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Show News Review of Current Events the World Over Congress Approving the Presidents Rehabilitation Program Step by Step Oliver Wendell Holmes Resigns From the Supreme Court. By EDWARD senators out of ONLY eight opposed the passage 81 In the senate of the administrations bill creating a reconstruction finance Tka Last Laugh corporation that will Aa Eddie Otntur, the comedian, extend $2,000,00(1-00- 0 waa standing In front of a theater credit to banka, where all aeota had been Bold, a little cominsurance man and hla wife were turned away, railroads, panies, "Here," Bald greatly disappointed. mortgage loan comEddie, Ill let yon have a couple of farm credit panies, my eeat," and he gave tbe little man and other associatwo ticket. man Delighted, the A similar tions. gave Eddie hla card. Baying, gome measure was rushed day I hope I may be able to do rapidly through the aomethlng for yon." The comedian house, and before looked at the card. The little man close of the the waa an undertaker. Capper's week President Weekly. Hoover had the satisfaction of algnlng the act embodying his most. ambiMUSCULAR-RHEUMA- TIC tious plan for the financial rehabilitation of the country. of the measure In the senPAINS ateDebate was chiefly over proposed rRAW them out with a "counter amendments, many of which were irritant. Muscular lumbago, offered and few were chosen. The sottnc and ctiffneM generally respond most Important amendment adopted togoodeUMniterole. Doctor call it a was proposed by Senator Ellison D. 'counter-irritabecauceittwaim Smith of South Carolina. It added hgaction penetrate and itinnilatMblood new section to tbo bill authorisemulation and help to draw out infeo tion and pain. It ret action and i not ing nn appropriation of 350,000,000 just a salve. But do not atop with one for use by the secretary of agricuapplication. Apply thii soothing, cool lture to extend loans to small forming, healing ointment generoudy to the ers. It stipulated further that the affected area once every hour for $45,000,000 now remaining in the five hourt. Uwd by million for over drought relief fund should be ap20 yean. Recommended by many doe plied to such loana ton and muses. All druggists; To Mothers Musterole I oho During the discussion there were made in milder form for babies frequent and fierce attacks on the end small children. Ask for Chil banking Interests, especially those drens Musterole. if the International variety which an being accused of questionable methods and ethics In ths flotation of foreign securities In the United States. The eight men who refused to vote for the bill were all from the western states; They were Norris of Nebraska, Brookhart of Iowa, Precaution Doddle waa taking hla little broth- and Blaine of Wisconsin, all proer Phil to Sunday achool for the 11 rat gressive Republicans, and B ratten time. He aeemed rather concerned of New Mexico, Bulow of South about It and Juat before starting, Dakota, Connally of Texas, McGill of Kansas, and Thomas of Oklaturned to hla mother and said: Mother, what la Phil laat name? homa, all Democrats. They might aak me. PROCEEDING with the He Know ths senate put Mr. Diggs John, hare you any through the bill Increasing the reIdea what marriage really mean to sources of the federal land banks Meanwhile sub a woman? by $125,000, 00a Mr. Dlgga Oh, sure I Why, aome- committees began hearings on tbe thlng new and expensive every min- $150,000,000 home loan discount bill ute of her life, Jane; New Bedford nd the $750,000,000 depositors reStandard. lief bill. The senate finance committee continued the taking of testimony relating to the deals of our International bankers In foreign securities, and it was often most Interesting. For Instance, It was brought out that Secretary of State Stlmson and Francis White, assistant secretary, took an active part In Ironing oat an alleged misunderstanding between tbe Colombian governEasy to do diis quick way ment and a syndicate headed by the National City company, which Don't dye hair. Science haa discovered a quick, simple way to darken gray early In 1931 temporarily withheld a payment of $4,000,000 on a bur naturally eo nobody can tell credit arrangement Also, restore it original shade safely and a easily aa brushing. It makes the Oliver G Townsend, formerly comhair healthy. Finest way known to mercial attache In Peru, said be get rid of gray hair, aa thousands waa severely reprimanded for maktestify. Try it Pay druggist only 754 on the for a bottle of WYETffS SAGE & ing a pessimistic report financial status of Pern when that SULPHUR and follow easy dizao country was trying to float a large tans. Results will delight you. loan In the United States. The Still Wanting State department defends Its acPeck My wife keeps telling me tions In the Instances In question. that I should have a mission In life e Heck Then apparently your subNEARLY ninety-on-feeble years old mission does not satisfy her. physically, Oliver Wendell Holmes voluntarily To keep clean and healthy take Br. brought to an end his service of 80 Hmrt Pleasant Pellets. They xsgulatt years as associliver, bowels and stomach. Aar. ate Justice of the Tonll always find a good looking Supreme Court of the United States. glass. The venerable and beloved Jurist sent NIP CHEST COLDS, his resignation to President Hoover, acQUICK WITH HEAT who reluctantly cepted It, writing: 1 know of no AmerRED ican retiring from Relieves Almost Instantly public service with such a sense of afTo break up congestion, to leatom tree circulation and stop cheat cold ... to fection and devoalleviate the circulatory pain and tion of the whole ache of rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago Only-th- e day before Mr. people . Nature has stored up in red pepHolmes had rendered a deJustice per marvelous therapeutic heat that cision with characteristic pithy penetrates deeply into the skin without phrasing, but his voice wavered blistering or burning and swiftly brings and ha had to be helped from the relief, Now this genuine red peppers' heat it contained in an ointment, bench end Into his automobile So ttowlee Red Pepper Rub. As you he penned his letter of resignation, rub it on you'll feel better. And in 3 closing: "The time haa come and minutes relief cornea. Drag stores sell I bow to the Inevitable Rowlee Red Pepper Rob. Tty it. There were many suggestion for a successor to Justice Holmes, among them being: Newton D. Baker, Wilsons secretary of war; Curtis Dl Wilbur, Coolldge secreof the navy; William Dewitt At Hie Foremost Desert Rssort tary Mitchell, Hoovers attorney generel (lie West marvelous dimate worst sunny al; John W. Davis, 1024 Democratic dry Invigorating days deer starlit eights Presidential candidate; William & air splendid reeds gorgeous mountain Unitmuss Until hotels the ideal winter home. Kenyon, Judge Eighth districtRobert ed States Circuit court; Von Moschslsker, former chief Justice of the Supreme court of PennCalifornia sylvania ; Benjamin Nathan Cardoso, chief Judge Court of Appeal W. N. U, Salt Laks City, No. New York, and Learned Hand, U nf DARKEN GRAY HAIR NATURALLY $20,-000,0- OF PEPPERS Sunshine"' -AH Winter Long smsmssMiw PALM SPRINGS 032 4 THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT V of Texas for Impeachment of Secretary Mellon. The Texan set forth hla charges of high crimes and misdemeanors based on Mr. Mellon's alleged connection with business In violation of law. The secretary was represented by Alexander W. Gregg, former solicitor of the Internal revenue bureau. RS. YOUR FIRST DUTY IS TO YOURSELF. Yon must help yourself or yon cannot help others. BUT when yon can do BOTH at ease, you art doubly obligated to do it. Doubly rewarded, toe. Briefly Told for Busy Benders A GOOD RECORD. SHEEP MEN ASK AID. IDAHO METALS FALL. MUST PAY INCOME TAX. REFINERY IS PLANNED. Baying HATTIE W. CARAWAY of Arkansas; widow of Senator T. H. Caraway, Is now a senaI tor In her own right; having been BOISE, IDA. The value of the elected to that high post by the pe gold, silver, copper, lead and nine pie of her state. She Is the first mined in Idaho In 1981, according W. PICKARD woman ever elected to the senate to estimate by United Stitee BuJudge Second district. United States Her victory at the polls gras a fore reau of Mines; Department of ComCircuit court. Middle westerners gone conclusion aa soon aa the Dem merce, was about $11798,400; the put forward also the name of James ocrata nominated her. There wen smallest since detailed records H. WUkersan of Chicago, who two Independent" candidates, but wen started In 1003; the total about the came time waa elevated they didnt get many votes. Mrs value of the five metals In 1930 was $21,49407. by the President from the district Caraway made no campaign. court to the federal Circuit Court PROVO, UT, More than 50 perof Appeal a SECRETARY of State Stlmson la sons were arrested for sheriffs of and Japan again other counties and goods valued at Dawes the Incident of the assault on Con- approximately $10,902 recovered by WHEN Gen. theCharles G.that he sul CL B. Chamberlain by Japanese Utah county officers during 1981, press would retire from the ambassador- soldier In Mnkden according to the .annual report of ship to Great Britain after tbe dis- 1 considered closed the sheriff of the county. armament conference gets under with the punishVERNAL, UT. Reports from the way, ha created a great flurry ment of those who Hill and Willow Creek sections, 40 the minor d some among politician!, actually partlclpat-emiles south of Vernal on the east of whom assumed that he was pub-tinIn the attack. side of Green river, are that aphimself in line for the Repub- Tokyo offered alio proximately 50,000 additional sheep lican Presidential nomination If the to discipline Major an being fed there this winter. opponents of Mr. Hoover could pre- General Nlnamlya, SALT LAKE CITY, UT-T- hl vail But the general put nn end commander of the fact that a person has not received to such speculation In Just such a military police and any Individual income tax blank statement as might be expected hla subordinate ofdoes not excuse a resident of Utah from him. In It he said : I cherish ficers; held respon-from paying the filing foe; and. If for President Hoover the highest ad the net Income Is large enough, an miration and deepest affection. Any tfbthel!ltaip! 1 n Income tax. It is pointed out by tbe Punishment of Intimation to the effect that In any state tax commission that the duty cases Is In such possible way or under any possible a major general Is Incumbent on the resident of paycontingency he will not have my rare nod the aecretaiy accepted ing his tax. For the convenience of sufficient as other the inan punishments Is loyal and entire support the taxpayer, the commission Is and asked remission of ths punishsult to me. blanks to sU persons forwarding subhis and I find both parties and all the ment of the general whose names It has on file; But the people standing behind a legislative ordinates. faft that a resident's name Is not The neutral commission of Inves- In the file Is no excuse program of reconstruction, which la for not pay- -' of the fathered League by a common-sens-e program. It la tigation under the new Income tax law. log based upon an Idea Nations will leave Europe at the ST. GEORGE, UT. There were that our government should always end of January for Manchuria, sea-eraise the money to pay Its expendi- where it will be Joined by Gen. authorized to graze during the of 1931 within the Dixie forest Frank R. McCoy, the American tures and not borrow It. 11380 cattle and horses, with 500 As for President HooVer, what- member. from permit This Included exempt ever may be temporary political remilch cows, work animals and stock actions and they are unimportant ATTORNEY General William D. nsed In connection with permitted In such times be has made a recbegan a searching In- operations which require no perof ord In Presidential Initiative and vestigation Into the enforcement mit. and goats numbering constructive accomplishment un- criminal laws In Hawaii, with es- 79,000Sheep also were permitted to graze; killrecent to the In economic the reference of paralleled history pecial In the forest are approximately this nation or of any other. He has ing of n native Hawaiian who had 12300 deer. The Dixie division of done this without faltering and been accused of attacking the wife the forest contains the following without discouragement. of a naval officer. Crime conditions area by counties: Garfield, 103,439; accordare In Honolulu wretched, Iron, 237303; Kane; 70337; Washthe house naval ington, 888,195; total, 707334 acres. f. Davis ing to a report ofsoma Retirement of Dwight congressmen of governor committee; and SALT LAKE CITY, UT Resolugeneral of the Philippine Islands had think It may be necessary to change tions urging that federal control be to been long expected, for Mrs. Davis tbe organic low of the territory exercised over the public domain make the Islands safe for white In la In 111 health and Utah and that steps ha taken for women. cannot live In the Its rehabilitation, featured the sesconofficer Meanwhile naval the tropics. President assions of the Utah Woolgrower cerned, Lieut. Thomas H. Morale; sociation meeting. Other resolutions Hoover promptly hla mother-in-laMr. Granville sent to the senate requested federal appropriations Fortescue, and two enlisted men are fur control of predatory animals; the name of Theomurdered under charges of having dore Roosevelt, govdemand for stock driveways, mors ernor of Porto Rico, Joseph Kahahawal, one of the men support for the national wool markas the successor to alleged to have attacked Mra. Mas-d- eting corporation, keeping big game The lieutenant Indicated that animals within reasonable limits Mr. Davis, and the he would be satisfied with a trial and a maximum also no selection, price of eight In the local court, and though there cents a head and board surprise; was genfor In to this waa navy opposition erally commended. circles In Washington, Secretary Colonel Roosevelt, RENO, NEV. The value of the Adams decided that all the defend- mine son of the former production of gold, silver and over to the be ants turned should r forty-fouPresident, is copper, lead and sine In Nevada years old and has made an ex- territorial authorities. decreased from $21,455317 la 1930 Gov. Lawrence Judd called a apo- to about $10,938300 In 1931, accellent record as governor of Porto 1929. since dal session of the territorial legis- cording to a preliminary survey IsRico, where he has been He was assistant secretary of the lature to condder Honolulus crime sued by the Department of Comnavy from 1921 to 1924, In the lat- situation. merce; Compared with the 1930 proter year being the Republican canduction there were decreases In the didate for governor of New York, of the dry forces of ontpnt and value of all metals. but waa defeated. Hla war aervice LEADERS States, aroused but taU SALT LAKE CITY, Included participation In practically by no means dismayed by the ac- food la Salt Lake City deprice all the offensive operations of the tivities of the wets, held big five-da- creased 2 per eent, about the same A. E. F. conference In as 50 other leading cities, during Washington to In- December, as compared with NoRoosevelts successor In Porto Rico is likely to be James R. Bevaugurate what they vember. The decrease for all 51 declare will be a cities amounted to 16 per cent since erly. attorney general and second year of the moat December 10th, a year ago. During ranking officer In the Island governIntense activity December 82 food articles decreased ment lace the adoption In price; with pork chops heading of the Eighteenth the list, with a drop of 13 per eent It of may resignations. SPEAKING amendment. These that here NEPHI, UT. One half ton of right big guns of the cracked corn has been received by James A. Farrell resigned the presileague and the East Junb Fish and Game Prodency of tbe United States Steel cora number of tective association from large 18. He baa Sprlngvllle poration effective April their adherents to be distributed to various parts held tbe position since 1911 and made and lldened of the Talley as feed for the pheaswould be tetlred. automatically In to red hot speeches ants The heavy snows have coverFebruary, 1933, but aaya he believes and laid plana for ed practically all of the feed up, the time haa now arrived for my 1932 national campaign. They and It Is necessary to feed the birds accessor to bo appointed In order the on the In order to keep them from starvto establish the management upon formulated unified action proposed reaubmlsdon of the dry ing. a more permanent foundation com- amendment to tbe dates, which the LOGAN, UT. The 4th annual Mr. Farposed of younger men. and arranged for Lamb Feeders day will be held at rell will remain on the board of league opposes, and the public meetings everywhere Monroe, January 29. Results of redirectors. wide circulation of literature. cent experiments in lamb facing Most prominent among the speak-er- a will be explained and various com oppose In the convention tests will be conducted. A knowl-eg- e THOSE Democratsof who Franklin D. wereand planners of the relative efficiency of difF. Scott McBride, general suRoosevelt for the Presidency felt of the league; Bishop ferent feeds available to Utah liveperintendent the when they had gained a point stock feeders will. In all probability, W. N. Ainsworth of Birmingham, national committee sold the Gov. William H. Murray of be a vital factor In helping to reAla.; convention to Chicago. Sold Oklahoma, Senator Morris Sheppard trieve losses next year and for this Is the right word, for the prize was of Texas, Patrick Callahan of Louis- reason farmers and feeder should frankly awarded to the city that ville and Ernest H. Cherrington, attend the meeting, would guarantee the moat money SALT LAKE CITY, UT, The genera secretary of the World for the conventions expenses; The League Against Alcoholism. state tax commission haa apportionoutoffered $200,000 Chicagoans ed to 21 counties and the stats right The opening date Is June 27. resulted In treasurer $100,775.44 revenue from scheming POLITICAL of the French cabinet the 1931 car company tax. to the doings of and conditions In Paris were deLAKE CITY, UT. During Returning house ways and scribed as chaotic. Premier Laval theSALT fiscal year ended last June; the means committee began Its hear banded to President Donmer the federal government spent $10,297,-223,0- 2 In Utah and received only Inga preliminary to drafting a blU redgnations of all the ministers exfor Increase of taxes. Secretary cept himself, and tried hard to get $2321,787.30 for the Income tax. Mellon of the treasury and the support of the radical! offering MURRAY, UT, Recreational ns Mills were called to ex- the post of foreign minister to In the Wasatch National forest haa plain their department program, Edouard Herriot. That gentleman not been affected adversely by the which la designed to raise a bil- declined, stating that hla party depression, as la evidenced by a 27 lion dollars In revenue by boostcould not participate In the govern- per eent Increase of visitors ovef ing Income rates all along the line ment nntll after the spring elec- 108H and by levying taxes on many tions; and so Laval was left no forest according to a report of the office; The total visitors wen things the ordinary citizen enjoys course bat resignation. Laval then estimated to be 105300, which exautomobiles, amusements, radio as formed another cabinet from which ceeds any previous year, and reprewell as such conveniences as bank Briand waa omitted. It was assents nn Increase of 85,000 over the checks end telephone and tele- sumed that there would ha no year of 193a graph messages. change In Frances foreign policy CASPER, WYO, Plans are beThe Judiciary committee of the at the reparations and disarmament ing made for the ereftlon of a new house has before It the resolution conferences. 1300 barrel refinery In the Oeagf of Representative Wright Patman (g, 111. Weston Ntwspapur Dalau.) all field of Wyoming. on a, sheep-shearer- s. UT-Be- y Anti-Saloo- n THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY Sally Sez Intermountain News Intermountain-Mad- o goods helps you; yon get tbo Most for the Least. Yon help hoaae in- dustry. What's more, the help yea give then by buying In your home region will return to yon through Increased Markets, Building Operations, Fatter Payrolls, Bigger Tax Rfcripti, INTERMOUNTAIN-MAD- E means LEAST COST for HIGHEST GRADE CARLTON CULMSEB, Y Newa Editor, Brigham Young University, Provo; Utah Chained Library Reopened Englands most famous libraries, the chained library at Hereford cathedral, has been reopened after a thorough restoration. If is a relic of the days when books were more expensive and libraries could not afford to take chancee with the honesty of their readers. 80 the 1300 books were securely chained to the shelves.' England has several other chained libraries, though not so large as that' at Hereford. One of Mens tongues begin to sizzle When their engines start te boll So twoqt hurt to slip" This little tip Buy, hoBM producers gas sad olL iHEWLETiTjSJ am SiTpreni eJ Longest Term Security The longest term security Is a able railroad bond issued In 1885 and due to mature In 2861 a period of 476 year. When called, the interest paid will bs about 19 times larger than the principal of $50300300, or approximately $950300300. non-rec- Gave Name to Phrase The humorous phrase, to bant, for dieting with the purpose of losing weight originated in the making of a verb from the name Banting. Banting waa the advocate of such a system, which bean hia name. AXTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Artificial Limbi Tnam Aceh assarts Baltic Hotao EsUadoa Bhoac Bctablichefi in fialt Laks Is IMS Ph. Waa SM4 fiatiifactias Gsaisstcafi IIS W. Third ga I Balt Laka City, DL L Braces Crotch Record Cypress Tree7 A giant cypress cat' down in the marshes of the Amite river in Louisiana recently was said by the extension forester of Louisiana State university to have been more than 1300 yean old. Its stump waa 92 inches in diameter. Worlds Oldest Tree? The oldest tree in the world ia which mid to be n giant dub-mos-s, flourished in the Devonian era. It waa restored, natural size, from the only known fossil found in New York state, and is now in the New York State museum. CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS Eixciwcal Paonucip ConroemoM Balt Lake City 14 Bat Mats It Splendid Memorial said that the $800300 Harding memorial at Marion, Ohio, is among the finest of its kind in the world. It is a circular building 102 feet in diameter and 57 re landfeet high, set in a scape park. Then is no roof, but 24 doric columns, each containing 58 tons of marble, mark the outer circumference. Twenty-tw-o fluted, ionie columns constitute an inner circle, wherein rest the bodies of President and Mrs. Harding. la 10-ac- Aak PLAN SPRING PLOWING. Lands Tractor A Equipment Co; sit Laka CUjr aa Trivial, a. Utah Test for Camera A new camera, eo a science note tolls ns, can take 2,000 exposures in a second. A second, therefore; we Judge, would be about the time required to take a fairly sizable beach crowd. Boston Herald. Working for Good Short hiatory of man: Hates being good; resolve to make others good; contents himself with making good; wishes he had been good. Los Angeles Times. GASOLINE Packed With Power Europes Oldest Kingdom Few travelers know that the oldest kingdom in Europe la Denmark, land of the midnight sun and some of Shakespeare's famous character. Copenhagen, its capital, is the leading port of . northern Europe. Islands Are Ecuadors The Galapagos islands belong to tbo republic of Ecuador. Officially these form the Colon archipelago. There ere 15 larger and about 40 smaller islands. They lie shout 580 miles west of the coast of South America, and have a total land area of about 2370 square miles. The largest island is Isabella, covering approximately 1350 square miles. Tan Dnnht Far NEWHOUSE HOTEL APEX ASPIRIN INTUKOUNTAIN AN .. with use of Caterpillar Tractor oldest and leading track-typ-e tractor. Prominent farmers owe audeess to then machines. Write for descriptive catalogs. Winter Bates se PRODUCT Islands' Formation Ths Bermudas era principally composed of aeolian limestone, consisting mainly of blown shell dust The very irregularly stratified. reefs are ridges of limestone plastered over with thin layers of coral and other calcareous organisms. Ths atolls an incrusted with convoluted tubes of serpulae and together with barnacles, mussels, corallines and some true inerusting corals. They probably rest upon foundations of aeolian ver-met- rock. AA eVU al per week will bo paid for the best article on "Why yon rd Tas should nso mads Goods Intermountain Similar te above. Send your etory ia proa or verse to Intermountain Product! Columu O. Box 1545, Sett Lake City. If your utory appears in this column you will receive check for & S. L. tescfcaasi S theaters any tima. HOTEL $5.00 U.-- $10.00 S Tas daja, oaa sight etna J. W. N. Sara, ana sight coca tickata or cahant Santa, Gaod wifc ndc sal. PliAN NEWHOUSE Ball Laka CKy. Utah W. B. flatten & W. Wert Week No. 8204 Unler-secretnr- Bookcase Hint n bookcases on either aide of your fireplace, you can show them off to good advantage by placing a little, low, bowl-haplump on the top shelf of If yon have built-i- ed each aide. Ia the Apples dess If getting np from the table hun- gry really makes people healthier, the can opener and the dinette have Joined the apple in its job of keeping tbe doctor away. Cincinnati Enquirer. Song b Old The original version of the song, "Cornin Through the Rye, was entered in Stationers hall, London, Juno 29, 1796, and sung by Mrs. Henley at the Royal Circus ia a pantomime called Harlequin Mariner. "SeotFree Scot means a tax, contribution or fins. Scot free is a natural combination of words conveying the idee of being free without pay neat ef fine. |