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Show JL PROGRESSIVE OGDEN ONIT Good Sewers Wanted at Once As a stranger approaches the three N. D. A. stores on Grant Avenue, be for tween 24th and 25th street, the first thing that apparently Is noticed is the three letters N. D. A. very neatly printed on the windows of On the first door is each store. printed "Offices N. D. A." In the window to the left is a na.n card advertising the news of the several Units. Directly beneath It is a Progressive Independent paper, displaying the front page with this weeks headline, "Happy New Tear How under the System?" To the left of the. paper, neatly tacked on the wall is a placard with this inscription; Enter friend, we ask not what yon are, if cooperator we greet you hand and heart, U stranger such no longer be. If foe our service above self will conquer thee. This verse has gone a long way in welcoming the timid stranger. In the opposite window are four charts, one of the Natural Development tree, another of Unnatural Development tree. The other two are respectively portray ing the Natural and Unnatural Governments. These charts were drawn by a member of this Unit, Ur. Erwin Sherman, and neatly framed by another member, Ur. Carl E. Eddllng, Leaving the office, if the stranger is seeking for information, he is met I at the window ibr information, by Ur. Geo. L. Stephens, who very pleasantly and willingly gives the required information. If the desire dressmaking N D. A. STORE 56 Wait Broadway Waa. 10847 Fart Time. Stoll or Good Hour ft New Year Happiness ...by Telephone Members of your flam-an- d friends relatives In other cities are only a minute away . . . bytele- phone. Telephone reunions now and then during the year are next beet to personal al visits. Its a thrill to hear their voices. Hy, Ye Castle Service Station The long Distance operator will be glad to tell yon the rates to any polnta yon may wish to oall. 1780 South State St. 35c Oil: 15c Cadi, 20c Scrip 25c Oil: 10c Cadi, 15c Scrip Grease Job 75c Half and Half The Mountain States Telephone A Telegraph Ob. . All Gas Cash 3 e ' Fourth Ave. Shoe Shop H. H. ANDERSEN jt Call Wasatch 10123 N. D. A. B Credits. 4th Are. We can for and deliver. S76 DEPARTMENT HEALTH A and B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and Dental Requirements. Optometry, Chiropractic, Drugless Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For Information Apply to or Wasatch 10347 Wasatch 2796, Hyland 4508-JC-Ra- y, HR n W. Faber, President. Willy P. Renkel, Manager. Modem Woodworking Manufacturers of Office and Store Fixtures. Bank, Superior Cabinet Work. 668 South State Street Salt Lake (Sty, Utah. Phone Wasatch 8183 VISIT THE NEW, MODERN N. D. A. Barber and Beauty Parlor u i COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 4- of the stranger la to exchange his voucher for Vallar, he la met at the Casfaler'a window by the alert, quick and refreshing, Miss Florence South-wic- k. If seeking for eoal, Ur. Grover Austad makes out their requisition, or gives the required Informa- tion. 55 Went Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. - llfo-alse- LUMBER On Part Scrip ANDERSON COAL (II a LUMBER CO Wilmington Ave. Hy. 8780 Phone 2772-- hand-toole- Ur. A. W. Win berg 1882 Buth 4th. East Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: I have suffered from varicose ulcers on both aides of my left leg below the knee, of a vary serious nature for the past 5 year and hava had several doctors and tried many ao called cure, and having heard of Mountain Chief Mineral Bprlngs Water and Its wond-derfhealing qualities, I have now used it for six weeks and the results are marvelous and I highly recommend its use to thoes suffering with A REAL FARSI STORY W, W. Whitney, prominent farmer of Brigham City, dropped into the office the other day and in a talk with tba editor be expressed many good and sensible thoughts about the conditions in the country. But more Interesting than that was the story of bis own experience with farming and money lender. He owns a 960 acre farm which in varicose uloera. Yours very truly, 1928 was valued at $70,000. Four Mrs. Silas Eggen years ago be oame to owe the baflk Advt the one tenth the .value of $7,000, farm. The first fall he paid the Mountain Chief bank all he raised for interest and this he has repeated every fall since MINERAL WATER then and still he has run behind and THE WONDER OF THE AGE la today owing $10,000. He has In bis bln 8000 bushels of (wheat, which at going prlcea.isworth about $3400. He cannot sell thla wheat. He cannot use it. The bank holds a chattel mortgage on it. And aa If this were not enough his next years crop 1s heavily mortgaged as an advance guarantee of the Interest. Today the $70,000 farm is not considered to be good security for a $10,000 or even a $7,000 loan. ul Internal or External TO BE USED FOR Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Troubles, Prostate Glands, Ton militia. Sore Throat Swollen Joints, Stomach Ulcers, Varicose Ulcers, Hay Fever, Etc. BULKLEYS N.D.A. Laundry 1897 N, D. Blair St and A. 55 Weet Broadway Directions Equipped for First Class Take Teaspoonful Three Times day, in water before meals. Natural Mineral Water A. W. WINBERG A CO, 1833 Sooth 4th East SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Service REASONABLE PRICES B Credits one-four- th Bring Your Work to ua today and get it back tomorrow m. i OPTOMETRIST Visual Training and Ocular Exercises Eye Examinations Glaasea Made to Order, end Repairs A Credits A Credits B Credits Dr. J. O. KING 55 West Broadway Phone Wasatch 9544 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BURTS BARBER&BEAUTY SHOP f X 1 Has been Selected as Our Official N. D. A. Representative in the Sugarhouae District. East 21st South Street. 1063 Hyland 8544. Popular Prices. R. General Auto Repairing Modern Equipment. Labor, Class Embalmem. d Quality Shoe Repair e Sooth Main Use Best Materials. Scrip Accepted on B Credit Also Hat Cleaning. GEO KOPOULOS, Prop. 14 B" Credits Accepted 1445 So. State St BREAK St-W- THE DEPRESSION SAVE THE CONSTITUTION PREVENT A REVOLUTION BY BECOMING ACQUAINTED WITH NATURAL GOVERNMENT The second edition of the book, "Natural Government hy Benjamin B. Stringham will he off the press about February Many comments were made aa to how the Ideal government can be put into effect two ways are possible. Flrat through Natural Development, second through a nationalaa outlined In a supplement tn a supplecouncil or Technocrat's ment to Natural Government, entitled "The Dream," by WUford Owen Woodrnff, which shows that Natural Government is a plan of operation suitable tor the application of Technocracy. Procure your copies without delay. Hold group readings In your community preparatory to organising the Natural Develeoplee should opment Association or N. D. A. Twenty-fiv- e proceed any organisation, together with the pamphlet "N. D. A. xplalned and the newspaper Progressive independent" The Technocrats Dream. 10c each, $1.00 per doz. cash 10c each, $1.00 per doz. cash N. D. A. Explained $2,00 per year cash Independent Progressive Natural Government" $1.00 each, $10 per doz. cash All four for $3.00. pow-nraf- Mail your order to National Headquarters, N. D. A. 515 Judge Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. HOW Materials, Cash W. R. Nash, Prop. 1369 South Hyland 414 State Street Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor SO SOUTH STATE STREET COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY WE SPECIALIZE IN PERMANENT WAVING. Wasatch 4912. ITS APPRECIATED Mr. B. B. Stringham, Pros. N. D. A., Salt Lake City, Dear Mr. Stringham: We have had numerous calls for coplea of your book, also for cples of yonr 10 cent pamphlet, which we understand are both temporarily out of print Could you give ua an idea about when these will be reprinted, so that we can tell people something a little definite? Also, there have been two very good article! in toe Independent recently, covering the detailed work of Dhe N. D. A.; bow a unit operates, etc. I would like to euggest, if I may that these two articles would make up Into a very fine missionary leaflet for the farther enlightenment of members and Inquirers aa to Just how the plan operates. This could also ba sold for a small price, I should think. Yours cooperatively, Arthur H. Spencer, Oakland Unit. B" Battery Charging. Intermountain Funeral Home 1. LUMP, NUT and PEA COAL (rear). OAKLAND UNIT ASSOCIATION No Medical Examination Ages 1 to 65 Was. 7280 Place Office Post Public and Public Stenographer Notary St., n CHAS. L. ROACH, State Supervisor Local Offloa 52 2780 Washington. Harrop, Lorraine Shop, 2780 EVERNEW PRODUCT: - Cleaner. Ogden Hotel, rm. 25 Washington. 412. A. C. Wallace, 8268 Washington. PLUMBING: BRICKLAYER: - Mr. C. Hooper, 2887 60 Simon Dewild. 8696 Jefferson. Phone 8192-- Neuteboom Printing Co, 50 CARPENTER: 2450 Ave. Wm. DeBlooia. 2852 Liberty. Phone PRESSING Washington A CLEANING: 2818-- Mr. Williams, 2381 Kiesel. 50 Karl G. Elding, 420 Adams, Phone PERMANENTS: 4011. 50 - Mitchells Shop, Ecdes Bldg. W. O. Hartman. 8050 Washington. - Peggys Shop, 2352 Wash50 CHIROPRACTOR: ington Ave. - Lorraine Barber Shop, 2780 Dr. Johnson, Kieael Building. 50 DENTAL SERVICE: Washington Ave. REPAIR SHOE SHOP: Inquire of N. D. A, 2420 Grant. - Ur. Martinson, 2947 Porter. 60 DRE8SM AKING : - Croxford Repair Shop, 2231 50 22nd St. Phone 651 Anna Burg, Qnincy. 8649-Fancy Sewing. PRODUCTS: Bessie Dudman, 184 81st St Fancy RAWLEIGHS 60 - N. D. A. 2420 Grant Ave. Sewing. John Ueyer, 430 Alameda Ave. Mrs. Lorin Frew, Hooper, Utah-Plai- NATURAL DEVELOPMENT S - & S 8. (Stave) Stevens. Prop. ECONOMIC MUTUAL LIFE Fred Clift. Star Barber Shop, 880 THEATRES: 25th Street. Inquire of N. D. A.. 2420 Grant R. H. Twite hell, Lorraine Shop, - Mrs. Ethel Skelton, 540 28th 50 R. Wasatch 10087 Membership Life Insurance For N. D. A. Scrip Page .Three From, the office we then go to the Clothing and Furniture Department. In the window are display of quilts and other articles for sale. The customers are waited upon by Ur. Oscar Inglestrom and Ur. Jack Jeffs. Swinging now to the market windows, are displays of produce and fruit. Upon entering the door one sees first the show case all lined with a nice selection of Doughnuts and other pastries. On the wall to the right la a beautiful d picture of a beautiful lady, portrayed on thla year's calendar, advertising the Browns Palace Ball Boom, In which the N.D.A. Uembers have been able to spend many happy evenings. Thanks to Ur. Curt Brown, the own-eStanding against the left walla ASSN. sewing. are several shelves and staple groceries. On the top of the shelves is Kathryn Diron, 2982 Porter. Plain Sewing. sign that reads, "The N. D. A Wanna Fredericks. 2943 Porter. Vallar la received thru the labor of Plain sewing. the human brain? muscle, bone and Mrs Horace Taylor, 8446 Washingsinew, end should not in nny wny he ton. Plain sewing. discredited. This sign has done its Mrs. Jetts Bradford Barnes of thla bit In bringing the sword of truth Mrs. Lynch, 2881 Kieael Ave. Plain d to the minds of the people who are city makes and ornasewing. Berdetta Boles, 857 7th St Plain mental leather goods, brief cases, Just a little bit weak in upholding the value of Vallar. In the center bags, etc. aa a handicraft industry sewing. of her own. And she does very artisof the store is n Choice selection bf EDUCATION: She has lately Inquired of produce, with the following clerks to Smithsonian Basinets College. In- tic work. the N. D. A. Unit here ff the Assorender their ever ready service; Ur. of N. D. A. 2420 Grant quire ciation tannery in Salt Lake can Charles Crompton, Ur. Wright Sex- ELECTRICAL REPAIRING: furnish certain grades of leather for ton, Ur. Wm. Pickett, Ur. Laverl Manrice Cole, 770 12th Street her work, payable In N. D. A. credit 8 taker. Directly in the rear la tbs FRUITS: i which meet market, where we find Ur. accept tor her Natural Development . Association, finished she will then products. We are hoping the Murphy, who is always pleasant 2420 Grant Ave. while waiting upon the public. He FINGER WAVES AND MARCELS tannery will be able to quote a satboasts of a choice line of meats and isfactory price and enable Mrs. Peggyi Shop, 2352 Washington. Barnes to use N. D. A. leather. competes with the market prices of Ecdes Mitchell's Building. Shop, There Is no question (n my mind chain stores. Ur. 8taker assists, Wash2780 Lorraine Barber Shop, but that this summer the California with Ur. Facer on the extra board, ington. units of the N. D. A. will have a when ha ia not buying meat for the GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: surplus of fine fruits (fresh dried It hea been said that department Robert Smith, 925 23rd Street and canned) to exchange with the of the meat con- HOME possibly Basin states units, for "what have eomea sumed in the city from theN. Ogden Real Estate Company. (See you?" D. A. Ueat Market mod. BaseMr. Russell.) If any Basin states units now have Flans are laid for the advancement and garage, In good cond- a small ment of two other major projects. quantity of best hard wheat mo. unfurnished. $20. ition; per The announcements of which will be that will stand transportation chargand LAUNDRY, made later. es to the Coast we have a few small Borne people wonder why we can't DYERS: plants here that ought to be able to A Cleaners use it for grinding Into breakfast Sanitary Laundry Dry supply everything they want. Our 1822 Washington. answer ia simple, "we could have Dyers. and other cereal foods. Idaho potatoes are also In demand In California these oommodltlee for you If you MECHANICAL NOVELTY WORK: Adams. 8680 R. Hutchinson. H. would only cell to us your furniture, Just like Utah celery and Utah eoal. MEDICAL HEALTH: May I suggest asking the Board clothing, rugs, linoleum, liveetock, of Control in Salt Lake City about Inquire of N. D. A., 2420 Grant. hay, grain, fruit, flour, eoal, gas, oil, MULTIGRAPHING: Unthis. They might publish their reeggis, sugar, butter and milk. Emerson Stephens, Argyle Apts. til inch a time, however, that the ply in the Progressive Independent for information of all units. people oome to a true understanding NURSING: Mrs. 8446 Horace WashingMember of Oakland Unit, of cooperation, we will patiently Taylor, ton; practical nurse. rejoice in the same. Mrs. Schoer, 682 Cheater, graduate We extend an Invitation to memAt our N. D. A. meeting in the Al nurse. bers of other unite in the States of den Library (52nd and Telegraph! California, Arisons, Idaho and Utah PAINTING A DECORATING: John Borger, 419 Canyon Rd. Ph. a novel proposal was broached by to visit the N. D. A. of Ogden and City Editor Graydon of the Oakland 2524-R- . see how we do things. Telegraph". Mr. Graydon reportTours respectfully. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON: ed that owing to the decision at Natural Development Ass's. Inquire of N. D. Ah 2420 Grant thousands of farmers to live at Geo. L. Stephens PRODUCE: home as far as possible from now N. D. A. 2420 Grant Ave. on. There is a serious danger of a PAPER HANGING: food famine In the cities within a Rd. 2420 GRANT AVENUE JPh. 410 John Canyon , Borger, few years. He proposed that thou 2524-OGDEN, UTAH people in the cities who feel the serMILL: PLANING iousness of the situation help in the The following ia a list of service Ellis Mill, 2658 Wall Ave. which N. D. A. Scrip will boy. Why PAINTING: purchase of seed, feed, fertilisers, near-b- y etc. farmers who need not list your services and commodities Mrs. O. K. Kartchner. 8524 Ogden them,for taking N. D. A. credit as seand increase your volume and help Ave. Oil doth A pillow painting, curity for the loan, (without Interbring back PROSPERITY. also oil paintings. est, of course. These loans would AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS A PARTS: PIANO LESSONS: be repaid later in the season in farm Mrs. A. Norton, 1173 Jefferson. Bill Cobia, Riverdale. produets, to be warehoused with the PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT: Henry Bond, rear, 2742 Adams. nearest N. D. A. unit, the farmer beBudd Cliff. 8284 Washington. Paper Subscriptions, $24)0 yearly. ing "carried" in this way without APARTMENTS: Inquire of N. D. A 2420 Grant mortgage or any other interest hearD. W. Stephens. 8204 Lincoln Ave. PRESS: ing debt. . Phone S928-RQuality Press. C. L. Rose, 2479 WANTED: Responsible elderly cenWashington Ave. to cook for 7 boarders. Living QUILT MAKING: DR. GALE DIES Mrs. W. W. Anderson, 488 Adams. ig quarters provided free. RUG WEAVING: BARBER: Isabel Oborn. 2411 Adams Ave. W. W. Anderson, Star Barber Shop Christmas at headquarters the Annie Hiatt 2948 Childs Ave. ' 880 25 Street past week has not been what good SHOE SHINING PARLOR: might wish. One of 24th Street and Kiesel Ave. toe guests. Dr. Edward W. Gale, SHARPENING: passed away in an attack of pneuMaurice Cole, 770 12th St (Knives, monia and pleurisy on Saturday 8. M. Taylor E. L. Egli etc. scissors, saws, rasors, about noon. This made a change in SHEET METAL WORKS: plana necessary, and left with ns Ave. Kiesel 2460 Mr. J. C. Pace, an atmosphere of sadness and a natural regret to lose a man who had meant to he of help to na in onr work. Cooperative Herald. Over 25 years in Salt Lake-License- WE SPECIALIZE IN PERMANENT WAVING. INDEPENDENT 8. S. (Steve) Stevena, Prop. M and M Plumbing Co. GAS AND STEAM WORK OUR SPECIALTY. C. K. Miller Vearl J. (Formerly with Utah Gas Manwill. A Coke Co.) HEATING AND GAS INSTALLATIONS. A A B Credits 20 Years Experience Call Us for Estimates licensed and Bonded Plumbers 1848 South 2nd East Street $ Member of N. D. A. Hyland 2089--R Hyland 4272--J. wssm 38 mm YOU WOULDNT HAVE YOUR HEAD FIXED AT A FOOT SPECIALISTS WOULD YOU? GIVE IT A THINK. SKATES Hollow Ground Finest Oil Stone Finish :: Half Scrip 50c Glens Key Shop 118 So. Main Was. 1585 WILSONS SKATING RINK 1077 South Main WE DONT KNOW ALL ABOUT AUTO PARTS BUT WE DO KNOW OUR BATTERIES, STARTERS, GEN ERATORS AND IGNITION WORK. A and B CREDITS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cameron Battery & Ignition Co. 956 South State Street. Phone Hy. 8555. |