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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Beauty Talks By MARJORIE DUNCAN Famous Beauty Expert V aPrZo": vAw- ., V - ? Perfume Secrets 1 X PERHAPS Wvwr the gravest mistake in the perfuming art the use of more than one scent at a time It Is very important that .. toilet articles, for Instance, creams, .W ., yf 5, V t ,.; lotions and powders have only the faintest, most delicate perfume 8o that when ones favorite perfume Itself Is sprayed on the akin or lln A Whitt Ttrror of tht North Atlantlo gerie there will not be a too obvious blend of several odore Noth(PitPBNd by the National Goonraablt of a knot per hour; ing is more revolting than a mixOodaty. WashlaKtoo. IX C.I (WND toiylea) Added to thla ture of rose, lilac, mardssus and foggy, smooth sea. tht white terrors of will be the position of perhaps twenICEBERGS, Atlantic ship lanes, are ty other bergs. The smart womans dressing table on their annual migration from The set and drift data enable the may contain a dozen different vluls the Arctic to their doom In the ship navigators to know that the predoua perfumee But if she warm waters of the gulf stream. Al- two bergs, which are the two southtruly smart, she uses but one ready North Atlantic traffic lanes ernmost, ars coming south at the odor at a time. Her perfumes may hays been moved 80 miles south- speed given. vary In intensity for different times ward by order of the Ice patrol rotation of corn, oata, wheat, hay. with a very faint, The oceanographer notices, while delicate scent in the morning, a litwhich reporta that some 850 bergs will mors southward daring the plotting the water temperature, tle heavier for afternoon tea, and 1982 tea season of April, Hay and from ship that their present quite exotic for dinner and dance. course might carry them dose to a Or she may wear a musk Jana perfume Icebergs have always been the number of dangerous bergs. An ice with her sports clothes and furs, a dread of tranaatlantle navigators. warning is immediately dispatched, floral odor with pastel chiffons, a InThey drift hither and yon. They which the vessels acknowledge with bouquet blend with give no warning of their presence. thanks. The vessels alter their formal costumes. But (we are still They are propelled now by ocean courses to clear the ice. speaking of the smart woman) she On the great steamer lane be- never current, now by tides, and now by superimposes one perfume on winds and waves. Fog is their con tween Europe and America liners, another. cargo carriers, and tramps pass constant companion. The delightful art of perfuming A vesaei speeding through an area stantly. It Is an avenue of the sea need hot be limited to the last touch infested with moving ice, daring Jnst as much as Michigan boulevard of the toilette. An old standby and night or in fog, plays a game of or Fifth avenue la a heavy traffic ever reliable Is the satchet bag. And chance. Even on a starlit night a street On what la known as the can be put to such delightfully diberg cannot be seen beyond a halt westbound tracks are the ships versified use. A very thin silk mile; but when the position of the coming from Europe, and on the sachet bag stitched to the lining of ice is known to the navigator, the "east bound tracks." 00 miles south, your fkvorlte hat (or all your hats, for that matter) will carry its subtle danger Is eliminated; he can alter are the ships going to Europe. All vessels off the tracks are re- scent not only to the hat lining but bis course to avoid the menace. The Ice comee down every year, ported for violation of the rules. A on to the hair. A scented sheet of paper placed as It has for centuries ; but now vessd off the track la Just as dan every berg that follows the eastern geroua as an Iceberg or a derelict In your stationery, under your desk The Ice patrol entter stands as s blotter, in your bureau drawers, and edge of the Grand Banks into the steamer lanes is kept under surveil- traffic officer on the avenue of the your belongings will breathe your lance by the International ice pa- - sea. If the ice threatens blocks ge, favorite perfume. troL From thla service navigators the cutter sets the stop sign and If a particular perfume wins In 1910 It was at the point where the parallel the Civil war, when the advance was 80.6 miles, By ELMO SCOTT WATSON can learn the answer to the ques- turns traffic Into a side street' very favorable and definite reaction ECENTLY the name of the town of while the least movement was In the decade from of latitude of 89 degrees 10 minutes 12 seconds with yqu if it strikes a harmonition which each asks: Where is detour to the south. deThree separate charts are plotted ous chord that makes you exclaim Linton, Ind, appeared in the head- 1910 to 1920 when it was less than 10 miles. In N. intersects the meridian of longitude 86 the leer , first for the 20 82 and census seconds 140 minutes the of records the the in covered of grees lines W, by years have every part newspapers I at last, Not a single ship has been lost recording the ships ice and water enthusiastically the country and the reason was not advance has totaled 689 miles, an average of a time in Its history was located la a city through collision with an iceberg temperatures. The latter is very found It, surround yourself with it because it had been the scene of some little more than three miles annually, or about Bloomington, Ind. From 1900 to 1910 it moved because it very likely is your important, because by using from since the patrol was inaugurated. sensational crime, some event of po- 11 Vi miles a decade. That does not sound very .7 of a mile north and S&9 miles west, the west900 in to find In IS one 1,800 it, if messages you pleasure Greenland's icy mountains' alone days litical significance, scientific discov- big, but It means a lot in the development of ward movement being nearly three times as can locate the cold wall, the line others will pleasurably associate it are the source of the icebergs that great as from 1890 to 1900. but less than the ery or other happening which for a the United States, corns as far south as the steamer of demarcation between the gulf with you. Line your linen drawers Reference was made previously to the high westward movement for all previous decade moment throws the limelight on brief stream with with scented sachet water it, cold and Labrador the bags lanes. Journeying about 1,800 miles little municipality. The reason was that southward advance and the reason for the south- except between 1800 and 1810. let your lingerie subtly shed the approximately the distance from current water. the United States bureau of the cgnsus, having ward pull of tbe last 10 years is chiefly CaliforIn the decade 1910 to 1920 it moved only 9.8 on same scent, use your atomiser Ths Danger Lina. Washington, D. CL, to Denver bestatistics nia south as well as west and Florida south miles the smallest movement it has ever shown, of certain the compilation al- completed But and curtains hangings. your This line is the danger line, before they become white specters1' h obtained by the 1980 census, announced that as well as east. The Increases in the populations being only about of the movement cause Icebergs that to shipping. to ways remember- - that a little the center of population of the United States of Texas and Oklahoma may appear also to have from 1900 to 1910. The center has been in With the exception of a small shipping seldom cron It The loca- enough and perfume should be like Is near had some Influence, but the Increases In Pennsyl- Indiana for 40 years now and it is probable that Linton. Ind. whiff of wind now caressing, strip of coast line, Greenland Is tion of it at the beginning of the As a matter of fact this center is located at vania and New York probably offset that growth It will still be In the possession of the Hoosiers never now persistent, escaping, completely covered with a vast ice season Is an index to the severity of In 1940, for the historic banks of the Wabash, never Intense, but always fitlntly a point in Stockton township, Greene county, In the southwest cap. Its estimated thickness is B.000 conditions to be expected. If It be asked whether the Callfornla-Florld-a Ind., which is 2.9 miles northeast of Linton, 81 eastern boundary of Indiana, are still 25 the distinctive. all definite and above A comcrosses the line feet berg that miles southeast by south of Terre Haute and Increase in population was greater than the miles away and the center Is not likely to go sethese Remember perfume Always the ice mantle is moving mits quick suicide, for water of 6S 83.8 miles northeast by north of Vincennes. But growth in Michigan and the North Atlantic more than 25 miles westward In the next 10 crets and remember the disasdown the slope of the land toward to 80 degrees melts Ice very rapidly. since it is nearest Linton, that town received states, the answer is the technical definition of year allow a Never "don't. trous The cold wall Is easy to see. the sea, in great glaciers pushing whatever distinction there accrues to being center of population given above. confusion of various odors. Your Bnt If Indiana has a hold on one center out through the valleys As the Ice North of it the ocean is a beautiful known as the center of population" and It beAn Increase of 100,000 persons In Los Angeles, which it bath salts, soaps, powders and there eventually will have to reaches the seas it noses out into olive green, south of it the water as have should came the 'successor to another Indiana town, more than 2,500 miles from the old center of Is one state which has another relinquish, personal effects center" that it the water until buoyancy lifts it up, is indigo blue. The higher content uniform perfume as possible. Whitehall, In holding that honor. For after population In Indiana, would counterbalance an will never lose. That state is Kansas and it has and then the front of the glacier of microscopic marine life gives the the census of 1920 the center of population was Increase of 000,000 In Detroit only a couple of permanent possession of the geographical center Labrador current Its olive-greebreaks off at a weak spot Correct Drooping Muscles designated as a point 1.9 miles west of White- hundred miles away. of continental United States. For the United There Is a deafening roar and a font One of the most interesting results of each States Coast and Geodetic survey has deterthe face falls, how con hall In Owen county and In the ten years from WHEN with a tidal The prow of a cutter can be in thunderous crash, and 1920 to 1930 It moved westward 2Z8 miles to decennial census Is the graphic picture which It mined that this center is located at Ogdea on spirit help but sag? splaah the glacial fragment plunges green water of 40 degrees FahrenNo doubt there are many women the point near Linton. paints of Uncle Sam's westward march across the Fort Riley reservation in Smith county, Kan, and center of heavily Into the sea, almost sub- heit, the stern in warm blue Now what is this population My first whose spirits are sagging. the continent Here, In brief, is that picture It is at a point which is 1,100 feet above sea level merging The water is churned Into ter that registers 60 degrees. The thought la to console them. Dont how is It computed? Probably most of us have over the period of 140 years from 1790, the date and is located in latitude 89 degrees, 60 minutes; creamy waves as the newborn berg crew may swim in tropical tem worry. For worry will only add gray rather vague Ideas about that and the chances of the first census, to 1930. the date of the lost 98 degrees, 85 minutes, and a monushakes off the sea, regains its equi- peratured water, while half a mils balr and then there will be more are that such ideas are erroneous as well. For one: From the 1700 position In Maryland the longitude ment has been erected there to mark the spot. librium, and settles Itself comfort- away to the north floats a large ice- cause for alarm. the thing we have in mind when we say center center moved in ten years almost directly west How this geographical center was determined exberg. drifting in cold water. ably for a long Journey southward. to a point about 18 miles west of Baltimore, and Is described Theres nothing very lovely about of population Is probably what the census by officials of the survey as follows: As a boat approaches a floating Come From Greenland. median call the with point from 1800 it continued Its westward swing, dipperts a chin that carries Its double area bounded by a true circle the land a For ice island a slxzllng sound becomes There are eight principal the line population ping slightly to the sonth to a point In Virginia dividing If yon draw a It, and none of us seem to have pacenter the of circle is the geographic center In audible. Close attention shows that Greenland. glaciers tience with women who allow their of the United States Into equal parts north and 40 miles northwest by west of Washington. In The worst offenders are those of this comes from small pieces of ice Jpw line to take on Jowls, their south, and another line dividing It equally east this decade It shifted 40 miles, the movement also; for an area bounded by a square or a the intersection of the diagonals is the Dlsko bay, Jakobshaven, and slipping off Into the sea. Unlike or underebin to become undershot and and west then the point of Intersection Is the being due principally to the annexation of the rectangle but for an irregular area the centrue center; ice on one four efferof the quar- territory of Louisiana. lumps, the pieces median point In every dlnary Karajak, and Umanak so on. ter Is not so easily found. One method of findvesce. This is a peculiarity of gla same of number be will the people. the west coast there ters start would to 1810 1820, it reached If every woman In the next ten years, a method sufficiently exact for all pracBut the center of population, as used by the a point about 16 miles east of Moorfleld in what ing It, to give Bergs are discharged in vast dal ice. at twenty or twenty-fiv- e Is to mount a map on the area on tical purposes, conbe Americans of other Thousands to and Is sailed from that these that point may census bureau. numbers herself the necessary preventive now the state of West Virginia. Here again a piece of stiff paper or cardboard and then cut of the Greenland fiords. Yet few come Europe last year. Few of them were sidered the center of human gravity care, it would all be so much there was a slight southward movement, whleh this paper or cardboard to the exact outline. south of Newfoundland. .Uany are aware as they retired to tbrir staterUnited States. The census bureau pictures the was due mainly to the Increasing population of simpler. ooms at night, of what pmnutlnns However, do not think that you United States as a rigid level plane, and on It Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. From 1820 The point at which this figure will exactly baltoo small to last long. ance on a pencil or pin point, if left free to bufwere being taken for their safety. are confronted with an insurmount- our 123,000,000-od- d people each one weighing the Only the fittest survive the movement continued west and south move. Indicates the location of the and per- same, Irrespective of age, sex and other dis- to 1830 the geographic Moorfeting of the sea, to be carried south They did not know that In the raitlu able task. Perseverance of to a point aout 19 miles center. R was by this method that the survey on the flow of the Labrador cur- room on the upper deck of their sistence will do much to lift and tinctions. fleld, this being the most decided movement to not only found the geographical center of the Then the center of population would be the the south in any decade. The reason was the rent and along the eastern edge of ships, a message from the Ice patrol firm the pesky sagging. The first United States as a whole but also that of each cleansare to treatment In In order must your pivot the banka of the gulf stream. This was coming in, tdllng about fog and steps point at which the plane annexation of Florida and increasing settleing and exercising the skin two balance perfectly. Literally then the center ments in the southwest, notably Alabama, Louisi- state. warm current gives them short Icebergs. Kansas also has permanent possession of anNor did they realise that their steps which every woman should might be described as the decennial pivot of the shrift; but until they have dwindled ana, Mississippi and Arkansan center which is of even more importance other or seesaw. the what no matter type a was American population playing coast guard follow, reporting to the else of an ample library desk liner 1830 to 1840 the center continued west, than its geographic From center for It has aptly contour. or relationskin no definite condition of her Obviously this point has they are capable of atavlng In a ves- cutter drifting on the Gninil Bank Out numer- but slightly changed its course to the north, been called the hub of the United State or the Is center Nest on patting, manipulating cutter officers the with step the so geographical could that ship sel's plates. a point 16 miles south of Clarksburg, In a cow pasture on the Meade ranch la Osborne nourreaching levera with the because and the of kneading, molding, if liner's center population the course check learn to ical The Labrador current, although a W. Va. During this decade population had In- county, Kansas, is a three-foo- t cube of concrete ishing cream. Choose one com- age given western sections of the country offsets danger carrier, has its usefulness. was entirely clear of danger. creased rapidly in the prairie states and In the In which Is set a metal plate on which a point eastern of and the of of ingredients populations In pure Titanic pounded The larger of the marine kinds weights April, all catastrophe with It teems southern parts of Michigan and Wisconsin. is engraved. And this is the dominant point," rich In delicate oils. Press and lift sections, on this hypothetical teeter-totter- . life, affording breeding and feeding 1912, shocked the entire world, and From 1840 to 1S50 it moved west and Slightly the primary station, the geodetie capital of outof center of and popuan the in advance the westward upward demand fingers for a universal The patrol grounds for our best food fish. Remember always lation by 22.3 miles since 1920 Is the smallest south again, reaching a point about 23 miles America the king pin" of all United States The berg danger period coincides gave birth to the International Ice ward motion. and surveying and from it Is caland outward on the face. registered in any census except two. In 1900 southeast of Parkersburg, W. Va., the change of with the heavy flow period of the patrol. Immediately after the Ti- upward 1920 direction to the south being largely due to tbe culated the latitude and longitude of a sixth of In 14.4 neck. and on was Work around miles, the only United the advance 8totes the Labrador current each year that tanic disaster annexation of Texas, the world's land surface, since both Canada and If your skin Is thin, dry or sensi- It was down to 9.8 miles. la, from March 1 to July L H la navy detailed two cruisers for From 1850 to 1880 it moved west and slightly Mexico have adopted tills point and its supadvance of southward want will to leave the the tive, hand, other you the disOn last the until bergs cutters the guard duty during thlls period that cream on face and neck, 7.8 miles, recorded in 1030, ' is far above the north, reaching a point 20 miles south by east porting system as the North American Datum. arena appeared from the steamer lanes In nourishing patrol the over it with an average: Indeed, It is a trifle more than the net of Chllllcothe. Ohio, while from 1800 to 1870 it It was established by the United States Coast 1918 directly patting In the spring of Two cutters are assigned to the late June. com- southward movement since 1790; that Is to say, moved west and sharply north, reaching a point and Geodetic survey in 1901 as the Initial stats a This splendid astringent. were detailed cutters revenue two held cutter a third Ice patrol, with bination as the astringent will seep the excess of southward mileage over northward. about 48 miles east by north of Cincinnati. This tion for the vast network of surveys that was to In reserve. The cutter on duty is to carry out the patrol. movement was due In part to the be spread not only over the United States but The westward advance la a reflection of the northward same of the year down Into the tissues and tighten During the tall a busy place every day. To carry and destruction in the south consequently over the entire continent It was designated as waste tremendous cream the nation offsets the the while of any out the' orders, "to locate the Ice- the international conference for the effect. Follow this treatment drying development Civil war, and In part to the fact that the primary station after the coast and every: strides' made by agriculture In the states west of upon the was convened bergs and ice fields nearest the safety of life at sea oil the census of 1870 was defective In Its enumer- geodetic survey had employed intricate mathethe a of or Twice three the great week, development times, night. Mississippi; the this patrol transatlantic steamship lanes, and at London, to organise Take a industries In Texas and Oklahoma and other ation of the Southern people, especially of the matical calculations In extending its triangula-tio- n treat yourself to a tie-uto determine the southerly, easterly on an international basis, In recognetwork across the country and had cotton of heavy, quite moisten) parts of the West, and the steady growth of In- newly enfranchised negro population. and westerly limits of the ice as It nition of Its service to ships of all pad In 1880 the center of population had returned the rigid network of its measurements about in the astringent, pat over the cream dnstry In general In those areas. An these are the of moves to the southward, and keep nations. Representatives as described above. Then open the, in the picture. Oil, cattle, wheat, manufacturing, south to nearly the latitude occupied in 1800, very slight distances until the errors In igt-tnd- e track of all Ice seen or reported,' is principal maritime nations of the and latitude of all the various stations under the chin, quite) ' moving pictures, have all had and still exert an being In Kentucky, Just south of the Ohio river, world signed the agreement on Jan- pad, place not an easy task. influence on the steady movement into eight miles west by south of Cincinnati; but were brought to the least possible quantity. When Interimportant the 1914. creating The oceanographers day begins uary 20, In 1890, owing to the great Increase of population the network was pegged down, the mother , the West. before the break of dawn, because national Derelict Destruction, let In the dtlee of the northwest. In the state of station wss established on ths Meade ranch of center the In the fact shifting remarkable A he must get stsr sights for position Observation, and Ice Patrol service center in north central Kansas, the New In also which and England, with closeness Washington, Is the throughof population The United 8tates was asked to if the fog permits, the first of the ColumIt would seem from a historic and scienout Its westward path It has( clung to the thirty-nint- moved north to a point 20 miles east of series to be made and checked all undertake the management of this 1790 It has bus, Ind. Since latitude: of tific standpoint, says R. 8. ration, acting diparallel This country agreed to service. during the day. During the decade from 1890 to 1900 It moved rector of the coast and geodetic survey, that the progressed almost In a straight line, reaching At six oclock the first Ice broad- send two vessels which would paColumMeade ranch triangnlatlon station Is worthy of Its furthest point north 28 miles east of Balti- west to a point six miles southeast of cast goes out to tlie ships with mod- trol the danger aone during the Ice1790 and Its furthest south point In 1930 bus, Ind the great Increase In the population a monument at least as conspicuous and artistic In more : the contrariIalrul vessel near berg season. Each of ern equipment Yet the span was of Indian Territory, Oklahoma, and Texas being as the sera milestone in Washington which " In Greene county, Indiana. two bergs latitude, 42 degrees 80 Ing parties consented to bear a movement west largely offset by an Increase in the population marks the beginning of the Lincoln highway. cream the The miles. 21.4 greatest nourishing th only minutes; longitude, 48 degrees 80 share of the cost In proportion to its I fer Wasters NtwapiMf CsWm.) decade immediately preceding of the North Atlantic states: was during the astringent. mlnaiss set and drift, 180 degrees hipping tonnage. SrsdlotM.) WNU SvrrlM. ' ., la V. , '" ... V 1 o- .. . five-tent- day-star- ting ta seml-tallore- Population Centers from 1790 to 1930 per-fum- one-fourt- are-peril- . s n g Tor-sukata- st - map-maki- - stia CZ. im t |