions brought about 1st, by. unfavorable legislation for the masses, 2nd, by adverse court deolsalons, and 3rd, by the Installation of labor-avln- g machinery without the adoption of a correspondingly short work A well-knowriter of this city read last weeks editorial page carefully and remarked, "No other paper, no matter of what also or Quality has so much editorial And that Inspiration as the "Progressive Independent. la true. This one feature alone la worth, In a years time, many times the subscription prloe. llany are clpplng the editorials and pasting them In scrap hooka for preservation We are determined to keep on making the day. editorials Inspirational and as full of old and new truth Never In history have economic conditions seen a as possible. Thanks for the good words. parallel to those of the present time. In the past there have been famines pestlences and disasters that have placed local communities In N.D. A: LEADERSHIP perUL But those were conditions that could be, and Every great eauae must hare a great leader. The were met, by charitable organisations and by governNatural Development Association Is a great cause and ment aid. Never before, however, has there been such wideits president, Ben. B. Btrlngham la a great leader. He has the qualities of leadership which were possesed by spread destruction. Labor and the tools of producmany of the leading founders of the republic. They tion have ceased to function for lack of market. were plain, honest, sincere, courageous men with faith 8tlll, nature has been abundant. food-etuMr. Granaries are bursting with stored-u- p and vision; of the people and for the people. them man for Is and the a la of people, to their sell Btrlngham plain products Clothing manufacturers, unable with his whole soul. He Is honest, sincere, courageous. have closed their factories, leaving a bare market for His faith In the cause has grown to be a passion and the producer who is overloaded with raw materials. his enthusiasm knows no bounds. His heart beats for Lumber mills are operating at less than 16 per the massef. He loves truth and justice and stands four cent capacity for lack of orders, thefugh millions of square on the fundamentals of Americanism. Der tag" acres of virgin timber remain untouched. is coming for the N. D, A. and we must keep on imSo, food, clothing and shelter, three necessities of pressing the people of the nation that we have the lead- man, are not lacking In this country. Yet, with all the abundance of necessities, multiership to man the ship of state through the stormy seas which surge about us. plied millions are in distress. of citizens in all Go Into the homes EXTENT OF COOPERATION walks of life, and see, first hand, the grinding poverty; no lights; no gaa; no fuel; no bread. If you think cooperation isnt growing just reflect husband and faVisualise the willing, on the following truth. Cooperation is making great ther walking the streets day after day in search of strides in forty two countries. ' It has taken deep root job. Picture the despair of the wife and mother, when In thirty states of this country and is operating in near- no hope Is In sight. And when yohr family gathers and you enjoy the satisfacly 160 American communities. Keep your eye on co- aronnd the hearth-stonoperation. The need of the hour Is a leader, or leaders tion that la the right of every father, of knowing that to go across the country and unite all these cooperatives. the wants of his children are satisfied, think then, of And when that la done the victory will be practically the damnable system that deprives millions of your won. Cooperation la the force that is destined to bring fellow citizens of the same privilege, a system that prosperity from around the corner. breeds crime, and that is tobogganing our boasted civilisation into, lower and lower depths. Borne one has said, Bhow me the laws of a counTHOUGHTS THAT TAKE HIGH GROUND try and I will tell you the condition of her people. Frasier Hunt, great American writer, puts forth Mr. President, I am not presumptuous enough to the best and highest thought that has come out of the advise you the course to pursue to change conditions depression. "Uncle Barns one big problem, he says, for you know, Is hot to provide happiness and security for the com- for YOU KNOW. You know that taric legislation will mon man. America must go back to its dream. What avail nothing. And you know that prohibition Is hot a land America can be when she learns to dream again an economic question; that very little revenue could and seeks to restore her lost moral and spiritual leader- be derived from a tax on alcoholic beverages over and ship. Dreams are but another name for Ideals. Greed above the cost of collection; that when the people have has almost captured the heart of America. What a no money to buy necessities they cannot Indulge in paradise we can make when we return to our dreaming. beverages "No nation Is worth bothering about unless it is We have been told that we have the best banking struggling forward to some great and beautiful ideal system In the world, and we believe It la the best (for freedom, a new social order, a dream for her common the big bankers) We were advised to save money in people. And no Individual la worth his salt unless he, Good Times to tide over the Hard Times too, is dreaming of some one beside himself, of his Some of us saved money, and then 10,000 banks country, his brother man, his world." filled, and our savings were dlaeolved Into "Frozen AsHow true! What a paradise we could make! sets," and finally evaporated. Mr. President, there are two roads ahead of you. To paraphrase the words of Our Saviour, "The INTERNATIONAL BANKERS RESPONSIBLE Broad Way that Leadeth to Destruction, and the NarThe international bankers are responsible for the row Way that Leadeth Unto Life. depression, or the collapse, as some call ft Men in high The Broad Way is lined with rosy tlnta of custom places are beginning to learn this fact and some are and privilege, and the Jingle of labbylata gold. speaking ont T. 8. Hogan, wealthy oil man of Mid- But thla way leads to destruction. land, Texas, ta before a congressional committee that The Narrow Way la beset with many difficulties, "bankers were responsible and opposed to blmetallsm suefh as jeers and derision from the enemies of True aa a step to recovery. International bankers are obsess- Democracy. "Anarchism, ed with a Inst for power. The present gold standard Cries of Sodalism," Bolshevism, suits them perfectly. It makes them masters of indus- and possibly "Technocracy, will be hurled at the travtry and commerce and even the government. They con- elers on the Narrow Way. But unpopularity with the trol many newspapers and magaalnes. Consequently Shylocks of wealth will he overcome by the to to and they exercise a power over public opinion that is harm- respect of the great common people; for this Is the Way ful to the nation. And the staid, old conservative Balt that Leadeth unto Life. While unemployment stalks the Lake Tribune says: t .tnenie said, The Lord must love the common world and there is starvation In the midst of plenty, in- people, because He made so many of them. ternational bankers are amassing new fortunes while It Is the common people who elected you to the the world suffers, oblivious to the dangers of the times. highest position In the United States, and you owe It to They hear not and heed not the cry of humanity for suo-co- r them to use every means at your command to stamp while they toy with money. out the power of the dollar, and Inaugurate a new sysThe International bankers have done and are doing tem, one that places man above tth dollar; a system more harm to humanity than did Hie world war. They that recognises honesty and righteousness as a virtue. shoeld be arraigned at the worlds bar of justice to answer for the worst crime of the ages. c. . able-bodi- ed e, DOES SEN. SMOOT INTERPRET LINCOLN? Senator Reed Smoot made an eloquent Lincoln Day address. But did he truly Interpret the real Lincoln? Our opinion Is that he did not He came far short of It In his attempt He says, "The heritage of liberty which Lincoln preserved and handed down to us is scorned as a priceless heirloom in the hands of yokels. But where is the liberty to work, to live decently and to be content and happy? It has gone glimmering, being crushed by the system which the senator has fought for all these years. And he boasts of what Lincoln would do and say if he came back today. The truth la that If Lincoln came back today he would Immediately make a great effort to handle corrupt, decadent and outgrown polities mudh like he handled the slavery question. He would scourge all the present day political leaders from the temple of liberty, and restore what hu been stolen from the people. The senator also talks about undermining American principles and lays this charge against many of our people. The truth is that there Is no other power on earth that could so undermine and corrupt American principles as have the powers of organised greed and privilege for which the senator has stood as a protector for thlrt ears. Yes, sens to, whateer undermining of good old American principals there has been has been done by the centralised wealth of the country, whose spokesman yon have been. They have taken away ths peoples government, they hare stolen the peoples liberties, they have robbed them of the opportunity to de- Cash Until April 1 INDEPENDENT SUGGESTED PREPARATIONS A&LhSii? i FOR (ORGANIZING AN N.D.A. UNIT First Get a copy of the book. send the ticket for bus or rail or to Natural Government, by BenJ. B. whiob ever Is the most Inexpensive to the Btrlngham and read it thru carefully your future N. D. A. Unit, Association, and study it thoroughly to your own Natural Development 616 Judge Building, salt Lake City, satisfaction. Be very aure yon Utah. This will be answered with it and agree with the sys- an organiser to aid you In the many tem outlined in this book. Also, details and who will help select your read the paper "Progresalve Inde- Board of Trustees and get your unit pendent and the other literature set up. Fifth In arranging for accommonow publlahed by the Natural Develdations for the organiser, the cost opment Association. . This literature may be either taken care of by memla published for your benefit, aa we bers of the group and credit given ure only trying to get people to do them, or they may donate this serPROGRE88IVE THINKING ALONG vice to the cause. It Is our plan CONSTRUCTIVE LINES. When for the organisers to be very conhave done thla you you are ready servative in their expenaee as that la one phase of we befor the next step. Second Go out among your lieve in iglth regards to helping othfriends or some of your progressive ers to enjoy the fruits of the N. D. Influential citizens, and talk with A. plan. The following may he need as a them on the N. D. A. plan. Having atudled the book and familiarised suggestive introduction, or conversayourself with the plan thru the aid tion with the restaurant or hotel of other literature you are then pre- management, or any other business, pared to present the Idea In an Intel- to arrange for their (ervloes and coligent manner. When you have In- operation in the N. D. A. program. "Mr. Smith, could you handle terested about twelve to teweny-fou- r good, honorable dtlsena, whom you more restaurant trade than you are are sure will he of the getting, (No doubt hla answer type and will work ofr the Interest would he) why yes, of course Mr. Smith, would you be willing of the group and not for self only, to me a ten per cent commission are for next pay the you step. ready Third Asemble your Interested for all the business that I can acgroup in meetings once or twice per count for and that I will turn to week and take up the study of the you if I will set np an offioe, carry book "Natural Government and N. my own overhead and advertise D. A. Explained and other literature your business In various ways? In doing this business our plan with as many copies In the Class as you can procure. You will find that of operating la to use a system of these classes will lead into the most coupon cheeks aa a medium of exchange or a record of transaction inharmonious spirit of and the proposition of "Human Wel- stead of the silver dollar. You know fare Above Money will become your Mr. Smith, your business is tough. watch word. After two or three I can see it and you realise it. The meetings you can be ready for the reason for that Is, there la not next step. enough cash In circulation for peoFourth You should he ready by ple to operate buainess on, so we are this time, to discuss plans for organ- organising and operating a plan of ising. In this discussion one of the our own which will bring about main topics Is the Item of expense. more equal distribution of wealth. Discuss and plan ways and means Our organization la the "Natural Deof raising the necessary cash for or- velopment Association Incorporated ganisation activities. In the group to do business on a coupon check there should be an attorney answer- transaction without the use of mbn-e- y. ing the qualifications mentioned We are operating a unit here and above. When you have secured or arranged for cash to cover expenses, will maintain a store to handle anyyou will then be In a position to thing that we are forced to handle on the part send for an crganlser from headquar- thru lack of ters to get your unit set up and In of those who have control of needed Our store will he working order. The expenses refer- commodities. red to will be that of transportation, started out in a very unpretentious and living expenses for the organiser way and will grow naturally along While with you, and a contribution with the rest ' of the organisation. for hla time to be decided on at one This (will give Immediate value to of your meetings. In your discussion our coupon check or "Vallar check, of organising, it Is always well to as we call It, which we will use very leave the matter of personnel for the similarly to money. This, you see, selection of the organiser when he makes It so we can operate on a plan arrives. Through experience we of oer own that will guarantee the have found that thla la the most sat- necessities of life to those who are and help themisfactory way to handle this and pre- willing to vent any misunderstanding that may selves and help others thru cooperarise In the group. Keep In mind ation. Thla will aid the unemploythe facte that we are all working In ment situation and do much to overa common cause, for group liberation come the depression. We also Intend to get the from the evils of the Improper disof all the business people along tribution of wealth, and to break the present dlsasterous depression. All the asam lines which we are suggestthat has been accomplished by the N. ing to you, so It win be a very popuD. A. thus far la for your benefit and lar game of business, extending volwe expect to give you the benefit of ume for at least carrying local overoer experience and eliminate expen- head. After all, Mr. Smith, I am sive mistakes from creepping In while no more responsible for this depression than you are, and It Is just as you are getting started. There are annual dues for mem- much your responsibility aa an Amerbership of (6.00 per year or more at ican citizen- - as mine or as Franklin the discretion of your local officers. D. Roosevelts to get us out of this This Is divided Into three parts, (I economical entanglement that we are remains In, your local unit, $1 goes in. May iwe also state that each one to the National Unit, located at 616 of your employes has his responslbll Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. lty Just as you and I have. Would These annual dues can be used to it not he mnch better to pay part of defray organising expenses so far as their salary In the N. D. A. Vallar the local portion Is concerned. Bear than to give them reduction In salary In mind that only thoae who sign or relieve them of the Job as your the Articles of incorporation and ser- business grows worse, thus adding vice pledges are members. . The oth- to the unemployment situation and ers become candidates for member- thereby Increasing the distress of ship and are taken thru the steps of today. The above Is Just a suggestion to membership and voted In by the members. All these details will he create an open minded consideration explained by the organiser along on the part of the restaurant or cafe with all other questions as he sets up owner and, of course, the same would the Unit organisation. When you be true In regards to the hotel manthe necessary money ager or any other business man on for transportation of the organiser. whom you may call for have-collecte- ; WEEKLY PAPER Chiropractic offers a simple, natural, effective method of restoring health in both acute and chronk ailments. Why not consult an N. D. A. Chiropractor SMonths "I know that God has given us the tase of goods, but only as far as Is necessary; and He has determined that the use be common. It Is absurd and disgraceful for one to live magnificently and luxuriously when so many are hungry. By Turtulllan (165-22- All is common 2 Cyrlan (200-26- A. D.) 8 No man shall be received Into our commune who sayeth that the land may be sold. Gods footstool Is not property. S. M. Taylor E. L. Egii Intermountain 'Funeral Home e Over yean in Salt 26 Embalmers. B Credit! Accepted IKS So. State St Sickness Late at night, ona of the family, periupa a child, becomes 111. A doctor la needed. What can bring help aa quickly as the telephone? In emergencies, a telephone protects you, la countless everyday uses it serves yon, running errands to the stores, the druggist, to friends homes. With telephone, friends can reach you. O. D.) with us except These, and many other services, the telephone performs for a tew cents a day. ' Quality Shoe Repair MM South Main St. We Use Beat Materials. Scrip Accepted on B Credit Also Hat Cleaning. GEO KOPOULOS, Prop. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. Rex Hat Cleaning Shop AND SHOE SHINE PARLOR We Clean and Block All Kinds of LADIES & GENTS HATS 50c KEITH EMPORIUM 246 SO. MAIN ST. Paramount Cleaners and Dyers Delivery Service Railway . 902 Repairing Wasatch 2458 South 1st West WORK GUARANTEED Wasatch 5839-WE SPECIALIZE IN Waaatch 8987-Fire Proof Construction and these homes coat no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, stylet comfort N. D. A. Cr. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Wall Paper Paints MODERN DECORATORS ASSOCIATED 50 D. Street . House Cleaners, Remodeling in All its Branches and wiH go anywhere. Estimates and Consultation Free. MODERN APARTMENTS. WeAccept N.D. A. Coupons TRY KUDZU THE BEST FORAGE FOR LIVESTOCK 0R DRIED THEHST,.G5N Investigate. FEED FOR RABBITS KUDZU TEA IS VERY APPETIZING Every dooryard should bare one or more plants which will produce enough leaves to supply the family with beverage the year VINE FOR PORCHES AND ARBORS Purple Wkteria. KUDZU wffl grow as far North as Nova Beotia, either as a field or garden crop or aa an ornamental porch shade. to -25 each or 3 for 50c by Parcel Post Half N. D. A, SCRIP Half CASH SPECIAL PRICES ON 500 or 1000 PLANTS 1- Dr. BenJ. R. Johnson and The Johnson A Wilson Chiropractic Health Service. Phones: Baa., Was. By Clement of Alexandria (160-21- 6 A. D.) St By lie flower clusters resemble 14 Yean Experience licensed in Utah, Idaho and Nevada. Office, Was. 4988 The Situation Today As Interpereted by the. Ancients women. Jesus was onr man, Goff and brother. He restored unto all men what cruel murders took from them by the aword. Christiana have no m eater and no Christian shall be bound for bread and raiment. The land la no mana Inheritance; none hall possets it as property. KUDZU MAKES IK WONDERFUL FLOWERING SHADE DR GEO A WILSON Successor Volunteer services and merchandise shoeld be encouraged. In this you will get people with resources wrlch Is absolutely necessary in order to have a healthy growth. While making such calls, do not hesitate to go Into detail to explain the N. D. A. plan to such people whose personality and business standing can give you more prestige In the community. Always exercise care not to make any extravagant statements or promises which you are not certain can be fulfilled In a very reasonable length of time. These contacts should aid you In getting the type of men In your group who will become the main supports and pillars to your N. D. A. unit. Exercise this care; do not be associated with any Individual who will cause unfavorable comment agalnat your future N. D. A. unit. Much time and effort can be saved by using the Progressive Independent freely to carry the message of N. D. A. to prospective members. The Progressive Independent will also give a much more aocurate and adequate Idea of the N. D. A. than you can possibly get In the limited time available for personal conversation. Bear in mlqd that there are many details not mentioned In this short treatise that the organizer can take care of. He (will save you many mistakes and expensive experiments we have outgrown. If .you will follow these suggestions you will save time and will make It comparatively easy to get started right. 812 Boston Bldg. Salt Lake City 6669-- N. D. A. Credits Accepted (F.F. Clark ERET,Via State Line, Mississippi |