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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT V BETTER THAN RICH Our Pet Peeve s UNITED He How beautifully dressed she la. Some rich mans daughter, I anppose. She I should say not! She's a first-clastenographer, John. STANDS ss NOTHING DOING us. Gov't: OUR PRESENT STATISTICS ECONOMIC SYSTEM OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PICTURE AS REWARDS FOR EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS YOU ARE THEREWHERE? TH UNU -- ELOW .now WHAT HAPPENS TO EVEAY ,0, MEN STARTING OUT AT THE AGE OF ManWho Won War Gets $25,000 IS "as MUMts STPUGQUHt OtnutO ON SPAND DOWN Hffc mtr aae at Aee 37 or as CAST ON TREADMILL. WALL sneer jo street. iO ffltmrnttimtmmmntj 6 DEAD tS IN POVERTY HERE ARE THE SAME S DO ON TREADMLL - NOT GE7TANG ANYWHERE MEN AT AGE ORES ' utattHitmtBttMUMinuniimnmhiMMj20 NOW DEAD JO SUPPORTED BY OTHERS HERE THEY ARE 65 6 SPENDING mtmtm ALL THEY EARN s7Jfi in the Germnn front line. The tanks German staff bad Aed lust a few towed os two and a half miles; Here minutes before and had not even we found the road free from shell stopped to burn their papers. holes and left them behind. Framer-vill8elzed All Papara. was about seven miles away. "Some of the documents were London. The fact that troth la In the distance we could see the torn up, but I packed every scrap stranger than Action has been borne German rear guard Aghtlng des- Into sandbags I could not read out once more bj the granting of perately. In German case I hadnt and any "I knew that If the break In the belated recognition to a humble potime to try to piece them together. lice sergeant In Neath, Wales, as line was Ailed It would be the end "For three hours we mopped up the man who won the World war." of us, but decided to make a bid for within a radius of 12 Bollings, In the summer of 1018, It, and we raced along the Amiens villages When 1 got back 1 handed discovered In an abandoned German, 8L Quentin road. We had to Aght miles. over the sandbags to my company dugout, detailed plans of the Hin our way through the retreating GerW. EL Boucher, M. denbnrg line, fchlch enabled the al- mans, but they were completely dis- commander, Maj. They were sent to general headlied forces to launch their Anal organized, and we killed them In My chief worry was our quarters for the examination, and smashing offensive; and to shatter scores. own shells, which were dropping after that I beard nothing more of the resistance of the enemy. them, except that 1 had been awardBut for Rollings' alertness the dangerously near. "By noon we had fought our way ed a bar to my M. CL A few days war might have lasted months or 1 years longer, with the loss of thou- to Frnmervllle, with the German later, on August 28, was wounded war servIn head active and the rear us. my German behind guard sands of additional lives, and the came to an end. I never knew possible Ananclal collapse of many corps headquarters were In an old ice farm house. I mounted the steps the part those papers played In endof the nations involved. revolver In hand; but the ing the war until now." slowly, Berated recognition of the Brit Ish officers service to the empire and to the world has now been made in the form of a grant to him I of $25,000 made, not by the British government; but by a private citizen, Lady Houston, widow of Sir Robert Houston, British shipping magnate. Story of His Feat In 1918 Lieut. EL J. Rollings was Mexican Takes Menial the ontlook for the Mexican people a subaltern In Exiled Is gloomy." Job to Feed Family. the British Tank corps. His story Vallejo discussed the events preof his feat la as follows: his flight from Mexico when ceding M. IlL "The Seventeenth (armored car) Gen. Jose Springfield, General Calles and Adolfo de la battalion. In which I was a lieu- Vallejo; former commandant of the camtenant was a movable unit, and on Mexican state of Campeche; who Unerta were beginning their In 1023. for the paigns 1resldency execuwe Aed received from Mexico to sudden August 7, 1018, escape order to attach ourselves to the tion and took up his residence here. He said he supported De Is Huerta In quick sucAustralian corps at Is doing family washings to support and events followed cession. rerevealed was Our It were Instructions his corps. family, "The governor soon ordered the to wait behind the line until the cently. of Australians had made a break in It The former Mexican general, who execution of the bonrd members and then race though, search for also Is teaching Spanish to help the De la Huerta party In CamGerman headquarters, raid them for care for bis dependents, related peche," Vallejo sail men com"One of the twenty-tw- o documents, and shoot every German many exciting experiences during st sight the Mexican revolution of 1023 and posing the board was executed be"1 received personal orders to 1924, which Included how he and a fore I arrived at the scene with Bve concentrate on a German few men overcame a large detach- men and overpowered the flring at Frnmervllle, nine miles ment of hostile soldiers and how squad, an act which angered the In advance of our front line. Before he escaped execution three differ- governor and I was ordered executed. Escaping, 1 Inter joined the dawn next morning, we were all at ent times. De la Huerta revolution. our posts, waiting. I was In charge Although be has been absent of two armored cars. "On another occasion I discovfrom Mexico for seven years he "Dawn the Australians went maintains a keen Interest In the po- ered that my soldiers were plotting over like one possessed, and 15 litical and economical events there to kill me; Surprising them with minutes later we received the sig- and hopes some day to return and four men and removing the bolts devote bis time to bettering condi- from their rifles, I escaped and fled nal they were through. He said from the country." "Off we went, leaving the Aussies tions "of the poor class. e "Son, If Tm not mistaken I saw yon with one of those pretty chorus girls last night. Youre right, father, but she made me promise I'd not give any. one else her address. SERVING BOOKS a YEARS OLD immmMmttmmmmtmmiTO PHYSICAL WRECKS -- DEAD British Officers Service to Empire Receives Belated Recognition. 54-- FINANCIAL WRECKS' LIVING ON CHARITY IN THIS ECONOMIC SYSTEM YOUR CHANCES ARE VERY SLIM OF ESCAPING 0 LEFT THE FATE OF THE 90. D BtmJ. B yNo Make a Contribution to the Cause of Natural Government the truths of Natural Government far and wide , and to hasten the early establishment of the correct form of Economics. In order to make it more convenient for you , we take this opportunity and means to ask for a contribution to help finance its promotion. It is up to the PEOPLE. If we want to be freed from the shackles , that are now holding us down, we mttst do everything within our power to push the work forward. For the spread of truth and the establishment of Natural Government for copies at $1.00 each, please find enclosed $ to be sent to the address given below. as Contribution for the advancement of this cause. $ thousand One qualified lecturers and salesmen WANTED. I am interested and want full details regarding course of instruction and work. Answer, Yes Oor No O a Name Addess Former General Now Is Laundry Worker NATURAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION "That Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth." 35 Richards St., Salt Lake City, Utah DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND MEMBERSHIP PLEDGES PRINCIPLE: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States guarantees Life, Liberty and thepnreuit of happiness to every Citizen. To ever work for such modification in our laws and the establishment of PLEDGE: such departments of government as will best make effective these guarantees. PRINCIPLE: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every citizen can best be obtained through a fust and more even distribution or (as resources ofonr country. To ever work for suck a plan as wiU give every citizen his fust share of our PLEDGE: nation $ wealth. PRINCIPLE: Economic systems based upon money as a medium of exchange, in all ages of human history, have failed. To ever work for that system of production, distribution and consumption PLEDGE: of weaUk and the material means of satisfying human desires that will best make for the abundant Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of every citizen. Contribution- ,- Any useful thing or any amount you wish to pay. MUTUAL DESTRUCTION Vlllers-Bretun-neu- bead-quarte- Eights of Tiew Tor JOIN THE She Do yon use bookplate te serve books on, dear? He (well Informed) Perhaps, love theyre mental food. Dr. Frederick Webb Hodge; whose "Handbook of American Indiana" has remained atandnrd through the years, baa quit the Ueye Foundation to become bead of the South west museum In Los Angeles, Cnllf. This Is a grand thing for the Southwest museum, but a bad break for htose of ns here In New York who. any time we ever wanted scientific have sought Doctor Information, His Hodge and got the answer. specialty Is. of course; ethnology, or perhaps archeology. At various times be was with the geological survey and the 8mlthsoninn, and be Was head of the bureau of American ethnology, bat I rarely have seen a man who knew so much about everything. Many a time I have asked him questions, not alone concerning branches of science outside his own, but also on subjects of history and general Information, and he never foiled me, I certainly am going to miss that man. Give me flve minutes to telephone him, and I could make anyone beMoreover. lieve In my erudition. Doctor Hodge end I always have seen eye to eye on matters of diet. We both consider beefsteak a high Jones The automobile Is ruining the young people of the present day. Brown Yes, but have you thought of how young people of the present day are raining automobiles? TOO CLOSE By WALTER TRUMBULL ly healthful food and when we wlsb nlui-- cloth. It fascinated him. He a bit of a change we agree on the determined that some day he would Doctor own those books; When later he same Chinese restaurant. Hodge Is one of the few who has rejoined bis fondly In a small town near Chicago, he used to drive e climbed the "Enchanted Mesa. That huge chunk of Now Mexico wagon to the city to get goods for sandstone may not be any higher his father's store. It was on such than the Empire State building, bat a trip that he saw In a window a It has no elevator, which make a two volume, black bonnd Conquest The price was $0. difference on a hot day. Perhaps of Mexico." the thing for which Doctor Hodge Voting Ayer asked the bookseller to Is best known is his famous work hold the books, offering to pay 50 In the excavation of Unwlkuh. Bnt cents down and the remainder In The man said he know Installments. the things we him best for are the humor and looked honest; Mint he would trust charm, which makes this scholar and him; that he might take the two so delightful a com- volumes with him. Mr. Ayer never gentleman those of ns here In New York who. panion. hnd those books rebound, but years It was Doctor Hodge who told me later he took them to London and the story, of the Ayer collection In paid Zehnsdorf $125 to make slip the Newberry library in Chicago, s covers for them. More than any collection containing many books other volumes In his library, those on the Indian. Edward EL Ayer were the two money couldn't boy. founded his fortune on railroad It Is queer what things men will ties. But his library was founded collect Some one told na recently on a couple of books he read In of a Frenchman whose hobby Is hie youth. In his early days, Mr. collecting all things which have to Ayer was In the army and stationed do with transportation, each as at Tucson, Aria. Here he got hold time tobies, ticket stubs, pullman of Prescott's "Conquest of Mexico," receipts, and even transfers; It was In two volumes, bound In te. Mil eradicate) VTNU Sente, "I was shocked by some things In lower New York." "You must have gotten too close to the Battery." NO, SHE DOESNT NAG - tut "Lady, do yon nag yonr bus-band- r "What I Me nag hlmT I should say not I Tin always after him for the way be treats me. |