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Show SAVE AMERICA by Adopting Go-operati- on and seeing to it that Government of the people, by the people and for the people is restored to the earth SSIVE IBffl Read and Judge FOR HUMAN VOL. I. NO. 12, PRICE 5c. $2.00 A YEAR ESEAL FM) WANTED- - Young men and women under eighty to receive ntw ideu and embrace the SYSTEM for their salvation. Politicians of Both Parties Are Utterly Failing to Help Us Farm President Uncovers Scandalous Doings of the Big Reds FOOD FOR THOUGHT Guilty of All Crimes Known to Greed Workers of Hand and Brain Are Uniting to Supplant Ancient. System ' one-four- th ... jagged-vodm-an- d life-givi- ng ng RACE FOR GOVERNOR In the race for nomination for governor, Hon. Wm. R. Wallace leads among the Democrats, Harry Joseph, the Republicans, and A. W. Morrison of the Independents. LIVELY MEETINGS The big hall is speakers who. have packed every Saturday evening. Among addressed the last two meetings are Rev. Trapp of the Unitarian church. Attorney Stewart of Los Angeles, Howard Hales ana U. t. others have Elgren of Salt Lake. Messrs. Stringham, Woodruff and been holding meetings in Provo, Ogden and Logan and there has interest. now been created a state-wid- e Our meetings are getting better and better. the WHY NOT COPY THE DEMOCRACY OF MOTHER NATURE A writer in the Llano Colonist writes as follows: Were the democracy of man but wise enough to copy the democracy of nature, the problem of civilization would be solved. In the cradle and at the grave, peasant and prince, pauper and millionaire, are equal. Nature makes no distinction in favor of either. Her mandates all must obey. It is only in human society that the caste built on the rotten foundation of money is found. Only mature human nature pays servility to wealth. The problem of civilization is to give throughout life, to every human being, free access to all the pleasure and joy, the privileges and opportunities, of that wonderful and amazing world, which the democracy of nature spreads for the happy bewilderment of youthful eyes, whether those eyes open in cottage or mansion. When ones best thought, energy and action are given to the solution of this problem he is playing bis right part in the world." MFYlIsMEIRE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DESERTING THE OLD CAPITALISTIC STANDARDS speech of John A. Simpson, System (From President Farmers Union) THE IDEA IS GROWIN- GThe head of the Farm Boards cotton set up draws a salary of WE ARE NOT ALONE $75,000 a year. He has many assistants drawing salaries up to as Last week while holding a meeting in the Memorial Hall in a . high as $35,000 a year. And these Utah City, I wai asked how a small group like the N. D. A. could sums have to come out of the cotton farmers cotton. The expect to point the way ahead to prosperity. If our group alone country preacher, head of. wheat had to do that task I would indeed be discouraged. We are not set up, draws $15,000 a year and an alone. With us day by day go the spirits of the departed who have unlimited expense account. The expert manager draw $50,000 a year labored and died for the progress of man. The spirit of Martin with assistants who get from $10,-00- 0 Luther who led the fight for Religious equality; The spirit of Washto $35,000 a year each. And are Political for and and who all equality; ington fought Jefferson these sums are drawn from tbe Those not their spirits hfcre to see man win his Economic equality? poor Kansas wheat farmers who bright spirits realized that man could not be sovereign in one depart30 cents a bushel. The farm get is a failure. If ment and slave in another realm of life. Their work is not completed agriculture is until our part is done. to be saved we must change And what of the great pioneers who braved the .desert waste and the savage Indian in order that an ideal community might be established in the tops of these mountains? Would they lie peaceThe investigations and hearings ful in their graves if they could see their work terminated in a special order where the few rule and the many suffer? Are not their going on are revealing the perfidy of the international bankers, even spirits and tbe spirits of those who died on the plains, tramping bebeyond the strongest accusations side us as we go forward? sent out by some qf us a year ago. And what of the undernourished children who cry themselves is hardly any crime under to sleep tonight in this choice land of plenty? Do their little prayers There the sun which these international mine cousin of blind the of avail God not What J to ascending up bankers have not committed and who is expected to grope his way along with a stick and compete practiced, and it has all been done with me on even terms in this society of rugged individualism. Does for money. They have committed his spirit and that of his wife and child mi with us in this peaceful their crimes for bite. They sold effort to extricate ourselves from the bonds we and our parents have their fellow men all over this counforged for ourselves? Verily, We are NOT Alonel try foreign bonds and securities which in very short time dropped A NATURE LESSON IN to or less in value. By these on their fellow NATURAL DEVELOPMENT unloading Americans they made more than $14,000,000 in commissions. They Moses Thatcher, a great man of the long ago, caught a poetic duped the American people, and forth burst he in when Natural idea of the of Development glimpse corrupted, debauched and bribed but the changed being the following eloquent sentiments, wording the officials of foreign countries. beconditions not have for were prophetic, slightly. And his words describes? come like the stagnant pool he Industrial magnates, the eco. . Our system should be like the merry brook that gushes joyously ' nomic .jnaategi.jihqjneiL.-wtpm TortHTromTheTHOimtaiirtoprleapingwnd laughing over the business of the country, have shimmering sands and coming down, into the valley to nourish their of because political power and feed. What does it want with protecting walls, dams, centralizatheir economic power. To break tion and monopolization? It wants nothing to hinder the. their political power we must first waters. power and the blessings that live in the songs of its ripplingforth no break their economic power. PoliBut near by was a great motionless pool that gave tics is the master but the seroutflow; and it said to the brook: How foolish not to husband your vant ofnot economic pqwer. supply. Know you not that winter winds have garnered scanty drifts on the mountain top? The heat of summer will dry you up. Join with Construction has started on a me. But when long days came and the heat beat heavily down, the birds came and washed their plumage and quenched their thirst in the power station in the Soviet Union their which will derive its energy from limpid waters of the laughing brook, then warbled praises to the sun. Maker. Lowing cattle cooled their weary feet as they rested beneath the grateful bough made rich with foliage by the moisture of the brook now shaded in its way to the sea, and out of the sea rose mists The movement is which formed into clouds, and balmy breezes caught them up, and an economic divorce Of the capitalinto their treasures right wafting them to the mountain, they poured ist If every liberal tomorthe source of the brook, saying, Freely you gave, freely receive ; and rowsystem. would his dollars to work put around walled the pool, life and plenty were the songs it sang. But commonin for the by protection and filled by forced bounty of greed lay sweltering as his tongue wealth, as the noonday sun until it appeared as molten glass. Then came upon wags for it,vigorously we would make .progits surface green slime, and miasma rose on the air from its bosom, ress. to scatter disease and death. Huge frogs came out of its depths and croaked a requiem to its mistaken economies as, day by day, the king Theirs is a sordid story but a of light dried up the pool, until tadpoles crawled in the slime of its true one. And the saddest part is waterless depths. Which will the people choose? The generous, that these international bankers, pool?" never-dyin- g brook, or the in spite of all that has been reare still the most powerful vealed, STEEL MAGNATE LOSES OPTIMISM; influence in government affairs in other words, in SAYS WE MUST FACE THE FACTS Washington. weIn have a governWashington ment of the international bankers Charles M. Schwab, chairman of the Board of. the Bethlehem for the international bankers and teel corporation, showed none of the unbounded optimism for which by the international bankers. e is noted, in discussing steel conditions and general business at the (From the Herald.) nnual meeting of Bethlehem stockholders today. Forty-fiv- e m lawyers receive chariBethle-e17 the his in never in years He told the stockholders that die in of Detroit. city - ty corporation, has the outlook been as depressing or as uncomromising as this year. This is eternity now. You are However, as if to let the stockholders know that he still cherishes sunk in it, wrapped as close in it out satisfactorily in the long strong opinion that things will work Bad as things are, bad as things look and blue as as you ever will be. The future is un, he said: illusion: it never arrives. It verybody is at present, I am still optimistic on the outlook of the an flies before you as you advance. ountry and your company. In response to a question asked by Eugene G.. Grace, president Always it is today, and after a long f the" company, as to the propriety of forecasting dividend action on time it is still today; and after death and a thousand years it is he companys preferred stock, Mr. Schwab declared he was willing today. You have great deeds to a say that he would recommend the payment of the regular dividend perform, and you must do them t the board meeting scheduled for April 28. said the now. Commenting on the companys operations, Mr. Grace irst quarter of 1932 has followed the downward trend which preailed during 1931. The tide is still running out," he declared, 'it has not turned Edison Dragged From et. This is discouraging, but it is a fact and we must face it. disease-engenderi- EDITED BY C. N. LUND. 206 Scott Bldg. THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS ARE RULERS OF OUR NATION Worn-ou- t - Then Subscribe ABOVE MONEY WELFARE-MA-N SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, MAY 7, 1932. ALL ECONOMIC PROBLEMS ARE BEING SOLVED BY NATURAL SYSTEM COOPERATION No Hope Whatever in Their MB 4 NATIONAL FARMERS UNION PRESIDENT SPEAKS COMPARE CAPITALISTIC High Time for a New Deal From Honest Dealers THE CRIMINALITY OF THE SYSTEM MADE VERY PLAIN OUT SYSTEM WITH SYSTEM. John A. Simpson, president of the National Farmers Union, concludes a brilliant radio address as follows. His words are significant. Read them: I want to call your attention to the two systems of running the affairs of government and business. One is known as the capiThe capitalistic talistic system, and the other is the system is of the devil's own making. It has as its foundation principles, selfishness greed, avarice; it leads to theft, robbery, murder, suicide and war: It operates for profit in order that it may feed the craving for more than all its victims have. It encourages everything that is evil; it creates in man the desire to become a selfish, greedy, inhuman creature, that even ceases to be an image of his creator. It plants the seed in the human heart that makes such a person want more than his share of the good things of life. He wants to become a millionaire, and when he has reached that point he wants ten millions, and when he is worth ten millions his craving is greater than ever and he wants a hundred millions. When he reaches that point he desires a billion dollars, ten times more than when he wanted a hundred million, and he cares not how he gets it. His plans may mean hungry women, starving children, but he cares no more about them than the ants in the dust.' His wole ambition is to become a billionaire. , The system is based on service instead of profit. It hat as its a tributes, unselfishness and the brotherhood of man. It is of Christian origin instead of the devil. I say to you that no man who is a Christian has a right to want more than the average could have. I also just is emphatically say no man has a right to want less for himself and family than the average could have. The bible is clear on this question. In the 5th chapter of James, there is a fearful chagre against the ambition to be rich. The first three verses read: Go to, now ye rich men, weep and howl for the miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eateYour gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire." 1 want to give you an illustration, showing the difference between rile and the capitalistic systems. As an illustration of me system I'takf the family table, where father, mother, sons ana daughters, and a few friends seat themselves to eat. On this table we find soup and greens, also the delicacies and goodies. Every in spirit. They are Christians. member 'of that group is They do not want more than their part of all the things on the table. In fact, if someone at the table should become capitalistic in his methI will take all the goodies, thd rest of ods and reach out and say: you can have the soup and greens," he would start a riot. The others gathered around that table would not stand for such greed and avarice. But how do we behave at the national table? One hundred and twenty million people surround the table on which lie the net profits of the year, ninety billion dollars. Under the capitalistic system 4 of the people around that national table reach out with hoggish, greedy hands and say: We will take 80 of these net profits, and can have 20 to divide among you, and tire pity of the you 96 thing is that the 96 do not rise up in righteous indignation and refuse to let the 4 do it. My radio audience, the job for us is to do our part in ridding the one hundred and twenty million common people of this country of the twenty thousand leeches, who through the interest and profit system bleed white each year the producers of this nation. It is our job to see that there is a more equitable distribution of the net income of the people of this nation at the close of each year. It is our job to see that those who live by clipping coupons shall have their swollen fortunes clipped through income and inheritance taxes. It is pur job to make the other fellow take his hands out of the farmers pocket and keep them out. It is our job to carry to victory the cause that stands for equity, justice and principles of the Golden Rule to the end that there shall lie established in this nation a real brotherhood of man. If h man, or a set of men, should run amuck and walk forth into society wrecking homes; destroying farms; sweeping away wealth; evicting people from homes; forcing millions out of employment; starving women and children; what would we do? The forces .of law and order would be set in motion and the men would be hunted down and restrained or punished to the limit Today there is an element in society known as the bankers who are tbe kings of the capitalistic system. These and those closely allied with them constitute the which handles high officials like men used to handle slaves. They are not so numerous but they are They rule as literally as any tyrant king ever ruled. And these are the ones who have caused ps all our present troubles. They brought on the depression and have kept prolonging it. They are the direct cause of all unemployment, all the business depression and the general chaos which exists. They are as responsible for the wreck as any human being can be responsible for a deed. And yet we point them out as examples of success, permit them to go on in the same old way. If this continues God only knows what the end will be. will overcome these conditions and the sooner the people see this and vote for its establishment the better it will be for them. But the leek of interest on the part of the people is more if you or less appalling. Citizens, you must unite for wish to preserve the rights to life, liberty and. the pursuit of happiness. inter-nation- super-governme- nt TO n. - HERE IS WHAT WE ARE NOW COMING TO NEW YORK Lawyers want difficult abstractions, dentists prefer realistic landscapes, doctors abhor any disfiguring of the human figure, haberdashers like the nudes and at least one zoologist likes to gaze on complicated machinery in pigments. Members of the Society of Independent Artists exhibiting at Grand Central palace either like or have need for sardines, medical services, dentistry, lessons in zoology, neckties or places to live. Its barter and the artists say they arent sorry they started it.for Real estate dealers are marking the rent "paid in exchange marines. An artist's model is going to pose in exchange for a still life painting. A Madison avenue modiste liked a picture of Taos canyon well enough to design a gown for the artist. One young lady wants to exchange her saddle horse, which eats, for a picture of a horse, which doesn't eat. One dentist will hang 20 new paintings in his office and gaze Workshop to Wedding Thomas A. Edison was so pre- upon them as he dispenses services to 20 new artist patients. A cubistic painting of George Washington brought two cases of occupied with his laboratory work sardines from a wholesale house, which decided later that it didn't that ha nearly missed his second care for the picture. wedding: This was recalled by lira, franklin Ives, whose father, the late Benjamin Franklin Card, was as- THE THINGS THAT MAKE sociated with the great Inventor for FOR REAL POVERTY more than 80 years, says an article In the Brooklyn Eagle: Real poverty does not always mean to be poor in the material The story of Edisons second things of this world. The real poor are those who are wanting in the fawedding was one of my fathers spiritual things of life. This truth is as old as the ages but we have vorite recollections of him, Mrs. failed to lay hold on it and it is well that we are occasionally reEdison was hard at minded of what the true and real riches of life are. The fine and rare Ives said. work on a problem In his labora- riches of life are not found in the wealth that enables us to buy tory Just before the wedding. He more leisure, more luxuries, more pleasure. However good these had become so preoccupied that he are in their place they sink into insignificance when compared -with better things. They are not the true measures of wealth. . bad quite forgotten time: Real poverty is found in the impoverished nature that has denied Fifteen mlnntes before the ap- itself the spiritual feasts that are to be found all about us: in the pointed hour his best man found dullness of the intellect which leaves man on a plane but little above He the animal creations; in the withholding of the kind, helpful words him there utterly absorbed. begged the Inventor to dress and that should be spoken, the helding hand that should be extended; the hurry to the wedding. Edison pro- good deed that should be done; in closing tbe vision to the glory tested that he was on the verge of and beauty all about us, and stopping our ears to spiritual voices a great discovery and couldnt pos- and the needs of fejlow human, all about us: in the intensitive touch that does not feel the kindred touch of nearby hands; in the faltersibly leave: Finally, almost by step that will not run errands of love, mercy and kindness for main force: his best man succeeded ing others. The real poverty is the poverty of selfishness, of unwilling him to him and in dressing getting service, of unforgiveness, of discontent, of mcancss, of indifference, the church a little late and still of intolerance, of the compromise with one's ideals. Some of the richest lives the world has ever known have been preoccupied, but at least those who have had a poverty of material wealth. Some of the greatest blessings ever bestowed upon humanity have come from the great souls who struggled against great odds in a material world without the wealth of gold and silver and property. al HIM THAT HATH SHALL BE GIVEN IN ABUNDANCE (Harold Jovond, Ogden.) Please observe how the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is using your money to "reconstruct business. The Missouri Pacific railway owed the Morgans and the Kuhn, Locbs and the Guaranty Trust Company $11,700,000. These money barons insisted on payment, regardless of the roads ability to pay. So the finance corporation decided to lend the road $5,850,000 to pay half the loan, in an effort to pacify the billionaire bondholders. The interstate commerce commission, mysteriously developing a conscience, protested against taking money from overburdened taxpayers to add to the gold hoard of the Morgans. But that protest was quickly squelched by General Dawes, at words and the head of the corporation. He said a few the I. Q C. withdrew its protest. Then the corporation approved a loan riot of $5,850,000, but of $12,800,000 to the road and we have a suspicion wholl get the money. When the finance corporation scheme wa rushed through congress, it was on the theory that it would save the country. Apparently, it is just to be used to save the Morgans and their international banker pals. To him that hath shall be given; from him that hath not shall be taken away, even that which he hath. To the plundcrbund, with its billions, shall be handed more; from the average citizen, with his dimes and quarters, shall be flichcd even these to add their trifle to the golden throne on which sits King Morgan. Let us arise and sing a few hosannas. And a hallelujah! well-chos- -- en well-defin- ed IS TIIE ORDER OF THE DAY IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY THEY ARE BEGINNING A RETURN TO PROSPERITY BY MEANS OF THE is the order of the day. But you dont get Yes, the news about it in the capafilistic press. And why is it so? Cooperation is spreading, not only in this country but through Europe. In fact Europe leads us by miles. The greatest in the round world is in England. Besides having a membership of half a million and doing an annual business of nearly $40,000,000, this cooperative was able to loan to one of the English cities last year the sum of $400,000. oil conIn the state of Indiana there are now 65 A 25,000 acre cocerns, and also a number of farm operative farm concern is beginning operations in Minnesota. There banks in the are upwards of 2000 credit unions, or United States and not one has failed in twelve years. There are here and there. In New York state there consumers is the Farmers Purchasing the largest in the country, with upwards of 100,000, members. are beginning to dot California. One of the largest has been operating in Louisiana for nearly a dozen years. Soon they will be springing up everywhere. And these will cure the depression, at least for the members. The Natural Development Association of Utah, also a is growing by leaps and bounds and will shortly be introduced in every important city in the state. We sent the news of the organization, incorporation and operation of this association to the daily press, but not a line did they give it, and it is one of the livest organizations in the west. It is the fruits of And why shouldnt there be ages of evolution. In the early ages individuals warred against each and joined together as cliques or clans. other? Then they These fought each other until they got sense enough to and make cities. Cities waged wars against each other until they and formed counties. Counties were fighting other counand formed states. States went to war ties until they and formed nations. Nations have with states until they warred with each other but soon they will get sense enough to unite in a world federation, parliament of man. Competitors' are fightjng in production each other but soon they will see that and distribution is the one and only saving way for humanity. Speed the day of THE SUPER-GOVERNMEN- T THAT THE RULES UNITED STATES There is an actual operating in this country bankers. It deliberately and the world today. The planned and brought on the depression and is purposely continuing It is in daily contact with our high officials and makes them do it its bidding. It has openly bragged that it is the real ruler of nations It has and that it has "destroyed the putrid corpse of democracy. centralized all the wealth so it can control people and governments. It has secured domination over all food and clothing supplies. It colors, dictates and controls the major news of the day. The church and the school are under its thumbs. It is reaching out to control real estate and farm lands. It depresses and crushes at will. It creates war when war suits its purposes. It is conscienceless and atheistic. It is the modern embodiment of the Babylon, the harlot and the Antichrist of scripture. It is not easy for the average citizen to believe this, but it is as true as the sunlight. People are blinded by the old and worse than useless partisanism. They walk along in the even tenor of their ways and being, in the great majority of cases, upright and honest, and neighborly, they find it difficult to believe that they peace-lovin- g and their government are being undone bp such a monstrous power. But there is such a preponderance of evidence to which they must open their minds, and if they properly weigh this evidence they must conclude that they are being undone and slowly, but surely being crushed by the iron heel of this ugly and cruel (Continued on Page 4.) nt inter-nation- al |