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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Clark of Milwaukee Men Who Do Work (Continued from Page One) about fifty industries, and there isnt a single man unemployed. The history of that organization tells that the reason behind their plan was the inability to get the necessary supply of water, and so they founded a community. They started in with practically nothing, and have grown until they have been able to purchase many many acres of land and things necessary with which to deoperate successfully. Even in the shelter, pression everyone has food, and clothing. There are 450 of them in that organization; BEST SYSTEM YET If a stranger comes into the community, he can start almost immediately to work, but fie isn't taken in as a member unless he remains two or three years to prove that he will realreally fit in. The social life there is ly a magnMUhat keeps many people there whWuld not othenarise stay. They aimflBF supply entertainment for all of their people, old and young, to fit their different tastes. A dance is held once a week for the young people which is furnished late' music, and a dance is also held for the older people with music to order. The people participate in various dramatic programs. Even their meals are arranged so that they eat together in a large community dining room, cafeteria style. That is a little picture of the colony as it is today. They have different units, through which they are able to secure the different products that are not raised in their own section of the country. They educate systheir members in the tem. That's what you folks must do: Mr. Stringham and the other leaders must have your brains and thework of your hands to put this over. Study your books; read your paper; learn the plan in every detail. You have gone farther than any of the cities of the United States. I am going back and tell the people in Milwaukee about your organization and how to go about organizing on the same principle. You have made wonderful but you must organize to Srogress, you have. Outside people will pick you to pieces. You must always he conscious of what you are striving for. Attend your meetings with and really know and each other. Get the social life; it s important Then you will have something that cant be improved on. LIVE LONG HERE AND EVERYWHERE." ASSOCIATION IS GETTING FAMOUS Letter! to N. D. A. The following are samples of the to many interesting letters that comefew N. D. A. office. During the past months we have received letters from twelve different states, Canada, Mexico and China all enthusiastic inquiries and boosters of the N. D. A system: Gridley, Butte County, Calif., July 28, 1932. To Editor Progressive Independent, Salt Lake Gty, Utah. Enclosed find thirty cents, for which send to me, to the above address, three of Benj. B. Stringham's ten-ce- nt pamphlets. I surely enjoy reading The ProWhen I get gressive Independent. the daily paper, I read the headlines, but when I get the Progressive Independent," I read all of it. When I have finished it, I let my neighbors have it, and some are becoming very enthusiastic about your idea of government. Success. Yours truly, JOSEPH CAMERON, Gridley, Calif. . C. N. Lund. 106 Scot Bldg., City ar Mr. Lund: Dill nclosed please find a a for payment ption to your paper, Progressive I am deeply interested Independent.n any earnest attempt to bring about I admire you mman improvement. or your integrity, sincerity and fortione-doll- ar hs - UdC ' LOFTER BJARNASON. Lovelock, NeT., July 25, 1932. dr. Wilford A. Glad, Salt Lake City, Utah. Jear Mr. Glad: , It was my good fortune to have had he opportunity of listening to your iddress on the streets of Lovelock a ew nights ago, regarding the new novement, organized m Salt Lake it'y, known as the N. D. A On your way home, I stepped up to rou and introduced myself. You kind-- y gave me a copy of Progressive and also one of the N. 11. L pamphlets. On reading over your literature, 1 im convinced that the N. D. A is lound to succeed. I feel very conn-lethat such an organization, head-i- d by unselfish men could, and will, inally point the way to better things,1 tesides, the. most important thing xad in the pamphlet was that it is bunded on Christian principles. For we nany years I have wondered why :ould not have a plan like the N. U. L in actual operation to offset the ecurrence of times of depression un-lour financial system. Our leaders are bewildered, and the eople are in distress. Why should :his be? In times of war, we are said o be facing a national emergency, hen the government can (under a act of congress) conscript all If it can be done for war, why then can it not be done, in this present, greatest of all emergencies, mngry and bewildered people? My wife and I are really fond ofs, eople. We long to help those infort-ma- te and we do help those less than ourselves, as much as we tossibly can. This in itself is not inough; we must work with your to eliminate the cause of 0 much poverty and distress. It was the privilege indeed to have had how hear explain you to ipportunity re can, if we will, bring about a great the hange in the distribution toof find you of life. I tried m the morning after you spoke in .xpvelock; but you had left town. nt er ed re-:e- nt dis-res- WANTED By the Progressive Independent 10,000 new subscribers. Will YOU be one of them, please. LIVE WIRE CONTACTS 25 Cents Per Item Per Issue. (Continued from Page One) WANTED A" credits on N. things needed, and to the astonishD. A in exchange at full cash valment of all present, almost simultaneue for a business training at Salt ously with the announcement of the Lake Business College. 246 So. need came the answer to it from th Main Street Wasatch 7280. audience. Professor Kirkham Dressmaking and all kinds of sewA very interesting feature of the evMr. E. C, ing. Mrs. Clara Stevens, 330 T Street. ening wag the singing, Kirkham led the audience and had the Your A credits are now accepted at members practice on a number of Venice Orange Juice Co., 159 So. popular songs and also on tlie popu- the lar N. D. A. song written by Mr. Cox. Main. TRY US. WANTED One apple cider press; quantity of big cotton cloths; apple corer and pealer; used or near window screen, or close mesh hardware cloth; new honey cans. Report to e An' outing for members Survey Dept and friends of N. D. A is to be neld LAWN mowers sharpened on A at Saratoga next Thursday, August 18. credits price $1, including It la expected that scrip will be Will call for and deliver. Phone accepted for swimming, dancing and 6052-J. other concessions on that day. Utah Hy. Drive. J.. J. Thomas, 655 Spring-viecounty is to be invited and a heavy advertising campaign is being started WANTED: A cane on A credits. to draw a large crowd from that reReport to Mr. Hobson at the Exgion. Friends from Utah county will change department pay as admission to the concessions roduce from their own farms! One The N. D. A dressmaking school ushcl of wheat or its equivalent value made a gown that will be worn by in oats, eggs, meat, etc., will admit Mrs. Bessie B. Ramsey at the Olymthem to the dance. the day of the Utah reception. It is hoped that a good crowd of pics on school is evidently turning out N. D. A members will take advan- Our some classy work. tage of the outing as it not only offers delightful entertainment on an exchange basis, but it will give every member an opportunity to explain N. to learn of the new system. Mr. D. A to interested people from Utah Woodruff first explained, not how the in county. Those needing transporta- system works, but the benefits, tion should make it known at head- brief, of transacting through a methquarters and an effort will be made od where the financial domplicatious to furnish conveyance to Saratoga. are eliminated. He explained to the The resort is at the northwest end o honest farmers, struggling to make a living, how the N. D. A is able to buy Utah lake. their products and pay them more because there is not the tremendous There was much I wanted to question overhead. Mr. Glad explained just the you about of the plan, and the regular If you trill answer one or two ques- workings chart lecture was given by Mr. Curtions? After that, the meeting was turnWhat provisions will be made for tis. the aged or those who are crippled ed over to general firing of questions, while engaged in working for the or- a method whereby nobody speaks and talks. The farmers were ganization? If one fully qualifies to everybody at first a little dubious as to just how in countries on work the other carry they could be of any assistance and such as Mexico, would the gain any benefit from such an exof the N. D. A be given? change system, but before the meetdealhave had quite considerable I had adjourned they were enthusiings with the Mexican people and like ing them. However, it would not matter astic. They even discussed the possi, cheese factory, very much where I was placed, as bility of a long as my life was spent, serving my fellow-meIt is the only thing BITS OF WIT worth-while- . You are very likely busy and may Mr. Curtis to Mr. Stringham: Here not be able to reach each and everyare the keys to your car, Ben. Mr. one who writes to you. If possible, I would like a personal Baron said that they had taken the letter from you at your convenience. baby and everything else they wanted Very kindest wishes for the success out of the car. of N. D. A We are tired of having to pay othBest personal regards. ers to have our hides tanned. Were Yours very sincerely, going to build a tannery and tan our WM. HARKNESS, own hides. Box 26. P. S. Am enclosing a check for $1, "What!" said Mrs. Woodruff, in a for which you will send us the ProYou surprised manner. gressive Independent for six months. very much say that Dr. So and So is moving out his office because he can't pay the FIRST N. D. A. OUTING orent? Why, I thought he had a good The N. D. A can furnish occupants for a few more vacant houses, and will pay class A service for them. Report to Mr. Sorenson of the Housing Department. Owners having vacant houses in need of cleaning or repairing would do well to contact this department By David Archie Latimer PRICE 25c Sold by Pyramid Press and Book Stores A Credit thN. w BEEHIVE BARBER and BEAUTY PARLOR 30 SOUTH STATE STREET Complete and Perfect Profeuional Service Let Steve Do If We need a few thousand dollars in money to set certain new industries in operation. We offer good security and will pay a fair rate of interest for the use. of it. Inquire at the Central Office, Keith Em- , PARAMOUNT CLEANERS & DYERS porium building. DELIVERY SERVICE 902 South 1st West Surplus stocks of used furniture in serviceable condition can be used by the Housing Department of the N. D. A if prices are satisfactory. Class A basis. RELINING REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 Work Guaranteed We have suitable pasturage and accommodations for a number of dairy cows. Would like to rent some from owners. Contact Mr. Gegg through central office or at his home, 168 I Street. CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel Your Home You do not need money, just products. The N. D. A has range in eastern Utah for a considerable number of sheep and cattle and would like to contact owners who havent suitable range. Generous can be arranged. Was. 7280 for Information ' terms WANTED An ice cream freezer, also a bicycle. Marvin Smith, 246 So. Main. Phone Was. 9544. ENSIGN Well, you can't live alone, put in Owen. The N. D. A picnic at Rotary Grove That's right, responded Dr. Smith. WANTED Butter, eggs, poulwas well attended . This was our first try, produce, and any kina of meat venture to test our organization as a You shouldnt ask me to act on on A credits. See Mr. Brimly, social unit, and we feel very proud of this board, said Mr. Lewis of Hyland. grocery department. the results. Approximately 170 peo- I have lost my teeth and can't talk. ple were in attendance . Some of our Thats just what we want people Ogden people came down and joined that talk less and do more, said WANTED One boys used bius in the socialQ Our transportation Owen. cycle. Apply G N. Lund. committee was successful in arrangListen to the crickMrs. Elggren: WANTED Two used tricycles ing transportation for everybody but ets sing. themselves. We wonder why? HowMr. Glad: Hush, they are not sing- and set of playing blocks for chilever, we have taxi service in the N. ing; theyre only rubbing their hind dren. Report to Mr. Gyde D. A.r and on such occasions it comes in mighty handy. At Rotary Grove legs together. we all enjoyed a wonderful time. The mountain air was refreshing. A campfire was built, and punch was served RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE free to all, and the evening was spent Phone Was. 8139 Res. Plume Hy. 8045-- J in dancing. These social activities 3 Post Office Place seem to bring out a fine feeling and ALL MAKES' AUTOS REPAIRED a spirit that we hardly Motors Rebored; Fenders Repaired; Radiator Repairing knew existed in our organization. Car Painting Gas and Oil , Washing, Polishing, Greasing N. D. A. DANCE AT OUR Tubes Repaired Battery Service 4 Day and Monthly Steam Heated Storage NEW HEADQUARTERS ALL WORK GUARANTEED SHOE SERVICE East 1st South Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South 577 WANTED Middle aged woman wants chambermaid work, housework, etc. Will accept N. D. A Script for pay Phone Was. 5801 -- M. N. D. A Members may use their scrip at Henry Olsens Garage, 10634 E. 21st South St. We ha opened a bicycle department in connection with the garage. We repair bicycles, phonographs, baby buggies, electrical fixtures, etc. Your A credits are accepted Try us. FOR RENT Four rooms furnished $22.50. Gas and lights. A credits. Sherrick. Was. 5070-M- .' FOR RENT modern. A credits. Frigidaire. $35.00. on practice Sherrick, Was. 5070-- practiced Have You Read OPENING SEVEN SEALS HALF HOUR OF SILENCE It makes plain the Book of Revelations. Farmers and livestock men who have surplus stocks of wheat, flour, grain, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, or other food products would do well to contact the central office of D. A, third floor Keith Emporium building. The Natural Development Association through its membership is in a position to absorb surplus stocks of food, clothing, animals, etc., and will issue checks covering all class A services in exchange for them. - IS A BIG SUCCESS . have in bind. old-tim- St General Auto Repairing The Labor Department of the N. A is prepared to furnish skilled or unskilled labor in any quantity. Let us figure on your building contracts or any other urojects you six-gall- on n. NASH AUTO REPAIR D. OLD TIME OUTING FOR THE N. D. A. .... 20 Years Experience All Makes of Cars Labor Class A. Materials rah. W. R. NASH. Prop. Phone Hyland 414 1369 South State SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN ' 8 MAGDEIEL BUILDING CO. We Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modem J style and comfort. Call us at Was. 5839-, t . DR. CHARLES H. DUNN, Dentist 503 Felt Building - Opposite Federal Bldg. Office Phone Was. 2796 465 Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30 First Avenue Plume Was. 8309-- R THE LARSEN ELECTRIC All Kinds of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL 50-6- The N. D. A dance held Friday evening, August 5, at our new headquarters, 55 W. Broadway, proved to be a huge success. In the neighborhood of 300 people were present. The music was furnished by our orchestra under the direction of Mr. Cox. Aside from the regular fox trot and waltz, such dances as the Virginia were reel, quadrille, and two-ste- p danced. Mrs. Pia, along with her exgood-naturhusband, ceptionally served punch for dancers, which had a good flavor, due probably to the fact that it was obtained from Excelsis on A credit. During the evening it was decided by common consent that the N. D. A. hold a weekly Friday night social of some sort or other, and it was announced that Friday, August 12, there would be held a picnic at Dr. Geo. A Allen's commodious gardens on 13th East and 19th South. Mr. Woodruff urged everybody to come and bring picnic,1 because, said he, at our outing at Rotary Grove, some failed to do so, and as a result, 1 didn't get much to eat. Everybody good time and some admitted it was the first dance they had attended for twenty years. We feel that the N. D. A is proving to be a social, as well as an economic ed FRANK MARTIN CO. - EMIL MARKT Your Suits and Coats we spotless clean and press The same we do with the Ladys dress. We reline your coats at the lowest price And fix your Gothes ovet to any size. Any altering, and all repairing we do Is just to SERVE and to SATISFY you. We also are makers of good Gothes; We are Tailors, such as knows How to cut, and make it fit And on the prices we will split For material pay cash, the making is A Credit. The low prices will please you, do not forget it. Steam cleaning and pressing on Suits, Overcoats, Ladies Coats and Plain Dresses for Fancy and Pleated Dresses for $13)0 to $1.50. Pressing only 50c. A - 205 SO. STATE STREET MEETING AT HYLAND When members who are versed in the N. D. A plan as it is actually operating go to other communities to tell them of the work and invite them to join, the question seems to be written, on their faces that we all asked in the beginning, Where shall we start? At least, that was the problem that confronted the people who had assembled in Hyland, a farming district about thirty miles south of Salt Lake City. Mr. Woodruff, Mr. Glad, and Mr. Curtis went to this com- at munity Monday night, August the invitation of Mr. White, who has learned of our organization. About twenty farmers, still in their overalls and with Ml the marks of industry on their faces, were present and anxious 1, Call the Concrete Specialist Satisfaction or no Pay If Its Made of Cement I Make It Cement Mixxer Rented by the Day or Week Phone Hy. 5148-433 Downington Ave. REX DRUG COMPANY 3rd South and West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah PRESCRIPTIONS B CREDITS WASATCH 3220 DR. J. O. KING Optometrist South Main St. Phone Was. 9544 Room 1174 Keith Emporium Bldg. Visual Training and Muscle Exercises A Credits Examinations A. Credits Glasses Made to .Order, and Repairs B Credits 246 DON'T THROW IT AWAYI Have it welded and spend the difference between this - and a new one with the N. D. A. O. J Credit, Hurry Up and Get It. EMIL MARKT YOUR TAILOR A Special KUIIT SCHMIDT If You Are Particular, M CLEANERS of Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture . Oriental and Navajo Rugs a Specialty 27 SO. WEST TEMPLE Phone WAS. 7276 CALL YOUR TAILOR CEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK WELDING-ELECT- RIC D. RUST and ACETYLENE No job too big or too small All work guaranteed. General Repair and Contract Work Will Call and Deliver-Hylan- d 4514-- J 61 West Stratford Ave. Across the street from Holy Cross Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP 1018 E. 1st South A. D. RED FORD, Prop. ALSO OPEN EVENINGS Ladies Haircutting a Specialty N. D. A. Credits LION DRUG STORE Third Avenue SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHAS. H. TURTON, Pharmacist Prescriptions B Credits Wasatch 5367 564 |