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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Page Six. POLITICIANS HAVE Record of the Trip The Natural DevelopOld System Gone; We Should Organ LIVE WIRE CONTACTS PROYED Association CASE of OUR ment Are at Profits Very Colonies Forming Expense Interesting for Federal Aid Salt Lake City, Utah and Timely of People and Life 2S Cents Per Item Per Issue. By WILL DOBSON and Do It Now Other Cooperative The October American" tells of (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) the formation of a new cooperative colony in Madison county, Arkansas. paper. The Progressive Independent, mats in some of the shacks used for The enterprise waa started by George which is extensively circulated. v I homes. Perrine of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Over a ".eferring to the French Princess together Perrine gathered Extent of Operations, said 3 the poor couldnt get year ago a group ot about one hundred fifty.' jjt tei a headquarters in the bread they should eat cake, he said unemployed Salt Lake and has several those who couldn't get bread in this imd WOO heart of him to Arkansas. They 0 jar(e proportion operating country were being offered beer. acres of timber land Ln the basis of exchange without us- - Visited great factories of the Genty and PW'edcd cleuitud plant of xving iti own eral Electric Co. and found them runit .Pe in the form of coupons or ning at 10 per cent of capacity. Saw Loney . made livable for the wome and chil wjicj are current in about two many signs in Michigan, reading, dren hundred places in this city. Labor is Ford Gardens," but found that only caves, till better housing can He pro- - -- moiove(f oroduced. fruit and the few kept on at part time had been They tilled and harvested over all usable articles are bought given gardens, the others laid off got 300 acres of land this year, and the in- busi- total its nothing. The Detroit city and county habitants of the colony are hoping to buntedJanuary to $5600, in Septem-establi- taxes were practically uncollectible, homes for themselves and has It trucks, ovef amounting to (8, OCX), 000 and the city families. tools, equipment, property, to the val- owed the banks so much their revenoil small built a has It ue of (26,000. ues were being taken over for the refinery, a tannery, a soap factory, has debts, leaving the police . force ' and NOTICE! a saw a coal mill, a in mine, interest other employes of the city with hardg plant, etc. It has given ly any pay. Hereafter THE UTAH FARMER to date upwards of 38,000 labor days In the New convention he will take N. D. A. Scrip on subscrip- to people who otherwise would be un- was allowed York three minutex only tion. They are listed in this paper in employed. Other convention speakers had told class A. of cooperatives hampered by the deIdeals The ideal of the N. D. A. is some- pression, their development plans held what as follows: To win its way by up, he was able to tell how the N. D. had grown in a short time in the LOVE OF GOOD MUSIC serving humanity, believing bethat all A. effort since time began, can judged midst of the depression from zero to Taught by only in the service of man." It ac- a daily turnover of (4,000. The harder the depression the taster we grow and NEW METHOD cepts the call of cooperation because the less cash we need. A note handed it sees the need for something better than a hand to hand struggle between him after the talk asked that they reRythm Play for man and man for mere existence, a main in New York long enough to Kindergarten Agea struggle that tends to destroy all the organize a branch there. The New Three to Six Years Preferably better impulses. Can it overcome the York Times, New York and leading daily of St Paul old system? Can a new order of good notice. It has a great CLASSES things be established out of which will gave them there are so many people callgrow a new social spirit? Can a path- future, for it Monday, Wednesday, Friday way to the higher social life be blazed ing and Saturday the thorns and thickets and through Mr. Glad Speaks 10:00 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. swamps of capitalism? We say yes, Mr. Glad was called on and said: we have set ourselves to the task. There is and just one thing that is worth Classes Limited to Ten Pupils Nothing shall discourage us; nothing If the while, and that is principle. course. our shall change members of the N. D. A cannot see A Credits $1.00 Per Week beyond food, it will not survive. What we most need is not food and clothing A Private Geyser but unselfishness. We must keep our Leola Home Cummins eyes off the ground. 106 WEST FIRST NORTH In all he has traveled over the U. WAS. 9093-M. L Potter, proprietor of the Gey- S. more than twelve miles at Woodside, Ut, and finds by observationthousand ser Service Station, that what aphis in attraction scenic has a unique to one mind and touches one untHjmwiRffyipyirensixaiiSMHHHMHHCE back yard. It is a real geyser, the peals will reach all hearts and minds. heart water spurting up every five minutes. If the makers of advertisements can The water contains arsenic and can- reach every citizen with the same sloused so the geyser is valueless we can do the same. Quality and the Best of Service; not be as an attraction to all travelers gan, except Told of his travel experiences. writSo the as far that way. coming has a splendid constitution IGLATZ POTATO chip! er knows, it is the only geyser in America and fine people, but it isnt in a Utah. healthy condition. In the great B. & COMPANY O. railroad yards at Washington, HI, only 12 men were at work. Only one S319 So. State St Hy. 8658; BILL FARRELL'S airplane factory is operating. In the great steel mills of Gary, Ind., every BARBER SHOP SOLD ON B CREDITS smoke stack was cold but one. 50 W. First South The men in control dont know Barber Work Guaranteed what to da We will not be able as a All Best and the Clean Always nation to go through the coming winA Credits ter without much suffering. Yet those in charge merely sit with their hands folded. The orchards of New York state were loaded with finest quality of fruit going to waste while the same quality sold three for a dime in New York City. WAS. S987-We Specialize in If the power to remedy this is not WAS. 5S39-Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire put into the bands of the people ina trap. And they are the last word in beauty, style, comfort. NJ)A Cr. gentlemanly way, it will be taken in All Work Guaranteed a way that is not gentlemanly. Spoke of many inspiring sights and scenes, such as statue of Lincoln, Virginia's statues of Washington am Lee, the Welland canal, Niagara O. S. JAYNES Falls, and the Ford factory. America can make her industrial system run as smoothly and efficiently as Ford's DECORATING PAINTING PAPER HANGING factory, but it isnt doing it He saw both sides of the picture, its If Its Done with a Brush We DO IT. beauty and grandeur and the dark side, which was not in Nature, but in St. man. Blair Our job is to teach man to use 1427 5030 Hy. what nature provides an not cut each others throats. He was very well satisfied with the New York trip. Told very humorously of his New York imAcross the street from Holy Cross Hospital pressions, and of stopping in an apartment house that held 630 families HOME BARBER SHOP who owned it cooperatively. 1018 E. 1st South Before leaving, he thought he was A. D. BEDFORD, Prop. thoroughly sold on the N. D. A, but ALSO OPEN EVENINGS found that he had not known the half of it He knows more fully now why Ladies Haircutting a Specialty it is the only plan. N. D. A. Credits Woodruff and Elggren Speak Manager Owen Woodruff announced that one carload of coal had been received that morning and two more were on their way. He commended We Specialize on Batteries , Starters , Lights very highly the young man whose unand Ignition Work Only ceasing efforts had provided these cars ox coal. Told also of Mr. Hoot-o-n N.DA. Coupons Accepted on All Labor who had hitch-hike- d to the timber Parts B" Credits near Salina canyon and cut 6,000 feet All Work Guaranteed of lumber for the association. A saw CAMERON BATTERY & IGNITION CO. group is now in .Idaho cutting mintimber and' another in Wyoming 956 80UTH STATE STREET HYLAND 3555 ing coal. We need people like these, 10 can do things. All of us must actually do something. He had been talking with the head of one of the biggest banking institutions in the intermountain region. He knows that the present financial system is a failure. Said that those in charge of the Knight Woolen Mills were moderating their terms and soon may change their minds and pay the 3 Post Office Place association to get them going. . Mr. Elggren was called on and All Makes of Autos Repaired mentioned the girl who drove nine Motors Rebored Radiator Repairing cows fo the University of Tennessee Fenders Repaired Car Painting in to pay her tuition. The school had Rebuilt Batteries Battery Service her honor established a course in Washing, Polishing, Greasing pluck. The N. D. A gives us a chance to show pluck and initiative. Said -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED Andy Anderson, who secured the coal Day and Monthly Steam-Heate- d for the association showed the finest Storage PHONE WAS. 8139 type of pluck and spirit. The trip he RES. PHONE, HY. 8045-- J had just made to Price had made him forget the conditions in the Northwest. Out in those states charity had become a racket where candidates were being threatened with defeat if DON'T BE DISCOURAGED they did not provide charity for certain groups of voters. Our wonderNATURE BUILT YOUR BODY ful resources and pioneer spirit and tradition are what enable us to operAND ate successfully. We couldn't have D NATURE CAN IT started in a city like Detroit. We have both the raw materials and the If Natural Laws are permitted to operate TRY NATURES WAY ,"' ' prac-vide- jt d. sh tooa fruit-dryin- World-Telegra- m M MAGDIEL BUILDING CO. W RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE (Continued from page 1) main, but they are like a heap of ashes. This is what has happened to money in many countries. We must get away from the whole scheme of artificial and corrupt evaluations. Money Dead Thing Money itself is a dead thing. Money it is may be gold or shells or nuts; work. only a symbol of the trade of Think of living off shells or beads. If we tould get that into our heads we would begin to realize the absurdity of the kind of prosperity the country had, and that some people wish to perpetuate. But it is impossible to continue the false prosperity in which we were living. It was unnatural. It was set and dead. There is no permanence save in change. We thought we could fix things and make them permanent which is against every principle of life. life revolted. Artificial Economics We are paralyzed by our dependence on an artificial economic situation which has failed us. Yet there is everything here to do and everything to do it with. (There are, for instance, very few small comfortable houses in this country, though there are enough big ones that no one wants to care for. Why not a new I extype of home for the people? a man can pect to see the day when have a modern home, five acres and a car for (2500 or less. Mere Money Not Success Money and money values have paralyzed the energies of the vast population which has lived on the theory that only the men who make vast quantities of money are successful. This has been nurtured by the success worship spread over the land which made it seem that people came into this world only to get rich. A great many people believe it, and worked at it, hut they found little satisfaction after they had achieved their object. They learned somethingso from also the experience, of course, but did the man who did not win money. American Fallacy It is an American fallacy to say a man is a failure because he has not made money. There is no failure. No one can fail of the purpose for which he is on earth if he works and helps himself, regardless of the money value of the work. Today cleverness is more admired than ability and shrewd money making is admired most of all. Do we not know, shall we never learn, that mere money making engages only the lower ranges of human intelligence? International Barter Points to Relief Throughout the world today nar tions barter huge quantities of raw materials and finished products. Throughout the West this winter Americans must barter clothing, foodstuffs and miscellaneous products. system of Only by a trading work hours tor necessities can intense suffering be avoided and the hungry fed. There will be 13,000,000 unemployed persons in the United States this winter. That is the A F. of L. estimate, and a fair one. Get that figure, 13,000,000. That means at least double that number dependent on somebody for food, shelter and fuel. . There is plenty of everything in this of political ana lying enough country promises We are going to help Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated Without Drugs or Surgery EYE TREATMENTS GLASSES FITTED W. M. STOREY, N.D. Opt. D. Offices 5th Floor, Felt Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY N. D. A. SCRIP ACCEPTED B CREDIT ff.'VA.ViV.iaf.AVVi.VV.W.VjV.Vr.ViV.V people. ud BARBER! BEAUTY SHOP NO. MAIN "A" Credits Barbering Onl- ySpecial Attention to N. D. A.g 125 CLOSEUP8 OF N. D. A MEMBERS. (Continued from page 1) Mr. Lamereaux mentions the following: his religion; his contacts with the worlds of literature and music, 2-- A beautiful line ot Christmas presents, 50 per cent cash and 50 per cent Also package groceries, coupons soaps, ' soap powders, aluminum kettles, toothpaste, etc., 667 So. 7th East, Hy. 3191-- J. List your wants in these cbhmmx.' Advertising pays dividenx j PROFIT. SALT LAKE to Agreement can be had that religion and politics are taboa Of course this plan contemplates all cooperative units being equipped eventually with tools, housing, water, gas, electricity and telephone systems, as well as the land. A going concern, ready to function when President ? throws the switch leading to The New Era. V DENVER by TELEPHONE $1.80 After 8 JO P. M. Only $1.05 Hunting Party n rates) Plus Federal Tax on (Station-to-statio- A company of N. D. A'ans, indud-Owe- n Woodruff, L. E. Elggren, . . . Lamoreaux and Ed. Barnhurst, left Salt Lake Wednesday forenoon en route for the Uintah country, anxious to try their marksmanship at the roebuck. They intend to return Saturday and we hope that we will reason to felicitate with them. amounts of 50c or over. TELEPHONE INSURANCE For N.D.A. Scrip list your wants in these columns Advertising pays dividenx All Life, Health and Accident Insurance with Biggest and Best Company in World PAID IN FULL FOR SCRIP FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE PRAHL & KIRTEN Paper Hanging and B" CREDIT Call F. L. Hirlrman Cleaning GOOD WORK REASONABLE CHARGE Call Hy. 5118-- R PARAMOUNT WAS. 902 South 1st 6745 or leave order with CLEANERS DELIVERY SERVICE particularly as represented by Benjamin Franklin, Victor Hugo, Beethoven and Elbert Hubbard; his unde, A W. Ivins, and Owen Woodruff & DYERS RELINING West Mr. Howe REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 Work Guaranteed H. N. Hanson, adept with the needle, is also adept with the brush in producing landscapes in oils' He has also been interested in rabbit culture bat declares that N. D. A members keep him so busy that this has been interfered with. Motor Rebuilding Ignition Repairs Brake Lining Battery Service AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE GO. Erich Reich says the N. D. A should send out a contact man be get boxing and wrestling matches on an A basis He enjoys them greatly but never gets an opportunity to see them. DICK CLINTON, Mgr. 76 South Second East Street WASATCH 49(1 WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Modem Equipment Here's a remarkable fact from our midst: Gladys Shurtleff was born rear to the day later than her sister, lira Nice 3 room apartment A credits 8 houses in good locality, walking distance. Was 10347 or 50 D Street New and Rebuilt Batteries WELCOME! N. D. A. MEMBERS Dansie. Some hobbies of Mrs Lohmolder are painting, tennis and horseback riding. But her big dish" seems to be books She has read deeply and must organize community Every extensively along educational, social barter systems, creating some sort of and scientific lines in particular. medium of exchange, so that those who want work may work, and thus get enough to live on. can either have Jobless Proffer Speaking plainly, we Food Work a sane system of exchanging work for necessities of life or trouble. And Oklahoma City, Oct. 13. (AP). trouble with a capital T". What the nations are doing, com- An organization of unemployed which munities must do, and individuals proposes to furnish stomach storage must da And the time to do it is for the farm surplus was incorporated here today as the shirt sleeve exNOW. Boise Capital News for change. Notice! To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the folsold lowing described 12property will beSatur-day, o'clock m., at' the hour of October 29, 1932, at the Windsor Auto Park, at the rear of 231 South Main street, Salt Lake City, 1 Senior Dodge car, serial No. 1S12621, Motor No. S1290L the same the property of G G. Morgan, beingTien for storage being held, and the the sale conducted by George Glen and Keith Evans The plan is to exchange labor for food and clothing. Ernest Chamber-lai- n, an incorporator, said fanners and others would he paid in scrip redeemable in labor. to-w- it: KEITH EVANS, GEO. GLEN. WHITEHOUSE HOTEL A S. WILLETT, Prop. Visit the New, Modern N.D.A, Barber and Beauty Parlor Now Open at 55 West Broadway Also Operating Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor 100 OUTSIDE ROOMS Family Accommodations WEEKLY RATES Elevator Service fjUST RITE facts. for coopera. We who are fighting tion do not need to attack their doctrines. Between the two parties the truth has been brought out, and they have destroyed their own antiquated theories. The voter who carefully weighs the arguments of each, matching one up against the other, will be able to accept neither. Having thus demolished one another, they have left the field clear for the teaching of Natural Government Hoover is stressing the fact that he has maintained the value of the dollar. He should have maintained the value of wheat and cotton. Roosevelt has been careful to say nothing to alarm Big Business. He should rather have developed a program to set eleven million men to work. Neither has offered any real remedy for the dispossessed farmer and the jobless worker. Neither can go to the heart of the problem because the profit system is in the way. Neither will tamper with that because it has fed, clothed and educated them and elevated them to their present high positions. So, in the long run, it matters not at all which one takes office next March. Neither can revive our defunct economic system. Whoever wins, the fanner and the worker will find no genuine relief outside of the Natural Development Association. (Continued from page I) congress that will be irresistible, despite the opposition of money trust and mortgage sharks. To permit free exchange of currency, commodities and services, there must be one universal plan. All can get together on the Rochdale plan. There can be universal currency. There can be universal per hour value of labor. There can be universal test for qualifications for members. There can be universal agreement that a dollar of labor or commodities back every dollar of currency. There must be universal agreement as to form of trusteeship. There can be universal agreement that production is for use NOT our-elv- ex 50-6- RE-BUIL- Those who are sorry for Hoover because he seems to be doomed to defeat had better be sorry for Roosevelt because he is doomed to have to wrestle with Hoovers problems. Neither candidate is competent to remove our economic cancer because neither man is willing to cut deep enough. Since it is the profit system that is destroying our industrial existence, the one nope for industry is to get rid of the profit system. Roosevelt in his campaign 'speeches has shown Hoover to be not only incompetent, but also a willing tool of Big Business. Hoover, in turn, has pointed out that Roosevelt's claims and promises do not square with his record as an executive. What he has condemned in his speeches, he has not tried to curb in the state of New York. From the two presidential aspirants down to county nominees, the candidates on each side have been able to confound their opponents with the PARKING SPACE Single Rooms, 75c and (1.00 With Bath, (1.25 Up B" CREDITS 123 So. West Temple St. WASATCH 5238 One block south of Temple Square and Interurban Depot At 30 South State Street COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE We Specialize in Permanent Waving Beehive and N. D. A. Now Operated by 20 licensed Operators S. S. (Steve) STEVENS, Prop. |