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Show PROGRESSIVE GOES ON N.D.A. CONVENTION RECORD AGAINST SALT LAKE UNIT USE OF VIOLENCE RESOLUTION NO. 1 WHEREAS, because of the broken down economic system there is a condition of great unrest existing hrough-othe United States and the world, and WHEREAS there have grown up in the United States and other nation many organizations with the intention of correcting the said economic condition, and, WHEREAS it is reputed that some of these organizations have suggested the use of war or violence for the purpose of correcting the evils; NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, that the Natural Development Association in National Convention assembled this 28th day of January 1933 at Salt Lake City, Utah, go on record as favoring and adopting progressive, constructive, peaceful methods in the correction- - of the present economic evikk and as unalterably opposed to and refuse to take part in any method of correction which would result ' in violence, war or bloodshed. Be. It Further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes, and that copies also be forwarded to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Governor of the State of Utah and to members of the Utah delegation in Congress. NATURAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, Bengamin B, Stringham, President. HEALTH DEPARTMENT ut It is said of Roger Babson, the statistician, that ho was Indebted to n a for one of the moat important lessons of Ufa. Babson bad storeys Imagined the groat got that way by taking advantage of some grand opportunity that bad befallen them. The mason demonstrated otherwise. It la, said he, the little things that rule the universe and make or mar. Tho cohesive force of tiny grains of sand makea possible both mountains and cathedrals. Tho great Atlantic, npon which ride the navies of the nations. Is constituted of drops of water, and these In turn, of stoma of hydrogen and oxygen, protons and electrons. The disruptive mandate of tho tiny atoms present In nitroglycerine will Instantly demolish tho proudest battleship. How small are the or microscopic plants, which ao often wreck a young human life with all Its brilliant future possibilities T They arc so small that they are measured, not In inches oven, but In Amllll-michs. la the one thonaandth part of tho twenty fifth of an Inch. Just a few of those bacteria, if of a malignant variety, may cause death of the whole human body, with all that this event may mean to the Individual and society. Where do they lurk In the human In weakened and diseased body? tonsils, teeth and Joints. In the appendix, kidneys, heart and other organa, and in the blood stream. Little outs and wounds and trifling ailments, should by qo means bo neglected. They may shorten lifo by fifty years or more. A needle-pric- k In a certain pTt of the human body may cause instant death. The little things of life an In reality the big things, for the big little things are but groups of things. Let aa not forget. brick-maso- , . bao-terl- a, mllll-micron- DEPARTMENT HEALTH A and B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and Dental Requirements. Optometry, Chiropractic, Drugless Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For Information Apply to X-Ra- y, or Wasatch 10347 Wasatch 2796, Hyland 4508-W. Faber, President Willy P. Renkel, Manager. Modem Woodworking Manufacturers of Bank, Office and Store Fixtures. 668 Superior Cabinet Work. Salt Lake City, Utah. Phone Wasatch 8183 South State Street The second edition of the book, "Natural Government by Benjamin B. Stringham will be off tho praes about February 10th. Many Question! are asked as to how. the Ideal can ha put Into effect two ways are posalble. Flrat through Natural Development," aecond through aa outlined In a supa national council or Pow-woto "Natural Government entitled "Tho plement Technocrats Dream, by Wilford Onren Woodruff, which ahowa that "Natural Government la a plan of operation oultable for (he application of Technocracy. Procure yonr copies without delay. Hold group readings in yonr community preparatory to organizing tho Natural Development A aao elation or N. D. A. Twenty-fir- e should precede copies of "Natural Governmentany organization, together with the pamphlet N. D. A. Explained and the newspaper "Progreaalvo Independent, Natural Government la the book that rationalized eoonomica and on which tho N. D. A. la founded. It explains tho simplicity of a system of eoonomica which produces and distributes for use and benefit, but not for 'profit or price. This la both equitable and sound and comes at a time when the whole world la calling for It The Natural Development Association was organised to. apply and reach the Ideal Government aa outlined in this book. Time Magazine says: By far the moat completely organised and successful barter group now operating la the Natural Development Association of Balt Lake City." Robert b. Allen, well known Washington correspondent writes eo author of "Washington of the N. D. A.: An extraordinary cooperative movement . . . Something along the line of the Beattie and class conmovement, but far more economic sysextensive an have scious . . . They tem under way: all In lass than six months time. It strlkea me aa offering a real American solution to thla tragic mesa we are In. New Now Outlook Magazine, December 82, page 88, New York Times; 211; page 88, 4, Republic, January Associated Proas report of January national monthlies and dallies have other and 1988 19, moat successful self-hel-p recognized tho N. D. A. as the organization In the nation. the President of tho Quoting from a totter from National Bank In a Colorado City: In yonr acti"We have been profoundly interested and feel InAssociation of your the plana vities and found only haw clined to believe that you It would solution of tho country' economic problems. organization your more rapidly that the gov-ernm- w, Merry-Go-Roun- d, Visit The N.D. A. Confectionery . would embody, the "7ar. .. wM. . tho greater would bo tta aervlee to wondering If It for territory by would not bo poeribto you to extend your operation. opening a branch at to this (2 N.D.A. 4th CAR IIS Take Home a Pound Every Member of the Family Will Enjoy It Price Given E Holllng or To Wa. 10847 N. D. A. 65 West Broadway ' All My Friends and Customers I desire to announce that I have severed my connections the N. D. A. Barber anl Bean ty Parlor, but that I am still going strong for the N. D. A. and scrip at the "The Birthplace of If. D. A. Ex change" SO Wasatch 4912. SOUTH STATE STREET COMPLETE PROFESSION AL SERVICE WHOLE 8-- FAMILY 8. (Steve) Steven, Prop. Legal Papers Served Mid-We- st Place Order Now FOR NATURAL AND UNNATURAL GOVERNMENT CHARTS Size 22x88 inches. Complete VS SHOW CARD WHITING and LETTERING on A Crelits E.Sherman 2428 Grant Ave., Ogden, Ut. GUARANTEED WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING rii ITS OUR NEW LOCATION DIAMOND SHOP FOR THE . AIMS AND ITS PURPOSES XXXXXSXXXXXXXXXX!IHKXXXXXKXXXEXXXXKXXXXXX!inCXXXXXXXKXXfc BURTS BARBER&BEAUTY SHOP I S Haa been Selected as Our Official N. D. A. Representative in the Sugarhouee District. 1063 East 21st South Street- By Ra B. Garner, Ogdon The word barter signifies an exS Hyland 8544. change of services or commodities without the uae of money. The word "Barter la of doubtful origin, but its equivalent la as old aa the race of man. There la evidence to believe that the moat primitive race Modern Equipment. of man engeged In bartering. Even Labor, Class B Materials, Casb today we find It operating in primitive fashion among the native tribes Battery Charging. W. R. Nash, Prop. of Africa and the South Sea Islands. Tho Greeks, Jews and Komam Hyland 414 1369 South State Street carried on an extensive system of barter; the Greeks being the' first of our civilized people to use a medium of exchange, or money. From thla simple beginning has developed our Intricate money and credit sysC. K. Miller Vearl J. Manwill. tems together with all their accomUla. panying GA8 AND STEAM WORK OUR SPECIALTY. Bubble Ready to Burst In 1929 our money and credit PLUMBING, HEATING, AND GAS INSTALLATIONS systems reached the height of apN. D. A. Coupons Accepted parent success. We enjoyed for a season, prosperity such aa the world 20 Years Experience Call Us for Estimates has never seen before. However, thla flurry waa of short duration. licensed and Bonded Plumbers Member of N. D. A. The financial bubble had reached Its maximum of Inflation and waa ready 1848 South 2nd East Street Hyland 2089--R Hyland 4272-J- . to bnrst, bursting as It did, and throwing the world Into a panic U such aa It has never suffered before. Then followed three years of finan3S& cial strife and uncertainty, three years of promised prosperity, three years of increased unemployment, poverty and distress, while conferences were called and recalled. The Nation's relief forces were all the while thrown Into action 1307 Blair Street the brains of the nation straggled with the ever increasing chain of First Class Work Guaranteed trouble and distress, only to finally 48 HOUR SERVICE ON FINISHED WORK admit they have failed to return to ua the promised prosperity, that la Regular Prices on B Credits ao far away and yet ao near Just around the comer. Tho past three years have not only been a period of depression but Phone Was. 10347 or Leave Bundles at also one of Impression, N. D. A. 55 WEST BROADWAY Spirit Brooding Over Nation During theae years a spirit has been brooding over the Nation, and white mens hearts have been falling ftxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx within them, for fear of the common people an honest desire to assist themselves through this period of uncertainty and gradually they have The COOPERATIVE SELF HELP LEAGUE' OF returned to the primitive yet natural HOUSTON, TEXAS, desires to get into correspondence with form of doing business: The bara few unemployed textile workers, skilled in fabricating tering of commodities and services. and superintending spinning and weaving machinery. From individual bartering has We should hear from this kind of skilled workers (pro! developed organised bartering group until today nearly every etate has bably) in the East where we understand there is machinery of this nature now out of use which might be obtained. some recognised bartering activity, While Texas is a splendid cotton growing country which today reflects the only ray of there are practically no skilled textile workers and no texnnahlne and hope in onr commertile mills in the state. cial world, and In thla primitive We can secure plenty of cotton direct, from the farmers method of bartering many tee the in exchange for scrip, and we desire to make a beginning in solution to thla tragic we si we are In. What Could We Wish For? producing finished materials. We have a plan, as soon as correspondence is estabIf God were to grant na one wish lished with the right parties. today, what would we Uriah for surely not for more. of the earths Write abundance, for never before have onr farms been better equipped and the tillers of the soli better prepared to produce abandonee. Would It be for more and larger factories? or scientific knowledge for greater of onr fao- when today three-flfth- a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXi o I General Auto Repairing M and M Plumbing Co. Bulkleys N.D.A. Laundry We Call and Deliver Textile Workers Wanted 321 Regent Bldg, sss 5332 5 Public Stenographer Notary Public left for such barter organizations as the N. D. O., tho Exchange and other cooperative organization! to pave the way to a bettor brighter day; their alma and purposes being to eliminate selfishness by supplanting it with a deare to serve, .to drive out fear and distrust and destore peace and harmony; to build for the common good and In tho end to bring to pass the ideal condition where there will be no rich and no poor but all things wlU be bid in common; when man will not be measured by How much he baa, but "How well can he serve. To thla end may we dedicate onr efforts to Na D. O. that the Star Spangled Banner In triumph shall wavs oer tho land of the free and the homo of the brave. Was. 2038170 South Main Street and turbulence among them. To duce them to remain and cultivate tho tobacco which wna already coming Into demand In Europe, the London company which had brought the young men there finally made arrangements to aend out a number of young women to bo wives to them. In 1017 ninety respectable young women were sent out for this purpose. On reaching the colony theae women were allowed to make free choice And among the eligible bachelors. each young man who was thus suited with a wife bound himself to send to the company In London 150 pounds of tobacco to pay the cost of bringing Within two his lady to the colony. years 150 young women had been' sent out In thla way, and were comfortably settled In new homes. High Grade Confections per dot. The Technocrats Dream, lOe each, "N. D JL Explained, 80c oahh, $8.00 per do. "Progreaalvo Independent", 18.00 per year. Natural Government" $1.00 each, $10.00 per do. All fonr for $8.00 To save exchange charges please aend money order or stamps. Man your order to National He ad quarter N. D. A., SIB Judge Bldg. Balt Lake City. 0 BARTER system. QUESTION: Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor Tho following publications are available: 91-0- , hoarding age constant circulation. QUESTION: Why does your asANSWER: The fact that scrip sociation condemn the presnt wage no has cash redemption provision is Itsystem, yet pay such small wages the beat possible prevention of self? Aa yet we lack suffi- hoarding. Alio, very few who use ANSWER: cient modern machinery and equip- scrip are able to get much more than ment, and sufficient volume of busi- they need for current expenses. ness to poerate with maximum economy. Greater volume and better will permit higher wages, -until ultlmatey ws abolsh the wage reached. Department South West World-Telegra- SSVSJI o. up of the last aylablo of dollar" and torloa are Idle and those operating the flrat aylable of value. doing so on a restricted basis. QUESTION: Could we wish for better health Why were January BIG QUESTIONS 27th and 28th chosen as N. D. A. when today In spite of the depresConvention dates? sion wo aa a people are enjoying ANSWcR: Because the assocla health such aa we have never before Conducted by WILL DOBSON tlon waa incorporated on January enjoyed? (Send In your question, or your 1932. 27, One may go on Indefinitely and anqwer to any question yon think QUE8TION: How la your cur in the end the only thing iwe could has not been answered cdrrectly. No T By cash, commodi- consistently ask for would bo monquestion more than twenty words, rency lacked ey. Money to buy with and to sell and no answer more than 40 words). ties, services or I, O. U.'s for It 7 ANSWER: It ia backed by com- for, to obtain the produlta of the QUESTION: How do yon Justify modities and services. A further field and factory that we may gathcharging part cash for N. D. A. serla the written promise of er around ue the safeguard necessities and vices and commodities? ANSWER: Wo sell for all scrip each full fledged member to furnish comforts of life. would whenever possible. In some eases we In labor or commodities to the Depression! Why there of one one thousand vallars have been no thought of depression must ask cash and scrip to cooperate. Together they buy what neith- if the management at any time If man In hi smartness had not Iner could have bought as cheaply sep- should deem It necessary lu order vented money. Money! the root of to redeem the scrip. all evil the servant that has turnarately. What wa pay cash for we How does the asso- ed master and bent the world to lti QUESTION: must ask cash for. QUESTION: It the association, ciation derive its income for operat- will. Why should man permit It to exist when It has served him ao aa it claims, la really organlped to ing expenses? ANSWER: The association badly? apply the needs of Its members, why charges a membership fee of $5.00. does It not do so? . Eliminate SrlfUhnrM each market or exchange makes a Borne would have us believe that ANSWER: For lack of machinery and Implements of production. Their revenue from the difference between the depression ia on the up grade the wholesale and the retail price of but the end la not yet. It will be acqusltion wil taka time. The entlde volume of association business rep- its stocks, and each member tradesresents the sat faction of human man ia charged a commission on bis needs. This volume will gradually in- - ,crip bMlMM. Public Service Bureau QUESTION. What steps are takcrease until the association Ideal la 423 Felt Bldg. en to prevent and encour- With such rigid restrictions, excuding so many applicants, how does the, allocation hope to acquire a universal membership? ANSWER: ' By education. When the system has been fully developed it will train candidates ao thorouhly in cooperative thinking and 'habit that practically every applicant can bo fitted into our program. QUESTION: Why does the association allow some members to live In better homes and drive beter cars than others? We prefer balding up-tANSWER. levelling down. As we acquire the assetts, those most In need will be tho first served, until all are e quail provided for. What does the word QUESTION: J. A. Hardman, manager of the valar mean, and where did It come from? clothing department of the Ogden N. ANSWER: It la used aa the K. D. A. was a visitor at the IndepenA. measure of eomodlty value, D. redent office early In the week and the money dollar, and In his departbooming ports things la commony used to denote the N. D. ment A. scrip. It is a coined word made BenJ. B. Stringham and W. O. C. Woodruff accompanied by Henri First Settlers' Wives Flesber of the Progressive IndepenPaid For in Tobacco ofdent were visitors at the Ogden The first English settlepermanent Mr. Woodruff fices last Friday. ment In this country wna Jamestown, noon drove np to Brigham during the Vs., settled almost entirely by young honr, where be was a guest speaker men who, for the most part, were misat the mooting of the Brigham City guided adventurers who expected to stay in America a little while and then Rotary Club. return to England laden with gold and silver like the Spanish conquiiltadors. In 1G09 there were 200 men at Cloister 800 Years Old The ruins of the Panllnaolln clois- Jamestown, and only 40 acres of land ter near Bad Blaukenburg, Thuringia, under cultivation; they had not coma for that. There was much discontent among the largest and moat beautiful Inof their kind In Germany, look back in pride on 800 years of history. The cloister was built by Benedictine monka and consecrated In 1182 by the archbishop of Mainz. It was badly Hemsgwi in 1525 during the Peasants' war and waa abandoned soon thereafter. Further destruction waa caused by lightning In the Seventeenth century. The parts preserved have been termed by a great German art historian one of the stylistically moat Imposing creations of the Middle Bomanesqne period." Page Three LITTLE ANSWERS TO OGDEN UNIT READ NATURAL GOVERNMENT -- . on INDEPENDENT Dr.C.E.Lunn, 506 Richmond Road Houston, Texas X |