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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT THE PROF. ERICKSEN COMMONWEALTH TALKS ECONOMIC SOUTHERN UTAHNS LEARNOFN.D.A. (Continued from First Page) CONDITIONS ARE NOT IMPROVING AS TD1E GOES ON ty, they will be among the worlds (Continued from First Page) Problem of Caring for Unemgreatest benefactors. Utopias ployed in Cities Growl 60 held about at Kanab; people bility we have. How many thouknown as were present, and keen interest The was Daily More Difficult sands of children' among the poor The political utopia was formed in the shown due to the lack of markets Republic behealth of afc being deprived creative imagination of cause of the insufficiency of those strong the broadbrow, one of the forInproduce. There should be no objection to Plato, Escalante, Mr. Adair tried to How health. the truth about condithings that purchase Greek publishing eminent philosophers most is it that we have common free who lived 427 to 347 B. C Platos cash a ten dollar check in two mer- tions as they exist and are made cantile houses, a barber shop, and schools and know that a child of Republic is still in print but there a store, and there was not enough known through the daily press should be educated at the expense is the country. used be can in much not it that Mr. the make to of care the change. of the public, and yet From Chicago comes the news modern workers for the Co- money Woodruff reports seeing one forthe childs health, which is just as by that starvation faces half a milFrom Commonwealth. well-to-d- o operative citizen of working the standpoint important from Cook county, Illinois, people Platos Republic to Sir Thomas merlyd, and a woman who is lion developing him for the responsi- Mores Utopia was 1900 years, and and that the emergency relief commother for. children the of four out we charge bility of citizenship, is working franticallyto that time In missioner hoeing the garden It seems to me inconsistent We during obtain to provide fooL The fundi made slow progress. very we homes cultured before most one of the have a long way to go commission complains bitterly lived More from said Thomas Sir were the of that they visited, the lady see our duty to the children about rich citizens who refuse to community. We have failed to rec- 1478 to 1535 and was one of the on their last sack of flour and have contribute in this crisis. They ognise the real values. The family few great men in England of that no idea where they will go to get have appealed to the President for that wants to educate their children time. During Morei life England more. prospects for relief from Enthusiastic aid but but are poor, cant give their chil- was freeing itself from the old Veteran source are not encouraging. At Orderville, Mr. Henry Esplin that dren much. College training is Feudalism and was becoming a From Los Angeles the daily closed to the great majority of nation of merchants. More saw who was at one time the head of reports that there are 36,000 inpress of the defects in the the prevailing organization people. poor there entirely dependent dustrial system and suggested a that town, explained in detail the families Philosophy of Life Lags the county for support: that "I contend that our economic communistic type of society in the operation of that system and said upon the funds are exhausted and that of life is lagging place of it. Nearly a century af- that he couldnt see for the life of to save the day a bond issue of Shilosophy business men that our trouble ter Sir Thomas More wrote hjs him how present-da- y be voted . If it is here today is not simply a question Utopia, Francis Bacon wrote his could fail to recognize the need of $12,000,000 must not, they say there will be vioof money; it is not simply a ques- New Atlantis and copied some of getting back to n system of tion of charity. These matters are Mores plans. Two other utopias He said that every meth- lence. And so comes the news from all as time same about the used at is there od to relieve the present sitsomething appeared important, but of the country and from evparts was Atlantis. One New more fundamentally wrong with Bacons uation only adds to the difficulties. erythe world, for that part social our community life and our civili- by a German traveler and It was most interesting to watch matter. of e, Valentine this old gentlman as he pounded on zation. The foundation of our reformer, Johann Up to date, leaders have not whole philosophy of economic life and the other by an Italian the arm of his chair in his enthucome forward with any satisfactory must be reconstructed. monk, philosopher and teacher, siasm for the return to solution for the problem. .About That foundation should rest on Thomas Campanula. The plan of effort, Mr. Woodruff said. cure-- all the congress can see WELFARE. And what do we these writers was more like the Mr. Henry Blackburn, another is toonlyissue more interest-bearin- g mean by WELFARE? What cause communistic visions of Plato and who lived in the bonds the to stagger for taxpayer should wealth serve? Why health More than the individualistic teachof that earlier day was and the money thus derived One great ings of Lord Bacon. Andreaes equally enthusiastic. Both these under, and general is turned over to the big corporaideal is the greatest welfare for the ideal city was named Christiano-poli- s gentlemen pointed out the tions or big contractors to erect the his called and number of and the be need Campanella to that avoided, people greatest possible buildings and other public for the greatest possible length of City of the Sun. At the time of houri spent in their company by public with the idea that it will time. That is the great responsi- Lord Bacon and Campanella Feu- our representative should result in works still further wealthy concerns and was dalism in of Capitalwealth. we errors do of What avoidance the bility crumbling many which corner this work and make mean by welfare? First comes ism was being established . During the operation of our association. larger profits, while squeezing the that transition the was the and shelter for people Mr. Epplins son, Thomas, period food, clothing, furnish employment, but which in and for social were activibetter commasses of people. No looking great very much interested in the reality, principally goes to enrich are subbe conditions as economic said to be a successties of our association and many munity can actual workers out of every dollar the from in transition Capiful one until every human being today scribed for the paper. possible. Combrought into the world is given an talism to the Panguitch People Interested. Little by little people are being opportunity to live. The first requi- monwealth. t A street meeting was held at forced to the conclusion that the site, of course, is good, wholesome At the time of the French Rev- Panguitch, Tuesday evening. Mr. entire economic system is wrong, food with plenty of milk for chil- olution a crop of Utopian Social- Adair made the statement, Ill bet and that our financial ills call for dren, but that isnt all, in 1932. It ists appeared in France and later there isnt a man in the crowd who radical treatment. Rugged Indimay have been sufficient two thou- had quite an influence upon social has ten dollars in his pocket, and vidualism and the greed system sand years ago. It should serve to conditions in America. Cabet, au- out of the hundred present, not one have had their day and must give give opportunity for every man, thor of a utopian plan called the challenged the statement woman and child to do creative Voyage to Icaria, led a colony to From this you can gather an idea way for the the wisdom principle, of the by work. If a man is really alive, he Nauvoo after the Mormons were of the interest that was taken in tempered Great Masters teachings. Nothing is creative; he is by nature an ar- driven away but in spite of the ad- the meeting . Two of the gentle- less will satisfy. tist and everyone wants to do some- vantages they had in using the im- men present had met with the N. be an of D. that and sort A. Lake to Salt in maybe spoke thing City provements made by the Mormons, N. D. A SCHOOL of architect, maybe to be a musician; this communistic colony accom- glowingly in its praise. he wants to give expression to a plished very little. Fourier greatly Woodruff Mr. Adair and Mr. DRESSMAKING God-givof hides, impulse to do some- influenced the activities of the brought back a pack-loa- d in the world. That is the Brook Farm communistic experi- wool and pelts, which made the LEAH W. SIMMONS thing second clement in human welfare. ment where some of the best minds trip worth-whil- e and followed the 117 Keith Emporium Bldg. The third element in human of Massachusetts tried to establish principle of the organization, welfare is that a human being, in more ideal social conditions. Af- "PAY AS YOU GO. "TAILORED FROCK order to enjoy life; is anxious that ter Nathaniel Hawthorne did the Owen Woodruffs little boy, Our Specialty his efforts be somewhat recognized ordinary routine work at Brook Trumon O. Woodruff, who is sevas being worth something in the Farm for a while he said that he en years old, accomjanied his Dad world. He wants some attention. had reached the conclusion that a on this pioneering tour for N. D. The worst misery a human being madman could lose his soul under A and enjoyed every mile of it, CONTACTS can get into is to get into a posi- a dung heap as well as under a and felt a real thrill sleeping out tion where nobody cares for him money pile and gave up the experiunder the stars every night but and nobody wants what he has to ment. Fourier hoped to bring one. WANTED A credits on N. give. about the millennium within ten There are three things that we years by peaceful methods, but As proof that the Contact col- D. A. in exchange at full cash valwant: TRUTH, GOODNESS and that was nearly a century ago. umns of this paper get results we ue for a business training at Salt Lake Business College. 246 So. BEAUTY. A person. who isnt a the leading modern plans have the testimony of Mr. Wilford Main Street Wasatch Among 7280. musician or an artist may contrib- for human betterment are H. G. Glad. He advertised for A nice ute goodness. A man once made a Wells A Modern and little small his for girl dog Bellamy's watt WANTED Utopia, 2,000 A C statement to the effect that there caLooking Backward, Wm, Dean reports that a very satisfactorylittle generator. Write or notify Larson were only certain individuals who Howells Traveler from Altruria. nine was presented to the 465 First Ave., Was. Electric, were moving the world forward. Dr. Theodore Hertzlcas Freeland lady by Mr. Drabner. Several oth- 8309-Someone asked him, Dont comhave A Social Anticipation. William er contact advertisements mon people do anything? The re- Morris' News from Nowhere. been ordered out on account of the WANTED Straight upright or tort to this question was, "The These where written during the needs having been met. player piano on A credit Ensign most commendable thing they can last half of the 19th and the first Shoe Service, 577 E. 1st South. do is get out of the way of the genLeague for Liberation meets at Was. 5719. of the 20th century. quarter ius. Goodness the contribution of WednesThese modern utopias have had Cullen8 Hotel, Room 17, Harley-Davidsheart is just as much in abundFOR SALE Mana Reladay, Studying p.m. the in much influence educating ance among the poor as among the to Universe and to estab- Motor Cycle, 1929 big twin model, tionship in and sentiment a creating rich. Goodness and truth grows people lish a Just economic system on on class A service. Ensign Shoe Comfavor of the Service, 5 77 E. 1st South Street. earth. D. O. Tawney, Leader. everywhere among human beings. monwealth. Soon after Bellamys Advt All we need is an opportunity to Was. 5719. book Backward appeared Looking contribute them. We can have and it was translated into most EuroApartment for rent, first month The N. D. A. can furnish occuenjoy life and recreation when we pean languages and had wide circuhalf cash, balance 3 credits Sher-ricl- c, know that we are sound vacant more few for a pants The writer read it in the lation. Was. 5070-German langue while in Europe in houses, and will pay class A service Sorenson Mr. for them. to Report kodak or WANTED A The N. D. A. has range in east- 189a of the Housing Department Own- camera, for classgood A credit Mr. ern Utah for a considerable num- Early Communistic Experiments ers having vacant houses in need Bennion, N. D. A ber of sheep and cattle and would While the philosophers and pro- of cleaning or repairing would do like to contact owners who havent were creat- well to contact this department. of phets WANTED Nice small dog by suitable range. Generous terms ing their utopias, other idealists little girl. Contact Mr. Glad, N. can be arranged. to about were trying bring peace the workmans case in verse, which D. A ll among upon earth and good-wimen by having afl things in com- begins thus: WANTED By the Progressive mon. Among the first of these the matter? Neared Planet Independent 10,000 new subscribidealists were the Buddhist monks Lads, pray whatsmaster about to ers. Will YOU be one of them, m The relative sizes and lived Are you with of India and Ceylon. As fight? please. of the planets have been explained many centuries before thethey days of (8, sir, we are, and well we by Sir Norman Lockyeer by an telegraphs, telephones, radios, airThe Labor Department of the N. might alogy. In accordance with this, the ships and other modern methods For let us work hard as we will. D. A is prepared to furnish skilled communications is of it not likely Son la a globe 2 feet In diameter; Were neer the better for it still or unskilled labor in any quantity. who were the that creating people Mercury, a grain of mustard seed, Let us figure on your building conand those who were living 184 feet away; Venn a pea In an utopias as far back as the death of tracts or any other projects you had communications SirEven Thomas More a bitter conflict have in bind. orbit of 284 feet; the Earth, a pea, with one another unless it was by was waged between the peasants 480 feet distant; Mars, a pin head, mental-wireleor telepathy. and the capitalists. The complaint 845 feet away; Jupiter, an orange, Farmers and livestock men who A remarkable group of early of the farmer was thus vividly ex- have stocks of wheat, flour, at a distance of half a mile; Sat- communists were the Essences Robert Crowely, vicar, grain, surplus pressed by potatoes, fruits, vegetables, urn, a smaller mange, four-fifthof who apeared in Judea not long be- printer and archdeacon. a mile away; Uranus, a small plum, fore the birth of Christ The writThe great farmers, graziers, or other food products would do one and a half miles away, and Nep- ing of Philo the Jew and Josephus rich butchers, lawyers, merchants, well to contact the central office with gentlemen, lords, men who have of the N. D. A, third floor Keith tune, a larger plum at a distance of made the world acquainted most During their no name because they are doers of Emporium building. two and a half mllea Literary Di- their history. there-wer- e 4000 all period prosperous things where gain is to be had gest. Essenes. They chose to liye in the The Natural Development Assothey take our homes over our on in cities than villages rather heads, raise our rent, levy great ciation through its membership is the in account of the corruption (yea, unreasonable fines, they en- in a position to absorb surplus George and Betsy latter. Pliny the Elder spoke of close our commons and to go to stocks of food, clothing, animals, A group of third-grad- e children la them. All authorities agree that the cities we have no hope, for we etc., and will issue checks covering Monde had read the story of Betsy they held to community of goods hear that these unsalable beasts all class A services in exchange for Ross sod the first flag and was pre- ana of product of the industry of have their all in their hands. them. member of the society. There To this indictment, the lord, acsenting an Informal dramatisation each We need n few thousand dollars of the story for the children of the were prophetic persons among cusing the peasant of communistic them. The magic arts were prac- beliefs, replies: in money to set certain new indusentire grade. ticed. The peasant knaves will have tries in operation. We offer good Whan the conversation concerning In the Acts of the Apostles no gentlemen, they will have all security and will pay a fair rate of the flag was ended, dramatic young there is an account of the men like themselves, they will have interest for the nse of it. Inquire George Washington ended the play efforts among the followers all'things in common they will ap- at the Central Office, Keith Emso by saying: "Well, long; ni be of Christ and it is reported that point what rent we shall take for porium building. seeltf you. there were no rich or poor among our grounds. They will cast down To tills, demure Mias Betsy them. Such communistic organiza- our parks and lay our pastures WANTED A few loads of sand continued for centuries open. We will teach them to know and gravel on a basis of class A O. K. responded, Indianapolis tions among Christian monistic orders. their betters; and because they credits N. DJ A News, To the presenta day voluntary co- would have all common we will operative organizations are consid- leave them nothing. Surplus stocks of used furniture ered important in the transition The battles between capital and in serviceable condition can be used Regret individualism collectiveism. labor have to from more caused jealousy, by the Housing Department of the The man of regret la almost Inenvy, hatred and revenge than N. D. A if Conflicts of Capitalism variably a fellow of flimsy textere. prices are satisfactory. in modern civilizaanything else Continually bemoaning the fSct that efforts among cap- tion, unless it be the antagonisms Class A basis. he has done the wrong thing, he italists and among laborers have between theological sects. The CoWe have suitable pasturage and Amines through life a sad and pa- been for antagonize purposes and operative Commonwealth is the a number of thetic performer. His hopes are al- will never bring about the only cure for labor troubles. Or- accommodations for like to rent Commonwealth. As early as ganized capital and organized la- dairy cows. Would ways empty. Ills cup of sorrow Is ever full. Its lugreiiienta are split 1825 the wool combers and stuff bor pitted against each other have some from owners. Contact Mr. central office or at milk and tears. Kansas City Times weavers of Bradford, England, never solved social problems and Clegg through his home, 168 I Street. published a notable statement oi never will. I (Continued from First Page) Be Liberal: Subscribe tor Your Own Paper LION DRUG STORE Third Avenue SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHAS. H. BURTON, Pharmacist Prescriptions "B Credits Wasatch 5367 564 . - bare-foote- bare-foote- Across the street from Holy Cross Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP d. . 1018 E. 1st South A. D. BEDFORD, Prop. Open Evenings Reasonable Prices Ladies Haircutting a Specialty N. D. A. Credits DONT THROW IT AWAY! it welded and spend the difference between this Have and a new one with the N. D. A. RUST BROTHERS WELDING ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE No job too big or too small. All work guaranteed. Will Call and Deliver General Repair and Contract Work 61 West Stratford Ave. Hyland 4514--J An-drea- old-tim- er well-bein- PREMIER BAKERY g. pit-fal- ls en R. ss WE ARE A MEMBER OF N. D. A. COMMUNITY MARKET Try Our N. D. A. Health Bread WE HAVE FINE CAKES AND PASTRY Give Vs a Trial Eyes Examined Lena Duplicated DR. J. O. KING Optometrist St Phone Was. 9544 Room 117J4 Keith Emporium Bldg. A Credits Visual Training and Muscle Exercises A Credits Examinations B Credits Glasses Made to Order, and Repairs 246 South Main CEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK KURT SCHMIDT H You Are Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist Satisfaction or no Pay If Its Made of Cement I Make It Cement Mixxer Rented by the Day or Week Phone Hy. 5148-- 433 Downington Ave. M O. S. JAYNES PAPER HANGING DECORATING PAINTING Done with n Brush We DO IT. If Its Hy. 5030 1427 Blair St. THE LARSEN ELECTRIC All Kinds of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL 465 First Avenue Phone Was. 8309-- R DR. CHARLES H. DUNN, Dentist 4 . 503 Felt Building Office Phone Was. 2796 - Opposite Federal Bldg. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30 MAGDEIEL BUILDING CO. We Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes coat no more ban the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modern Call us at WAS. 5839-Style and Comfort. W ENSIGN SHOE SERVICE s 577 East 1st South Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel Your Home You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for Information PARAMOUNT CLEANERS DELIVERY SERVICE 902 South 1st Weat & DYERS RELINING REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 BEEIIIYE BARBER and BEAUTY PARLOR 30 SOUTH STATE STREET Complete and Perfect Professional Service |