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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT NED FOR WOODRUFF jiven much applause by the meeting. President Stringham followed Woodruff with an address, the high inspirational light of which was his warm praise of the unselfishness of those who were helping him put the association over. He said the association had nothing to fear from the selfish who might join, for their selfish spirit eliminated thee automatically from membership, and there were always plenty of the unselfish to replace them. It had been a marvel to him, he said, to note to what heights of unselfish effort people could rise. From the day a few friends gathered at Mr. Woodruffs home to consider what they might do toward the organization of such a society, until today, he could have nothing but appreciation for the devoted efforts of his Vice-Preside- nt LEADERSHIP AS KEYNOTER Intermountain News Briefly Told for Busy Readers PRESERVE OLD CABIN DAMAGED BY FLOOD LAMBS ARE MOVING FEAR INSECT PEST CHERRY CROP GOOD Natural Development ASSOCIATION In these days of national con246 South Main Street, Salt Lake City ventions and Adoption of party TELEPHONE WASATCH 9544 their heart! are untouched with un- platforms and policies, we hear a lot about "keynote speeches. So derstanding. You are a Moses, in The University of Utah Is provthe circle of your acquaintance, it was in keeping with the times Services which N. D. The following is a list ing the fact that' education to not there are hundreds of others as that the members of the Natural an episode limited to the few A. Association should list a limited capable. Every gift of leadership Development Coupons will buy. Why be regailed with a keynote years at school The Home Study u developed and here for our ser- also Department at the University has amount vice, we could work our way out address. your stock with N. D. A. in trade, and Last Saturday night, on the developed a plan whereby sensiof this situation under this leaderSouth Junior High lawns ble men and women may use their thus Increase Your Business. ship and no actual suffering need School, ofin the relative darkness, having leisure time for study at heme in be felt if only your class of men fields ranging from high school CLASS A" SERVICE could understand. But the eyes of been locked out of the regular llgebra to world polities. They our leaders are closed, their ears meeting place through a misunderAdvertising Progressive Independent, Was. 9544. nay do this studying without inare shut and their hearts are drawn standing as to date, the members of the N. D. A. grouped about the their with work, Apartments and Houses to Rent Mr. R. Weight, Was. 15(1 regular terfering the have no press, no truck of Jeddediah away; poor A. R. Crawford. which anto no age limit There are Adair, there Assaying, Microscopic Determination of Mineral the have radio; they only capacity Athletic Training, Swimming Lessons E. Hollings, Was. 9544, 10 school terms and no entrance to suffer. If this terrible situation swered for a rostrum, and listened examinations. r. sgg Art Work Dorothy Smith, Was. 9544. could only be felt by our big men, to one of the most heartening, inaddresses yet delivered Main Dante Distinctive Robbins 8c Stevens, 918 Greenwood Tcrraoe, IDA. The Native Automobile Repairing it is certain that the needed lead- spirational CALDWELL, before the group, which was given Hyland 3592-Si. are Feature of of goership would come out of this mai- by county Canyon Daughter Sophias Wilford O. 155 East 27th South. Auto lt rom and the people guided to a Woodruff. 8b Sophia, Constantinople's mar- ng to preserve the aged log cabin of Auto Repairing O. Moss, 59 Post Office Place. Was. 8139. Nelson, Repairing Ralph place of security. Dave who Johnson, After a most interesting account velous mosque, when It was erect- Tbm, Dick and Automobile Repairing W. R. Nash, 1369 So. State. Our problem is not lack of leadof a trip which he had Just com- ed by Emperor Justinian as a traltt the structure in U8L The Barber and Beauty Work Beehive Shop, Was. 4912; 30 So. State. ership, it is that our leaders can not be made to understand. But pleted in company with Mr. Adair Qirtatlan cathedral, was mads la building will be moved to Memorial Business and Vocational Training S. L. Business College, Keith Emsouthern Utah, through contacting be will furnished with tbs form of an Immense Creek perk, and to understand sorrow, one must be porium Bldg., Was. 9544, people in the interests of N. we The architect supported the Pioneer relics arranged In n style Building Department N. D. A., Was. 9544. a sorrowing man. You speak of the D. A. and having as a particular Cabinet and Furniture Shop N. D. A. Was. 9544. the situation as serious, it is apstructure with a hundred columns, typical of the early days. object the establishment of a tan- and Cabinet and Furniture Builders, N. D. A, Was. 9544 the brick which formed the palling. It is a crisis! It is not a ning unIDA. Fire of HOU25DALB, benefit of for the enterprise question of food for next winter; the association, mala building material was covered known origin totally destroyed the Carpenter Mr. Gull, Was. 9782-Woodruff Mr. Cement Work and Plastering Schmidt, Hy. 5148-h is a question of food today, to- launched into a presentation of the with rare marbles, Jaspers and por- public school bunding at Homedato. Children, Care of Mrs. morrow, next week. How to keep Johansen, 1503 So. 3rd East. aims and the of phyries of a dozen varieties and The toes was partly covered by In- Geaning of objects body and soul together now, this underlying Carpets and Overstaffed Furniture Sherrick, Phone Was. Natural Development movement, colore drawn from quarries in vari5070-ranee. surrounded in summer, by all the painted a beautiful word pic- ous parts of the empire or from the bounties of nature; mortgaged it and PRESTON, IDAj Much damage Dancing, Aesthetic, Folk Mrs. Epperson, 135 West 3rd North, Phone is true, but nature's bounties never- ture of the high ideals of service, ruins of demolished heathen temWas. 5531-wae done to the hay crop In the unselfishness and devotion to printheless. ples. Treasureton district about fifteen Dramatic Reading for Children. Was. 9544. that form the stones corner ciple Gambled Stewardship. But the distinctive architectural miles north of here, by a recent Dental Health Dr. Dunn, Was. 2796. of N. D. A. We believe in America. We befeature of the building was the clondbnrst on Rocky peak Two Drayage Mr. Dial, Was. 9544; Mr. Reich, Phone Murray 194-uninterwas the It from apparent lieve in Americans. Americans beGeaning Paramount Cleaners, Was. 2458. main sentidome of flow and probably the first great large streams of water rushed down Dry language lieve in themselves and have faith rupted Dress Making Miss Millbrandt, Was. 7469, 422 1st Ave. aerial ment the of ever heart erected. Within the ravines on the north and aonth cupola expressed that in one another. As part of this Making Mrs. Simmons, Holladay, Phone 236-the mes- 20 years an earthquake destroyed sides of the mountain, carrying Dress fundamental faith they have trust- the speaker was carried in and Electrician Larsen Electric Co., 465 First Ave., Was. 8309-which he that a part of this Inverted cup, but Jus- (Cnees, delivered, ed their leaders. The great finan- sage large rocks and cut hay with Floor Laying, Surfacing and Finishing Mr. Alex Graham, Was. 1629. the freedom and peace of the great tinian cial leaders of the country have en- outdoors restored lb and It Immediately Foot Service, Chiropody Dr. W. F. Compton, Was. 6060; 300 Scott contributed to the solem- It remains Intact until now, rising joyed unbounded trust and confi- nity and BOISE, IDA. Idaho lambs, exBldg. (Children under 13, A service; Adults, 50). good will that was shared 175 feet above the earth. dence. Each little bit of financial Gibbon, ceptionally prime, are beginning to Home Nursing Estelia Cox, 1445 E. Roosevelt Ave., Hy. 2S44-alike by speaker and listeners, and strength throughout the country could not fail to raise the commenting on Its lightness and du- move to market In large numbers. Home Nursing Mrs. Mary Sulser, 361 Sixth Ave., Was. 5962--J. has been gathered together into a which social standards and aspirations of rability, says that the frame prob- The movement to considerably later House Geaning and Decorating O. S. Jaynes, Hy. 5030. great reservoir of financial power, those present. ably to made of pumice stone or than normal, due to a late spring Health, Drugless Dr. Smith, Was. 9544. our modern financial machine, and Insurance F. L. Hickman, 1426 Gilmer Drive, Hy. 2691. of light brick from the Isle of and to the fact that fact the of the that Despite many many growers placed under the stewardship of Skilled and Unskilled N. D. Association (Mr. Gull), Was. 9544. these great leaders. Out of the auditors were standing or in un- Rhodes. are holding their lambs for Increas- Labor, J. H. Joost, Hy. 920-whirlwind of this financial chaos comfortable positions, the speaker Tbe cathedral adornments and ed weight because of a market de- Landscape Gardening Languages Miss M. Hoyer, Was. 9544. comes the realization, stunning at commanded rapt attention, and the particularly the mosaics of the mand for heavier stock. Marble Setting, Geaning, Repairing Drager, Was. 9544. were swayed by his vary- floors first, unbelievable, but true. These listeners and walls were considered UT. Warrior In- Machinist Mr. Breckstrand, Was. 9050-DUCHESNE, men have gambled with this stew- ing moods from tbe ridiculous to marvel of art and beauty. The sects of the grasshopper family, be- Mechanical Draftsman Mr. Jefferson, Was. 1841. of America, the sublime. And they lived again dome ardship, the a starry firmament lieved to be the same species that Morticians Intermountaia Funeral Home, 1445 So. State, Hy. 86. presented and Woodruff with I and amount An lost gambled of the intrinsic Neighbor Adair, (who is 72 years and the walls were enriched with the pioneers had to deal with, have Mining, Geology A. L Crawford, U. of U., Hy. 242, Extension 50. equal to one-ha- lf Band and Orchestra W. H. Burgner, 3225 So. 9th East. value of our national wealth loaned young, and showed Mr. Woodruff figures of Christ, the Virgin, the appeared In the southeast portion Music, Violin, Steel Guitar Edward Cox, 1445 Roosevelt Ave., to foreign countries and lost. Gone one of the strenuous weeks of his saints and the angels; and of Con- of this county. Unless curbed soon Music Piano, Hy. 2544-out of the reach of the people for life, by getting him out of bed at stantine and Justinian. exthese will grasshoppers prove Music Voice Loretta Epperson, 135 West 3rd North, Was. 5531-ever. For what? Commissions; 4:30 in the morning and keeping tremely harmful to crape. Oil Painting H. N. Hansen, Was. 9544. interest; fees; the personal profits him busy until late at night each EMMETT, IDA. Six carloads Ornamental Plastering Carl Weiss, Phone Was. 2268-of these stewards. Do we wonder day), through their interesting ex- Washington Both Wise of cherries were shipped from the Printing Utah Printing Co., 15 West South Temple St., Phone Was. in the rural settlements that half the nation is in distress. periences 2298 district recently. end Thrifty in Youth Emmett-Fayett- e Our great utilities and financial of the Southland. Perfect-O-Lit- e Financial Straits of Southern Utah C. S. Wilkinson, Was. 9544. southwestern the from bled the of Shipments have their George learned Washington people early giants The desperate financial straits of the value of thrift, writes E. T. Plumbing season Stevens, Hy. 3816. have state life blood. It is now a question of this of the part Bellamy food, bare sustenance for the lives the people in many of the rural dis- Partridge in Boys' Life, the monthly been estimated at 75 can, repre- Paper Hanging- O. S. Jaynes, Hy. 5030; J. L. Graham, Was. 1629. in have the past protricts, which Painting, House N. D. A., Was. 9544. of our people. much wealth from livestock, Journal of the Boy Scouts of Amer- senting a 25 per cent decrease from Sewing School Mrs. Simmons, 246 So. Main, Was. 9544. Give us food, not words. Give duced 1331 from ica. the total. the so There were not Shipments which many has helped to etc., Tailoring Peter Johansen, 1503 So. 3rd East, Was. 9544. us an assurance of food for next mining, build up the institutions of the chances for a boy to earn money northern part of the state ate ala Tailoring, Altering and Repairing Mr. Hansen, 246 S. Main. Was. 9544 week. All that there has ever been Inwas illustrated by circum- in those days. But Washington was under way with a substantial Tailoring Emil Markt, 205 South State. is available in exchange for this se- state, stances or anecdotes related. For accurate and exact; he was good at crease predicted. The 1932 estimate Watch Repairing Reinhardt, 155 So. Maim Was. 2038. curity. I do not believe that the instance, at a meeting in Panguitch mathematics; he was fond of be- to 250 cars, while 1081 shipments Watch and Clock Repairing Brandt, 307 Scott Bldg. world owes any of us a living. So- at which about 150 persons were Weather Strips and Calking Rawson & Co., Was. 4032. ciety does owe us an opportunity present, Mr. Adair challenged any- ing outdoors, says Mr. Partridge totalled 88 ears. PROVO, UT. Unemployment re- Welding Electric, Acetylene and Pipe Work Rust Bros., Hy. 4514-- J. according to our ability and worthi- one within the range of his voice 'Surveying called for all these ness. Why should men feel deCLASS B SERVICE to produce a ten dollar bill, a chal- qualities; and being a gentleman's lief work In Provo cost a total of pressed because of loss of wealth, lenge which went unanswered. Yet work, appealed to him. At fifteen $7,179.67 beginning with December Brick Yard Jos. R. Jensen, Sandy, R. D. No. 2, Box 104. we will feel like kings if we can to a report Issued Bakery Frank Pia, only a few years ago Panguitch was ho made n accurate survey of a 1931 n Community Market have an assurance of food. Tbe next year he recently. the home of some of the most spor- turnip field. Coal N. D. A., Was. 9544. Meet Crisis Intelligently. and of the tive went Into Shenandoah the state, UT. young people Pres. Mulcahy of Dancing, Aesthetic, Folk Loretta Epperson, Was. 5531-OGDEN, valley ( cash.) The enemy at the threshold of not one out of ten would be found the American home today js more at a race track or rodeo without on his first big Job. It was a great the Ogden Rotary dub, presenting Fire Equipment M. W. Wilkinson, 278 E. Kensington Ave. adventure for him and paid him hto annual report recommended Florist Miller Floral, 10 East 3rd South, Was. 3030. dreadful than was the nation imfat roll of bills to back his judg- Florist Funeral Designs a Specialty Tenth East Flower Shop, 1196 posing Taxation without Repre- ment on the ponies. At Escalante, well, $7.20 a day, which was good that all Rotary clubs In Utah make McGelland Ave., Hy. 920-for a boy In those days or a united effort to have the state (30 than in the same cash). pay sentation, more destructive covAdair Mr. county, TT: Key and Repair Work Tennis Rackets restrung Glen's Shop. 113 j red the greater - these busitextbooks school for of the supply high part So. Main 1585. Wasatch Street more district before he was able to Washington put this money students as to the esse with grade Kitchen Equipment, Aluminum Waterless nation's unrighteous ambition for l"M Cookery, Kitchen Craft and find change for a Into land, the first he ever owned, schools. This recommendation was DeLuxe Ware W. L. Hales, Was. 9544 (60 a Place in the Sun." God grant The cash). and a wild tract of 550 acres, which he made livestock of wool, club the inprice by retiring president Nursery Smith that the crisis may be met with Centerville, Phone Bountiful 167-everything else that the people pro- called Bullskln Plantation.' Two when In the report of the clnb ac- Optometrist Dr. Brothers, J. O. King, 246 So. Main, Was. 9544. telligence. duce for market has been reduced tivities said that the Ogden Botar-lan- s Printing G N. Lund, 206 Scott Bldg. (50 cash). Do you recall the lessons of the to a mere pittance, and the rural years later, continues Mr. Partworld war as pertaining to certain communities have no way of secur- ridge, he had saved enough to buy during the lost school year Photographer, Books of Remembrance Mr. Koehler, Hy. 6157-(50 cash). had expended $500 In purchasing conditions among the American ing the return of the money which another piece of 456 acres. At twensoldiers? The physical unfitness of must continually flow from them ty he purchased 552 acres more, textbooks for 90 students who, due Radio Sales and Service Roman G. Moncur, 1543 Laird Ave. Hyland 3340--J. our boys, American boys boastjng for the things they need to sustain making a total of 1,558 acres which to economic conditions, would not Shoe Repairing Ensign Shoe Shop, 577 E. 1st So., Was. 5719 of physical strength; tne amazing life. Hides, which normally were ho bought and paid for with the have been able to continue at (50). high Sign Painting Mr. Hollings, Phone Was. 3344. illiteracy of the flower of Ameri- worth six to ten dollars each, now money earned with his transit be- school Tea Room Cafe 24 South State St (50 per cent cash.) can youth, in a land proud of its bring possibly only half a dollar, fore he was old SPANISH FORK, UT. The pea enough to vote, educational standards? Do you and the owners are forced to take not think; if the full facts were rart or all produce of some kind He made BultoMn' Into a valuable harvest for the local cannery to property, which he kept all his life, under way and the plant has comknown, that there would come to in exchange for them. 20 Years Experience All Makes of Cars and to which he often referred In menced the season's pack. The peas number of an men people Mr. Adair appaling light Wherever went, Labor Class A. Materials Cash. destitute now, this summer, in a who had hides to sell were glad to hto diaries. are exceptionally fine flavored this R. W. land renowned for her wealth? NASH, the of Prop. take produce for the bulk year and the pods are well filled. Come out of your bulwark of se- deal, but begged for at lease a few Phone Hyland 414 1369 South State St. A good crop Is expected. with Dr. Bennion. be Mingle it was not to curity, Ue of Word cents cash, UT. After nearly two LOGAN, the oppressed. Learn the language had in that saying The proper force of words lies section. Already, the of the poor, help to champion a people there are reduced to a sys- not In the words themselves, but In years of Idleness, the Smithfield pea General Auto Repairing live. The cause for the right to tem of barter to obtain what they their application. A word may be cannery has opened for the summer run. A maximum force of 450 cry of the day is for clear thinkers, themselves do not produce. Their a word, of an unusual men and 180 women Why have we products will not sell for enough gifted leaders. may be emtrained them if they fail us now? to pay the freight on them. So all length and vary Imposing from Its ployed. Have You Read In People ask what can be done. the industries on which those coun- learning and novelty, and yet UT. Tooele The TOOELE, fair OPENING SEVEN SEALS Listen to the hungry man. Dont ties have depended are at a stand- the connection In which It to intro- hoard has voted, to carry on a fair think that he does not have clear still duced may be quite pointless and and on this 23 fall, September cut ideas of what must be done. It In trying to persuade the peo- Irrelevant It 1s not pomp or pre- again HALF HOUR OF SILENCE took years to work up to the "Bos- ple of southern Utah not to hoard tension, but the adaptation of the and 21 ton Tea Party," the rumblings of their wealth, the speaker comBOISE, IDA, Salt to prevent makes plain the Book of Revelations. It to clenches the that idea, expression Fort Sumter was heard for half a mented, President Hoover is wast- a writer's as It to not the collection of the five cent state meaning By David Archie Latimer is issue the when but his have efforts. nothing size or They generation; ing gasoline tax on feel used In plane of the materials, glosslnesz PRICE 25c food, the crisis has arrived. to hoard. of the United Air Lines operating At Pa rowan, Mr. Woodruff made but their being fitted each to Its across Idaho between Portland Same on A Credit The writer has in the past few and months had the opportunity of arrangements with William Pritch- place, that gives strength to the Salt lake has been filed In United Sold by Pyramid Press and Book Stores as tanor the pegs and nails are arch; making observations of this condi- ard for the installation of a tion in many cities from the Atlan- nery for the N. D. A. Mr. Pritch- as necessary to the support of the States district court by the aviatic to the Pacific. Unless the ard agreed to come to Salt Lake building as the large timbers, and tion company. LOGAN, UT Due primarily to handwriting on the wall is a delu- when the tannery is ready and more so than the mere showy, sion, we are faced with a calamity. train men in the tanning trade. Mr. unsubstantial ornaments. William only an 80 per cent tax collection In Cache county tost year, expenses, Leadership, action, organization, Pritchard has had many years of HasUtt, On Familiar Style." S must come if we are to save our- experience in the business, and un$14,000 for depreciation, including selves. Shall it come from our cap- derstands the modern chrome proexceeded revenues by $45,833.40, a able leaders or from the untrained cess by which the best leather is Bible special audit report by the Utah at were Geteaberg hides that With masses? produced. State Agricultural college showed now are to worth The $10 time $8 one Gutenberg Sincerely yours, for H. C. selling for 30c, it is time the people Bible, printed on parchment In upon its submission to the county leather. own their commissioners. made three volumes; was bought by Dr. ight of my here EXECUTIVES AND SECRETARIES Mr. Woodruff also found a har- Otto H. F. Yollbehr of own condition makes it necessary from Berlin, harBOISE In make IDA, will with-holLtohu for me to Highways d my name, for ness maker who the monastery of St Blase, In the Take Pleasant Training and Prepare Quickly nesses and other leather goods for which I crave your pardon. continue in good condition although of of village St Paul To take your rightful place in high service that pays. with talked province N. D. A. credits, and he J. H. C. construction to and repair work shoemakers who will be ready to Ckrinthla. Congress appropriated Private Individual Instruction makes the work fit $1500,000 for the purchase of this increasing In volnma the report of make shoes of N. D. A. leather. your special needs. Officers and Directors The universal lack of cash placed and many other rare books In the tbe bureau of highways discloses. on to Travel Old the Oregon Trail of that section in the Vollbehr collection. No amount was Natural Development the people Your A Credits Are Accepted right mood for a consideration of specified for the Bible alone, It be- slowed by const ruction at Georgethe N. D. A. idea, and meetings ing Included In the total collection town and Lava Hot Springs east of Association in were well attended and all were of Incunabula. Austria Pocatello and repair and resurfacThey are Better Than Cash when invested BENJAMIN B. STRINGHAM possessed in serve and in the earn the theme. to interested added own west of Barley. Holes President and Director power addressed the wo- seven of these rare Bibles; but at ing operations irour and more desirable WILFORD OWEN WOODRUFF Mrs. Elggren capacity. the close of the war sold five of and a washout between Bliss and their men on bringing activities, and Director Twin Falls also are stowing traffic ' them. three Only the that fact perfect the out copies gift shop, WILFORD A. GLAD dress-makiSALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE and other of their of this Bible exist of which one Is bnt the highway to open at all and Director satIn In are one Paris and one In point. London, progressing very projects HYRUM SMITH Tel. Wasatch 7280 246 South Main isfactorily. the Library of Cbngreoa. Secretary and Director Mr. furnished Music was by L. E. ELGGREN Coxs orchestra, which was Treasurer and Director (Continued from Page 1.) of not of Vice-Preside- nt . R. life-blo- od Vice-Preside- nt r6 ' TVi , ten-spo- t." R. NASH AUTO REPAIR GREAT OPPORTUNITIES d Vice-Preside- nt Vice-Preside- nt ng Ed-wa- rd 42-ll- |