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Show Help the Cause of Humanity by Supporting Us. N. D. A. will Save You PMMESSIV THE MEN WHO ARE DOING THINGS TELL ALL ABOUT IT Comparison of Pioneer Times 'With Those Today. years ago the hardy of wood close at hand and small ioneers entered this valley. Between houses to heat. Where they gathered uly and the time the snow came in sage and cedar for fuel, if we are wise, the fall, they had a tremendous task we will doeverything in our power to to perform, not only for themselves get our mine operating and our supbut for those other pioneers who ar- ply of coal coming down soon. Where rived in later months the same year. their transportation problems involve We should be ashamed to even think ed oxen, horses and mules, ours is one hard times when we compare our sit- of gasoline, tires and oil. We have uation .with theirs. We should be solved the lubricating problem and spurred to tireless activities by their have several dependable sources of example. They had houses to build. supply not only for our own use, but There are plenty of houses for us and a surplus to trade for other things we through N. D. A. we can trade for need. We think the gasoline and oil them. The only food they had was supply will be available very soon, what they brought in their wagons but how soon depends on the extent and the few vegetables they could to which we are willing to grow in the short season left before and pool our own resources. them. The potatoes they had could did not have a probThe not be eaten but must be saved for lem of pioneers cash to pay for electriraising the next years seed. city and gas, neither did they have to We will not need to worry about pay for the phone. We may be like flour and or meat potatoes, vegetables, them in these details, also, before These we have in abundance. . If we do all in our power to The only fruit he pioneers had was long for our food, clothing and the dried apples they brought with provide shelter requirements, we may have to them and we are not sure that any of get along without some of the modthese were left when they reached the ern conveniences, but if we do, may valley. we be worthy of the pioneers and the Every N. D. A. woman should make N. D. A., and never be heard to comit her job to get a supply of apricots, plain or with ourselves. dried tor next win- One moresympathize pears let us each help the 'apples thing, ters use. This supply should not only other and feel free to receive from be for her own familys use, but each other as we would from a brothshould be as large as possible so that er or sister, but let us avoid receivthe surplus can be traded for things ing "charity as we would avoid that we need but do not produce or be given to those less fortunate than plague. we. The pioneers had a good supply OWEN WOODRUFF. MR. CLARK OF MILWAUKEE GIVES PRAISE TO N. Eighty-fiv- e REPORT OF SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 6, WOMEN OF THE N. D. A. ACHIEVE MEETING OF N. D. A. SPLENDID RESULTS Workera Make Report Womens Work Project! Go The first number on the program Forward at Amazing Rate male quartet by Mr. Stanley "Women are entitled to equal conBeth and brother, Mr. Inksley and sideration in planning and preparing B18iner Participator the new social and economic world Mr. Glad conducted the and called on those m charge meenng of different which we are now entering.'' projects to give reports on the prog-Tein the various fields. One subVisitors who see what the women ject which preafly interests people at is of the N. D. A. have accomplished in approaching COAL. Mr. Crawford, head of the their gift shop, dressmaking, canning mining department, informed the peo- and other departments, find it hard to ple that the possibility of getting coal believe that the work has been going strictly on A credit sometime in the on only since June 9th. They are yet near future was very encouraging. more amazed to learn that the whole Perhaps the coal will need a Tittle project was initiated and is being carcoaxing to burn, but its warming qual- ried on without any cash subscripities will not be diminished! Mr. tions, donations or racking. When Mrs. L. E. Elggren was Crawford also commented on a fact that we probably all have noticed asked to undertake the management that projects in N. D. A. seem diffi-cu- lt of the womens department of the N. D. A., to begin, but once begun, they giving. astonish their beginners by growing almost by themselves. "I don't see where we can begin,' D. A members, after exam she exclaimed in dismay, "the field is . ining their shoes, are very anxious to so big; the idea is so hazy. Her aslearn about the progress of the tan-ne- sociates shared her feelings. But in that is now in the construction spite of their misgivings, they tackled period. Mr. Pope, head of the build- tne problem valiantly. Gradually they ing department of N. D. A. and there- were encouraged in seeing an orderly fore, in charge of everything that series of projects take form and decomes under that head, expressed his velop with growing impetus before satisfaction in the building that is go- their eyes. Supporting Mrs. Elggren as presiing on. He said that men are out there putting every energy into their dent are Dr. June B. Smith; first Mrs. Olive Hickman, secwork work that retires real effort and Miss Rowena and transforming almost valueless ond materials into a building that will rep- Moncur, secretary. On June 9, these resent a real addition to N. D. A. "It officers met for the first time with the takes idealistic men to go there and women of the association. At this meeting, one of the main hard to put over an idea, said jrork Mr. Pope. "With that same spirit be- things decided on was a gift shop to ing manifested the N. D. A. will sit handle the products of the various deup and make the world take notice. partments. It was decided that the In reference to the type of people making and remodeling of clothes, who are devoting their time to build- - quilting and the canning of ' fruit the foundation for N. D. A., Mr. should be among the activities taken 1 told of a sign in California, call-fo- r up at once. As the strawberry crop men who would match the Was on at the time, it was decided to mountains. "We can supply those make contacts with the growers and men, said Mr. Glad, and the people order as many berries as each woman present must have silently agreed would put up, allowing her to put them up in her home. If she did not with him. have A Credits to pay for what ber$3,500 Tannery Mr. Barnhurst, who is also connect- ries she wanted, she was to he aled with the building of the tannery, lowed to turn 25 per cent of what she made the rather surprising announce- put up back to the association. Not only were many hundred ment that we will have a $3500.00 building with a cash expense of $150. pounds of strawberries put into botThats a standing proof of the value tles by these women, but cherries, of and A credit. Mr. apricots and each fruit in season are Barnhurst made the welcome state- handled in the same way, the limit bement that if everything goes as ing the amount that the women and planned, the tannery will be ready for the association can buy sugar for. All work in about three weeks, and some- this fruit, in connection with that of one may be wearing a pair of N. D. the product of the cannery, makes the A shoes by October. At this point prospect for next winter a great deal Mr. Woodruff gave a short synopsis more ''leasing. As a source of material for remodof the work that has gone on at the tannery and in the ofher building pro- eling activities, each member was ject telling of the surprising con- asked to bring in suitable articles of nections that. we have been able to wear now occupying closet room at home. It was also decided to contact make. We were then given a real "treat, the department stores and offer A one that we suppose is seldom dupli- credits for surplus stocks on their cated. Mrs. Hertig and her two shelves, which could be remodeled and daughters gave us a sample of real brought up to date. Darningpatch-in- g and mending were also made a Swiss yodeiing. The' applause proved that the audience really appreciated it. part of the activity program. Those A man who has just recently be- who could buy the cloth were to make come connected with the organization clothing to be offered for sale in the and appointed by the board to take gift shop. Dr. Smith has charge of the sewing charge of the department of transporthe tion, Mr. Dundas was called upon to department and Mrs. Hickman Mrs. greet for the first time an N. D. A. gift shop. Mrs. Stringham and Glad assist in the gift shop. audience. At first it was thought that two Mr. Dundas referred to the time when the N. D. A. was but a plan an could take care of sales in the gift idea and Mr. Stringham might have shop, but the volume of business has been termed a dreamer. Now it is ap- increased now to where three are renot been posparent that the president of the N. I). quired. So far, it has of stock A is a man of vision and a capable sible to get a great amount executive who is able to stand at the on hand in the gift shop, the demand head of the organization. He also has been so great. The variety of made a comment on the spirit of con commodities has increased steadily tentment and hope that is character- until today the shop resembles a secistic of N. D. A people, in contrast tion of a big department store. Many with the fear and unrest that is in lines of home equipment have been the hearts of the people as a whole. added, besides the wide range of and necessities manu- Mrs. Dundas expressed her happiness clothing, in their N. D. A acquaintance. by therariraVTertmrat"s. Soap Factory Practically everything from pressure The N. D. Aians" were gladdened cookers to quilts can be obtained for by an announcement by Mr. Glad that A credits. we are to be supplied with soap in To the merely masculine eye, there the near future, an article that is quite is no more colorful and interesting necessary in order to keep our good display in the gift shop than the great Mr. Warwick array of beautifully destanding in society. Lamoreaux, another young man who signed and well made house dresses. has recently joined tne N. D. A and And those who know assure us that who has a great deal of talent to con' no department store offers any better tribute to its development, was called styled, or more attractive fabrics. upon to briefly express his attitude These are not remodeled but made from the newest fabrics to be had in toward the new movement. He me tioned an incident th'at impressed the stores. Yet, with all their surprising sucupon him the power of an organization in which people are willing to cess so far, the women are not yet satsacrifice and serve for the welfare of isfied. They have yet more ambitious the whole. Jtwas a real evidence to plans for the fall and winter, and are bim of thh spirit of the organization attacking the work with a spirit that when Mr. Barnhurst filled his own spells still greater success. tank with gasoline to help carry on the worlc "This is the point, said LISTEN!! Mr. Lamoreaux. "This great western empire was founded on the principle of Sacrifice, and it is that same prinAugust 11, at Pocatello valley, ciple that will insure the success of Ridgedale, Idaho, is going to be held a dance. The music is to be furnishtheN. D. A. Mr. Baron, who has patiently and ed by an N. D. A orchestra and the faithfully been laboring in an endeav- interesting thing about it is that the or to start the gasoline project for admission charges will be half a buN. D. A, said a few words about his shel of wheat. Sounds like work in. N. D. A., a thing, when completed, that will be appreciated by all. doesn't it? Let's all go. A truck load of N. Mr Benj. B. Stringham then gave in regard to D. A produce will be taken up at the some announcements same time to dispose of for wheat. (Continued on Page Four) ss ry nt, te, 0. A. SOME VERY SENSIBLE COST OF GOVERNMENT THOUGHT AND TIMELY FROM $2 TO $38.60 SUGGESTIONS GIVEN PER CAPITA Increased 100 Per Cent in Last Saturday, July 30, Meeting Seven Years. At the regular Saturday night meetof N. D. A, held July 30, Owen ing The necessity for carrying out the Woodruff presided, and the method drastic ecenomy plank in a nation- of calling for short talks from differal platform, which advocates a re- ent members and in the duction in government expenditures to was followed. He aneffect a saving of not less than 25 per organization nounced in the beginning that there cent is emphasized by figures showing were a few surprises in store for the the cost of government presented by audience, especially for those whom Representative John W. Flannagan, he intended to call on to speak. A Jr., of the Ninth District of Virginia. new procedure was followed for anThe figures are as follows: nouncements. In order to economize In 1800 our population was 5,308,483, on time, it was suggested that a buland the ordinary expenses of govern- letin board, on which was listed the ment $10,786,075, which is approxi- grants of the different members, would mately $2.00 per person. be the solution of the difficulty of ocIn 1825 our population was 11,225,-33- cupying so much times in the meetand the ordinary expenses of gov- ings. ernment $15,857,229, which is approxiMrs. Ada Hansen sang (a) and (b) mately $1.42 per person. numbers, acompanied by her daughIn 1850 our population was 23,191,-87- 6, ter, Maurine Hansen. Following this, and the ordinary expenses of gov- we heard the results of what the N. ernment $39,543,492, which is approxi- D. A training has done for one of the mately $1.71 per person. little Mary Loutz. She played In 1875 our population was 44,543,-72- two girls, accordion solos, after four and the ordinary expenses of gov- months' N. D. A. training. ernment $274,623,393, which is approxMr. Woodruff then fulfilled his proimately $6.15 per person. mise of calling on some members to In 1900 our population was 75,994,-57- express some of the joy they have felt WATCH GROW, and the ordinary expenses of gov- in working in the association. For ernment $520,860,847, which is approx- many weeks they have had to express imately $6.85 per person. that joy in works, not words, but as In 1925 our population was 114,867,-141- , Mr. Woodruff has been heard to reand the ordinary expense of gov- mark, It's what we do, not what we ernment $2,464,169,062, which is ap- say, that counts. proximately $21.50 per person. Will Dobson, a man whom we are In 1932 our population is 124,822,000 all more or less acquainted with and the ordinary expenses of govern- through reading the contributions he ment $4,819,217,518.08, which is ap- has made to the paper, was called proximately $38.60 per person. upon and introduced In person to the audience. He made what might be THE RECORD termed commonly a short and snapThe Harvard School of Business py speech. Administration: That over each Mr. Hamilton, a poultry man who period of 25 years 90 per cent of has recently become interested in the all business effort ends in a organization, Miss Rosaleen Stringham, daughter of Benjamin B. Stringham; Robert Marchant, who has rereturned from California, were cently GREAT INTEREST called on. Miss Cox responded with reading. Mr. Dansie, who has been MANIFEST AT OGDEN aa real since he became interester in the N. D. A; Mr. Hertig, REPORT OF OGDEN not a talker, but a worker, and Steve MEETING OF N. D. A. Adams, one of the "old standbys of N. D. A., were called upon to say a The trouble with us in America is few words. The First Home Mr. Woodruff then introduced a This picture show the first home of the N. D, A. wtaidh was famous for Its that youre guilty, I'm guilty we're all guilty of greed, stated County visitor, Mr. Clark, from the East who supplies of potatoes, onions, hair cuts. We have outgrown this and Commissioner Charles Woods in an has been making a survey of condiare now moving into the spacious quarters address before the weekly meeting of tions in the country from one coast the N. D. A in Ogden at the Keisel to the other and has studied other codhown on picture below. operative plans extensively, as he is building, Thursday evening. "We know too much for our own assisting in the unemployment relief good, and our knowledge frightens program in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. us. I married when I was a young Before Mr. Clarks talk, Mr. Stringman; I didnt have a cent, but I signed ham made official announcement of my name to a contract to buy a house, our intended change in location to the and I paid for it. If I had known new building we have received from Co., on Broadway, then what I do now, I would have Halloran-Judg- e been scared to death to do it for fear rent to be paid in A credits. Mr. I would have been thrown in jail. Stringham also emphasized the im"I am interested in your organiza- portance of the members securing at tion because your leaders are young once their membership cards from the men; they have faith; they dont know office, for these cards are the proof too much, and are not frightened. I of "trade membership, and their prelike their looks, and I am heartily in sentation will be necessary from time to time. An announcement was also favor of your work. Wm. J. Rackham, city commission- made that we would "officially house-warour new building bv a dance er, said that he has heard unfavorable reports of the N. D. A., but on check- given there on the second floor, Friing those reports he had found them day, August 5. MR. CLARK TALKS to be untrue. The address by Mr. Clark was then It would certainly be a wonderful thing if we could get away from the given. The audience was addressed and in the dollar as the measure of a mans de- as "Fellow sire to work," he continued. great many Tlje course of the remarks asaid in praise natural law would be for man, as long encouraging things were as he has a desire to work, to have a of the plan and progress of N. D. A. job, and you seem to be fostering the Mr. Clarke remarked in the beginning that in his travels he. had discovered naturel law. The present crisis has been for himself just how big the country brought on by dishonest men. I want is and how high these western hills to warn you against dishonest and really are. He gave us a short summen within your organiza- mary of the things his city is doing to D. A have scrip or cash exchange. Soft drinks corrupt Headquarters of the N. tion. Organizations cant endure if relieve the present distress, aided by a been moved to the large Halloran-Gi- ft and light lunches will be served. In theyre filled with corruption. socialistic mayor. This mayor has addition to the executive ofdone more to seventy-fiv- e Approximately help the peobuilding on west Broadway fices, the secondgeneral people floor will house a attended the meeting, which was pre- ple than othersactually less converted to cowhere ground-floas well as ladies' dress making school, a work sided over by A H. Wallace and was operation have done, and they are floor space is available to facilitate room in which quilts, alterations on under the direction of W. W. Ander- really interested in Milwaukee in findthe exchange of com' clothes, etc., will be made; profession- son. President spoke first, ing a solution to the present economic modities. The new building, two stor- al offices under the direction of the briefly outlining Stringham the history of the N. puzzle. He mentioned the fact that ies and a large basement, has been health department, a lecture room, a D. A, and telling of the widespread when a bank fails in that state the Com- library and rented from the Halloran-Judg- e reading room. interest in the movement. He went president pays a penalty in prison, but basis be an The will on basement used to store on to say that he had found that over when a bank fails in Chicago, the entirely. exchange pany The ground floor will house the furni- goods in. Already a large supply of 90 cent of the court cases could president is simply rewarded by being ready-to-weladies canned fruits ture store, a and vegetables are be per traced to money. put into other responsible positions. launfor stored in preparation for the winter. store, and receiving stations "If by the elimination of money we He made a comment on the distorted and The basement and first floor cover can cut crime 90 dry, shoe repairing, dry cleaning per cent, he con- financial system by saying that if a tailoring. A commodious meat and 75x80 feet, while the second floor is tinued, "nature will cure the other 10 man steals a hundred dollars, he is grocery store will be operated on a 120x80 feet. sent to prison, but if he is successful per cent. Owen Woodruff spoke briefly. He in stealing a hundred thousand dolsaid although he had been compara- lars, he is sent to congress. In speakJ. F. GIBBS WAS INTERESTED IN N. D. A. tively successful in the capitalistic ing of the conditions at the present his eyes were opened to the time in Milwaukee, it was said that a Josiah F. Gibbs, who died last week, and whose recent Forum system, system had been devised which furngreater opportunities which this or- ished the unemployed with food supletters have shown an intellectual clarity and vigor amazing in a man ganization could give. C. S. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. plies every two weeks. They are now 88 years old, was a friend of this paper and the Natural Development gave brief talks, expressing taking care of approximately one hunmovement In a letter to a Salt Lake friend, dated June 6th, he made Dansie thousand people. their enthusiasm and faith in the N. dred and sixty-fiv- e this statement: D. A and Warwick Lamoreaux made Such an immense drain on the people long. During several months I have been a subscriber (he was one a plea for the members to subscribe cannot last Mr. Clark: There is going Quoting of the first) to the Progressive Independent, and am in hearty ac- to their paper. Mr. Smith, to be an end to that; its getting Mr. introduced Anderson aims. I am in its interested with N. cord D. A. enter- Mr. the deeply Boulger, Mr. Johnson and Mrs. worse, and the thing is going to beprise. and am hoping for its success. Wallace and told of the splcndid sup-po- rt come unbearable. It's ! bad situation, He closed the same letter with this declaration: "My reverthese 'people had been giving and it will break down. The capitalists have gotten the country into such ence for the sublimely courageous Nazarene is surpassed by no one the Ogden organization. a mess that wed better give it back on earth. Ilis teachings and example, through the mists, of two and Howard Johnson, two to the Indians. In all the places I Stanley thousand years, are soon to be recognized as guiding forces toward brothers, state that they have con- have travelled in the U. S. there is universal human justice. tracted for about 4000 tons of coal only one community in which there near Coal- are no unemployed. This is the llano The editor will say of Mr. Gibbs that to him human justice was from the Grass Creek mine The coal is to be procured on colony which has been in existence so dear a thought and so high an ideal that he would, had it been ville. a strictly exchange basis in return for abput eighteen years. They have (Continued on Page Four) humanly possible, make every earthly place a temple for it. N. D. A produce from Ogden. ' 9, 1, 5, m The New Headquarters . or ar |