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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Page Four Prahl & Kirten CLEANING. Good Work, Reasonable Hf. S118-- ' AND PAPER HANGING CaU (Continued from Page One.) boring elMea and town, auch aa Berkeler, Richmond and Ban Joie. for local N. D. A. Unite. Theao will be organiied jnat aa aoon aa tba flrat unit la Oakland la well on tta feet and a trained peraonnel la reedy, to do the organising. We have learneJ Charge. R that the problem of organisation under the N. D.' A plan la only foot n when a unit la formed. It very completeness is its strength, but It takes time to master the detals of operation. Meeting! in those outside towns are being held oeaeaaionally and local people are working faithfully getting ready. They will aoon bo ready bo-gu- to go. Announcing' the Opening Wall Paper Furnished on A and B Credits N.D.A. TAILOR SHOP ESTIMATES FREE ALL LABOR A CREDITS' Exterior Decorating. All Kindi of Interior and House Feinting, Sign Painting. H. N. Hansen, Mgr. 55 Weat Broadwaj, 2nd Floor Waaatch 10347. ALL KINDS OF TAILORING. Wanted Several H.F.Hanks& Sons 888 Booaevelt An. Hyland 4589. Tailor. A--l Acraaa the afreet from the Holy Croaa Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP East First South Street A. Ik REDFORD, Prop. Also Open Evenings. Ladies Haircutting a Specialty! N. D. A. Credits. 1018 Ensign Shoe Service East 1st South Plume Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South. 577 Special Rates to Members of Natural Development Association. Zanol Quality Products Cosmetics, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste and Household Necessities. mr. McAllister 667 South 7th East Street. Salt Lake City, Utah. B" Credit. Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Lee and D. T. Worsencroft Mueller Gaa and Coal Furnaces & Quaker & Clarks Furnaces New Work on B Credits Repair Work on A Credits Phono Hyland 7597 Salt Lake City, Utah If Ita Electrical, 49 Weat lit Leave it with South Street Radios Bought Shurtliffs. Phone Waaatch and Sold 10060 CO. cillUKTLUW ELECTRIC Electric and Radio of all Kinds Supplies Our regular Friday night Melrose Library meetings and Saturday night Alden Library meetings are well attended. H. W. Savage gave a splendid "chart leqture" at the latter meeting this week. We were sadly shocked two weeks ago by the sudden death of Dr. Gale who auocumbed to a brief Illness from pneumonia at the Pan Coop League's Community House. Our greatest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Gale In her sad loss. Dr. Gale was so much interested in the N.D.A. that he made special a trips trip from San Jobs to Balt Lake last summer to study it. Ever since this unit started, many splendid people have come to us, pledging their help in lighting the common enemy of want and sufferAnd ing and threatening anarchy. some fins people are now putting their shoulders to the wheel. Bo come along, folks, to the weekend library meetings, reed the Progressive Independent and register at 811 Harrison BL with your needs, your espadtles end resources, (every member ot the family) and help ns establish that real prosperity which is only possible under a cooperative system. TO ADVERTISERS We appreciate yonr patronage, You have helped us to succeed. Yon have cooperated with ns tor promoting a good and worthy cause, which one-four- th rd Repairing Motors. Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Etc. We an a Member of N. D. A. See Ua About Getting 68.00 in Trnde for lOe In Scrip RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE 8 Post Office Place. ALL MAKES OF AUTOS REPAIRED Motors Rebored Fenders Repaired Radiator Repairing Car Painting Service Rebuilt Batteriea Battery Waahing Polishing Greaaing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Day and Monthly Steam-Heate- d Storage. Phone Waaatch 8139. Residence Phone Hyland 8045-- J. Technocracy. Another writer dismissed the whole affair with the remark that iwe have known all along that high speed machinery la replacing man power In the factories. If a policeman should meet that man at the door of his place of business with the news that the company safe had been broken open end cleaned out, no doubt he would laugh at the policemans excitement, saying, Thats nothing; knew it all the time. But to say you knew all the time Industry was going on the rocks doesnt answer the contentions of Technocracy. Probably the most damning charge that haa been made against it 1s its vaugeness. Critics eomplain that the New York City: Gentlemen. We are informed that there has been or there is now in uas in yonr city, an emergency exchange medium Wa known as Scrip 5o to 820. ere writing you to know the various denominations that have. bean iasu- -l ed, and for an expression of yonr' experiences with the Issue, Ws would like to obtain a completely stamped and used cancelled specimen of each denomination issued. If more than one variety haa been issued, we would also Ilka to have cancelled blanks of each denomination and variety. The Chase National Bank maintains an extraordinary collection of the worlds mediums of exchange it hat is conducted for the educational advantage of the publle. Aa It will be a satisfaction for ua to have specimens of yonr Issue for our collection, we will particularly appreciate your cooperation la the mjter. Boom literature relating to the Chase National Bank's collection is being mailed to yon under separate CANT RIDE THE YOU CARS FOR SCRIP You cant The following it from the News Frontier of Texas) It has sot quits come to this In America, but it may! It oame to that in Francs. It earns Who knows to that In Russia. iwhat we may yet oome to? AU this fuss about the 1988 school budget oould be done away with. As the Federation of Women JonHigh School Teachers point out athan Swift 200 years ago recommended aa relief for the famine In Ireland, that the starving people eat their own children. It the Committee on Public Expenditures wen to feed the unemployed their own children, they 'would not have to appropriate the money to educate them. The slogan contest for this week waa won by Mlsa Christie Lund, and A PLACE IN THE SUN By Car the most completely orgroup ganised and sneeessful barter Develnow operating is the Natural opment Association of Balt lake City." Such la the opening sentence o a very timely and Interesting art Id bout N. D. A. published In the na tlonal magailne, TIME, January 0, 1038. INSURANCE For N. D. A. Scrip All Life, Health Insurance with Best Company PAID IN FULL FOR SALE Singer Sewing Machine Electric. 141W2 Special Dressmakers Model 832 50 -- Cub or Scrip J. 8. YOUNG. 165 Canyon Road. FITS POSITION Wednesday, Miss Lon Lewis Is to toadh the seventh grade, beginning Monday, taking the place of Mrs. Sue Evans, who is leaving the Colony, together wKh her Eroll and her rid baby. Llano Colonist. Mlsa Lewis writes soma very encouraging letters to friends hers and la very well satisfied with conditions there. and Accident Biggeet and in World. FOR SCRIP. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE B CREDIT F. L. Hickman. Wasatch 6745 or leave order with Mr. Howe. CaH hue-ban- d, five-mont- hs . The Larsen Electric AU Kfari. of Electric Work, Wiring; Repairing and Motor Work. o o GIVE US A TRIAL . . 1935 Lincoln Street Hyland 5109-R. Teddies Cabinet Shop Shurtliff Shoe Repairing 88 Post Office Place Was. 4648 Anywhere 49 West AU Kinds of Cabinet Work Kitchen Cabinets a Specialty ENSIGN PHOTO STUDIO A WINNING SLOGANS is as follows: Wanted Good fresh oow for Salt There is square play in the National or Headquarters N. D. A. andonly Lake Unit only square meals at Balt See Ellingson, Mgr. Coupons. the Square Meal Cafe. Lake Unit. Cyril Cutis was winner the week before. His slogsa was. 1988 New Year and New OpA REMEDY FOR SCHOOL COSTS portunities for N. D. A. . ride on the ears and busses of the Utah Light and TracNOBODY HAS ANSWERED tion Co. in exchange tor N. D. A TECHNOCRACY YET coupons. Even though the ears are U wss to be expected, those who run but half filled, sometime! empty, derive their power from the old broken-down financial system are hir- business slack, the ledgers in the ing the most able writers they ean red, men laid off, etc., yen cannot command to try to demolish the put over the exchange. We called The platform of Technocracy. up the powers that be and couldnt press is now full of such articles. It get a civil answer. Let us assure is to be hoped that all of them will be read and weighed In the light of them that the time la coming and reason. If Technocracy is a delu- that speedily when they will he glad sion, we all want to find that out. to take our coupons. The sooner we realise ft the better. With that in mind, the writer has watched for every bit of comment to Commercial Photos Portraits be found on the subject, both for and against Technocracy. There hai been a great deal of Mark Sullivan, classed It tdlcule. with the white rabbit that astonish children by jumping out of the magician! hate. At worst, he contended, it couldnt be more than a white Hon or a white tiger, and waa more likely to prove a white elephant. That waa the tenor of his entire article. But It did not answer one statement of the creed of Technocracy. Time magailne concentrated on the personality of Howard Scott, making him out a braggart, an incompetent and a plain liar. But that did not answer one contention of GREATEST BANK ASKS Any farmer having 500 lbs. of FOR ALL N. D. A. COUPONS Kaffir corn seed please notify this The following Interesting letter Is office. from the Chase National Bank of must not, cannot fall. Many of you are somewhat behind in your accounts. We must have settlement tor the rid year. In making Battlement please try to pay In cash. We or one-thicannot publish without some money and we will thank yon for what you ean pay. Coma in and call us and oooperate with ua in one of the best eauses in the world. Many, whose business we have advertised, have cover. . Very respectfully, quit when asked for pert cash, alFarran Zerbe, Curator. themselves. It though charging Chase National Banks Collection of Moneys of the World. - GROCERIES PACKAGE Technocrats have not outlined their program In detail. Bat this criticism does not answer the facts that Technocracy has brought to light The question now before the people Is, have the Technocrats given ua facts? Are their contentions correct? Bo for, no attempted answer haa been able to show the contrary. To date, Technocracy stands VAN DER WIEL Phone Wasatch 10060 We use the beet material. We wish you would try us. We are a member of N. D. A. FURNITURE MADE to ORDER Repaired end ReilnMied Sittings by appointment only AU Work Guaranteed 188 Regent St. Salt Lake City Room 811 Phone Waa. 1073 First South B Credits Wanted Wool and Pelts KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS OF COOPERATION Subscribe For The Progressive Independent 3 CSC CONSIGN OR SELL YOUR WOOL OR PELTS TO the N. D. A. We ean secure better prices for you since we prepare all wool and pelts properly before marketing. GIVE US A TRIAL. Salt Lake City, Utah N. D. A. 55 Weat Broadway Mar. 235 Phones: Waaatch 10847, Hyland 6142-1L, A Good Place To SPEND YOUR COUPONS 50-6- Magic Cleaner A UTAH PRODUCT . OF MERIT For all cleaning purposes Laundry Brimley Exchange scrubbing, dishes. Large peck age 88c 8 2Bc scrip Free Delivery T06 South State Street' CaU Was. 6528 i Meats and Groceries at half cask and half coupons A Few of our Bargain prices ROLLED OATS LAST CHANCE! TABLE SYRUP BRANS RICE N.D.A. Scrip & Cash I NEVER AGAIN THIS IS WILL YOU POSITIVELY HAVE YOUR LAST 25c 25c 35c per can ' CABBAGE Until the entire stock is raid to The Bare Walla. Aa we only' have auch a short time to vacate we have made special reductions in order to move it fast. Act Now! Act Quick! 25c 4 WALNUTS ! 25c qt. can 60c pounds for pounds for DICED CARROTS gal can .. THREE STAR MALT SYRUP RED SALMON medium Because of the fact that we mint vacate this building1 by the end of the month we are offering again to sell our entrr stock of MenB, Womens, and Childrens Shoes at redicul ously low prices at J 4 8-l- ... 2 maple .flavor 5 Varieties 8 lbs. for POP CORN w quick cooking or regular 40c per can 15c per lb 20c solid head per lb. lc FRESH MILK DAILY per qt 10c DOUGHNUTS Day Old 2 doz. .. 30c MEATS HAMBURG! ' STEAK BOILING BEEF 10c 2 pounds 15c SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND per lb. LIVER ) .per pound 17c per pound We Will Take Your Order for 10c an ELECTRIC WASHER or a VACUUM CLEANER for half Cash and half Coupons SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY BARCAfNiSTOR CHANCE SHOES fr CENTS EUIINISHINCS oec 3C 3 CSC |