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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Where the Republican Convention Will Be Held MercolfzedWax Keeps Skin Young FORGOTTEN -- Elmo Scott Watson or Snow. tamplM lla. Arctic 1 ton-- i Wiper Co.. Ill N.llth It. At. Louis. Ms. iMk SlMt, Sunshine W Wo At Ifce ForssMst Dswit Rasort nrmtow dlnale-wa- rn Many atariU alfltih dry lovloorcHng tptondld roods gorgeous OMuntal llnsil hoists Itis Idaal wider hows, WMOMAOMIMr PALM SPRINGS CkHomto Living Characters Used on Ancient Chessboard The Moghul emperors of India carried ont some strange plans In connection with their domestic life, and a visitor to the famous fort In Agra will be able to see some of the beautiful buildings used as part of the senana. One of the most interesting features Is the open space lp the center of the fort, known as the Anjurl This space la divided Into Bagh. many squares, marked off by marble slabs, and covered with green grass. Thao are broad marble causeways between the separate blocks It la generally believed that emperors used these as the chess-board- Mughul s and the "pieces" used In the gams were young slaves, who changed their position according to the directions of the players, who would bs seated In one of the marble pavilions. The game played in those days did not correspond with ths modem chess but was known aspachesL The sise of the Anjnri Bagh Is about 280 feet squars 1 DROWN YOUR HEADACHE In This Cup of Teal Lav lateatlaal ammil caaaaa doOCiSsakeyeoaelf ecopadteSieaC GaiMdTaa.ltaaactsaiu proaapfTfco Beetle bat daUMIr eertsle. aaaaa at Saatlatawaalihia float yawt alaatafS. GartalS Tta la tfcaraoSUr batarieta aad the suiei BUataat way te Sah iko bowels. ' Atm SdhwstMf Garfield ,j j Now Freezing Procats 'Utilising Intense cold at 60 degrees below zero, a process has been perfected by which perishable foods are frozen so that they retain their original fresh flavor and texture for months In a frozen stats Meats seafoods poultry, vegetar bles and fruits are processed by the new method. According to Clarence inventor, the Birdseye, foods are frozen so quickly that no harmful chemical or organic change can take place In them. z quick-freezi- WE CAN SELL of the districts of the preserve system of Cook county, Illinois bears tha name of Bauganash and that is virtually the only memorial to an Indian chieftain whom Chicago baa good reason to remember with gratitude. Sauga-nas-h, or Billy Caldwell, was bom in Canada in 1780, the son of an Irish officer in the British army and a AT 60OD PRICES bones and mules every Monday after January 1st; any kind, any age. Writm a mirm fur hftnallai COLORADO HORSB A SSULK CO. . Denver. Cele. A Severe Test My husband says he has knocked off cussing for good. Mrs. Yelps And do yon think he will hold ont? ' Mrs. Howls Weil, we will see how he gets by this month's gas bilL New Bedford Standard. Mrs. Howls According to Precedent Sllttendorf I Invented a better rat trapL Plffenpoof What's next your move? Sllttendorf To a cabin In thy , woods; of course. Tha Newlywed Heir Mother When the baby starts crying ilka that it's a sure sign be la teething. Daughter ommend a Oh, dear, can yon good dentist? res Liquid Air Production About 800 cubic feet of sir at ordinary temperature and pressure are required to produce one cubic foot of liquid air. ah men are born equal, and when they die they reach the same state terror-stricke- U, Salt Lake convention Scenes and Persons in the Current News e tawa tomles Black Partridge, were on and guard outside the door, but a group of Pottawatomles from the Wabash river country, who had arrived too lata for the massacre, had entered the house, and their sullen countenances were a threat of trouble. Suddenly another party of Indians appeared and Black Partridge met the leader with the demand Whosre your "I am a Bauganash (Englishman)" was the reply, and this told Black Partridge that his tribesman came as a friend. If he had replied "I am a Pottawatomie" it would have meant that he Intended to stand by his Indian brethren no matter what they did. "Then hurry . to the house," exclaimed Black Partridge; "lour Shawnew-ke- e friend, ('Silver Man John Klnzle) is in danger and you alone can save him." So Bauganash entered the little house; threw down bis weapons and greeted the lowering tribesmen: "How now, my friends I I was told 1 Japanese troops near Hslnmln, Manchuria, fighting Chinese bandits In weather 20 degrees below freezenemies were here, but I am glad 2 Robert XL Olds, former undersecretary of state, named American member of the permanent court ing. to And only friends. Why have of arbitration at The 8 Parabolic reflector microphone which may be used to broadcast the proHague. you blackened your faces? Is it of the United States senate. that you mourn for Mends you ceedings have lost In battle? Or is it that If so, ask our CHINAS NEW PRESIDENT you are fasting? Mend here, and he will give yon to eat He Is the Indian's frienfl and never yet refused them what they had need of." The savages were taken aback at i,. Sauganasha cool daring and his reference to mode's friendship for ' I the Indians made them ashamed jut f to acknowledge their real purpose. They hastily declared that they had come only to obtain from Klnzle some cloth in which to wrap their "V ' 2ftft,., dead before burying them and as . soon as this and some other presv, t V' , ents were given them they filed si' - V'V lently from the house So the courd age or diplomacy of the . ' ' , .t M chieftain saved the massacre of the V i ' Klnzle family from being added . to the horrors of Fort Dearborn that day. Wan-ban-se- Kee-po-ta- -- City, No. MZ r v iV v . - f. half-bree- j S:Vk A ' His Sacrifice Was in Vain RICHABD SOMEBS was bis name was a lieutenant under commodore Preble in the expedition against Tripoli In 1804 one of those youthful officers whom that irascible old sea dog characterized as a d d pared of schoolboys" when they reported for duty to him at Gibraltar. But without exception these schoolboys showed themselves to bo men size fighters and finally when It seemed that the attempt to capture the city of Tripoli must fell, unless the large number of enemy vessels which lay at anchor In tha harbor under the guna of the town should be destroyed, It was Somers who went to Preble with a daring scheme. His plan was to fit up as a firs ship the ketch. Intrepid, take it into tha harbor snd explode it among the Tripolitan fleet To make this floating "infernal machine" a success It was necessary to pour s hundred barrels of gunpowder Into her bold. Preble hesitated. Bnt Somers waa insistent and On the finally Preble consented. night of September 4, Somers, accompanied by two officers and ten picked men, took the Intrepid Into the harbor under the cover of darkness Outside; the remainder of the fleet were watching intently the black shadow of tba ketch as she crept In among the rocks Suddenly one of them cried ont "Look I See the light For a bright spot, like lantern, was seen to move across the Intrepids deck. The next moment a roar shook the harbor and rocked the ships at their moorings, a red glare illumined the sea and the Americana saw timbers snd sails of the Intrepid rise np in the burning air. The cause of the explosion is still s mystery. Whether Somers blew the ship up too soon or whether the powder was accidentally ignited has never been learned. The next morning thirteen blackened bodies floated ashore at Tripoli Not the slightest damage had been done to the Tripolitan ships or forts, so Somers' sacrifice bad been In vain. But in the records of the navy there is written after his name and tba names of tbs other twelve this entry: "Died with honor, in tbs serv Ice, September 4, 1804." 1 1 millin' h- c Tir. v X'li .A? 'Vl' i ' ,4' he called her when they were alone together. But to the world Ernest Ball, famous ballad writer, Introduced bis mother as 'Mother Machree, In a song whose sentimental sincerity won him bis first real success. She was Mrs. Nannie Bell, s small, white-haire- d old lady dressed in black, who liked to talk about her Ernie and the old days in New York, when Ernies songs had not yet found favor with the publishers, when he used to give his car fare to some ragged tramp and walk home himself, when Jimmy Walker, now mayor, used to drop In of an evening, rather threadbare about the collar and shiny at the seams, to sit dreaming while Ernie strummed the plana Ones when Ernie bad happened on a strain a little more rhythmic and sad even than usual, Jimmy had grabbed a pencil and written some equally rhythmic and aad doggerel which the whole country was soon to sing as "Will Ion Love Ms in December as You Do in May?" Then came "Mother Machree." On New Years era 193 Its author stood on the stage of s New York theater, waited for the applause to die down, and said, "Ladies snd Gentlemen, somewhere out in this audience is my mother, my own Mother Machree. Wont you stand up, Mother Machree?" Mrs. Ball only sat very still, her fingers, "so tollwora" for him, tightly clasped She did not rise! V V THE BABES V IN lHE WOODS some centuries now Robin with leaves and flowers, had covered up for chlldisb listeners tha miserable end of the "Babes in the Wood," and time has softened the cruel story Into a nursery favorite. Nevertheless, there exists In England today the very forest in which the tragedy occurred, Wayland wood, near Tbet-forand nearby It, Griston hall reputedly the house of the wicked unda all parts of the estate of the present Lord Walsingham; and certain ancient documents reveal the stoiy as one of stark reality. Griston bull has been the property of the De Gray family since the Sixteenth century. In 1SC2 It passed Into the possession of little Thomas de Grey, then, say the earliHis est ballads, three years old. uncle. Robert de Grey, was left a considerable legacy and custody of the Infant heir. A document of the period relates that the boy wai unaccountably lost daring a visit to a relative. Other legal papers show that the ancle subsequently took over Griston hall, was held In suspicion by the neighbors, was trice imprisoned and eventually died Lin Sen, vet eras member of the Kuomlntang, who was mads president of the Nanking government following the resignation of Chlang d, Kai-she- FIANCEE OF WRESTLER v , -i v. l v 0 V r UB. till. Waatan XtwsMper Uslaa.1 Sealing Illinois Com for Loans - - l"' v t s - w :r- Alice Dlllaracos, Grecian beauty who won the title of "Miss Europe" In 1930, is reported to be engaged to wed Jim Londos, the Greek wrestler, who is familiar to Americana She who go to see the grapplers. sailed recently for Athena after a visit in New York. BHHBt2yo7y SttHt . $ African Province Found to Be Flealess Oasis vl plague prevention survey of Af- rica resulted in tbs discovery of a pot which is absolutely free of fleas and the Incident was regarded as so remarkable that the Investigators tarried for some explanation of the ul situation. This favored spot was the town of Pries ka and- - tbs country Immediately surrounding It. Fleas are notoriously good carriers of this disease snd of the go-mtherefore the entire wide reaches of Africa were systematically searched for animals carrying Infected specimens of "pnilex Irritana. Hence It happens that certain dogs st Priesks, which lies on the Karroo prairies of the Caps of Good Hope province, were searched for fleas by the medical men. Not s solitary Jumper could bo found. Every cur, even the most neglected snd mongrel native-ownebrutes, was absolutely devoid of un-usu- d them. The theory of some residents is that the nitrates in the barren landa surrounding this particular settlement act as s natural disinfectant. hudi in food Coodhkn for outdoor wok by mins Menthol ifiim regulsriy. It bindisptaHdih far cncfccA, I thin. Ian or I ' 20&. 51 Worlds Slowest Animals A rare sloth was picked up by CL 8. Webb, the explorer. It was swimming In a British Guiana river, two miles from land. Day Dream to estimated to be about five years old. "It took her, said Mr. Webb, "exactly S minutes 47 seconds to climb from my boots to my shoulders, snd I am not a giant." She was said to bo at the top of her form. According to Mr. Webb, she and her mates live In perpetual twilight, more than 100 feet above ground. Sloth eyesight to so feeble that Day Dream wears a starthree-clfiwe- d ing target pattern between her shoulders, or prospective suitors would never be able to "find the tody." Rapid Printing of BraiQo Reading matter for the blind has not been generally available for the reason that under the older system of Braille printing It was necessary to make every dot by band, so that reading matter for the blind waa not only scarce, but often prohibitory In bankrupt price, A great advance In this matBy adding to these facts the lit- ter 1s In a recently Invented rotary tle sister who shared the gruesome press for the printing of Braille type fate, and the Aired murderers who which has been Installed at the Naquarreled over their task, early bal- tional Institute for the Blind In Lonlad makers and story tellers wove don. Sixteen thousand pages of the unhappy tale we know today. Braille reading material are being turned out In atfliour, a speed five V V V times greater than has ever before been possible. MARY AND HER LAMB same little red to wbicb Mary's little Iamb "followed her one day' was restored snd opened for modern scholars by Henry Ford, the question of who was the real Mary opened anew. One claimant would give the story sn English setting; Frandstown, N. IL, claims a slm liar honor and has erected s memorial to the "original Mary," Mary Willard. Investigations made by Mr. Ford, however, seem to establish the right of one Mary Eliza' beth Sawyer, born In Charleston, Mass, in 180G. The lamb waa a weakling whom Mary had adopted and nursed to health. According to Marys own story, the lamb's fateful visit to school might have passed unnoticed had he remained bidden under her seat and not followed her to the front of the room when she went np to recite I Visiting school that day was John Roulstone, who was studying to enter Harvard with a local pastor. John was only twelve at the time, but Mary'a predicament led him to write the famous first twelve lines of the poem. The rest of it, containing a moral which may not fit In with them, were added later by Sara Joscpha Hale, In whose collection, "Focnn for Children," it was first published In 1830. (Cl 1131. Wotcra Ntwiptper Union.) WHEN This orrery, or astronomical clock, unique in the fact that it not only shows the relation of the planets to each other and their movements around the inn, bnt also shows them in their relation to the whole solar system, was placed in the Franklin institute in Philadelphia, at a meeting of the RIttenhouse Astronomical society. The orrery, made by Michael Sendtner, of Munich, is an exact duplicate of one be made for the famous Deutsches museum in Germany 15 years ago. aMcKESSONROBBfNSl FOR -- t W. N. ii i mu iiCPIKE Pottowatomle woman. On the day of the Port Dearborn massacre in 181 a little group of n women was gathered in the home of John Klnzle, the trader, not knowing how soon their fate would be the same as that of members of the garrison who had Ad Interior view of the Chicago itadluxn, the great building In which the Republican marched to their death among the of 1982 will be held in Junta sand dunes along Lake Michigan that morning. Three friendly P Ot- 600 - By Louise M. Comstock MOTHER MACHREE Philadelphia Has a Unique Orrery 'Mla!2S Stach Yards i HWWHWWtJ ONE aor sh 1i1 ! Was White Mans Friend All XVlnter Long taju-tt- fDMSW BY iMMthlai M rfltiaWart WHO? HEROES jj . kfewLAtthm AjfeBts. iiiiiiiimnmHWH WHO WAS i the Historic Flng The "Bonnie Blue Flag" was a State agent sealing golden ears of corn In s crib as security for the loan of $200,000 to formers of tbs Illinois corn belt. The new state flag of the South, it had a whits cenwarehouse loaning act permits the fanners to obtain 20 cents per field with a magnolia tree In the on which waa d bushel the grain to remain sealed in the crib until the loan la repaid. ter, a blue canton finished with a plcted a star, and Helium Production It to said red border and frinpe. Tbs Wise Man Dogfish Eggs Helium la made from natural gas that the display of this flag In the The eggs of the dogfish are depos- ball on the night the vote on the A Judge remarked that a wise on a commercial scale by liquefaction methods similar to those em- husband never forgets his wife's ited in tough pouches which are an- secession ordinance was taken In ployed in obtaining oxygen from the birthday. Hs merely forgets which chored to weeds by means of small Mississippi Inspired Ilarry McCartendrils. ont it to. thy, an Irish comedian, to write the atmosphere. x song of the same name. Hiccough Remedy An attack of hiccoughs can bs stopped by the use of an ordinary paper bag; Dr. L. A. Golden of Boston has cured cases which have persisted as long as two continuous days. The opening of the bag to held tightly over the patients month and nose. As he breathes, carbon dioxide accu- mulates and this frequently brings relief. At any rate the treatment can do no harm unless kept up so long that the patient faints from lack of oxygen. Worlds Work. His States isn't be?" "No; merely a thlnks-- h "A has-bee- London Tlt-Blt- s. Salt Lake Citys fewest Hotel HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 TUe Baths Radio cewisctioa In evtty room. RATES FROM flJSO JSWkSmmWvmfc C ROSSITER, Up. ERNEST " - |