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Show THIS PAPER IS A VOICE OF THE NEW DISPENSATION, A HERALD OF TTIE NEW DAY AND THE NEW OPPORTUNITY. SUPPORT IT. VE HSSITIES COOPERATIVE PLAN FOR THE WHOLE OF FORD SAYS WE ARE BARTERED U.S. We Should Organize for Federal Aid and Do It Now N. D. A. IS PUT TALKS OF TRIP UP TO MILLION EX-PERIENC- ES 10,000 Miles for N. D. A. Through REVOLUTION! as Shortage of Cash and Tariffs Kill World Trade TRIP ARE NOW IN A ations Trade Products MR. W.A. GLAD ICRUSADERSRE-POR-T Thirty-Tw- o Record of the Trip Very Interesting and Timely Old System Gone; Profits Are at Expense of People and Life NEWSREADERS States TTie Natural Developbeen my privilege to sow seeds of social and economic reform I Staff Economist, Scripp's Canfield in 32 states to date, and to cover Salt Utah miles of the choicest lands in the newspapers faced with a shortage of world in this campaign for human money, surrounded by tariff walls Note: We present here The Saturfeature (Editors of the opening bankwelfare. (Editor's Note: The Federated Everywhere beauty and some of Henry Ford's philosophy, By Harry W. Mangold, San Jose, Cal. that commerce cannot climbscrooked day night program, October 15, was a found side by side with Press of New York, which serves 60 and are by I incompetent bounty rupted, selected from it a saw solo the having whose Mr. by magazine Settling Walker, problems of dispos- politicians, the white race is turning want facilities and waste, and where papers, with one and a half million article. It is worth reading and skill won an insistent encore. sessed fanners and unemployed workmii-r- y a huge international system of bar. studying. Butgood, circulation, has requested us to give it does not go far I Dr. Hyrum Smith, in charge of the and resources are most abundant ers the Forgotten Men has become to ter. and consternation flourish best. a brief outline of the N. D. A., and For 25 years the writer has, announced that the ladies' an meeting, sport, sharing the spotMillions of tons of consumption enough.. faI These should here it is) say (or his obscurity, been saying the I department had an important an- miliar) strange light with playing the market and goods are being traded between na- from contradictions everywhere, The Natural Development Associasame things about the money system. nouncement to make and called on the R. F. C. the without of any We are and each intervention few a tions, I people in although tion, commonly called the N. D. A., Mrs. Smith to make it. Mrs. Smith thankful, and extremely so, Ever since the day the great engiwhatever. that Ford, from his powerful position I organization incorportold the meeting that on next Wed- community are searching for a way is a neer chased all the chickens out of ev- money The United States is actively en in the world, is most of them are apparently sat- ated under the laws of the state of nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the out, spreading such ideas. I ery pot squawking down Wall Streets gaged in bartering. isfied be done that in can Utah, nothing January, 1932, which is opIt is, to a degree, a triumph for the Civic Center a real party would be canyons, the aforesaid problems have The Grain Stabilization corporation ideas erated as a cooperative exchange for we have clung to for so many for the women and that every about it, given been front page stuff. a government agency, recently trailed years, and it harmonizes with N. D. I Some of the peculiar reactions we labor and products for the economic woman would benefit by attending, The stuffed shirts of Washington, a big wheat tonnage to Brazil and got A How welfare of its members. It is gov- -' and not only the women but their encountered follow: that Mr. Ford strange Wall Street and Podunk have cussed 62,500 sacks of coffee. A state official in Wyoming, We erned by a board of directors as folstands for a political system which is homes would profit. The ladies were and discussed, wrangled and wrangled, This was the second trade. In the asked to bring their worry, fear, hate, have applications for 628 road jobs in lows: Ilenj. B. Stringham, founder dragging the problems across the big first 25,000,000 bushels of American exactly the opposite to his philos- this we feel that we have and president; Owen Woodruff, 1st ophy.) envy, anxiety, dread, malice and weak a realcounty and war-tor- n to and deposit- wheat went to Brazil and 105,000 Europe pond Wilford A. Glad, 2nd responsibility in seeing that the be to delivered over a ness, to com' of in on them the turn OF CLOSE doorsteps sacks of coffee came back. ing L. E. Elggren, treasmittee that would give them a formal 20 jobs available are given to the most Truths German reparations, French preparaOther Nations to Follow Example urer, and Dr. Hyrum Smith, secreburial. These were the only things deserving people." We are adrift in an economic revotions and Russian depredations. PaA farm leader in Iowa, We are at tary. It has ten departments, as In Europe, merchants and produc- lution. N.D.A. MEMBERS that could hold the N. D. A. back. ternity being scornfully denied there, ers are getting together and forming is would the end of our rope; we have nothing follows: Labor, education, wealth Once realize rid must revolution N. D. of A. the People and them, home were dragged again they for international trading life. take us forward into a new day, new more to lose; our picketing activities justice, mining, and commerce, manuMiddleton fatherhood sworn in turn on gold organizations with our money. are nothing but a modern Iowa Tea facturing, health, building, and agriand money values have par-- 1 Money year and new epic. standard, inflation, deflation and In some nations, the government is alyzed our energies. Over each of these deParty and if revolution should result culture. Crusaders The The waited paproblems Speak. hoarding. we will be found as modern Minute partments there is a presiding head Warwick C. Lamercaux was born taking a hand and lending moral supMere money making engages only Of four the who made around the the to shivering, corner, trip tiently Men. with such assistants as may be necesport the lower ranges of human intelli- - November 26, 1906. After he gradu- the National Cooper convention in hungry, homeless and hopeless, brothA street orator in Milwaukee, Ma- sary, including a large force of surDenmark; agricultural country, is gence. ated from the ninth grade, a spell of New Mr. was Curtis the York, ers to the ox, until a bright idea soak- gathering huge Cyril herds of cattle to be us that she ill health kept him from entering high first called on to report. The conven- rie Antoinette, when told that the vey and contact men and women. ed through the bone God helps exchanged for had no bread replied flippant- Beginning with one man who thought school. plows, harrows, seed-- 1 wiU no'longlirVwfo thln tion delegates left Salt Lake CityL people those who help themselves I ers, discs and other implements sent ly, What, no bread, then give them out the idea in 1931, it has grown to Having worked for about three Sept. 12, and returned Oct. 7. Even Money Does Not Serve Life And a movement was born I A from industrial Germany. cake. And now when our statesmen be an institution to be reckoned with h was called on a mission What his happened is this: The movement nation-widvirile, alert, are told we have no jobs, they reply, and today it has a membership of out of twenty- -' Germany, producing coal, traded should have served life was where, for twenty-tw- o in material in implication, coffee. spiritual What! the people have no jobs! Then something like 2600 people and direct200,000 tons of it to Brazil for forcTng life to serve it and life month, of rvic. he tondUton of the'farmere'Tnd ToJSd base. A nation of forgotten men went Even Ancient Egypt Takes a Hand. GIVE THEM ly and indirectly it serves more than give them beer. Life always doe. that A. hat the is this cry paying only crop year primitive with the ages-ol- d BEER. 5000 people. $1,500,00 r Back to the Land; Back to the gold 500 A great business man of Michigan, Central Idea Land I" Independ If our former employees have saved The central idea of the N. D. A. is Natural nothing and are forced to leave the White collared technicians, clerks HUMAN WELFARE I MAN Development Association Explained, city, it is not our responsibility. I teachers, experts and engineers joined Argentine has wheat; Spain has sur--1 university students and to ABOVE MONEY. It believes and money. 14 copies of the book, "Natural 'and hands with lumber jacks, mill hands, )lus railroad material. A trade is be I on I A Canain officer men's clubs, sud Windsor, which our public constitution professional that the Money teaches order economic is by old Government With this literature da, "Have we muckers and blanket stiffs in a cam- ng arranged, sponsored by tnev.fw I should De under control of the gov-- 1 got a depression in Can-ad- failing us, that the old financial sysHaving become convinced of the able of all were to kinds I buy they Other we paign for eats. Say, Spanish republican government originated the depres- tem is inadequate to meet the demand eminent has been fanned out to pri-- 1 great value and desirability of fruits, produce, meals and accommo- sion. Farmers cried to dispossessed workwill be bartered as op-- 1 vate interests like sandwich conces-- 1 edge and education while on his of the timex Founded upon the book dation!. in the out open ers: Come and get itl Fruit and slept They I On occasions two this reply greeted by Mr. Stringham, Natural isions at county fairs, until, scorning sion, the first thing Mr. Lamereaux twelve Governnine and roof a under nights vegetables rot on the ground! Come Youre I Wales will send anthracite to Can--1 to to us, organized get along ment, it believs that there is a natuhandmaid of the people, ft did on returning was to enroll at the I and get it!" i1' I without ada for wheat. are the U. of U. Although he was obliged to you? Well, money has sought to be their mistress. system of government and an nn- I Primeval, brutal necessity forced Russiz.snd Germany are exchanging driving OUC Stretch Of 806 mUCS only difference between you and us ral For the present, life simply refuses register as an unmatmulsted student, . natural system, and it comes proall classes., of, .labor to cooperate; ram, oil, flax and fan from Russia J is that are are we and you organised resume under the ola order of he got through the university jin three I claiming the natural system which is forced farmer and laborer to recognot. or machinery from Germany. years and during' this time . thoroughly outlined in the book. At -nise a common interest as no amount A doctor in of France and Russia are doing the philosophy Washing- the of each department of hu-StajifShe banjo1 whl II of political sophistries and platitudes same thing. France taking new mate-rai- ls ton made these two caustic comments, man door activity capitalism stands and make the trip, IO( "What amuses me is that those to en LJ!?nf privileged could do. dance and sending back machines and the peoBut when they bemn to profit at the leading its power prevents the natural told of of the places pie who were so sure that the social- - with Starting in spots, it first became a finished products. flow of exchange of service! and com'viliteA interesting expense of the people, life marks them of Salt Lake and set up BMjl pnnl-- 1 Bnd De. He movement in the West. Salt Lake Debts Also Paid in Commodities To still he which for challenge. T often a prosper- ing plant, The modities. The N. D. A. System reoperate. I . . . Brazil owes Wales $5,000,000 for oua bank means a mortgaged comma-- 1 City and Seattle were the incubators. through the university course in leases the capitalistic strangle hold I to oran:.ed fere In Utah, Washington and Oregon the coaL Wales will accept foodstuffs. nity, When the debt than four .nddoalMhe business is good year. and brings about the natural and easy movement has already become a force er commented, They only difference I .ocialUtic principles to save the capi- - and necessary flow of the services ana with which politicians and chanty commodities so necessary to human nd that I am not talistie system. I I workers have to reckon. timber for mine prop. can "make" it"., ."thatwe are "going I school at all is alraoir astonishing. welfare. For instance: I And banker in Los Angeles told Cooperation has become nationGerman coal u going for Argentine I lbont it the wrong way; we are be-- 1 Perhaps Mr. Lamereauxs strong be--1 A child died within a stones throw I me that his bank could I I lief in the Prraident be- will tail human not the of wide; is here to stay. What shal Reports wheat. Turkey is trading mineral and I Btnngham of power of one of our large hospitals The compfiifl by the pressure I cause a I I Mr. said I had him it Russia for A done with it? been it. with man to had do Stringham gave to subsidiary company fin, products something our eventa to agricnltural system physician informed the parents that Capitalism Straggling Vainly pleasure to see the progress that I formed to buy au real estate textile machinery, which she lacks. I on And that is what is hap-- 1 can do anything he believes he can II great jttne. 4 been made here at home while he sure from them and thus they could bad it been taken to the hospital it I do," he declares. is trading sugar j ,n;ng Every intelligent human nghtfully on 4 wori(j today. Things sense with South Russia for cotton. The I had been away. Since returning he I not become overloaded with frozen might have been saved. But at the claiming a trifle of economic stuffed mQ(t bow to life, for life u plainly! Music has always meant hospital the capitalistic system stood had visited the new units at Ogden terraine. Rick which excludes, of course, our Lamereaux and is spreading rapidly. sion to a barter will she not delight that us system in the way and held the doors dosed. notifying longer I and and felt especially pleased I But the prize winner was offered by he shirts knows that capitalism is now that mentioned be twice Logan, It might bow to There were many empty beds, a num-b- er things. death throes. I a cafe man in San Francisco who said with their progress Fest" annual in the won Song struggling vainly in its B. the be when prizes must plain, It of idle nurses and very The the I whom T. of Like the victim Commenting on the complaints and that legalized booze was the umver--1 overhead went on the surgeons most gigantic efforts to restore the old at the university. In 1931, he directed same and yet some members appanages of his own doctors have given up, capitalism in the the one singers after opposition so tail rendering utterly system its old-tihad brought him zince his return, he I From Los Angeles to Portland, Me., a child's life must be sacrificed tor fondly believes it will ifrecover we are again on the mareh ie and captured first prize. of money. N. D. A. later opened this miracle Many N D. A. member are missing other, thatm newcondition. that we must expect reverses snd j however, there is a growing consci- - lack hobbies s Mr. vigor. Even Among into out discussions of the hospital. Arrangethe doors home mighty interesting brief I I a but be will make difficulties. it us grow ousness that revolutionary changes I should happen, They may be mentioned the following: He were made whereby those needand cooperation, conGong of Destiny Sounded will on economic Scout work. He stronger. He is glad that we have I are necessary before any great degree ments in time until another hemorrhagesmokeis interested Boy about we hear Most of the talk ducted at the Wednesday evening 1 with makes us think and I of general prosperity can be estab- - ing hospital treatment could torn bring another depression thosc who are not true fished, and it is a significant fact that their produce, which they could not less chimneys and silent factories the N. D. A., take coupons or wherever we have been able to ex- - sell, tofor amidst which patient brothers to the it and turn them to the hos- scrip, I wonder. some and an from i : ox wander to read me is anon, newnepuDiic, snui i mcuuuncu plain fully the idea of N. D. A i , i impression , Solution present had was is the New that York the to Ph. Only the Time. Time he likes for its terse preD., to the colored newsboy or trip Cooperation den'artmentwere the N D reminded us of Edward Bellamys re-- of others V1 and states, made on also the association have illiterate coal heaver, all With cities, counties, money, agreed He said he can I The gong of destiny has sonnded sentation of facts, the other maga- wit whom had said the markable directors had that we have found the trouble and mentioned for their vigorous, their surplus wealth drained off to see wherepredictions the capitalistic system has and we are cm the march. Mot that zincs I bled resources local fee the five set dollars their factx at these of our remedy seems logical and will i The Natural membership realistic interpretation Wall Street, Development Associa-wlrlbrought about important achieve- - we elect to march, for all progress is From reading Boles antobio-- 1 to give each director a dollar. To fi- Edward to the bone by three years of . . , . ... I tion is not communiitic or socialistic. I de-- 1 I nance the been donated had wito the aid to national cooperation taiet,t.,trostmusetTn1owbe takind f $16 trip bHndfy.nrhe WthM nd Kphy.be1ScJmefired ive P ..Lr.' Lt:-bh- a ." property save as I I I visit the thirteen Saturday night routing, can be had except through the feder- better he wishes to help himself or the or-of using the machinery I yon by events until to his surprise he I sire, to see Mr. I system check her a for of $1(1, MsCurtis wrote nnvisited. tar so remained al government Corry in a path which he recognises ed people. It is not against the conthat mans progress and N ,D. A. offers the only rational, ganization. Senate Bill 1009 is the Key as a letter path because in his bet- - I Power and Lighta company, Mr. Allen and Mr. Limb each furnished .$20, Mr. forward. stitution or the government, but bego I in of congress solution now our Scripps-Howto is the living freely There pending present lieves that its natural system, newspaper it One member quoted by Lady War--1 I ter, more social, lesa selfish moments of Mr. tragic mess $50, chaix Governor Dcrn, a bill, senate 1(M9. by Sector Froier wick's address wherein riie said: The he has dreamed of such a path. wins its way, will peacefully overcome D. furnished himself the GLAD. A. Franldin issuance WILFORD the and Stringham authorizing Cant Make Money Oat of Money and Smoot, all that is bad and absorb all that is in- best intelligence does not come from 000 bonds to run 46 years, bearing Some people still think they can veil are among the people he Iws books and pamphlets sold and Mr. of the idle rich who are ranks good in the old system. Men have the amortization the and Lund furnished DOTbtless of the cent with. 156 talked only copies terest at per said that it could not be done, but the in luxury, nor from the op- - make money out of money, but this 3 Observations rolling of been total not a Hoover per President cent, hu son 1J4 newspaper. fund of per , FOUR . whose spirits are thing of living on money is over with, bearded the for 28 best visited states and Ontario, med be They by I cent, to EyMpoverty,r too heavy!I Gambling and speculation are the York proof is that it is being done. It into tb Canada.' On the way, they visited pubof a like amount of currency burJens, etc. underfeeding, works to the surprise of many The best intelligence height of selfishness Any f onn of he hss not traveled farmcertain-wh- o lic officials and business men as well must snerve Lamereaux in Rick dispossessed to be used aiding comes from the middle class; those making money make money is the women and' children hitch-Th- e doubters, and has actually accomplishenMen, of to as and to learn the condition farms their farmers, ers to regain ed wonders. for study yet are ac--1 height of selfishness It is gambling, lyjhe acknowledged, interest of Mr. I the Beginning in an obhave directions, each goin people. The newspapers are not hiking in all I greatest ungle able renters to buy. scure corner of Salt Lake City, it has !he ny other low game of chance. came from and other employed. tbe tively it the of The all is that endorsement the has bill J' reporting happening. The W1 aji1m J A Caataiaa I fa spread to all parts of the city, to the atia TmhU I llllfltlflff IOf tllfi I! I National Grange, Federal Farm Bu- 55 West at Wcdnradv, mind and the chance to live honorably second and the third and the fourth Union. Re n Thf farmcri d beli? Farmers vigited National reau and - driven off their farms by low prices 6JO p. m. Evervbodv inv but n vain. It is like looking for city in size, and many smaller dries A dozen words of amending will Pr-mi- t toead or a cradle ora house, but not that the present trend is from capitalof gold at the foot of the rain- - in this state. It is beginning active a?c desperate. toward as of pot farm and we societies moving producti to loans cooperative soctal- - The average farm debt in Iowa is how. We find men and women walk-bee- n work in Arizona and Idaho and is and into where consciousness social And that is not individuals. it As a olain matter of fact well as hu I from Oakland to Los Angeles, I (which $104.50 per acre, and farms arc being jng on the American highways who known done. Those all cooperatives should get busy and thought ism. Rugged individualism in- - foreclosed left the. farm, the work bench, busi; Calif. Its president and seTn dubbed He thousands has the D. ragged Madiel J. by have life now to . grab this I were doing it are preserver. have just completed a tour of been weighed in found these farmers a fine type of in- - ness In tact from all vocations and On account of being unable to ob- fgey are wondering where I dividualism), has With one to three cooperative soof life all seeking work 28 states and the results are flattering in electricity and other supplies on I their telligent citizens who only asked a activities cieties in every county in every state If notb;ng dge hap- - the balance and found wanting. indeed. It has a live, healthy newi--( All N. D. A. members know of Rick chance to stay on their farms until where there is no work. all affiliated into national cooperative, A credit we are compelled to charge of aucb money evapo--1 the Continued on Page Six) BENJ. B. STRINGHAM. talk their convention can where to Lamereaux restirring prices pay they bills go so tar as vital and es- - a mll amount of cash, hoping our coins and . all working, may jhe most with us Elbert of Minnesota nomination and Iowa On the dcbts the secured sential principles are concerned, on many friends will that tj,e important molding H- - i de- - farms there were hundreds of stacks I one plan, MY KIND they can bring a pressure on in our straggle for the good of and significant influences in his life, I Thomas, but few know the inner had a I 0f wheat from other years not yet I Lamereaux Mr. of tails this (Continued on Page Six) N. D. A. Barber ft Beauty Shops I on Page Sig) (Continued Lund Christie I I By and threshed, the farmers plowing around d of Republicanism I speak for the masses whose months are dumb. went to the convention merely as an I them to put in new crops Hay stacks But whose souls cry out in their need; observer of political technic. Senator were two and three years old, and THE HUMANITARIAN URGE SALT LAKE to For the millions to whom Gods justice must come I Kings keynote speech converted him I farmers giving the hay away, From out of this jungle of greed. even as he listened to the Democratic In the Great Centers I long to dwell among the poor I of men Thomas Elbert swarms etc. found of he In view tariff, Chicago And live for humankind; I speak for my kind, despised and suppressed, and four other candidate' were noml-- 1 on park benches and lawns Talked A pillow of stone is a rosy cot Down in the depths of despair; seemed entirely resign-- 1 two who speeches nated. with When seconding one Where brotherhood I find. I speak or their hope, when no longer oppressed by TELEPHONE had been made for the other candi--1 I ed to his condition; ss there were four II air. They'll walk in clean, dates and none for Thomas, Rick soup kitchens and a place to sleep was I long this easy life to leave, I .amereaux, who had been under Dr. I furnished. Sometimes these men find I be to seek the field of battle, must heard. I speak for the many whose cry Thomas at the university, began to I a little work on the ships on the Lake, I io aid humanity to rise Whose charges must some day be met; I After 8:30 P. M. Only aik, vigorously, Is there no one to I but as a rule seem so numb they Above the level of its cattle. no word. uttered Those who for ages have second for Dr. Thomas?" As those don't care. They have become like I But whose hearts wear the marks of earth s debt I long to labor with the who were to do this had developed animals, if you feed them they lie I poor 1 con-man-In 1 Thomas' cold feet, D. O. Willey, down and grant contentedly. A brother's load Id share; I I say, in the name of the Master of man, 111 work with Him (Station-to-tatio- n ager, sent young Lamereaux into the trust, he saw highways filled with fine whose name I love, rates) That his liberation is due; revel in convenWhen half the the people arena. His speech swept autos For Christ is working there. out of the long, endless night that has been That in half other Democratic poverty the the wealth As and a reward, tion. Plus Federal Tax on break forth a day that is new. I Will Saw in him many for the house is wrong. The work is here for those who dare there something party nominated amounts of 50c or over. I the cans, of meals He out garbage To grasp the iron rod; the state legislature. accepts thjs picking When gold will be less than the good it can do, Take up the straggle of the race, honor as a tribute to youth. It is his as many do here in Salt Lake. A de--1 And love will wipe out this old shame; his not would a cent farmer servant put bn ambition become to And man with God. public dreams of Utopia yet will come true When on on Six) Page (Continued Page Six) WILFORD A. GLAD. With Brotherhood more than a name. (By Holmes Jackson, in Boise Capital News.) It has ment Association of Lake Gtj, 10,-0- ns Rah-Rahi- non-pro- fit UPS e, thrr X. "uTwheUn,uZ a? "0 .h" yf Ped greretiSonin Mn i ' "J taSE rnf "7, ;! -1 1 mu-stori- es Leaux g I0. j j t. 1 C- nt "Jul ors h. "J1"" fflnTy u non-viole- nt wwfljr R-t- From net ui -Trip I Bnudm 2hoSdreBWeS foMhoVAthaThe a ae m nt j FOR back-groun- BOISE sun-filter- $1.60 .!t 90c t TELEPHONE , |