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Show r - m Natural Development . Your Refuge PKQGKESSIVE INDEPENDENT FOR HUMAN VOL. L NO. 16 PRICE 5c. $2.00 A YEAR NECESSARY BY GIFTED JOURNALIST GOVERN NATURAL by Benj. B. Stringham; 1931. AT THE AMERICA an analytical CROSSROADS, treatise of our present economic difficulties, by R. H. Doelle; April, 1924. MENT, 1932. WAS In the History of Utah, written by John Henry Evans, being pub- PROPHET lished by Macmillan & Company and adopted for use in the schools, much space is devoted to The Various Cooperative Experiments Are , y.' Local Agencies Cannot Furnish Adequate Care, Speaker Declares RAPS WAGE REDUCTIONS Eccles Outlines Causes, Cure for Economic Disturbance EDITED BY C. W. LUND. 206 Scott Bldg. 1. 1932. (News, June 22, 1932) Chicago, June 27, (INS). Clarence Darrow, famous criminal lawyer who spent most of his life saving men from premature death at the end of a hangmans noose, is ready now to yield himself to death. Wandering through political headquarters in a downtown hotel and watching the scurrying crowds with curiosity, Darrow told International News Service he was ready to die. "Its a crazy old world, he soliloquized. Think of it. The human race need work but an hour a day to supply all of its needs. Theres no real human labor left. Everything is being done by machinery. "Theres plenty of wealth but a rotten distribution of it. There's a tremendous surplus of food everywhere and yet people are going hungry for want of food. "It's all a big bug house, he added, with a wave of his hand. I'll be glad to leave it" URGENT NEED FOR ABLE LEADERSHIP IN PRESENT FINANCIAL CATASTROPHE Gtizen Sheds Light on Conditions Facing MOVEMENT Populace GOES FORWARD Farm have shown remarkable strength and stability during a period of almsot unprecedented stress. Since 1928, in spite of the collapse of prices and markets, the 0. vice-presid- Vice-Preside- nt ed i ; FOOD SEEN AS IMPERATIVE NEED Letter to Dr. Bennion Reveals Tragic Condition. Placing the burden of economic rehabilitation 11,400 farmer-owne- d squarely on the shoulders of the federal governin the country have increased their Recalled. total business $100,000,000. The ment, Marriner S. Eccles, president The following is a copy of a of the First National Bank of has in- letter addressed to Dr. Adam S. number of By Dr. John T. Miller Ogden, advocated a $5,000,000,000 creased to about 12,000 and less Bennion, in response to his raOne of the most interesting chapfederal appropriation for public than 80 have failed. There has dio address of Saturday, June works ond unemployment wages ters in the history of civilization been a total membership gain or 11th, which address was given with which road to the to pave consists of the social prophets, the in a speech before Utah 150,000 in the last six months. rosperity, over Radio Station KSL and utopian plans of human improveankers. Here is definite hope for the sponsored by the Bennett Glass efforts ment, and the Mr. Ecdes address on "The Defarmer. Apparently the depression and Paint company of Salt that have been made for thousands pression Its Causes, Effects and of years. has given him a new realization of Lake City: deliverwas Suggested Remedies, Readers of the Bible are familiar If ed before the opening session of the value of the Salt Lake City, Utah, with the efforts made by Amos, SACRED INSTITUthe Utah Bankers' association. that is true, hard times will not June 12, 1932. Ezekiel Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, have vain. will in been have was the Declaring They depression Dr. Adam S. Bennion, and other Old Testament prophets TIONS ARE IN caused through international debts, been the driving force that precare Utah Power & Light Co., to improve conditions among the reparation, maldistribution of gold pared hundreds of thousands of Salt Lake City, Utah. PERIL SERIOUS The vision of the New and and a lack for sound the armers of balance between prosperity Jeople. Last where dwelt the spirits evening the writer had the in the future. a stable business ability to produce and the ability of listening to your splenof the good in a city which had privilege be to consume, the speaker said the Homes and Farms Being Sold It cannot too often repeated did radio address wherein you set foundations of precious stones, that the success of the world has lost sight of the fact Meet and Taxes Out to for people walls of jasper, gates of pearl and the end of production is conthat movement lies in the loyalty of in- out certain suggestions themselves Assessments. to follow to relieve streets ox pure gold, as recorded in No dividual and members. not sumption money. in this period is one of the Revelations, 24:18-2no matter how strong, can from discouragement Reviews Causes of depression. Your remarks, of All of these most revolutionary. Provo, June 27, 1932. survive bulk of farmers unless the "During the years of prosperity Editor Progresive Independent: prophets have had an influence in its territory work for the com- course, were directed to that class still enjoying an income of great credit was extended, Mr. EcThe most sacred institution upon the minds of the people in good. Every member must andpeople cles asserted. Instalment buying America is in peril. I refer to the mon who are in a financial position making them conscious of condiback and his must up was advocated to the 'nth degree American home. It is defiled with do his best tions that were more ideal than the in his neigh- to carry into action these ideas. to and it was possible to containue environment in which they were with sickness and bors. If he doesbring your repolluted the farmers For this class of people that, that prosperity as a result of con- Soverty; desecrated by worry and tomorrow will be marks were timely and helpful and living. indeed. bright tinued credit extended abroad and distress; and is almost certain to The Social Prophet who has had We are a nation dedicated to should ao much good. For that to American people. he seized for delinquent taxes, suffering the greatest influence upon the the of individualism . . . class of people actually "Yet when the saturation point The source of the most essential yet principles progress of humanity for nearly we the biggest from the present financial situation, built have up bewas reached the debtors months and cf substance to life itself is in similar and most through 2,000 years in the Great Teacher governmental having passed and hardship without infrom Nazareth, Jesus Christ. His gan to pay, purchasing power was jeopardy . Our farms on which machinery expensive privation at created anywhere any come, with curtailed, unemployment resulted, food is produced are being seized time. We strenuously influence on humanity in the fuheavy family responsito are like a prices were forced down and chaos by the tens of thousands for de- 'government in business object ture will be much greater than it and yet bility, such suggestions choked with thirst. one supplanted prosperity." has been in the past. It will be linquent taxes. we spend more money on govern- mirage to The speaker assailed salary reThe writer has known you, Mr. one of the most prominent factors In April 25 per cent of all farms mental promotion and regulation ductions, curtailing of unemploy- in Mississippi were sold for taxes. of business in bringing about peace upon earth than any country in the Bennion, or known of you and your ment which, he said, results only in Reports say 80 per cent of farm world work since you were a student at and good-wi- ll among men. except Russia. The Index. the University. Your teaching a reduced standard of living, a con- taxes in Montana are delinquent Robert Owen, who did much to stant decrease in consumption and Iowa, our second best agricultural in England, days, your administration at the promote a reduction in purchasing power. Granite High School, your work Scotland and America, is often state, recently advertised 60 news"We get right back where we paper pages of delinquent taxes in PROF.ERICKSON as head of the Department of Edcalled the apostle of UTAHNS SOUTHERN started from, he asserted, "but we one county. In 10 years that great ucation of the L. D. S. Church, and He was the outstanding character are forced to balance our budgets, county, including Los Angeles, infor the past several years of your of his time in the field of Utah Power & as we have creased its population 125 per cent Shortly before Owen came TALKS ECONOMICS work with the Many LEARN OF N. A. credit or times durLight company. while its taxes increased 420 per to America and bought the land of thing is that cent . ing the past years I have sat at the Rappists, where the New Haradvised two years ago to spend and These are not isolated examples. banquet tables at which you were mony Movement was established, Vice-Pre- s. Woodruff Give In- buy and wlInch is the one agency The conditions cited are applicable Sees Failure of Present an honored speaker, and I have althe Prophet Joseph Smith and his could supply resources has to the entire country, except comways carried a profound respect for wife, Emma, were in close contact teresting Account of Visit that a policy af deflai.tion munities owning their own public Meet ability and leadership. Your your finally adoptea with the Rappists while they were to System Communities. to Rural talk last evening was discouraging, and economy. utilities. They have lower taxes, located near Pittsburgh, Pa. About Demands in that it was directed to those not or none at alL that time there was a small com"Theory Outmoded Wilford Owen Woodruff, 25 labor war Before the yet touched by this plague of demunistic society in Kirtland, Ohio, days decauses to the Contributing of the Natural Developthe before to man pression, was of The associated with Sidney Rigdon, people in tact many of pay required speaker every principal pression were lack of political or taxes. 73 days' labor per weelfly meeting of the N. D. A. whom still have their income and who later became one of the lead- ment Association, returned last Today, financial leadership, Mr. Ecdes week from a trip through the is required of each man to pay held in the auditorium of the South have a greatly increased buying ers of the Mormon Church. southern part of the state, includ- told the bankers. The government year even if one is unable to find Junior High School, Saturday ev- power with their money. But for taxes During the first half of the 19th Washington, is "trying to apply a theory of work. Beaver, hear not a Iron, ing at made were efforts ening, July 18th, was Professor the sufferer, I couldcheer. century many economics as obsolete as the Ark. reword of comfort or Utah. of the of taxes cent the of Seventy-si- x Erickson communism in the Mississippi Val- Kane and Garfield Counties, and are University per Depressions are not acts of are assessed to that financial conditions Glad took charge Need for Leadership. city and farm ley an deast of that region. Per- ports strained in that section even God, he continued. "They are down-fa- ll very In other words, the of the meeting and introduced the of their cause the prosperity. You haps mistakes of men we and possibly carry as much esmust start more in the populous little toads, in little pools are not speakers. was in suppressing individuality in worse than and teem the revival revivsource the respect of your fellows at by . toads at all, but goats. Dr. Charles H. Dunn of the De- as any one in our community, and their communistic practices. Very districts The chief purpose of the trip was ing values which have been deinter"land an be This Health will never of a few of the leading thinkers and gave again it is evident from your exprespartment because of lack of earn- of the free and the home of the esting talk upon the causes and yet now have to make arrangements for the es- pressed writers on sions that you understand not the g. of a tablishment industry, tanning and American homes until of brave tooth economic ills, illustrating probox the suffering masses. prevention hope for solving To bring this about Mr. Eccles and was taken in company with from cancer- his lecture with drawings on the language farms are lems and establishing the The sufferers now include not only who is assum- advocated a $5,000,000,000 federal like taxes. exempted Mr. Jeddediah Adair, Common-wealt- h blackboard. by voluntary the unfortunate of times past, but appropriation for the creation of responsibility in connection Prof. Erickson Was Learning. economic The whole ing Why, today if a man's taxes are countless new ones who in the past inworks employment through this of public establishment the with introimmediProfessor Erickson, being $100 and he cannot pay, have been able to work and enjoy lump of humanity must be leavenfor an "unemployment wage. or in dustry. sociesaid part: ed Voluntary the decent and wholesome things Such an appropriation, he said ately high compound interest and duced by Mr. Glad,here Obtained. from the of life; that class making up tnc it, ties may act as spearheads in Experienced Tanner Coming down would increase the price level by other charges are placed against first the En route meeting south, changing individualism to collec- ..as held at Beaver. The mayor increasing the volume of money; According to present law if one University and showing my philo- stable and dependable strata of our cannot $100, he is then charged sophical wares to your practical society, and who now find themtivism. busi- would improve purchasing from $120. pay The Prophet Joseph Smith saw and a number of the leading and helpless repeople, I feel like a man who came selves the source by and giving power were men proness buying present, do worse? to Utah exhibiting a moose. He gardlessprostrate Could a new that there was a more perfect way found interest was of their own ability and manifested in to millions and would eliminate the Let's be modern system and have a change went from community to commu- worthiness. We need leaders as of solving the economic problems movetendency of hoarding on the part for the better. of humanity than by organizing de- the Natural Development nity charging so much for people we have never needed them before; of but people already employed, ment. G. T. HARRISON. to see his moose. One man showed but our capable men are still setached groups and bewho are under Wiltension noon living ,Mr. The next day at iv asking for a cure and as long as they are secure therefore advocated what is known liam cause of economic stress. and successful Pritchard, a for his family. The man pos- they will not be touched by this as THE UNITED ORDER, which price The COA OPEN TO be would $5,000,000,000 paid tanner of Pa rowan, Utah, sessing the moose asked the privi- thing and cannot hear the cry of provides for the development of in- veteran contacted and went into de- off, under Mr. Ecdes' plan, through of seeing the family before suffering people. I know this now STORE OPERATIVE lege dividuality in collective ownership. was income derived increased from the price. In response to by Numerous minor efforts have been tails concerning this industry. Mr. setting and revival. a business my own experience, and these of spending of the family head, first thoughts call the made to establish the United On Pritchard is recognized as one have been crystalized as N. D. A. has now Places The Burden in the pro tanners successful most the children woman with several dor without permanent results. well by contact with hundreds of it is deemed one of far so the burden that Forcefully gressed placing in been has who West engaged filed by, then another with several distracted heads of families, reFifty years or more ago the writer economic relief on the shoulders of advisable to open a cash another with an duced to a similar level. Until you heard so much about United Or- this industry at Parowan for a the federal mem- offspring, still the in speak-assailthe store order that and government, always the have tasted adversity your language der that it was firmly planted in his great many years, the plank in the Repub-i- n bers may be able to get their gro- equally large family, and when fulcomhis for market found a ready was asked to amazed consciousness as na ideal that will lack an understanding heart, D. N. an direct from national in interested ceries, etc., platform is He partys vitally fil his promise and set the price,' would establish the Brotherhood of modity. It would be a great opportunity A. which institution would the and the that throw has and responsimovement N. D profits .A he answered, I won't charge you to hear you address your great raMan and the Fatherhood of God the of relief to counto the association revert as time bility much cities, upon may as to spend Its worth a lot tor my dio audience after you had been throughout the world. Many other agreed be used for the benefit of the or- anything. see in the develop- ties, states and communities. moose to without a salary for over a year, your family.' people in the Rockies were inspired snail be necessary the first "In "the he or said, at ganization. place, "That's about an expression of after you had lost all your worldly in the same way. While hoping ment of our tanning industry in So is of these this connection offer it to inproability in the agencies and near Salt Lake City, for social salvation through in relation to the bur- posed that an appeal be made to the way I feel . I wont charge you possessions, when you were living relief is efforts, the imperfect re- struction of those who will have den, and not in a rented house with the landand ask anything for my philosophy. I'm no city, county or every true second, sult of individualistic living have charge of the work here. to lord threatening to throw you out Im going learning something. has state of him the assistance come control to to the to held power . That evening a meeting was been noticeable everywhere. organization. I am in in the street When your gas, who study your with in the office of Wm. R. Palmer, money or credit as has the federal the association. Everyone Capitalistic civilization has gone where any endeavor to lights, telephone, and water had sympathy and can in line should possibly a fine group of representa- government. get most perplexing been shut off. When you had of one bankrupt, and people are loolcing tive the meet contribute feels whatever that he citizens heard for the first for something to take its place. civilization has ever lived for weeks and months on our that things Come make can. he forward and time of the principles of N. D. A LIKE faced. We haven't met it yet; we bread and potatoes and daily FATTIER, Many now believe that individualyour pledge at the earliest possible havent solved our Many Contacts Made. ism has had its day and that colwatched your babies for malnutriproblems. The next day at Leeds, Mr. LIKE DAUGHTER time. Let us get this project start- "The great Teacher is the lectivism or Master and When you watched your tion. ed as soon as we can. Further exWoodruff met with Mr. and Mrs. said many centuries ago, It is as children, young men and women, only thing that will change our im- Fuller. Mrs. be will made later. r daugh-teplanations is the Fuller into Mr. Albert Gull was one of the a more perperfect civilization hard for a rich man to enter the accustomed to the decent things in fect one. .yrum Fope, the head of first, and most faithful members of life ashamed because of lack of kingdom of heaven as it is for our and building She followWORLD PUBLICITY department. In the last ten years the N. D. A. He has been a doer rathcamel to go through the eye of a clothing and food. Dr. Bennion, husband her are enthusiastic in very when you have gone through this, than a talker. His daughter,, ing books have been published needle.' about our organization . They sub- er the Rockies on Thora Gull, was the first to enter, The following announcement apHe was right; it was truth that then let us hear your voice and scribed for the Inde"Progressive PRACTICAL the Salt Lake Business on peared in the June 16th issue of will last. A contrary statement there will be burned into your and are trading with the "A credit of the N. D.College a series of essays looking to the pendent A. the Optometric Weekly, a scienti- might he made, 'It is as hard for a heart such words as you have nev. organization or er uttered before in your life. amelioration of the workingman's Her work in the school has been fic and professional magazine havioor man to enter the kingdom A fine contact was made with extremely high grade. While the industrial condition, by J. H. Midg-leLack of Understanding circulation: a world-wid- e as it is for a camel values lighcr ing St. at George, who have ordinary ones sleep or fritt their 1922, THE UNITED ORDER people "Dr. J. O. King of Salt Lake to pass through the eye say we need a Moses to They been thinking independently along valuable time away, Miss Gull is City, Utah, has been appointed Op- needle. AMONG THE MORMONS. Misrock of depression. We the smite the same lines as the N. D. A souri Phase. An Unfinished Exmade conscious as par- have hundreds of such leaders, but tometrist for the Natural Developarc upward. toiling "We Monday evening a gathering was Miss Gull has made an enviable ment Association, a new organiza- ents of children of the rcsponsi- periment in Economic Organization, by Joseph A. Gcddes, Prof., idea as its and outstanding record. She is tion with (Continued on Fage three.). (Continued on Last Page) at the Utah Agricultural College; sure to win the best. (Continued on Last Fage). motive." Within the past year a voluntary movement has been started in Salt Lake City by practical idealists. The organization is known as the NATURAL DEVASSOCIATION ELOPMENT and is making a remarkable growth. Branches are being organized in other parts of the Rockies. It began by distributing life's necessities but is now applying the principles of in producing as well as distributing. The remarkable growth this organization is making shows that people are ready for a change, and when such movements are directed right they can help much in bringing peace, love, harmany and unity, not only economically out in other phases of human culture . The for a time is ripe, and over-rip-e, change. The time is here when the dreams and visions of the Social Prophets for thousands of years can be realized. The spirit of coto any re- operation is not limited world-wide. ion or people but is ome of the privileged classes are ready for a change, and will help to bring it about; others will continue in their selfishness and will resist any change that will improve conditions. Long ago it was said that where there is no vision the people perish. Everybody knows that humanity is going somewhere but nobody seems to know where we are going. For ages the Social Prophets have been predicting the things that are now here; if Social Engineers can be found with a vision that will help make living conditions tolerable for all humani-- ( Continued on last page) 1, i' ABOVE MONEY WORLD CRAZY, SAYS DARROW; READY TO DIE FIVE BILLIONS REVIEWED IN ARTICLE NAZARENE SOCIAL N SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. JULY UTOPIAN EXPERIMENTS Dr. John T. Miller in Character Builder Traces History WELFARE-MA- y; T |