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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT er we grow. Look back on our listing and see what can be done to com- ally all the workers. There is a force here which is irresistable and is bound plete transactions. Be confident in our contacting peo- to result in continued progress. During the past week the agple. If we doubt ourselves we defeat ourselves without opening our mouths. ricultural department has sent out six Our plans are correct, we neednt truck loads of fruit and produce to Activities Departmental and doubt our system. It will overcome other localities for exchange for oththis condition of doubt and uncer- er commodities. tainty. LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT Be sure and list all wants and availTHE WAY IT WORKS being sought out. able articles desk. at sixth-yesurvey valuable molars Many When you want to sell your cattle, Mr. O. D. Rust, who has a first class are being saved for future useful life. TWO M .W. Wilkinson has been active in hogs and sheep, dont give them away, Local infections, which otherwise welding shop, called in the other day but come and see Parley H. Dansie during the past week. and gave a verbal demonstration of might cause death, are being elimi- Ogden D. Ralph Howe is at Mr. Wilkin- at the N. D. A. how the system of N. D. A. credits nated. Limping and tired mothers are find- sons desk. works. He did a big job for the Tri-BaL. J. Moench and W. Belnap are Lubricant people which came to ing foot relief at last. Eyes that could no longer see to working at the survey work transac$85, and took $80 of it in good oil tions. "Help one another," which he turned to the association for read the page, are finding sight. E. F. Barlow has purchased a Chev- The Snowflakes said. Backs and limbs old of and he the With paid 'young coupons. coupons As they cuddled down rolet Coupe for survey work. for all the material purchased from are being straightened. In their fleecy bed. All these services are gladly rendtwo other firms, and with his credit One of us here would not be felt, rofits he purchased a used automo-il- e. ered and in many cases without the MINUTE FOOT HEALTH NEWS One of us here would quickly melt; In this instance good business use of any money. This is the fourth of the series of But Ill help you and you help me, was made for five business places, what a Then 25 Foot Health News splendid drift there Care of Your each receiving a good profit, which, WANTED Kerosene lamps on A Feet." will be." One talk each week will be had it not been for N. D. A. credits credit. Report to Ralph Rich, Ex- distributed. Mrs. Mary Sulser. Pd. would not have been transacted. And change Department. Some are born flat with persons the best part of it is thaf the business EXTRA feet and apparently suffer no distress , BUILDING DEPARTMENT was secured through advertising in from them, unless called upon to do this paper. It pays to advertise. We have recently arranged with A crew of eight men have been an unusual amount of foot work. Persons whose feet become flat, however, Johnson Brothers to get airplane trips working for the past week at the new feel OGDEN INTERESTED IN various pains and aches, become on A credits. The N. D. A. idea will LADIES' DEPARTMENT N. D. A. headquarters at 55 West tired after a little walking now be aired before the public. extremely General reand Broadway. cleaning or standing, and their ankles tend to Mr. and Mrs. Price and others from pairing' is being' done on the place bend GROCERY DEPARTMENT in. the Ogden unit were at the N. D. A. and it iooks 'bright and shining to One of the of flat causes feet or what it did the before the took over offices last week. They came for they fallen arches is out. The The grocery department is growing special purpose of looking into the la- job. The floor plans have been com- weight of the bodytoeing be by leaps and bounds. N. D. A. memis intended to Mr. mes department They were delight- pleted by Pope, our architect, and carried in a bers greatly appreciate the eggs and line the straight through assisted de Mr. Gull; the place will ed to aee the program the by poultry that is coming in. We even five of the center all with toes foot, be divided up into offices and departpartment is making and they expect ments. tave had some, very beautiful gladio-la-s final used the to to forward give push The building department also to set the ladies going in Ogden as for members that like flowers. This be can accomplished every step. has a crew of 12 men working on the soon as they return. The variety of fruits and vegetables the toes when are kept only They report the Ogden unit under construction of the tannery and the ahead, so that the weight is straight carried is almost complete. Already waterthe able supervision of M. W. Wilk-inse- work is progressing nicely. by the ton are promised. There along the outside of the foot and on melons is making rapid progress and will he plenty of tomatoes, peaches, balLf WANTED We have a number of theThese will soon be a rival to the Salt Lake talks are given through the plums, pears, etc., for canning. requests from our members to try and unit We can now supply more fresh Dr. W. F. Compton. get a more suitable and central loca- courtesy of dressed mbits than members want. tion for our regular Saturday night AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT We will have plenty of room at our OBJECTIVES OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT meetings. If anybody knows of such new store, at least for the present place, kindly report to the managePerhaps no department of N. D. A. time, and we hope to give a little betThis department brings human be- ment of the N. D. A. is of more vital importance to mem- ter service when we get moved. Mr. Bob Merchant will be the bers at the present time than the Deings onto the earth. It strives to A LIVE WIRE as it does of Agriculture, since its first official butcher. He is now helpguarantee partment s. with its sister departments) a physiIt ing at our fruit and produce counter. Mr. L. T. Epperson has been work- function is to provide the Mr. Dansie is our contact man for cal development through the years of is to prograpid gratifying report tirelessly for the advancement of ress that is being made in this field. meat and says he thinks we will have childhood and youth, free from the ing N. D. A. He has a host of friends of it blight of remedial diseases. all over Utah and he has enlisted val- The volume of business in every divi- plenty Yours for service, sion is on the increase. Day by day It seeks to guide and serve adult uable aid from of them. Did and many you and week by week activities are addmanhood and womanhood safely J. CLYDE BRIMLEY. the notice how L. T. He drums? and plays happily throughout the active is one of the best musicians in the ed and more people are constantly useful years of life. ' useful employment taking care and seems to enjoy making mu- finding LABOR DEPARTMENT As the seasons advance, and the state, of fruit, produce, meat, grain, etc. In sic and the smoothing out rough addition to supplying the immediate functions fail or accidents befall, it N. for D. A. to modify and mitigate and ease spots needs of members with these things, The labor department, under the is being made for the winthe pains of life; and then when the provision of Mr. Rawson and Mr. is There fconsiderable in management the is activity and the day shadows lengthen ter by sending many, truck loadsa of Leo So much so devised a new check have exchange department. and Allen, curtain the dron, fruit and vegetables to distant points done, to ring has been ap- and of the system of all work that is being done for strew the path life took, with blos- that Mr.toJ. J. Hobson products exchanging pointed help in this department in range, dairy, and farm to be delivered by the various departments and this soms. with Mr. Page and Mr. will furnish us with immediate and N. D. A. later in the season. The workers privileged to serve in connection Mr. Hobson has shown himself to Members will be interested, we are accurate information and give a line this department must oe sympathetic Rich. be to real a and the in and highly skilled to serve. sure, in knowing who is in charge of on just exactly how manv men we have been too big or too each past no division of the work of this de- have working and the details concernThey are physicians and surgeons, small forjobs him. The exchange depart- partment. dentists, chiropractors, chiropodists, ment feels ing their work. very fortunate in haring Teerlink is chief Mr. Leo pharmacists, osteopaths, optometrists, Any time that a business grows as purchaser the assistance of so valuable a man. of fruits and dieticians, nurses, masseurs, and morproduce. He is on the rapidly as the N. D. A. is growing, ticians, the standard services of whom ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT go early and late, beginning work on it becomes necessary that each dethe market before many of us are out partment devises a ways and means to are available to N. D. A. members. of bed and keeping busy constantly. The word "doctor" is an imported increase its efficiency so that it will Our has Do department accounting instructor. Mr. Dickerson is managing the be on par. if not just a step ahead of latin word meaning such have to an we extent that grown warehouse in a splendid way, seeing its natural progress. not, therefore, be afraid to aproach the found it necessary to get additional that everything going in and out is Mr. Rawsons business connections your doctor. Teaching is one of Otto is Lohmoelder help. assisting calling. cared for ana accounted- for. of late have to a certain extent kept iroperly important functions of his for in Mr. McAllister the cashier departthe him from keeping in close contact ifr. McArdle is an able assistant. Teaching how best to care ment and Miss Carol Nielson is asMrs. Hooton is in charge of drying with this department, nevertheless body in health and disease. Mrs. Little the with bookkeepfruits and vegetables. Already her his assistants, Mr. Allen and Miss The health department therefore in- sisting ing. They report that the office clear- group has dried 50 bushels of apri- Moncur have been carrying on the vites: ... . . LitMrs. are steadily increasing. 1. Special examinations of all chil- ings and apples. It is expected that work nicely. In the near future, Mr cots N. this observation: The her earnest leadership this pro- Rawson will be able to return and dren of the association members for tle makes doesnt grow, its an avalanche." under will the detection of defective teeth, ton- D. A.think expand to large proportions, give his full attention to this very imject about she has it sized up We sils, eyes, etc., the elimination of all doing other jobs such as making cider portant department. and vinegar and pickling and preservfocal infections, which, if present may right TRIP TO OGDEN shorten life. These at the hands of ing foods. SIGNS TELL Mr. Parley Dansie has recently acthose who specialize. exLivea position as head of the 2. An annual, routine, physical Thursday afternoon a group of N. in the cepted and has organ- D. Aians motored to Ogden. The Meat amination of all N. D. A. members by When a true genius appears stock division; him by this ized a small a physician. This is a precautionary world, you may know group of assistants, and company consisted of Mr. Stringham. sigp that the dunces are all in confed secured some equipment for moving Mr. Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Worrick measure. Swift. him. 3 An immediate call for aid, at any eracy against and handling animals. Already a sup- Lamoreaux, Mrs. Parley Dansie, and age, should there be any Condition of ply of meat is coming in and we can Mr. O. King. Upon their arrival at PICTURES IN HISTORY rest assured, of the success of this pro- the headquarters of the Ogden N. D. body warranting the same, whether of accident or of illness. ject under the active and able direc- A. unit, Mrs. Wallace invited them historical During the past week the to go and get their supper at the N. tion of Mr. Dansie. department has been busy taking picBENNION TO DUCHESNE S .C. Gerrard is assistant to Mr. D. A. rafe. They were not slow about Mr. Detures of the offices and departments Heber Bennion, Jr., head of the accepting the invitation. The cafe is location, before we partment of Agriculture. Heber Bennion, head of the agricul- of our present on a strictly A credit basis. It was a at thrown himself in- real thrill to get anything they wanthas tural department, is attending the move to our new place of business Gerrard Mr. three-da- y convention and celebration 55 West Broadway. Pictures were to his work with energy and enthusi- ed to eat tor N. D. A, scrip. taken activities, indus- asm and a at Duchesne, where people from all also and of certainwhich great deal of credit is due we feel will buildings of the state and other parts are tries, the Mr. M. W. Wilkinson is down from for him large volume of business Sarts forth. He was accompanied be of historical value to the organizatransacted. is where he has been assisting which being Ogden becut The reference. for future tion truck a took who A very important division of the them in getting some special activities by Mr Woodward, and office first is of our low a is the survey or contact started. Mr. Wilkinson has been givload of N. D. A. fruit and produce to location picture at 35 Richards street. Now department Marion ing some wonderful service here in exchange and use on the farm there. go down to Broadway and take a look division presided over by Mr. and now (since Mr. Wilk- the Salt Lake unit and is returning to Wilkinson, commodious the at fine, place inson has been on a special jobat surlarge, CFpniT DUE MRS. DANSIB Ogden Monday. He says that the n which we have secured from Mr. Mr. Ralph Howe. The vey work is slacking up just a little by Ogden) and which are we to moving Much credit is due Mrs. Dansie for this of this group is to gather and and that we must have more interest week, and then consider for a function to as to all kinds of shown in this work. information file her untiring efforts in helping and the remarkable progress for sale or available the new building and making moment are that things contacts development which our organization are wanted. that and things so many othei worth-whil- e exchange months has made during the past six lately many Mr. Whitney It has been noticed that for the N. D. A. It is remarkable that of its existence as a corporation. N. D. A. asking are Visits A. D. A. hunting up so much can be accomplished by one people ' this is doubt No business. do determined and enthusiastic woman to SERVICE Mr. W. W. Whitnev of Pocatello largely the result of activities of the valley was at the N. D. A. last week. . OHIO WOMAN REVIVES PLAN Mrs. Bridwell developed a severe survey division. wheat and eggs hne He brought some make OLD EXCHANGE It is very gratifying to feel the to exchangefor him with case of toothache at the Saturday down which characof commeeting. She called Dr. Dunn spirit lead- N D A. commodities. He, in of the work the not terizes CLEVELAND A program of ex- night only C. R. Sorensen rehe her took and Mr. the with of out meeting the mentioned but also practic- pany a change, something of a revival of to his office and extracted the offend- ers here turned Wednesday. August 3. with and ancient principle of barter and ex- ing tooth. Such is N. D. A. service. produce, furniture, of load truck carried out here. in the harchange, is beingStandiford-Mehlmhelp to assist them g, WILL hired which UTAHNS wall bem Mra Ethel DEPARTMENT WAREHOUSE they W vest, lists and photographer, is the sponsorstand willand last about eight weeks. FACE STARVATION mistMr.6, Whitney 36 persons and firms who and Mr. Sorensen D. A. warehouse department N. The meror ing to exchange their services need but is now under the supervision of W. have large farms in Pocatello both chandise for something they Faced with a serious unemployment vallev These men have been two ot L. Dickerson, assisted by H- - W. and havent the cash to buy. men keep an accu- problem and armed with statjstics to our first and best two These plan, comes show that available funds will .meet boosters. They report that the farm According to Mra Hehlings that all on check produce rate the exchange may work two or three in and all that goes out and you bet but h of the need next winter, era all through the valley are willing services out-g- o H. Dern and Salt and waya A dentist may (five his Governor George the anxious to work in conjunction make we Lake City and county central relict with the N. D. A., under our exchange to a dressmaker to fashion a gown for they When check. double and check his wife in even exchange. Or the move into the new building, we win committee, led by Hon. Wm. R. Walsystem. dentist may want shoes, the shoe deal- take a lace, met in the capitol Saturday toa daily inventory of all stock. er a dress for his wife, and the dressconsider ways and means of solving . maker dental services. Loyal Actions Speak desperate situation. arSURVEY DEPARTMENT the at Registrants include physicians, meeting presented Figures Louder Than Wordsto chitects, ministers, jewelers, a hotel, is revealed that there are 26,000 unemothers are helping know To garages, tailors, you Dr Smith proves his loyalty a concert pianist, work. ployed in the state, of which 10,000 hoisting construction companies and electrical the greatest incentive in surveyamount are in Salt Lake county. In addition, our Business College by One can readily see the great that counts, a in is way estimated $244,96678 that was repair concerna it of work that can be done at each available for relief, Marvin enrolled or. unemployment home, farm, orchard, ranch, store HEALTH DEPARTMENT short time ago. the required amount will apwhereas on. calls factory one for eight months. $1,212,360 proximate to change is needs badly Everyone In this section much good work condi-tiotheir attitude and view of life and conMarrfn i being done. Many rilcnncing for N. D. A. SCHOOL of well. He will soon be in line are are being remedied or relieved. ditions. start to that them dolof must thousands We persaude positions worthwhile the Instruments costing DRESSMAKING N. D. A. and they by the activities of being created Can lars apiece are available for special trading with thean new view it be that there will soon have A. entirely D. N. the W woLEAII W. SIMMONS are other fine young men and to Maternity is being well cared for by of Inlife.order to accomplish our survey disloyal are being nurses, that men 117 Keith Emporium Bldg. rsicians and by of we most continually give others serthemselves by just drifting along srent's worries, as are We words. FROCK" and "TAILORED in mist vice like encouraging instead of taking advantage of their the night, are vanishing Success over coming obstacles cach day ?nd did not have a chanter Our the warm sunlight. Specialty uoijejudajd ajaq.w si we are accomplishing results. spam .joddo Tearful eyes are brightened with feelMore people arc asking for N. D. DRESSMAKING later and whine enviously that they smiles, as loved ones receive NaA. service hourly. The more translacked. so opportunities? Will they wake up havei long tention they teeth are actions which we complete the strong- DEPARTMENT in childrens tunity. defects tural NATURAL DEVELOPMENTS Personal ar se n, HERALD OF 404 26th St., Oakland, Calif. Contains General News of the Movement, especially on the Pacific Coast Price $1 for 10 Months Send Stamp for Sample Copy Will Exchange $50.00 of Sheet Metal Work or Furnace Repairing for N. D. A. Coupons or Farm Produce First Class Work by Shop CALL ed Long-Establish- MR. IIARMER WASATCH 3947 or 8337-- W GUARANTEED SATISFACTION CUTLERY SHARI'EKKn II. T. HUTCHINS Safety Razor Blades Honed and Stropped, Any Kind: Bclzsorz and Knives. Any 8hapa or Size; Scissors Lined Up and New Points; Razors Honed and Stropped; Saws Filed Automatically by Machine (Not the Difference) Keys Duplicated While You Wait on the moat Modern Machine Key Check with Your Name Stamped On BAKE CITY NO. 4 EAST FIRST SOUTH SALT Old-Sty- le -- MOUNTAIN CHIEF MINERAL WATER Wonder of the Age Internal or External To Be Used for Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Troubles, Prostrate Glands Tonsilitis, Sore Throat, Swollen Joints, Stomach Ulcers, etc. Directions: Take a Tablespoonful Three Times a day, in 1833 water before meals. Prepared bv A. W. WINBERG COMPANY So. 4th East Salt Lake City, Utah Read The Los Angeles Exchange Bulletin Co-operati- ve 233 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. Stamp for Sample Copy food-stuff- GLASS and TOP SHOP A- -l 1964 South State. M AUTO GLASS . WINDOW GLASS Materials, Cost Labor, Class A SIDE FLORAL WEST 930 W. 1st Hy. 783-AUTO TOPS SEAT COVERS Designing and Floral Work Landscaping SOUTH . WAS. 5787-- J A Credits ON AUTO ACCESSORIES A CREDITS Your N. D. A. Coupons are now good for Batteries for your car; also Generators, Starter and Electrical Repairs. All Work Guaranteed CAMERON BATTERY AND IGNITION CO. 956 South Phone Hy. 3555 State Street THE HENRY OLSEN GARAGE N. D. A. Members mav use their Script at HENRY OLSEN'S GARAGE 10634 East 21st South We have opened a Bicycle Department with the Garage. We Repair Bicycles, Phonographs, Baby Buggies, Electrical Fixtures, etc. A Credits Acceptedr Try Ua 533 So. 3rd Karl Weiss WEISS PLASTERING East COMPANY PLASTERING EXTERIOR and INTERIOR Estimates Cheerfully Given Salt Lake City Wasatch 8298-STUCCO ARCH WORK M Hal-lora- se-ou- 26,000 PREMIER BAKERY WE ARE A MEMBER OF N. D. COMMUNITY A. MARKET Try Our N. D. A. Health Bread WE HAVE FINE CAKES AND PASTRY Give Us a Trial i Mc-Ard- le. sssssssss one-fift- ns ' t J "a'"'1!' GREAT OPPORTUNITIES for EXECUTIVES AND SECRETARIES Take Pleasant Training and Prepare Quickly To take your rightful place in high service that pays. Private Individual Instruction makes the work fit your special needs. Your A Credits Are Accepted They are Better Than Cash when invested in own added power to earn and serve in the Slur and more desirable capacity. SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 246 South Main Tel. Wasatch 7280 |