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Show PROGRESSIVE Pace Two. THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT TELLING SOME TRUTH Iuiied every other Friday at Salt Lake City, Utah, in intereit of Natural Development-Entere- We find that it has become neoessary to lay off our coat and glovea and toll tbe truth about conditions In this oountry and tbe world. It Is not the most pleasant task and it la done solely to arouse people to the need of a now and better system, one that will aava and uplift, and not tear down and destroy. If Ihe people know tbe truth they are & a better position to. free .themselves from the slavery end bondage they are In. Tbs FoIIyanna stuff wont go over In this the fourth is not neu- year of the depression and the truth must be put over Research If America and civilisation are to be saved. Keep your eye on this paper. o INDEPENDENT THE WISDOM OF CHILDREN TRUTH, FICTION HITLER PREDICTS ULTIMATE COLLAPSE (With apologias to Tolstoi.) Daddy, why does everybody went (Tha editor is not responsible for gold! this oolumn) Beoauee gold, my son, la the basis of all value. But you said yesterday that gold DES TUZ itself has no value. of Whenever my tiny son, Billy, WeU, my son, gold has no real la questioned too closely on why value because It must ha kept lockHe la gnllty of some little folly. ed np In vaults, but it is used i Offending my crltlosl eye, And prudence compels him to ans- money, and that la why R is ao much sought after. wer, There are times when silence "Des Tus," he la aura to Daddy, why la gold money! reply. Beoauee the government will actrality but assent". Hoovers Whenever conservative Herbie, cept all the gold that la brought to Who neither can learn nor its assay offices and stamp It into Committee. uya amoks screens to Hide hieforget, oolns without charge. posiThis free tion coinage, you see, make It a standard On tbe French international HE TRUTH ABOUT TAXATION debt, of value because Its price la always w k AND TAX ECONOMY logical reason, tbe eeme. TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE GOVERNOR Des Tux, la all we can get. But If gold has no real valne to make It money, what does have When Frankie, the cousin of To men honest Teddy Dace no to la there willing tha facts, To meet the $2,000,000,000 deficit of the government tha really real value!" Dissents from the popular view the president asks for a bond issue, and perhaps a sales mystery about our present economic eondltdon. The Outhe subject of debt cancellation Labor la the only real valne. It Or the pipbiems is at the foundation of everything tax. trouble can be stated in e few words: . Big incomes thereto, relating And they ask him to give them his we have. We oannot have food To meet the $2,000,000 deficit of the state the governor have drawn moat of TTiBOJlH the money out of circulation. That without labor; wa have homes betax. asks a bond issue and a sales Dee Tux, is the best he can do. cause of labor, even gold is procured leave business flat. They are still drawing it out Mr. president and Mr. gowernor: There must not be only at the expense of labor." Unless something is done soon to atop the process, they Be it Andy or Charlie or Moses, any new bond issues. And there must not be any sales "Daddy, why dont we have free Or Ogden or Hinun or Al, tax. Debt and interest are killing the people. Instead will drain industry dry, destroying It utterly. of labor!' That wonld mean That la asked hie opinion on issues. coinagevaluable. labor of adding to the burdens we must lighten them. So The Federal government has been trying futilely to Old Habits compel him to stall. Don't ask ao many questions; you It la baby talk Billy la using. hands off. replace this money by means of loans, but It has not too young to understand finera And used talk the deficit clean them to ell. want Just baby up begin by If you really ' ance.. done one to the la drain. one There thing stop only now to cut out the useless bureaus and commissions WILFORD A. GLAD A or Headline the Self Lake Triand do away with all superfluous offloes and officehold- thing that has delayed the final crash that will mark bune O. O. P. MUST RE reads: ers, and cut the salaries of thou mho are retained complete wiping out of money circulation. That is our BUILD POLITICAL MACHINERY Tha Forgotten Men asks: Can CALIFORNIA ORGANI' income tax. squarely in two. This la the way out. ZATION USES PAPER o rebuild a rotten egg! yon i Since all the money Asked to give e reason for anoh a expended for government activi-tte- e TO ASSIST goesjMCk into circulation (except interest on bonds) question he declared: "The G. o. WHY BACK TO THE PRIMITIVE Is P. Intellect-usuallthe income tax, by taking large siloes of the y, bankrupt spiritually, big incomes financially and morally. It In the enthusiastic manner that and returning the money to circulation, delays the lacks of Imagination, vision, statesman- is typioal of Californians, Mr. SpenWhy, with all the fabulous wealth, and resources ease illustrates ttos mo catastrophe. England's ship and eourags. It has neither Id- cer nnda in the United States, should people he forced to go back clearly. Her consistently for qnantlty high income tax eomblned with the dole eas nor Ideals. to the primitive! There should be no excuse whatever. to distribute the national Otherwise ha would have us sup- lots of tho Progressive Independent wealth back into circulation But here we find people In all parts of the country go- almost aa fast aa pose K Is O. K. Mr. Spencer la s man of action and big incomes took It out of circulation, ing backward instead of going forward. Here and By this means she has been able to Stave off rational few words. We guess that ha use there are people on the tarma who have gone back to disaster that otherwise would For many yean I have heard pet- the paper to save valuable time end have overtaken her durthe ox team, working in this ancient fashion right in the ing the war. It la not cure man as the most eeonomioal and affective for her flnanria; m., ty discussions on the a shadow of the airplane. And almost in the shadow of nor can ft be In the moon, partly whether tho way of telling people of tho ideals, ea 'recommended a cure for outs. It mere- handed down legend he true or not, program and process of tha N. dT. great, beautiful palaces, poor people are living In dug ly defiers the day of reckoning. wagperhaps this subject, slightly thought oovered In out outs and lean-to- s, rickety camping we hope to see you The sales tax and other taxes advocated by bankers of by most people, but aeeme to be Thanks, and ons, and in other very primitive ways finding shelter and at the convention. Lake here Salt in big business men take money out of circulation by a popular subject to the moonlight end the bare necessities of life. Newspapers printed on for Mr. know bikers, most yon out that It Spencer. the of taking pockets of wage earner!, who and wall paper have come to our desk, end many other de- spend their entire incomes. people like to For this reason, end not young gasa and dream, of course no one vices end contrivances, because of vicious intent any to aoak the rich", all has any objections, for sight and TnfeH of going back to the primitive ws should ho government taxation should bo derived from the in- dreams lead to thoughts, thoughts been have than to better yet forward things going cause actions, act Iona accomplish come tax, bearing moat heavily on bigger inoomea. sciences, known. With ell the progress of tbs physical deeds, both good and bad, which All over the nation there ere fin of organisations will bring either Borrow or happiwith all the technological advance, with all the wealth anders Ilka the Utah "Taxpayers Association agitating ness. and resources at our disposal, if conditions were as for tax Tex economy is a very neoessary economy. Another pert of this debated subforthey ought to be, we should he going upward and thing, but there ere some tax economies the States and ject Is: Some people aay the man anywould that eclipse civilisation ward to a state of In the moon is laughing; others can reason the nation cannot afford. The tax economy campaign only see a frown. I am probably a thing yet experienced by the human race. The of the Utah Association like and Taxpayers organi- poor Jndga but I wouldnt wonder conditions are reversed as they ere is because we are sations is aimed The 1983 edition of the at onr schools, our health activities that tha man in the moon wea doing burdened with a blind leadership which prevents pro- and onr Almanac is print Telephone both. over comes welfare time he these associawork. If Every agricultural np is gress in social and political science . This leadership ed. eastern the horliou can I tions Imagine really represented the body of taxpayers instead him saying: the curse of the times. It stands in the way of truth. of Well, these people Bring the coupon below only the bankers end manufacturers, they would elm ere still la swept it we until land a ln to fear, of continue stand, will And it llvlug plenty our nearest telephone to their shafts at the many superfluous end expensive and starving to death, loading themaide by force. call ns, or mail the oflloe, commissions end state bureaus In national and selves down of with governworry, living o coupon to us. There is ment Instead of aiming at education, health and agri- fear of starvation, wheat piled high on both sides of them. In fact all that no charge for the Almanac. culture. SHALL PROPHESY BE FULFILLED they need to bring happiness and Here in Utah, for instance, the Utilities Commission peace of mind. Then they boast of The Mountain States Tele- -. Commaslon and like bodies can better be dis- being smart people. The birds feel (T he following prediction was made eighteen yean ago) Securities monphone and Telegraph Co. no with the than any other activities. If the Utilit! unnecessary pressure, THE LAND WILL BE ABANDONED because there pensed Gentlemen: eys are having good times Ha Commission aa had functioned its proponpromised by will be few who. will buy breed. The factories will shut Ha, enough to make the old man I would like my copy of down because there will he few for whom to manufac- ents, it would have saved the taxpayers enough annual- In tha moon laugh till hla sides ache, the Telephone Almanac for reasonable to have their rates ly by enforcing stars utility paid Even and Join In the ture. The stores will close, because there will be few smilingly 1938. taxes on has each been wink homes. other. their at Instead, Its record who will buy. Houses will be vacant because no one Name will be able to rent them. Railroads will be at a stand- that of protection for the utilities corporations against Street ... .. still. Commerce will dls out. Millions of people hun- agitation for reaaonabla rates. AN APPEAL IN BEHALF OF There should be a tax economy movement, but :. City THE GRAIN INDUSTRY gry, shivering end barefooted will wander about the city streets and tha roads leading to the city looking for should be led not by bankers,' but by homeowners and Telephone No. work. The land will be deserted. The bouses win be Carman. M should not be aimed against education (By W, W. Whttney) against bureaucratic usur'cant. The machines will rust. Tha unfortunates health and agriculture, butshould Give sales one cent end one-ha- lf advocate not of of tha It nogovernment. pation touch allowed to who produced everything will be ten cent loaf, taxes and tha like, but an adequate Inthing.. They will be driven from their home because taxes, gasoline To the ones who prodnoe the wheat The Mountain States the money back Into they will be unable to pay rent. They will be driven come tax, continually putting thereof. and Telegraph Co. Telephone That stability may return to the basfrom the streets because they will obstruct traffic. They ic few. will be driven from tha roads aa vagabonds. They wffl And this, no doubt may atablllxe yon be forced to either rise In the air or Jump In the ombu, INTELLIGENCE IN CHAINS Bankers, bakers, Industrial fakers. because there will not remain a piece of ground on Are all dependent on the Great Cre(By Qlenn Frank) humanwhich they will have tha right to set foot Let ator. to The law of supply and the law of ity continue to live aa it does now, and It will come demand Responsibility, at ones traneendent and terrifying, suicide. . . Capitalism was once a necessity; In time Is now at your wrist and should ha in Urns It beoame a crime; It la now abont to become an rests just now upon national leaderships the world We Repair Bicycles, Phono graphs, taken in hand. so around. Give oost of production for the conInsanity. A little more and its Insanity will became Baby Buggies, Electrical Fixtures. The western world la at an economic Impasse. sumable portion Expert Mechanic and Welder conspicuous that little children will be able to conceive It. A little more, end Idiots will be able to realise its . Nothing save intelligence, lifting itself in oool seren- And the law will taka care of tha BODY AND FENDER WORK. other false notions. nationalism, can Such aa, surplus production, greed insanity. A little more end oven the capitalists will ity above the battle of short-sightBattery Charging and Repairing. break this Impasse. admit Ha Inaantty. and peculation, CAR STORAGE And everywhere Intelligence is in chains! And thus, we can save the choice of o 1063M East 2 lot South. all Nationi. In nothing is this fact qnite ao vividly dramatized ' Res. Phone: Was. 2268-America for yon, America for me, BREAD AND MOLASSES ic as In the dialogues on war debts. ever free. all and be for The war debts have entangled the deaUny of the Equality The American Guardian has knowledge of a letter human race in their intricate web. sent by a hungry orphan boy In Whitehall, New York, I doubt that there has ever been a single world WaR Paper Paints to Santa Claus at tha North Foie, the outstanding problem aa complex and baffling alike in its tangible words which were as follows: "Please send us three and in its Imponderable factors. slices of bread with lots of mol asset on it." Those are Fiscal policy. 60 D. Street among the saddest words we have ever read. Think of Currency policy. the body hunger in that simple sentence! What an House Cleaners, Remodeling in All itg Branches and wil go Trade policy. indictment agulnat the ruling powers In the greatest anywhere. Policies affecting in general the economic situation. end richest oountry in the world. And right hero in our and Consultation Free. Estimates Neither we nor tho British nor tha French nor tha own Salt Lake we saw a man the other day standing in Italians nor tha Germans ean deal intelligently with MODERN APARTMENTS. We Accept N. D. A. Coupons. k store looking upon the food supplies. Tears welled any of these from wnat is done abont the apart policies in his eyes aa he remarked, How I wish I could take war debts and the related issue of reparations. home Boma of that food!" Multiply these eases by the Nor can we establish with Intelligence a policy remillions and you have tha truth. the war debt! apart from consideration of Oo specting Chiropractic offers a simple, natural, effective method of restoring o dual problem of tha ruin or recovery of the world us health in both acute and chronic ailments. a whole. THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE DOLE Why not consult an N. D. A. Chiropractor As X write, French deputies and American congressthle Harpers Kagaslne for January gives a Hst of the men are prattling like irresponsible children abont beDR. GEO. A. WILSON crucial issue.. Leadership everywhere is cowering millionaire men and corporations who have been cd to a dole by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. fore the imagined danger from Its constituency. I cay 14 Yean Experience I am convinced that becenae They are aa follows: imagined danger Licensed in Utah, Idaho and Nevada. the to rise Charles G. Dawea, banker, $20,000,000. Glaninnls the voting masses the world around, wonld ecoInternational these common sense call Bank Italian of America, $16,000,000. of Union Trait respecting Successor to Guardian Trust Co., nomic Issues of leadership would call a spade a spade Co., of CleveAand, $14,000,000. R. Johnson and Dr. Belt). of tha same city, $12,000,000. Union Guardian Trust instead of beating the devil about the bush In a vain Wilson Chiropractic The Johnson exclusive world that Co., of Detroit, $12,000,000. An Insurance company attempt to look nationalistic In a Health Service, among whose director! ere Rockefeller, Goelfet and nationalism of economic policy has brought Virtually to intellifrom Phones: Oortelyou, $8, 0,000. Globe end Rutgers Fire Insur- a standstill. We must strike the chains ance Co, $7,000,000. To railroad companies which gence, forget politics for the time being, honestly recog812 Boston Bldg. Office, Was- - 4988 owed tha house of Morgan, Kuhn, Leob A Co., Chase nise the Independence of the patlons, admit that i Was. 6669-Salt Lake City Res., National Bank, Central Hnaover and First National must sink or swim together, and work out realistic CREDITS. A" chance Bank, all of New York, $264,000,000. And that is only world policies that wil give all of us a fighting for hoalthy economic recovery. part of tha story. d u matter April 26. 1932, at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act of March 8th. 1879. Prices of Subscription C. N- - LUND Publisher and Managing Editor One Year $2,00 LOO Biz Months Addreu all letters to 62' Post Office Place. aecond-da- u P0ETRY& PARADOX . i Adolph Hitler, fiery German Nasi leader gave out e New Year Message which is not very encouraging. He ays the world Is gradually ripening for Bolshevism. The process is being hastened -- by the blindness and delusion of socalled statesmen. Collapse," be rays, "Is a mere question of time. The consequenoee end ensuing chaos must be destructive." This is e terrible prediotlon. What are we doing to head off the collapse ! We are standing in our tracks clinging to the old order.' We are talking beer and patronage and doles and partisan politics while the tides of destruction are rising all about us. We appear to be leaderless and rudderless, end when the whirlwind of rebellion come upon ns ws will he found defenseless in our lgnorenoe. N. D. A. If given a chance, could atop in and save the dy. NEW SELLING PLAN Factory Direct, 95 Freight Col. $28Cath and $28scrip or wbat you Genuine . Washer to trade in? Sturdy construction; Legs veil braced. A Real $100 Value NOTE: .Becenae of tha Big Saving on Washers from Factory Direct we cob allow you f 11 extra for your produce, etc. or $11 off If yon pay cosh In full, or $11 off U yon pay $2$ cash and $1 n week. In Balt Lake Co. cash sales we slow $11 off at $5 down, $1 n week. Motor Driven Brush Hamilton Beach Vacuum $20a,h Wanted Used Magazines and Horseshoe Shine and Magazine Stand $20n.d.a. THE BEST SHINE IN THE CITY Patronize an American Shop. We dye shoes aay color and we Clean end Block Hate. Shine 6c cash 6c scrip. Used Magazines For Sale. Give us a Trial. All work guaranteed. Bill House, Mgr. Wasatch 6188. Formerly $66 or Khot have you to trado io? 60 West 1st South. Exprese and handling $3.50. Express prepaid on cash sales. 1GENTS WANTED EVERY CITY Watt with dealers Split profit. Yon make mine He Bella prodnoe. Get n sample and take orders. 826 State 8L ed Your 1933 Almanac Is Here HENRY OLSE N R.H. SANDERS TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN 174 Commonwealth Are. Hyland . A CREDITS S623-- Chiropractor and Masseur W. S. LAMOREAUX, 2110 a C. Panama Street, Paramount Cleaners and Dyers Delivery Service Relining Repairing 902 South let Weet Wrarich 2458 WORK GUARANTEED Y0U CA - NOW BUY WIRE GRIP BRUSHES with Your N. D. A. Scrip B CREDITS ON UK THB UTAH BRUSH lfAN N. D. A. or at 601 Beat Third So. t FULLY GUARANTEED Approved by Good Housekeeping iutltuta GARAGE ed 55S South JhTbm' WEISS PLASTERING CO. Areh Stac piMioHui and Interior Estimates Cheerfully Given. Wasatch 8298-Salt Lake City w?:jr R. trans-Atlant- MODERN DECORATORS ASSOCIATED I havo Don i Thrw It Havelt welded and spend the difference between thii new one with the N. D. A. D. RUST Welding; Electric and Acetvien. O. No job too big or too email. 61 West Stratford N. D. A. , ORGANIZATION SUPPLIE' D. Units in i..i tie. should secure literature and " , J f pi. LITERATURE AVAILABLE: lloaa contemplating organisation of N. 0 .,PWJeMSTa IndePdent . - of tbe N. D. A.) -- (the Official N , a. Goto,.. ,. N.tenI ECS"-- " inquiries to N.D.A. NATIONAL HEADQUARTEI Judge Building, Balt Lake City, Utah. |