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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Tour. Pip ITEMS OF INTEREST CONCERNING TRIP N. D. A. Personalities WHO WHOS STATE POLITICAL Cyril Curtis is wiser and happier beThe N. D. A. "Crusader" present cause of the trip East. One, and not LOOK the following interesting data con' the least, reason is that absence makes cerning their recent trip to New the heart grow fonder. York. Candidate! Present Their Personal Viewpoints and Pledges We invite you to study it closely In listening to Mr. Glad make his and see if its economy, particularly talk last Saturday night one felt that Democratic Candidates Republican Candidates with regard to cash items, could have it was not quite right that such good been duplicated. ability should always be confined in U. 8. SENATOR U. S. SENATOR Those participating were Benj. B, a tailor shop. Stringham, Wilford A. Glad, G H, Curtis, and William Limb. Elbert D. Thomas Reed Smoot L. E. Elggren, the financial and 1. Started Monday, Sept. 12 re- business ballast of the organization, Thirty jrc n of uasslfish icrriM to Utah. Bepyoaeattof tha Estiva, Profremiva OKlssa-hi7. aatlooal of Utah's turned Thursday, Oct amt. biffMt Today and Tomorrow. experiences that come to few of 2. States visited in their respective gets us because of his extensive travels order: Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, throughout the West and the North-we- st GOVERNOR GOVERNOR South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, And he makes good use of the Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Canada, experience. New York, Vermont, New Ham; W. Seegmiller Hairy H. Blood shire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhoi tizalaaa, fsariaaa workar for ths poop to. Qualified for tha office by experience and an Dr. Smith is aging from the burdens Fully tor aaviabto record at achiavimunt. governor. qualified New Island, Connecticut, Jersey, upon him in the matter of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, imposed do dollar silver one make to trying Washington, D. G, Virginia, West the work of five. It takes some legerSUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, demain to do it, but he should smile Colorado. Missouri, Kansas, of worry. instead 3. Amount of N. D. A. literature Moffat Judge G. S. Barker Judge D. oa the dtotrlat Experience, kaowladfa of man and attain fils sold, exchanged and distributed: Few men could appear happier than Twelve onto lendinc yeera for Ct. 500 him tor bench. Eminently qualified Boprau ths supremo (a) Progressive Independents Owen Woodruff did when he an(b) 250 N. D. A. booklets nounced that the organization was Government books 14 Natural (c) now prepared to furnish coal to its SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF STATE N. D. A. of charts sets Three (d) members. A share of his worries have 4. Cash taken in from sale of N. now been banished and the work of D. A. literature $8.00. A. E. Christensen Milton H. Welling Anderson is part of the reason. 5. Cash value for exchanges of N. Andy Hia record daaervea recognition I While in His leand of sanies justifies his nateettaa traaaorara office, not a dollar teat! to this hlfh office. D. A. literature for food and accomWhen slightly worried Mr. Dundas late modations $47.50. wise looks about as is as it possible 6. Variety of N. D. A. exchanges: to look. He is a heavyweight in the ATTORNEY GENERAL ATTORNEY GENERAL Fruits of all kinds, such as pears, organization. grapes, apples, melons, cantaloupes, Lxeoree P. Parker peaches, groceries, including cheese, The purchasing agent, Mr. Barlow, Joseph Chez eggs, milk, meat, etc., bakery goods of certainly looks a sermon Capable of hoadung togsl if fain of Utah. Lawyer end la (illstor, splandidly fitted tor when he has teimass. ths office of attorney ganaral. all kinds Board and room. to rustle coin of the realm to pay for Outatanding far ability ml 7. Cash expended for food $5.20. the stock when the is paper treasury 8. Principal diet, Laurel Wheat ten degrees below. STATE TREASURER STATE TREASURER 9. Cash expended for lodging MH SKI, ME MR MCE V. The History Talk j Friends, citisena and dtisenesses: I am over pleased to see that the house is loaded to this grand suspicious occasion and it fills my heart with enthusiasm aa I stand before you tonight to apeak for the public and against the people, and before I say anything I will make a few remarks. Ivor Ajax Marvin Smith doesn't take tbe complaints seriously enough. He is genCondition of crops A plus tried and tins pub lie official, An affl- Average price of staple crops: erally smiling or joking while he is slant and bonsai administrator. Wheat, per bushel, 25c; corn, per noting them down and when they bushel, 16c; beets, per ton, $4.00; hay, reach the editorial sanctum the huSTATE AUDITOR mor evaporates and leaves them not per ton, $4.00. 13. Only paying crop Tobacco. any too easy to decipher. M. A qualified accountant with an outctnndlnc H Nights spent sleeping out of Few men can look as serious-minde- d record for 12. efficiency. doors as does Mr Lohmolder when he is 15. Nights spent sleeping indoors 9. passing coupons through the bars. SUPERINTENDENT OF And his look is a guarantee that no 16. Nights spent driving 2. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION p 17. Longest drive 806 mistakes are made. He baa a beautiful in the office the fine miles 18. Number of houses seen under young ladies, who undoubtedly put C. N. an occasional cheer into his serious- Respected In educational circles. Ths intar-sa- t construction on entire trip 13. of school children first in mind. 19. Number of Utah cars seen on ness. Mr. Rich looks as intelligent as a trip 0. 20. Total mileage of trip 6635 standpat government clerk. Behind 1932 CONGRESSIONAL miles the high, slanting forehead is a good TICKET 21. Average mileage per day 265 brain and, best of all, a burning de- Total car expenses $65.60. Frank Openshaw non-sto- back-grou- Jensen miles From the above figures we make these observations The cost for car expenses was less than a cent a mile for the entire trip. The cash expense per person for eats for the 25 days spent on the trip was $130. We understand that the long drive of 806 miles was made as they were nearing horns This might appear rather significant to some particularly their wives sire to learn. Mr. Stringham, who was already tall and broad, has taken on both height and width and depth proportions since his return and now looms larger than the average congressman or senator. No man ever looked the part of president or leader than he does. And next time the Women. It was reported at the Saturday night meeting that four cooperators nrom California were on their way here to investigate N. D. A. And so we expect to see them coming from all directions shortly. Thia week a meeting of the potato growers of Salt Lake county was held at Riverton for the purpose of dificussing the question of marketing their crop. A number of leaders were present, among them Mr. Stallings, president of the Utah State Farm bu reau; Mr. Harden Bennion, state commissioner of agriculture; Mr. Lee, former president o'f the Farm bureau, and Mr. Vere Martineau, county 50 SHOE SHINE West First South Shoe Dyeing Our Specialty A Credits . BILL HOUSE, Mgr. These men proposed various plans for disposing of the surplus potatoes and getting a fair price for the rest of the crop. It was advocated that the farmers grade their potatoes carefully and put only U. S. No. Is on the market That the seconds be fed to livestock, and the culls used for fertilizer. It was also advocated that the farmers store their potatoes waiting for better prices. There was lack of unity on this as many farmers have done that in previous years at a loss to themselves. The price of potatoes at the present time is ridiculously low; far below the cost of production and many fanners feel that it would be better to leave their potatoes in the ground. Heber Bennion of the N. D. A. was riven a few minutes to explain how this organization can help the farmers solve this problem. He pointed out the fact that many people in the city, would be glad to use these farm products but they have lost their purchasN. ing power, and cannot buy. The D. A., however, offers a plan whereby the city people can supply the farmer with labor, with used funuture, and with a great variety of city services in exchange for his surplus products. The farmer by taking advantage of this plan can avail himself not only of many comforts and conveniences, but can also get rid of his surplus and obtain a better price for the balance fee of his crop. N. D. A. SHOE SHINE PARLOR WEST BROADWAY 55 SHOE PROFESSIONAL SHINE 10c Dye, or Cash or 10c Cash 10c Scrip and 15c Scrip 11 Shines 85c Scrip 15 Shines for 85c Cash Frank Wineriter Sh V. r3T:j;!vLV filial WALL PAPER-(- B Credits) --PAINTS MODERN DECORATORS ASSOCIATED Estimates and Consultation Free 10347 or 50 D STREET AFFILIATED WITH THE N. D. A. VS virrr Pz 'J - t? BATTERIES CHARGED ON A ALL WORK -- CREDITS ld Street Hyland 3555 - n. J. Will Robinson of Utah people end Utah indnotrlee. (Paid tor by tbe DecMeratU State Committee) With ignorance leading tha way; Or patterns of others designing To enslave ns in service of gain For the masters who lash us like cattle, a balm for our pain. we shall try a new pattern Where nil thats progressive holds away; YOUTH. 55 an in need. Then cannot be any leva for God in a heart that does A man who is counted a good not warm with real, helpful, sympChristian recently spoke as follows: athy for those unfortunates who Why should we who have saved an raftering. our money give to those who have not saved and are therefore It has been so often said that in need? it has become common, The only Suppose, brother, that the great thing that you will hold in your Savior of men had stood out be- cold, clutched hand after death is fore the ignorant and sinful world what yon have given away. I have and said: Why should I who have era men, high in business and sokept and guarded and developed cial dicks, meet a fellow man, all virtues, garnered all the treas- made and loved by the same God, ures of knowledge and wisdom! de- who asked for n ftls dime to help veloped to perfection a gospel of Mm keep from starving and retruth and salvation, give it to these fused to give it. Not s kind word, ignorant and sinful people who not a smile, just n grunt, nw. have spurned righteousness and Would that the men on the refusembraced error T There would have ing end could have seen their counbeen aa much reason in the Savior tenances at that moment as I betaking that position aa there is in held them. Let ns remember that the man taking the position that tha second commandment is like unto the first, Love thy neighbor he does. Believe it or not, it la a law of as thyself. nature that a people who are not the keepers of their brothers who EFFICIENCY are in need will shortly be unable LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. 10634 East 21st South Res. Phone : Was. 2268-R Mrs. Dansie sincerity and humility, and avoiding extremes and finding the to be neither rash "golden mean nor cowardly, but brave. Asked for her motto, she arid: "I am trying my level best to live up to the best that ii in me." An associate describes her as diligent, energetic, cheerful, capable and honest. She prefers to show her character by results, and will not talk about herself willingly. "My compensation for my work is the joy of doing it," is her way of stating ni feeling toward her job. HOUSE DRESSES FRONT APRONS BEAUT MADE B CREDITS A The Mariana 10S OXEABD Bat. 4th sad 6th North, AVU. out Representative in the Sugarhouse District 1063 East 21st South Street POPULAR PRICE- S- - DONT THROW IT AWAY I Have it welded and spend the difference between this and a new one with the N. D. A. O. D. RUST WELDING ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE No job too big or too small All work guaranteed. General Repair and Contract Work Will Gill and Deliver-Hylan- d 61 4514-- J West Stratford Ave. N. D. A. TAILOR SHOP THOU SHALT M Has Been Selected AS OUR OFFICIAL N. D. A. of the Life-givin- g, HENRY OLSEN GARAGE BURTS BARBER & BEAUTYSHOP (Continued from Page Two) difficulties to overcome, but the great work is there to be dime and honor and adequate economic reward await the diligent and competent among American agriculture, them. and American the American industry home are what they are in strength and stability today because of the standard of culture at the human beings who operate these great divisHow ion! of our national life ever fruitful this work of the past may have been, we lode forward at the College to our greatest days in the times immediately ahead of us. Clean, strong and intelligent young men and women are coming to the College in increasing number and are Announcing the Opening With gifts that we have in the serving Exchanged in n Natural Way; And with strength like the mighty Sequoia Our lives shall take root in Gods plan. conserving, creating Well fashion the true GREATER MAN. BODY AND FENDER WORK Battery Charging and Repairing CAR STORAGE GUARANTEED. Get-ns-b- A trained, cxjwricneod advocate and champion We fashion our lives to a Pattern, Some noted psychologists say, A pattern that might be imperfect To-d- ay Woodruff and Warwick Lamorcanx made plain the theory and working order of N. D. A. After 45 minutes hearing on the subject, Norman Thomas said: "If all the cooperative schemes for social reconstruction I have seen this is the one that is best organized and planned. Mrj Thomas caught the spirit of N. D. A. and in hia night address before the League of Independent Political Action held in the First Congregational church in Salt Lake City publicly stated that he was greatly impressed with the movement and asked to be kept advised as to its progress.. We are very pleased that this bold thinker should show such interest in N. D. A. al Lon Lewis. With never complet. M The Pattern Expert CAMERON BATTERY & IGNITION CO. 956 South State Btata to keep themselves became their greed mid selfishness will care for undoing. What does God can for and wealth, palaces, spiritless orthodoxy if the heart be hardened and hollow towards those who suffer for the common necessaries of life? Nothing. No man can truthfully say that he loves God if he has not dug into Ms and pockets according to his means who helped those of hia neighbor House Cleaners Remodeling in All its Branches and will go anywhere WASATCH Fred. C. Loofbourow agent Patronise An American Shop Utah Second District (Paid tor by tha The Farm Surplus HORSE Don B. Colton tony enviable record in aoograML and its people an always first. His outatanding ability bus fisiaad ths respect sad admiration of Four Californians Here I First District after ing their studies eager to work nt the common tasks of our time which after all are the great tasks. Charged with thia spirit of industry, faithful to the moral trust which we and the society which produced them imposes in them, fortified with the wealth of information which makes them capable of mastery of the 'problem of our day, these youth have in some important ways tha moat important tasks of our century, to perform. It la their responsibility to a society all but wrecked by personal greed and by decadent sorial and national morals. Thia call is not, of course, to any one college nor to any group of institutions. To the youth everywhere, in every worthy institution, comes today the Mgh privilege of pioneering again in the difficult frontier of economic and social reform. And those of us who have been privileged to stndy these young men and women in our institutions of learning have no hesitancy in saying that they an worthy of the battle which awaits them. Think of our grand and glorious constitution surrounded an the West by the North coast of tha Southeast comer of the middle. You can get n m.n for tan cent and find out how the country la surrounded. Looking back into the fqture think of the great Abraham liniment who MOUETAm CHIEF stooped up and said that All men are cremated equal." And the great MINERAL WATER f Chriatopherson Cucumber who went and ocean the in out and got jammed THE WONDER OF THE AC disgusted America and also think of who the greet George CrossingUm washed underwear in the Delaware and then laid down and said, The first in war is ths first in piece- Think of the brave men who went out to fight the Battle of Bull Durham and shattered Thomas Endorses N.D.A. and the noodle and the wind is blowing around cold mow and the ft. ice and the In a private interview with Norman rain and tha men are Wing around without shoes on their backs and a Thomas, Socialist candidate fo presieoat to their feeta and the great Use- dent of the United States, O' less Granite and Brickwall Jackson went np to the front and shouted: Stick together, fellers, the buttle is Birth Party Favors lateral! or External going on the bum here. Look at the great Benjamin Frank' TO BE USED FOB Complete Service and farter and Daniel Lobster, who said: Rheumatism, Kidney or BladGive me liberty or knock my block Entertainment der and down Prostate Glands, sat all then and Troubles, they off, for wrote the Decrapendence of Inflama-tioSore Throat, Tonsilitis, PARTIES AND SHOWERS United we stand, divided we Charles A. Stain Swollen Stomach sidewalk over Joints, the all A bssiasaa man tor ona of Utah's a ist lm-- get splattered $5 to $25 A Credits See what we got np at the Washportent business offices. Etc. Ulcers, Fever, Hay house of Wittingtan In Leather WoodDIBBOTIOVB ard, the House of STATE AUDITOR On the other hand look at VERY "REAL ARTIFICIAL Taks Tsaipooafal Thus Tinas a day, FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS our great schools and scholidges la water Mora waste. where yon send your children aa they Julius C. Andersen Prvparad by Leola Home Cummins Ha to sapebte: will save taxpayers aony, grow from manhood to womanhood service. giving hgaast, aflelaat until they reach the very peanuckle 106 W. 1st North A. W. WINBERG ft CO. of success and then they go out ni 1ISS Sooth 4th Bast WAS. 9093-BALT LAKI OITT, UTAH SUPERINTENDENT OF profeasors of a great university at of while the monnth a janitor $85.00 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION the same school gets ninety plunks. C. H. Skidmore women men ana at Look ths great Holds an anviable record In economic!, offiwe got today. Men like the great ciant school administration. John D. Bottenfeller, the Standard SEAGULL APARTMENTS. Oil Maggot, who stood upon the cor1932 CONGRESSIONAL 215 North West Temple ner and raid n man should save at TICKET Steam-Heateleast a third of what he earns by d Front Apartments golly thats all a man gets. And meat First District WELL FURNISHED Henry Ford, the man who made walkACCEPT N. D. A. COUPONS ing a pleasure. Abe Murdock I tell yon, friends, I am now con$18.50 to $35.00 words of Experienced and eapcbto, ha knows tbs prob- cluding with the 2 and Including Hot Water lems of Utah and bar people. Jnllna Rneeser. Viiii. Midi. B. V Second District ECONOMIC REWARD AWAITS V. $5.00. 10. 11. 12. leaving tha institution of 1st Wsstji GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING H. N. HANSEN, Mgr. West Broadway, 2nd Floor WASATCH 10347 All Kinds of Tailoring Wanted Several A--l Tailor Modem Equipment Materials, Cash BATTERY CHARGING Labor, Gass "A Hyland 414 Subscribe W. R. Nash, Prop. 1369 So. for your PAPER Patronize its PRINTERY ADVERTISE Xmas Cards State St. |