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Show T t - THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT LIKE THE THOUGHT OF BEING MARTYRS Some Deliberately Seem to ISAVE50IAWEEK Cultivate the Habit. ' 4 v' ; .. 7f 3 .... i A -- ' v' ' ; r t ' are all right, bnt It's your fallurea that make life really Successes 4 v v worth while If yon are really Interested In the art of Martyrdom. AU thats necessary to make yon a topflight martyr la to convince yourself (a) that yon have bear wronged, end (b) that yon have gnat Spiritual Qualities. Take business, for Instance. You are anxious to put that transaction across, and yon go to Smlthera and give him your sales talk. He retaliates by giving yon a super sales talk In which he explains clearly why your schemes are all wet If yon are foolish yon pat that down as a tough break, and sulk about It If you art wise yon become a Martyr on the Altar of Big Business, and have loads of fun. Ton convince yourself that yon are a Noble Soul not Interested In material things, a Soul too good for the crass mercenary world In wMch yon have been placed. People dont appreciate your Spiritual Side. Cultivate the habit of not bring appreciated, and In no time youll be bo happy yon could V j I o ;VV vlX 4 Im getting about 35 cigarettes from each pack) of TARGET I SWITCHED from ready-mad- e ciga- rette to the new Taiget Tobacco; end Pa been saving over fifty cente a week ever anee. But that iant aU. The cigarettes X roll from Target lode and taata like readymade. X even find them conalat-cntl- y fresher. tobacco. Target la reef Ita a blend of Virginia. Burley and uaa. Turkiih, Just like the ready-madThats what you get when you put out a dime for Target 30 to 40 of the beet cigarette you ever teetrd. And who docent appreciate a real taring them MercolizedVax Keeps Skin Young Oil a emm em& me m dbwtei. Vte pariMsa af psnl kip peel el pbUTbUMmIb awk aa pIniIm. Swt IMP tap pal fwfclta diaippw. UUm la tkm nfl 8llwlr.Yipfaih8bywiSBSi bmlyeii dinlimtlna. Preparedness Bev. W. P. Merrill of the Brick church, New York, speaking about tha necessity of beginning far back to atop war, told abont "one of the moat Involved and droll sentences" ha ever heard. It waa In tha Catskills, In early nmmer, on a beautiful warm ev-- ,' nlng. A small lad suddenly ap- peered, waving a smudge from which came a cloud of smoke; Some one called: "Jimmy, why are yon using the smudge? There arent any mosquitoes." He answered: Tm smoking tha mosquitoes before they come, ao they will stay away when they get here." Presbyterian Advance; Dorothy9 8 Mother Proves Claim Children dont ordinarily take to medicines bnt hero's ona that aU of them lng. Or take sport Ton go Into a tournament and take a beating from some duffer who obviously baa no more Spiritual Qualities than a aids order of spinach. Ia your failure due to Inability? Nonsense. Ita due to your Spiritual - Qualities Think of the people youve been practicing with. Havent you sacrificed yourself? Haven't yon been playing against Inferior opposition Jnat to give the others Joy? Of conns yon have; If youre worth 2 cents aa a martyr. Couldnt yon heat anybody In tha world If yon concentrated purely on winning Instead of playing for the Joy of the Game? And there yon am Youre a Noble Soul, and glad yon lost Did yon take a beating at bridge? Didnt yon sacrifice yourself and make a fourth when you'd have preferred to be alone communing with your soul? (And maybe yon had bad cards, too.) Disappointed In love? Obviously not appreciated for yonr Finer Side. Not Invited to that party when yon should have been? Because yon refuse to stoop to being a pusher. Of coarse not everybody In the world can be a martyr, bnt, ha honest with yourself. Arent yon one? Kansas City Times. dimtt es 'L? a Salle day? And you get 40 gummed paper re with every package. ELMO 8COTT WATSON HB time la February In the year 1082; the place la tha Illlnola AND GET THIS Tht O. g Government Tee ea SO dfarattea roll eons. Ob ' love. Perhaps It shouldn't be called n medicine at ML It's more like a rid, concentrated food. Ife.pnre; wholesome, sweet to the taste and sweet In yonr childs little stomach. It bnllds np and strengthens weak; puny, underweight children. makes them eat heartily, brings tha rosea back to their cheeks; makes them playful, energetic, 'frill of lift; And no billons, headachy, constipated, feverish, fretful baby or Child ever failed to respond to the gentle Influence of California Fig Syrup on their little bowels. It a tarts buy bowels quick, cleans them ont thoroughly, tones and strengthens them so they continue to act normally, of their own accord. Millions of mothers know abont California Fig Syrup from experience. A Western mother, Mrs. J. G. Moore; 119 Cliff Ave San Antonio, Texas, aayaj "California Fig Syrup la certainly all thats claimed for it I have proved that with my little Dorothy. She waa n bottle baby and very delicate. Her bowels wen weak I started her on Fig Syrup when de waa a few months old and It regulated her, quick. I have used it with her ever since for colds and k and bar wonderevery little ful condition tells better than words river In what la now tha state of that name; the actors In the epic drama which la now about to begin are aome 18 Indiana and 23 enmpUre otivfnrtion. Tky a pack. If yea French soldiers and voyagenrs dsat aay thwr tha bat dsarettm jroa anr Not a very Impressive company, it rolled, return thofcnlf la true, bnt the leader of It la what makes It great For this leader la Rena-BobeCavelier, Blear de La Salle, "magnificent adventurer" and one of the worlds greatest explorers. "La Balia . . . announced that they would take to their canoes. They lifted tha light white birch-barfrom the sledges, and slipped them into tha Icy water. Tha baggage and rifles went aboard, piece by piece, then men after .man, solmoutfc di or, and voyagenr, and red hunter stepped gintig Salle gerly to his place, aank to a kneeling position, iftelYMssisslpjii and took np his paddle. First one Romantic Cipher light canoe, then another, poshed off from share iplorationd Some years ago a clever American bow It helps" and the black current bore them away. Dont be imposed on. 8ee that the d Prontenac to the king and Ma ministers In protasor was asked by a young lady "To right and left they saw drab banks Paris La Salle found attentive listeners to Ma for n cipher that conld be easily Fig Syrup yon buy bears the name; and hard that rang under a blow, and so youll get tha genuThe Real Cigarette Tobacco lea 11 eaa forests Iron in their rigid desolation that plana and when he returned to Canada In 1678 worked ont without being too difficult "California" 30 years famous for ine; to Mm he the decree a he with an roes toward read, whereupon authorising penned brought royal opaqne gray iky. despairingly Brown WOTwwwTobaMQ Corporation to him In tha discoveries build make and forts On the sixth of February, they emerged from following: Warm Compliment Interior of North America. He also brought the Illlnola, and their fleet slipped oat upon the U C a D, hut I 0 U; was a plnmp young matron r Betty to Mm man waa be back destined the with who current of La Salle's the Mississippi. swelling O 0 no S but O 0 ma; who realized that her fondness for i his cMef lieutenant and greatest friend Henri dreams came nearer. Tha mirage at last promO let not my S a 0 so. X gay colors most be restrained In her de Tonti, an Italian, "the Man with the Iron But glva 0 0 U so. ised realization." choice of street clothes In order not Hand. Thai began tha historic voyage down the to this la obtained it to emphasize her ' bulk. Therefore When the key Hotel That winter La Salle and Tonti were busy Hits like n love fewest length of the "Father of Wateri" which was to song. The secret of she hailed the fashion of bright-colore-d completing a fort at Niagara and building give to France control of the Interior of North It lies In the facta that a naught la "hostess pajamas" with come vessel a of abont Before had waa of to open np the vista the ship; spring America, which that It la easy to make and a and Invested In a bright cipher on 43 bnllt for the service tons, the largest yet richness of a new empire before the greedy this word "sigh for" whenever re- red set She waited with patience waa On was Its Great to was which prow enbroll Lakes, completed. of the white Engrace; eyes read! phonetically with for her husband to come home that carved griffon from the armorial bearings of quired. It bnt the land and Franca In an almost unending war for written form la evening and comment on her looks. ease, perfect Connt this and s La Ballee Frontenac, ship patron. of a century and which the next more readily Intelligible: perhaps Ha walked In, took n look at her Grifname won enduring fame nnder the of the waa to result finally In tha founding of a new fin. (Incidentally, It was more "enduring" than Tou slab for a cipher, but I algh for splendor, and remarked, with more nation greater than either, it la this voyage candor than kindness "Heavens La Salle conld possibly have realized, for within you; which has been characterized aa "one of the the lust year the timbers from a wrecked ship O slab for no cipher, but O slab for Betty, you look like n blazing bam!" greatest epics of all history. were fonnd In Lake Huron and there la strong O lotms not my slab for a cipher as To most Americana the name of La Salle la Thats That evidence to support tha belief that these tim- But give slab for slab, for I slab for Count fVotvttnac list from Jnat another In a Blinks What the heck good are nil bers were once a part of the Griffin found after you so. their school-boo- k histories. Bnt now, 250 years these circulars thrown on front after tha beginning and the end of his peat lowed since that far-o-ff day when aa a school- more than 230 years I) n more a than friends ho A of other anyway? porches read Ms had to Mlchlllmacklnac vesael ha in sailed La Sails Rouen, Franca; achievement, hie name la brought to their atten- boy Jinks Well, they give a lot of and a friendship la tion again through the publication of two biogra- explorers and adventurers and had thrilled to where. he acquired a rich store of fora, then the tales of their exploits In the places which sailed on into Lake Michigan and finally dropped Trorth far mors printers work, at least phies of him. One of them la "La Salle," written on rude the marked had some been maps more where were furs Green In anchor previously Bay by L. V. Jacks and published by Charles Scribner's Bona (from which the foregoing quotation of the time "terra Incognita." In those 89 years obtained. Sending the Griffin back to Montreal, of Tile Bath Room one of Ufa 200 200 had been many hardships; La Salle started south along tha Wisconsin la taken) and the other la "Tha French Ad- his Bnt Radio connection in every room. venturer The Ufa and Exploits of La Balls; many high hopes, of many disappointmentswhich shore and reaching the month of the St Joseph, and In his make-u-p waa tha tough fiber of soul fiber he bnllt Fort Miami. Then he struck across written by XL Maurice Oonstsntln-Weye- r RATES FROM flJSO had carried him through all of this, the country to the upper Kankakee. From there he Ur. Jacks the Macaulay company. published by him by an early made hie way down the Illlnola to tha present JalUlah Jfcnaaa Tdaiali Constantin-Weyer M. la a that Justified tha title given la an American and NorThe Uhdeapalrlng site of Peoria, 111, where he built Fort Creve-coenFrenchman. Bo It la Interesting to read their American biographer ERNEST C ROSSITER, Up. Yoc can help yonr children gain tturdy bone and straw two books together and get tha two points of teeth by giving them Scott's Bmuleion of Cod Liver Ou the Jesuit la for order, Educated priesthood Salle La In started back Tonti name is charge, view on this great Frenchman whose Leaving drily, tfe's the Vitamin D coatent that doe it.) But there' La EaUa soon found that the restlessness In his to Canada. When he reached Niagara at Easter Known aa Sea Unicorn written high In tha annals of America. riao a wealth of Vitamin A protect that build resistance In Mm to he never allow wonld blood happy time in 1680 It waa to find news of disaster. in parents as well as children to such common illnesses The narwhal, an Arctic whale, la Of tha voyage down the river, Ur. Constantin-Weye- r In was a Journey winter odds. It's the pleasant, easy wav to take cod liver The Griffin with all of her rich cargo of fort i writes a vivid account how "aping waa that role. Tha result known also aa tlie "aea unicorn." to Canada where his broth- hud been lost La Salle hurried en to Montreal oil. Scott A Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Salta Representative, Like the dolphin, It travel In schools, breaking on every aide. A sky of clouds rent Ma early twenties Harold F. Ritchie A Co., Inc., New York. of St and once more sought the aid of Frontenac. bat It la seldom teen south of the by tha wind was reflected In blue and white er waa a prist In tha Seminary BmU a gills ra LTa TO ex Through the Influence of this brother, he Again be was provided with the necessary equipiialrliw ll Ox ' Hr," m Bmitt polar seas. Little Is known of It, Tha forest waa powdered with tender green. received asM it Ma m. Mr Btmmu ZBI near land of a Montreal, wltMn grant ont and his KOllt ment AxtHm. e for projects KnO timid IWIIS. carrying ta IVnriM mariners, Flowers wen unfolding petals. The cries bat In the logs of KOUmHk.Knikmmamdmrartkmt named 1st Chine. The name few months he waa again at Fort Frontenac there was frequent report of the of migratory birds filled tha Immense valley. a selgnenry which he wsa of ha waa dreaming significant already and ready to Join Tonti at Crevecoenr. Jnat aa piercing of a vessel's hull by a nar- Mosquitoes swarmed. At night coyotes barked northwest passage to he was ready to leave; however, there came tha whal Ivory tasks Becauce the cen- on tha hillsides, in tha mornings bison de- finding the undiscovered before Mm. news that the garrison at tha fort oa the Dlt ter of the tusk, or horn, la hollow. scended In friendly pairs to the giant drinking China, the goal of many an explorer Bo when the Indiana told Mm of a great south- nols had mutinied and destroyed tha post never ha narwhal the of Ivory trough. western river which flowed Into the "Vermilachieved commercial Importance. La Salle'a one hope now waa that tha faithful They passed the months of great rlvera the lion aea Ma mind grasped this aa the Tonti had held on and had saved sometMng from quick Belle Ohio. tha ("La quiet muddy Missouri, routs of tha passage to the Orient Bnt when he reached The Passling Part Blvlere) and tha Arkansas. Thera wen ad- end he determined to follow the river. So he tha wreckage of Ms plana. waa sent to register a complaint by wld Crevecoenr, ha found Tonti gone to Green Bay Retort That Appealed Moae How yon gettln on ventures with Indian; both pleasant and grim, none other than the nation's Chief to obtain funds for an expe- and . the place deserted. Undaunted by tills Humor Roosevelts for they met both friendly and hostile red men. sold his selgnenry to youah dlthmetlc, Lou? tha first of Ma long climax to his misfortunes, tha "Undespalring Executive, Lon Well, I don learned to add np Then wen Innumerable new wonders of scenery dition and In July, 1809, "Yon tell the President," said tin through tha Interior of the North Norman" pushed on down tha Illinois until he The agitation abont the useless da oughts, bnt de figgera bodder me. which unfolded before their eyes and a variety wanderingscontinent cernolaea a reminds a of big city chief of the contracting gang, "that began. That trip carried reached the Mississippi. Bnt Ms party was too of experiences inch aa few explorers had ever American Washing- Pm sorry I cant him np the Bt Lawrence, along the south shore email to attempt an expedition down this great tain grind out aym--' had. Jnat two months from tha time they had Liver and Stomach Trouble tha villages of the river. So La Salle once more retraced Ma weary ton contractor of a time when his phonies. of among Ontario, Missisbosom of tha floated ont upon tha broad company was filling In tha land that the south shore And when he received the answer, faces. Iroquois, on to Niagara, along steps northward. He spent the winter at Fort la now Potomac park. There waa a Could Not Digest sippi, "all at once spray struck their brack-IsTjifca Erie and then sonth through what Is of learned Tonti he that In the spring Theodora nd Roosevelt found M!mi, It water long already tha they Tasting in aU probability, was at Mlchlllmacklnac and .there ha hastened battery of dredges at work there, and loud and tha worklaughed Ordway, Colo. of the dredgwelled np In their now tha state of Ohio until he; desertions painfully A Joy great and and their Bnt puffing, was I snorting, among to hear from Ms trusted lieutenant tha long tala just np ers continued. And reached the Ohio river. breasts; a thrill ran down their spines. thouand down for scraping so disturbed tha repose of his followers forced La Salle to go back to of disaster. Of this Interview an of a shock tha under sonorous months several suddenly, the members of tha White House so Ms first expedition waa sometMng writes: Anyone else wonld have thrown up Ms sand waves, Immense and without a sail, there (Sunil with liver and The law of heaven la love. failure. a of family that n certain Colonel Balnea but far abandoned the 1" 1G82 and hands enterprise; tha seventh, stomach trouble, waa the seal April he now exhausted were bnt resources nia and . a firmness that with to now constancy hard from this, torn And and had a Thns M. Conetantin-Weyerfound an unexpected friend In Connt Fron tense, never had Its equal, I saw him more resolved lump in my side, to Ur. Jacks for the next scene: Mm FJtELlEyESjHEAD who Governor" of Canada, gave said Mrs. Martha than ever to continue bis work and posh to"Tha Frenchmen most have been as glad to "the Iran Fran-tena- c at Fort exclusive Ulrich of Route the privileges trading Ms once soldiers ward discovery. aea the Golf aa Xenophon's hardy L "I could not (the modem Kingston) on tha condition La Salle was now determined to continue wttk great fata glad to see the bine of the Euxlns When take a lip of water without d tha son that he wonld rebuild tha defenses and garri- his plan for exploring the Mississippi. Returnboweta at last, red aa a great and ruby, stomach diatrea. My not had dropped to rest In the melancholy marshes son the post In tha meantime Father Mar- ing once more to Fort Frontenac he replenished wen badly bloated, and I could had reached the Missis- hie supplies and In tha antnmn of 1081 ha set Dr. took food. Fmally l and savannas to westward, and tha night wind quette and Louis Joliet "the Great Southwest river" and gone down ont once more; with Tonti, for the Illlnola counsippi, Diacovery trees Golden Medical the of phosphorescent over tha glitter distance; although they did try. Then followed bln Journey down tha IlliJndalao naed the Pleasant PelleJaT brought sea tha faint bushed voices of breathing watery It for a considerable month. me Bo that honor still nois river to tha Daalsalppl and the made to It follow Its not medicines their beginning canoes, these and tha voyagers lay down beside 8alla. La awaited of tha great Journey which took place Jnat 250 aware that they had sen. In all probability, the However, he needed more capital, so In 1877 years ago. greatest day of their tumultuous Uvea fair ha. mads a trip to Franca with letters from had h kr Western Mswisapav Vales) which a trail It had been long Dr. Pierce' Discovery mounts to I 10 dmetttaa you fraaTvKt tobacco the tasiajuat about eaa caa. And vbera thwa it a atatt taa aa da-tvttyou aw that mach mcro. Beildw. oSwronnlZONXY-BACKQUARAMTU- rt ks set-bac- Sl?alfes long-handle- d frost-flecke- Salt Lake Citys three-quarter- HOTEL d TEMPLE SQUARE yea-ma- no-ma- no-ma- r. CORRECT GROWTH for Children Sul-plc- e. wrf old-tim- long-soug- ld h. ss . fire-tinge- r bnSjBACKltbipS |