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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT (Continued from Page 1.) PRODUCTIONAND The process of manufacturing an egg is very simple at least to the hen. But after she has done her share it takes an army of hucksters, assemblers, shippers, candlers, jobbers, wholesalers, retailers, horses and wagons, trains and motor cars to get that egg to What is true the housewife. THIS IS CALLED DISTRIBUTION; of the egg is true of most of the necessities of life. Our manufacthe turing system has become almost as efficient as the hen, butcumbusiness of distribution has hung back under the dominion of bersome and expensive methods. Now, however, I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the first great practical effort to deal witn that problem, under the plan set forth by the Natural Development Association. W. L. Hales. THE 100 PER CENT AMERICANS IN WALL STREET When we read of the vultures in Wall Street who have been undoing the government and the people, we are reminded of a statement made by Martin Luther, as follows: "Whosoever eats up, robs and steals the nourishment of another commits as great a crime as he who carves a man or utterly undoes him. Such does a usurer, and he sits the while on his stool when he rather ought to be hanging from the gallows. Heres an illustration of how they do it. The house of Morgan accepted large issues of German bonds to sell to the American people. The bonds were advertised as among the best and the people were gullible enough to buy. Morgan kept them up to $90 while he was selling them and his bank made millions out of the deal Immediately after they were sold to his fellow citizens, he was instrumental in hammering them down to $30, so the big interests might buy them up and have them all as clear profit, or nearly so. 100 per cent Americans (?) Such is the work of these who are scaring the people with the bugaboo of bolshevism. ed THE BATTLE FOR ECONOMIC FREEDOM The great battle that must be waged and fought out until it is won js the battle for economic freedom, for equal opportunity, for complete justice. The ones who own or control the land or machinery upon which others must depend for making their livelihood owns and con-tro- ls them. Thea great and fundamental issue which is at stake is economic freedom, justice and equal opportunity, a more equal distribution of wealth, and the free use. for all the people of our great natural resources which have been taken and monopolized by the few who rule because of their wealth. , To insure its welfare and its perpetuity this country must depend upon the state of mind and heart of its people. ' If the people are unemployed, discontent: if their hopes are crushed, their rights and profits taken from them by monopolistic and corporate despoilers, then the future of the nation is in very great danger. Think for a moment about the millions upon millions in the form of natural franchises which the people have allowed to be takenrom them and how these franchises have so enormously enriched those who have been quick to take the advantages. While the common people have been patiently going about their business the preying buzzards have been quietly getting possession of the natural resources of the country and amassed fortunes that run into the billions. All the value the public utilities have are given them by the people and they should be managed and used for all the people, not for the enrichment of the few. It is the people and they alone, who make valuable the franchises that have been given away. Why then should not the. people be the owners and beneficiaries instead of a few private in- dividual? "That which the people collectively create they should collectively own." The private interests, enriched beyond estimate Irom public utilities, do all in their power to deceive and mislead the people, but the peoples day is coming. Nothing can stop it. Concentrated wealth may exert every influence against equality and justice, but the though and genius of great men are on the side of the masses, and the spirit of the plain American people will not give up the fight until victory is achieved. Either we must take this upward and forward step or we must plunge backward and downward to barbarism. Natural Development Association 246 South Main Lake Street, Salt City LIST OF AVAILABLE SERVICES AND COMMODITIES CLASS A SERVICE Advertising1 and Printing C. N. Lund, Was. 7280. Addressing Systems, Elliott Wilkinson, 875 So. State. Apartments and Houses to Rent Mr. R. Weight, Was. 160. Assaying, Microscopic Determination of Minerals A. L. Crawford, 1368-- Hy. Athletic Training, Swimming Lessons E. Hollings, Was. 7280. Art Work Dorothy Smith, Was. 7280. Automobile Painting Mr. Hagen, 1340 So. State St Automobile Repairing W. R. Nash, 1369 So. State. Barber and Beauty Work Beehive Shop, Was. 4912, 30 So. State. Business and Vocational Training S. L. Business College, Keith Emporium Bldg., Was. 7280. Cabinet and Furniture Builders S. W. Robertshaw, Was. 8183. Carpenter Mr. Gull, Was. 9782-Children, Care of Mrs. Johansen, 1503 So. 3rd East Commercial Art Alfons Fink. Dental Service Dr. Dunn, Was. 2796 (children under 13 years). Dramatic Reading for Children Mrs. Vesta P. Crawford, Hy. 1368-Dry Cleaning Paramount Cleaners, Was. 2458. Dress Making Miss Millbrandt Was. 7469, 422 1st Ave, Dress Making Mrs. Simmons, Holladay, Phone 236-Drayage Mr. Dial, Was. 7280 ; Mr. Reich, Phone Murray 194-Electrician Larsen Electric Co., 465 First Ave., Was. 7280. Floor Laying, Surfacing and Finishing Mr. Alex Graham, Was. 1629. House Cleaning and Decorating O. S. Jaynes, Hy. 5030. Housing C. R. Sorenson, Hy. 7595-Health, Drugless Dr. Smith, Was. 7280. Labor, Skilled and Unskilled N. D. Association (Mr. Gull), Was. 7280. Language M. Hoyer, Was. 665. Machinist Mr. Beckstrand, Was. 9050-Mechanical Draftsman Mr. Jefferson, Was. 1841. Metal Weather Strips Rawson & Co., Was. 4032. Mining, Geology A. L. Crawford, U. of U., Hy. 242, Extension 50. Music, Band and Orchestra W. H. Burgner, 3225 So. 9th East Music, Piano and Violin Mr. Edward Cox, 1445 Roosevelt Hy. 2544 Music, Voice Loretta Epperson, Was. 5531. Moving, Van and Transfer Christensen, Was. 1463. Multigraphing, Printing Wilkinson, Was. 3746. Oil Painting H. N. Hansen, Was. 7280. Perfect-O-Ii- te Wilkinson, Was. 3746, 875 So. State. Plumbing E. T. Stevens, Hy. 8816. Paper Hanging O. S. Jaynes, Hy. 5030; J. L. Graham, Was. 1629. Painting, House Mr. Ferretta, Was. 7280. Painting, Signs Mr. Finck, Was. 7280. Printing C. N. Lund, 206 Scott Bldg. Quilt Making Delia L Booth, Was. 7980. Radio Repairing E. Lyons, Was. 7280. Research Work M. Hoyer, Was. 665. Sewing School Mrs. Simmons, 246 So. Main, Was. 7280. Tailoring Peter Johansen, 1503 So. 3rd East, Was. 7280. Tailoring, Altering and Repairing Mr. Hansen, 246 So. Main. CLASS B SERVICE Coal N. D. A., Was. 7280. Dental Health Dr. Dunn, Was. 2796 (50 per cent Dancing, Aesthetic, Fblk, Ballroom Loretta Epperson, Was. 5531. (13 Cash.) Fire Equipment M. W. Wilkinson, 278 E. Kensington Ave. Florist Miller Floral, 10 East 8rd South, Was. 3030. Kitchen Equipment, Aluminum Waterless Cookery, Kitchen Craft and DeLuxe Ware W.L. Hales, Was 7280 (60 per cent cash). Medical Health Dr. II. 1L Wilkinson, Hy. 6773 (50 per cent). Nursery Smith Brothers, Centerville, Phone Bountiful 167-Optometrist Dr. J. 0. King, 246 So. Main. Potatoes Was. 7280. Shoe Repairing Ensign Shoe Shop, 577 E. 1st So., Was. 5719 (50 per cent). Soap and Cleanser SoPo Manufacturing Co., Was. 7631. W. R. --Briefly Told tor Busy THE WORLD WILL FOOD FOR THOUGHT Intermountain News DISTRIBUTION ... By COVINGTON HALL (This great poem tells the whole story of the coming struggle. It is great. Read it and commit it It will be a battle cry Editor.) Hear me, ye who sit in purple splendor 'round old Mammons throne! Hear me, all ye eons of Moloch, ye who make the Race to mourn! e,r n, to Ye Pand'ring Statesmen guarding where their black flag waves I Sudan It would aeem that a blind man could see what the reatoration of mining would do for the West and for the country. It is now a year since the matter of restoring stiver wu brought to the attention of the President and a resolution for conference laid upon his desk. To date he has given it no attenBeet Growere tion and before he gets around 'to OGDEN, UT-T- he Credit corporation recently filed it, it will be too late. article! at Incorporation with the When we uy the light is begincounty clerk. The capital atock la au$160,000 divided Into shares of the ning to break we do it on good thority. For instance: The Canapar value of $100 each. dian parliament was shaken to its BEAVER, UT A community foundations the other day when a outfit hu been pnrehaaed member stood forth and in a ringwith aome of the money collected ing speech recommended the fol. last winter tor charity purpose. It lowing: "The government should SET la expected that a large amount of take immediate measures TOCOMUP A garden produce will be pot up tor MONWEALTH in which all natuthe needy thla summer. . ral resources and socially necesUT The quar- sary machinery of production will 8PRINGYILLB, for the interests of the terly report leaned by the city re- be usedand not for the benefit of people shows a corder of Sprlngvllla gala the few. Who says the day of la receipt for tho flrat three montha is not dawning? of 1832 over the perBOND ISSUB FOUR STATES JOIN: CANNING FOR JOBLESS. "AG SPECIAL" SCHEDULE. IAN ACRES IRRIGATED. $4M OS ' Hear me, too, ye tinseled Marshals heading their embattled slaves! Hear me, all ye hireling teachers, all ye priesthoods who have sold I ruth, the Holy Spirit und have turned Loves glowing words to gold! Hear me, all ye House of Mammon, all who bend at Moloch'a shrine, We, the Undermen, are coming in a fury all divinel e and by love driven, d now We are gathering for the battle that the Seers foretold noof more. yore: Heart-aflam- From all peoples we are coming, from the field, mine, wood and town. And the fight shall not be ended till the Servile State goes down: There shall be, when we have finished, for all children home and hearth. And the songs of happy mothers shall be heird throughout the There shall be no fallen women, there shall be no broken men.Eartn; There shall be no homeless outcasts on the broad Earths bosom then. All the steel that now surrounds All the laws that now All the words of your And the slider seal the temples where your atriclcen idols rest; All your gilded, glittering savagery our hands shall sweep away. And the maidens ye. have ruined shall demand of you their pay; All your monstrous art shall perish from the Earths insulted rlain. All your reeking hovel cities shall go back to hell again! corresponding iod of laat year. PAYSON, UT The Utah county "Agricultural Special train will tour the territory from Payaon to Weet Jordan, leaving Payaon on Hay 81, proceeding to Salem that afternoon with a night meeting at Spanish Fork. The second day, June 1, will be spent at Bprlngvllle and Provo; the third day at Pleasant Grave and Lebl, winding up at the American Fork Poultry Day celebration, June X June S win be put at Wait Jordan where auger beeti win be featured. LOGAN, UT. The "Ag dub at the U. S. A. CL win conduct their fifth annual show In the UL 8. A. Cl tedium In the near future. Horaei from northern Utah and southern Idaho win bo entered. Why shouldnt the day of be dawning? The individualist system of private profit has brought us all the evils that are upon us, oppression, graft, crime, militarism, selfishness and violence. Poverty and human degradation are its yoke mates, and the sooner it is thrown on the scrap heap the better for all of us. . There shall be no Lord above us, there shall he no Slave below, There, in Labor's grand Republic, only Comrades we shall know! We are gathering, we are coming, far and wide the World around. Truth the north star of our legions, all the Earth our battleground! r, Rising, coming in surging forward to the light, for the last, decisive fight! Comjng, coming hungry-hearte- d Coming, coming from our thraldom, coming victors over all I We have heard the World Will speaking e have heard the Race . Soul call! . love-ange- !W SHORTAGE IN ALL LINES OF FARM PRODUCE IN UTAH Discounting the optimism of big business and the misleading headIf where is a surplus of any valuable prodknow there you lines of the dailies, the fact rem N. D. A. third floor uct, office, please notify mains that the industrial situation Lake Salt need We is as distressing as ever. Unem- building. City. wheat, wool, meat, milk, ployment is increasing and before cows, hogs, and all kinds of agricultural products. We will pay the end of the summer there will better than market values in exchange credit. be at least a million more workers added to the army of unemployed. The central thought of this paper is to save America. The government cannot continue to endure with half feasting and half Keith-Emporiu- BEXBURG, IDA. 10 to 60 per cent of tho Idaho farmers have apA prominent local citizen, speakplied for seed loans at the Salt Lake ing at a meeting, said, among other division office. things. "We have been voting the MOUNTAIN HOME, IDA The old party tickets for 30 years and look what a mess we have got ourd thru raeervolre of tho farmeiHnrn-e- faction-parte- selves into. Premier I want to Join some Mountain Home Irrigation project kind of an organization but it an fining rapidly, with enough wat- must be one that believes in doing alaU to er In them now have the things now. Those boys and girls falfa land Irrigated die lint part at May, and atm retain storage at six aere feet of water for every sere In the 6000-acr-e project HEBEB, UT Testing of range s cattle In Wasatch eonnty tor hu hen completed with no nectars found. AU dairy uttls In , tha county win bo felted. If no man necton era found in tho dairy cattle, than In 1929, and 19S0, Wa-nteonnty wUl become an accredited county. wiraiiB, UT. At a meeting of the board of director! of tho Warntch county fair board. It wu decided to hold the county flair again thla year, and tha dates wen set for September let end 2nd. tnber-cnloal- ch IDAHO FALLS, IDr-- A heavy doee at poison which she was reported to have accidentally taken la a enp of coffee, earned the death at 1d Martha Abercrombie, school girl. -o UT. EMEBY, J. a UcBroom, resident of Emery tor the part nine' years, and a former resident of Oklahoma, was arrested tor assault and battery on his wife and BBAVEB, UT The special election held in the eonnty for voting a $40,000 bond to pay Indebtedness of tho present year and to begin school with next ton, wu decided in favor of leaning the bonds. SALT LAKE CITY, UT from of ours, if we are to do anything for them we must do it now. This man should look about and find the Natural Development Association and join it. It is the organization that believei in doing things NOW and is proving its faith by its works. Individualism, competition and capitalism have had their day. Let ns now try and we shall perform such industrial ana economic wonders as will completely shame the old system. Let Cooperation have a trial. It could not possibly do worse than has been and is being done. But wait just a little while. Its day is here and it will be perfectly willing to be judged by its fruits. O. S. JAYNES MAGDEIEL BUILDING CO. We Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modern Call us at WAS. 5839-Style and Comfort N. D. A. SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING LEAH W. SIMMONS 117 -- el W Keith ENSIGN Emporium Bldg. TAILORED FROCK The PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK $98-00- tor 1980. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The state wUl conduct a thorough probing at unemployment. Thla wu decided at n hearing at the capital by the state Industrial commission and leaden to religious and civic lift ah feeding: Let Us Remodel Your Home You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for Information Published By C. N. Lund ' at Scott Bldg., Suit Lake City, Ut. u Second-ClaApplication for entry Matter is pending. Subscription, 1 year . ganization which includes three states, hu extended lta ephen at Subscription, 6 moa. Influence Into a fourth, Oregon. e Advertisinj-atesvenreasonsblCoe! dealera at IS eastern Oregon cities and towns became affiliated with the association at Its annual convention here. Other states Include Utah, Wyoming and Idaho: UTz-BaO- -way Phone Was. 5719 Our Specialty Semi-Month- ly 206 SHOE SERVICE East 1st South 577 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN d CITY, HANGING DECORATING PAINTING If Its Done with a Brash We DO IT. 5030 during 19SL operating Income at the Bamberger Electric Ba lined company la 1981 wu $419,000, It la Shown by a report filed with the public utilities 0 eommlfeion of Utah. Thla wu less than the operating Income have a first class house cleaning and building unit; is organized with the very best skilled workmen obtainable, who can take care of your immediate needs in all kinds of Cleaning, Painting, Papering, Decorating and Interior and Exterior House Remodeling. Prices right and work guaranteed. Estimates free. Just call Natural Development Association, 246 South Main St. Was. 7280; Hy. 5030; Hy. 7595-and Was. 9782-- down of the old system with all the attendant suffering. The old parties cannot meet the emergen- - Hy. 1427 Blair St. cies because they are the tools and servants of the forces and the men who have brought about the presTHE LARSEN ELECTRIC ent conditions and they neither All Kinds necesElectric Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work of take the will can nor steps GIVE US A TRIAL sary to build a new social order. That step must be taken by those ' Phone Was. 8309-- R 465 First Avenue who believe in a system and by them it can and will be taken. There are now upwards DR. CHARLES H. DUNN, Dentist in this of twenty . and A little little a work 503 Felt Building - Opposite Federal Bldg. country leadership may unite them and Office Phone Wat. 2796 Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30 then we shall have a great start is toward national It the only thing that will save us. arsu which suffered from drouth SALT LAKE THE NATURAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION We are, and have been for long, 17-1- WENDOVXB, UTAH la addition to applying an mild on the weeterly ten mllee at the Wendover ent-of- t the state road commlsclon and the federal government will apply light oil, sufficient to make the road temporarily dnatprooL on the remaining 41 mllee at the cut-of- f, It wu aimoune-erecently. BURLEY, IDA The Idaho Coal Deaton? auoclatlon, already an or- Enjoy the Grand Opening Saturday Fine High Grade Bread and Pastry Right Prices. in the midst of a general break- Utah twenty-nin- e countleo tor livestock feed total tone, reports Mrs. Mary A. Allen, executive eecretary of the Salt Lake eonnty chapter of the AmerL cun Bed Cross. Tha feed, which la a portion of the 87,297 tone cent to tho Pacific area from the Bed Gross, win be distributed to thou COMMUNITY MARKET ss $2X0 $1.00 - i PARAMOUNT DELIVERY SERVICE 902 South 1st West CLEANERS RELINING & DYERS REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 BEEHIVE BARBER and BEAUTY PARLOR SOUTH STATE STREET CompletendPerfKtJProfetsionedvitx 30 |